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Annual Assessment Plan Timeline & Actions

BA Art History; Department of Art & Design; School of the Arts

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Annual Assessment Plan Timeline & Actions
BA Art History; Department of Art & Design; School of the Arts
SOA Degree Program ART HISTORY:

A1. Intake Data (Audition, Portfolio Review, Other):
Date(s): First day of Fall semester, First year students in Introduction to Western Art I
Activity: Determine their level of knowledge of art
Method of Documentation Used: A written response to questions about the definition and purpose of art and what art
museums and/or classes they have taken
Participants: All students in the class
Responsible Party: Art History professor
A2. Intake Review (Art History Program Coordinator):
Date Of Review: Any time during the year, a meeting with student who has indicated an interest in an art history major
or minor
Data Used: course GPA,
Key Observations: ability to articulate ideas and assimilate information from reading, and writing ability
Actions Taken: Student signs declaration of major or minor in art history
Participants: Art History Program Coordinator and student
Responsible Party: Art History Program Coordinator and student

B1. Fall Mid-Term Data Development (Recital, Performance, Exhibition, Portfolio Review, Other):
Date(s): October
Activity: Informal assessment to determine whether course objectives are progressing
Method of Documentation Used: Class attendance, participation and grades on quiz and exam
Participants: Students in Introduction to Western Art I
Responsible Party: Art History professor
B2. Fall Mid-Term Data Review (Degree Program Faculty, External Reviewer, Accreditation Body, Other)
Date of Review: October
Data Used: Mid-term grades and class participation
Key Observations: Success at assimilating class lectures and textbook content; ability to achieve course objectives
Actions Taken: Class review of exams, and individual discussion with students who are not succeeding
Participants: Students in the class, and professor
Responsible Party: Art History Professor
C1. Fall End-Term Data Development (Intake Report, Fall End Term Report, Surveys, External Reviews, Course Evaluations, Other)
Date(s): December
Activity: Evaluation of written museum papers that incorporates class objectives, and grading of final exams
Method of Documentation Used: Rubrics for written papers and exam grading
Annual Assessment Plan Timeline & Actions
BA Art History; Department of Art & Design; School of the Arts
Participants: art history students and professor
Responsible Party: Art history professor

C2. Fall End-Term Data Review (Degree Program Faculty, Guest Faculty, Professional Experts, Institutional Research Office, Other)
Date of Review: December
Data Used: Final grades on exams and museum papers
Key Observations: Ability to apply knowledge of visual analysis and stylistic development in art with accurate use of visual
vocabulary terms
Actions Taken: Evaluate course syllabus and lectures and make changes if needed
Participants: Art history students and professor
Responsible Party: Art history professor
D1. Spring Mid-Term Data Development (Recital, Performance, Exhibition, Portfolio Review, Other):
Date(s): March
Activity: midterm exams and class participation and completion of assignments
Method of Documentation Used: grading rubrics; assignments turned in on time
Participants: art history students and professor
Responsible Party: Art History professor
D2. Spring Mid-Term Data Review (Degree Program Faculty, External Reviewer, Accreditation Body, Other)
Date of Review: March
Data Used: Mid-term grades and review of class participation
Key Observations: Ability to apply course lectures and discussion to art analysis
Actions Taken: Individual advisement and class review of key points that seem unclear to several students
Participants: Art History students and professor
Responsible Party: Art History professor
E1. Spring End-Term Data Development (Intake Report, Event #1 Report, Surveys, External Review Report, Course Evaluations,
Date(s): May
Activity: Evaluation of written papers and exams
Method of Documentation Used: Grading rubrics
Participants: Art history students and professor
Responsible Party: Art history professor
E2. Spring End-Term Data Review (Degree Program Faculty, Guest Faculty, Professional Experts, Institutional Research Office,
Date of Review: May
Data Used: Written assignments and final grade on exams
Annual Assessment Plan Timeline & Actions
BA Art History; Department of Art & Design; School of the Arts
Key Observations: Determine students ability to analyze art, application of course content to their discussion of art, their
knowledge of major art periods and artists artworks, their ability to apply the correct description of stylistic development
with appropriate visual vocabulary, and their ability to think critically and communicate articulately in writing.
Actions Taken: Review syllabus and course objectives, as well as lecture format. Modify if needed.
Participants: Art History professor and art history students
Responsible Party: Art History professor

F. Annual Assessment Review & Report on Findings & Actions Taken (Degree Program Faculty, Dept/School Faculty, Guest
Faculty, Institutional Research Office, Other)
Date of Review: May
Data Used: Art History student grades, and evaluations
Key Observations: Art History course goals and outcomes
Actions Taken:
Curriculum: Assess course goals and outcomes as it applies to the program goals; modify if needed
Staffing: Assess annually
Facilities: Review needs and request update as needed
Operations: Review and update as needed
Procedures/Processes: review and revise annually
Participants: Art History professor(s)
Responsible Party: Art History program coordinator

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