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Task 2: KPTP Table 2.3.2 Adaptive Plans (limited to 1 page) LESSON PLAN PLAN FOR INSTRUCTION STU!

ENT A Student A will be given hand over hand assistance when tracing shapes. ighlighting the shapes before this student traces them helps considerably. Student A will need to be monitored consistently to !eep him focused and wor!ing. Student A will need to be encouraged to participate in discussions and prompted when doing "hin!#pair# share. STU!ENT " Student $ is e%tremely motivated and will not need to be monitored or encouraged to participate. e readily &oins in without prompting. Student $ will not be given shapes to trace. e will compose the shapes on his own. STU!ENT A $ecause the math labs have been designed for learners of various levels' student A will not need any adaptations for many of them. e will need monitoring to ensure he is staying on tas!' and participating with his group during labs. e will be placed in a group with higher level students for assistance. e will need assistance in completing his math &ournal. STU!ENT " Student $ will not need any adaptations. e will be placed in a group with focus student A so that he can assist when needed. (uring )"race the Shape lab' he will draw his shapes free handed instead. "his student will also be challenged to draw an ob&ect that includes all of the shapes learned. LESSON PLAN 2

What specific adaptations/modifications to the instructional plan are needed? Why are these adaptations appropriate for the student? If adaptations are determined to be unnecessary, identify the part(s) of the plan that will not be adapted (if any). Why are adaptations/ Modifications not needed?

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