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Quiz Chapter 9: Drama and Storytelling SEED Strategies Directions: Please select eight SEED strategies in chapter five from the categories listed below. List the title of the SEED strategy and the page # from the textbook. Below the title, copy the full description of the strategy from the book. See the example posted if needed. Drama and Storytelling Warm Up/Energizer Title: Wiggle Worms Page # 231 Description: Students find a personal space. The teacher mimes opening a jar of worms and tells the students to get ready to grab them. Toss the worms and direct students to catch and eat and become the wiggle worms. On freeze cue, students stop. Repeat with half the class being the audience who gives feedback. Then reverse halves. Notes:

Drama Element Title: Conflicting Messages Page #239 Description: Students say a one-liner differently from what the words seem to convey. Discuss effects. Notes:

Drama & Science Title: Famous Science Scenes Page #242 Description: Break into groups to do tableau (frozen pictures) of special moments in science. Notes:

Drama & Social Studies Title: Famous Portrait Monologues Page #243 Description: Use portraits of famous figures (president). Students research persons in the art and prepare 1 minute monologues about the times, problems, values, economics, and customs. Monologues are presented in character in the first person. Notes:

Drama & Language Title: Antonyms Partners Page #244 Description: Pairs pantomime opposite emotions, heights, sizes, weights, and so on. Pairs present and audience guesses antonyms and tells evidence of conclusions. Notes:



Drama & Math Title: Number Talk Page # 247 Description: Give each student a number from 1 to 5. Pairs or groups have a conversation, but each can only use the number of words designated. Notes:

Drama & Math Title: Math Commercials Description: Students prepare ads to sell particular math concepts or skills. The goal is to convince the audience to buy the concept or skills. Page # 247 Notes:

Drama & Language Title: 7-Up Words Page # 244 Description: Brainstorm up combinations: stand up, sit up, get up, wake up. Put it in a hat. Form groups. Team captains tagging next group member to get a slip from the hat. Notes:

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