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15% to 20% of Americans struggle with disabilities.

60% to 80% of those disabilities are reading and language related (Graves, 2009).

Case Study Week 4 Melissa Burch EDUC 323- January 31, 2013 Dr. Jen Cady

Dyslexia varies in its degree, and is more common than any other learning disability. Approximately 4% of those with dyslexia are severely dyslexic (Graves, 2009).

Case Study- Jemicy School To determine the best practices for developing creative potential in children with dyslexia

The purpose of the study was to examine a school that specializes in teaching students with dyslexia, for the purpose of understanding the methods and practices being used to help these students succeed.

The findings show that the methods and practices used at Jemicy School with dyslexic students are conducive to developing the creative potential of the dyslexic child (Graves, 2009).

The study confirmed that using multisensory and experiential education does foster students creativity. It was determined that the methods and unique environment should be incorporated into other school systems (Graves, 2009).

Graves, B. S. (2009). A case study of Jemicy School to determine practices conducive to developing creative potential of dyslexic children. East Tennessee State University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, 141-n/a. Retrieved from (304882775).

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