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Name: __________________

Career Research Guide Worksheet

Make sure you have completed the career exploration and have a good idea of the career that interests you!

Use point form or sentences. Make sure it is in our OWN words! Do not copy from the Internet.
Your job title (be specific): Business owner Job overvie !What the" do (#rovide a para$raph descriptio% of the job& What o% the job look like'): ould a t"pical da"

Small usiness owners are responsi le for the o!erall direction and e!eryday operation of the usiness. "dditional #o duties for small usiness owners include e!erythin$ from cleanin$ up to hirin$ new employees. "nd si$nin$ up and $ettin$ staff and products ready for trade shows.

Worki%$ co%ditio%s ((ours "ou ca% e)pect to ork' Risk of i%juries' *ime of da"!time of "ear' +%doors!outdoors' Clothi%$ re,uired' -tc%&' Mainly you would work an a!era$e day ()*+& ut there could e lots of late ni$hts and workin$ on your own time desi$nin$ new clothes and lo$os, preppin$ your we site for a sale or new releases, and tradeshows would take up your weekends a few times a year. -here could e risk of in#ury dependin$ on what your usiness would e. I would like to own a clothin$ company so there is no real risk of in#ury. /ou would mostly e workin$ indoors and the dress code would pro a ly #ust e wearin$ clothes that your company made (0ats, Shirts, etc.&

.alar" ( hat

a$e ca% "ou e)pect to ear%'): a out 123,333*4+,3335/ear

/uture outlook ( ill this job be i% dema%d i% the future' Wh"! h" %ot'): It will e ecause e!ery ody wears clothes and e!eryone6s taste in clothes !ary which means there will pro a ly e a lot of people in the world that like the clothes that you make

7ost*Secondary Institute5-rainin$ 7ro$ram 89

:ocation and name of pro$ram' (Where the school is located& What is the %ame of the pro$ram' 0lso tell us h" this school appeals to "ou) -he school I would like to $o to is in Seattle, Wa. -he name of the pro$ram is "l ers school of usiness and economics which is part of Seattle uni!ersity. -his school appeals to me ecause I know people who ha!e $one throu$h this pro$ram and ha!e had positi!e thin$s to say a out it.

;ost' (first "ear 0N1 total cost of pro$ram2 i%cludi%$ tuitio%2 books2 a%d supplies) -he cost includin$ e!erythin$ is rou$hly 19+,333 +f pla%%i%$ o% atte%di%$ a major u%iversit": +f pla%%i%$ o% atte%di%$ a colle$e: &"ou&ubc&ca to calculate a% appro)imate cost

&oka%a$a%&bc&ca!tuitio% to calculate a% appro)imate cost

7re*re<uisites of pro$ram' (courses "ou %eed to be taki%$ i% hi$h school i% order to $et i%2 re,uired G#0) -here is not really any courses you need to take (as far as I know& But $ood ones to take would e accountin$ and =ntrepreneurship

What are 3 related occupatio%s "ou could take if this o%e did%4t ork out for "ou ( hat ould "ou do if "ou do%4t e%d up doi%$ this career a%d h"'): If ownin$ the usiness didn>t work out I would still like to work as a $raphic desi$ner, creati!e director or sales director for a independent clothin$ rand

0%d most importa%tl"5 Wh" are "ou i%terested i% this career' ((o lo%$ have "ou bee% i%terested i% it' What led you to wantin$ this #o ? 0ow does it suit5fit your personality, interests, characteristics, stren$ths, etc%?&' I ha!e een interested in this career for a couple years, I $ot

interested in this ecause I used to make shirts for myself that I like, with $raphics and lo$os that I desi$ned and people started askin$ where they could uy them and so I started up a small online usiness to showcase and sell my stuff.

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