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EDU221 Foster Micro-teach Lesson Plan Team: # 7 Teachers: TOPIC: Immigration within the classroom environment (Diversity) Kilea

Thomas Victoria Alexander Gaby Grantham

Anticipatory Set: (10 minutes)

Create Interest/Curiosity: Before the lesson begins all index cards will be places faces down in front of each individual student Prior Knowledge: Open up SHORT discussion on previous experience with immigration within the students classrooms. After the discussion, play a clip that relates to the game. Start the notecard game. Students will hold up a notecard to their forehead, with the words facing their table members. Teammates will then attempt to get the cardholder to guess what their card says, and more than likely racial stereotypes will be used. Establish Overview and Objectives of Plan: Increase awareness of racial stereotypes within the classroom and in society as a whole Sell the relevance: Focus on importance of immigration, how it affects us as future teachers, how it will play a role within our classrooms. USE STATISTICS. Student engagement: Because the anticipatory set is a game, every student will be actively involved Visual or Audio Aids: The notecards with the different races and instructions of the game on the board

Content: (14 minutes)

After the video and the card game, continue the previous discussion on personal experience with Immigration within the classroom and feed back on how the game went over. (2 minutes) Pass out handouts and begin PowerPoint: Relate immigration and diversity to Arizona with facts and a chart (Slide 6) 1. Make known that immigration doesnt just focus on race, but diversity as a whole involves: Age, Gender, Social Economic Status, Religion, Sexual Orientation, Disability, Culture and Ethnicity. (Slide 7) (3 minutes) 2. Why diversity is key to a childs education. (Slide 8) a. Friendships b. Exposure to different view points c. Foster critical thinking (3 minutes) 3. Discuss the key things teachers need to be aware of with a diverse classroom: (Minor set backs) (Slide 9) a. Bullying b. Trouble with communication i. SHARE HOMEWORK EXAMPLE WITH CLASS ii. Extra attention 1. Hard with a larger class size a. May need student aid or extra help c. Cultural Barriers d. Language Barriers (3 minutes) 4. Discuss what we as teachers should do (Slide 10) a. Embrace their knowledge and experiences b. Treat all students as equals c. Create an open classroom that values the experiences and perspectives of all students d. Use Diversity to enforce community e. Change and embrace teaching styles based on needs of diverse learners. f. What Administration can do: (No sliderelates to Slide 6) i. Employ a variety of different ethnic and racial staff members (3 minutes) Gaby takes the floor with a 5 minute something


(1 minute) Ask the students what from the PowerPoint did they take away from this and would apply it to their classroom in the future. (1 minute)

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