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Unit Planning Template Subject: Media Studies media text engt!

of unit: 1" lessons #iming: term 2$ %ee&s 1 ' ( Year level: 11

A.S. focus: 90990 1.2 Demonstrate understanding of selected elements of a

Title of unit: )*eaut+ is onl+ s&in dee,Main focus of the unit: .lose reading television beaut+ ,roduct advertisements Links to NZC: 2rinci,les /ndicate t!e as,ects focused on: 0ig! 3x,ectations #reat+ of 4aitangi .ultural Diversit+ /nclusion earning to earn .ommunit+ 3ngagement .o!erence 5uture 5ocus 0o% addressed in t!is unit1 Cultural Diversity: Students %ill loo& at ot!er beaut+ tv advertisements from different countries and loo& at t!e differences6similarities. Inclusion: Students %ill %or& in ,airs for a formative assessment tas& Future Focus/Coherence: Students are using and develo,ing close reading s&ills t!at are crucial for !ig!er levels of media studies Diversity: Students %ill loo& at ot!er beaut+ tv advertisements from different countries and loo& at t!e differences6similarities. #es$ect/co unity %$artici$ation /Inte!rity: Students %ill %or& in ,airs for a formative assessment tas& Innovation: Students %ill use educreations to create t!eir on ,resentations Thinkin!: Students %ill use t!eir &no%ledge of close reading to anal+se texts &se lan!ua!e' sy "ols % texts: Students %ill ,roduce %ritten and visual artefacts for t!eir assessment. #!e+ %ill also decode meaning t!roug! language and s+mbols (artici$atin! an) Contri"utin!/


Excellence: aiming !ig!$ ,ersevering Innovation: /n8uir+: .uriosit+ Diversity: culture6language6!eritage Equity: fairness 9 social justice Co unity9 ,artici,ation Ecolo!ical sustaina"ility Inte!rity: !onest+$ res,onsibilit+$ accountabilit+ 9 acting et!icall+ #es$ect: for self6ot!ers #!in&ing ;sing language$ s+mbols 9 texts Managing self <elating to ot!ers 2artici,ating and contributing

:e+ .om,etencies

#elatin! to others: Students %ill be involved in class discussion and grou, %or& Mana!in! *elf: #!e summative assessment %ill be an individual tas& +chieve ent *tan)ar),s- addressed =if an+>: AS90990 Demonstrate understanding of selected elements of a media text +chieve ent ."/ectives Strands .once,ts <eading Media text=s> Meaning and anguage : Media in Societ+ Media and re,resentations: Media 2roduction ?rgani@ations 9 institutions Audiences Media tec!nologies *$ecific Learnin! .utco es: *tu)ents 0ill "e a"le to: 1- /dentif+ at least t!ree close reading tec!ni8ues and describe %!at t!e+ are 2- ;se close reading s&ills to anal+se a tv advertisement and identif+ t!eir im,lications 3- /dentif+ codes and conventions of television advertisements 4- ;se educreations to create a s!ort lesson identif+ing close reading tec!ni8ues

5ey resources for unit:

1> .o,ies of &e+ texts t!e students %ill be stud+ing. #elevision beaut+ ,roduct advertisements A*ot! male and femaleB and adverts for close reading before t!e assessment 2> 3ducreations ,resentation for students to learn and understand !o% to use t!e digital tool C> #ec!nolog+ to record 3ducreations videos,uters$ la,to,s$ i2adsB +ssess ent $oints: Diagnostic 5ormative Summative
Assessing %!at students can do6 %!at t!e+ &no%6,rior leaning assessed to date6ot!er information1 ).lose ;,- card to identif+ ,rior &no%ledge of video creating tools or ,latforms *rainstorm activit+ to identif+ students &no%ledge of close reading Digsa% grou,s ?,,ortunities for giving feed'bac& 9 feed'for%ard to individual students and to grou,s on %!at t!e+ are learning and %!at t!e+ need to learn. Erou, %or&: .lose reading advertisements and ,resenting .reate videos on educreations about t!eir o%n idea for a beaut+ advertisement ?,,ortunities to identif+ %!at t!e+ !ave learned.

;sing 3ducreations$ students %ill create a s!ort ,resentation commenting on elements of a tv advertisement and t!eir effects

*$ecific learnin! nee)s a))resse) in this unit :

/ndividuals or grou,s %it! s,ecific needs earning su,,ort 3xtension

3A needs 2articular students targeted

Activities ,rovided Students %ill !ave teac!er videos ,osted on 3ducreations of &e+ conce,ts covered Students %ill !ave t!e o,tion of finding t!eir o%n advertiement outside of t!e s,ecific ones given in formative assessment to anal+se as an extension tas& Students %ill !ave teac!er videos ,osted on 3ducreations of &e+ conce,ts covered

Learnin! activities )urin! the unit:

Learnin! activities Digsa% grou,s .lose reading tv advertisements in grou,s .reate a video using 3ducreations Scavenger 0unt #as& Deo,ard+ game s!o% G .lose reading elements *L. et6 1 1$2$C ( 1$2 1$2$C Ti e allocation (0 mins 2 lessons 1.F lessons 1 lesson C0 mins

Milestone $oints 0hen for nee)e).

For ative task

ative assess

ent coul) in)icate chan!e

i!ht "e require) after

Chan!e that this

Students %ill close read tv beaut+ advertisements in grou,s .reate videos on educreations ,itc!ing t!eir idea for a beaut+ advertisement AMen and %omensB

5urt!er develo,ment on close reading s&ills if needed 5urt!er lessons on 3ducreations and !o% to use t!e digital tool

&nit evaluation:
I $act of y teachin! on stu)ent learnin!6 i7e7 evi)ence for this6 +s$ects stu)ents stru!!le) 0ith in su ative task Fee)"ack in stu)ent evaluation' if carrie) out Chan!es to ake to unit for next ti e I teach it7

Planning grid [summarising lessons and marking formative assessment points]

%ee& 4ee& 1: esson 1 /ntro to .lose reading Digsa% grou,s: eac! grou, is given an element and !as to resarc! and ,resent to class 5ormative Assessment: *rea& t!e class into grou,s and get t!e students to close read tv advertisements esson 2 .ont. %it! reca, of close reading s&ills in more detail esson C .ont. %it! identif+ing close reading elements in advertisements /ntro to educreations. Ste, b+ ste, guide to using educreations Set u, tas& for next lesson esson ( .lose read an advertisement as a class and %or& t!roug! different close reading tec!ni8ues 5ormative Assessment: Students use 3ducreations to create 1'2 min video ,itc!ing t!eir idea for a beat+ advertisement Students %ill do a scavenger !unt activit+$ finding a list of elements in different texts

4ee& 2:

Students %ill s!are t!eir findings %it! t!e class from t!e ,revious lesson. 2eer <evie%

4ee& C:

5ormative Assessment: Students %ill continue %it! ,revious lesson . 4!en finis!ed$ ,la+ a game of jeo,ard+ around close reading elements Summative Assessment: Students %ill c!oose an advert and ,lan t!eir educreations videos Acreating scri,ts etcB Students %ill com,lete a revie% of t!e videos and educreations

/n'de,t! anal+sis of beaut+ advertisements. .onventions and codes in t!e ads

oo& at international versions and com,are to t!ose studied in class t!e ,revious da+

4ee& (:

Summative Assessment: .ontinue %it! ,lanning

Summative Assessment: <ecord62lan 7ideos

Summative Assessment: <ecord 7ideos

4ee& F:

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