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Year 9 Outdoor Adventures Semester Theory Task Part A: choose your environmental issue

In your first lesson you are to choose an environmental issue that you believe is in need of greater attention throughout the community for example; boneseed weed, sand dune erosion, water pollution, air pollution. The choice is yours, I suggest you select a topic you are passionate about and understand the need for the development and promotion of effective strategies.

Part B: Campaign Design & Implementation

Your Task: (1) Design a campaign that will allow others to become aware of the problem(s) that exist within your chosen environment. You MUST include: Detailed discussions of the impact your issue has on the environment, especially fauna and flora. Create and explain a strategy that you will use to promote to the public, which aims to reduce societies and individuals impacts in the environment. Advice on what the audience can do to help reduce their impact on the environment. As part of this section of the task, you will be required to promote your campaign at school. Be creative in your presentation and think about the most effective way to present your campaign. Potential mediums may include: broadcasting at lunch time, using the school newsletter, school twitter account, College TV, posters & pamphlets, A PowerPoint Presentation, A Movie, A Podcast, A Radio program (Garage Band), Guest speaker interview, a song, performance, roll play, program/activity/event (walk to school day or clean up school day).... The aim is to get the message to as many people as possible, so work hard, be creative and make sure youre heard!

Point Addis, Australia

Part C: Evaluation
Your Task: Evaluate the effectiveness of your campaign. You will need to design a survey, questionnaire, online forum etc, to determine the overall effectiveness. Collate your results and write a one-page reflection on the positives and negatives and what you could do better if given the opportunity again. Use graphs to compare answers before and after watching the program and discuss why these people may have altered their decisions.

Flinders Peak, You Yangs

Barwon River, Geelong

Due Dates: Presentation will be due by __________________________________ and all aspects of the task must be submitted on _______________________________.

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