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Kisha Diamse Professor Carolyn Holloway English 2010 2 December 2013 In my English 2010 class, each major assignment

we were to complete stemmed from a chosen genre. Although I am still new to composing written work in multiple genres, each major assignment in this class helped me develop my writing skills. By familiarizing myself with different genres I was able to adapt my writing to fit how my readers tend to act, react, and interact. For example, in our community writing project, each of my group members had the opportunity to brainstorm ideas for our community writing project. Knowing this topic would be carried through the semester, we chose our subject carefully. Our top ideas were debated upon as well as discussed. As a group we wanted a subject that would be appealing to us and our audience. We weighed the pros and cons as well as the available information we could find on the top three subjects. Although the subject was carefully chosen, we all found that genetically modified organisms would be an interesting and appropriate topic to write about. Within this subject, we had chosen different sub-topics such as; genetically modified organisms and their effects on the environment, genetically modified organisms effect on the community and government, and the health risks of genetically modified foods. Brainstorming these subtopics within my groups main topic, In addition to my knowledge about the different writing genres, helped me better compose a paper to fit my select group of readers. The specific topic I had chosen was on the dangers of genetically modified foods. After selecting this topic, I was given an assignment to further my knowledge on composing an argument.

While composing this argument, I developed my writing skills in order to fit this genre. Incorporating these strategies helped me create a report that had professionalism as well as an accurate and appealing argument. To obtain an effective argumentation I had to take the required steps such as proper research and using reliable sources. In doing this, I would have to check and recheck my used sources of their validity. Another strategy that I adopted was creating a written report that had a voice of professionalism, in doing this I would tactfully explaining the pros and cons of the opposing side. Throughout the semester we were composing reports, flyers, and brochures on the dangers of genetically modified foods. My written work on the subject was composed to call the general public to awareness, specifically parents or caretakers. I had to incorporate voice as well as a good deal of sources and references. Along with references, I was also given the chance to interview a school teacher, who is now a grandmother of four, on the issue of genetically modified organisms. I was able to get better insight as to how I can get the attention of adults with children. Some of these ways included attention grabbers about what their child is eating, or pictographs. Both personally and as a group we found it important to call the public to awareness on the dangers of genetically modified foods. Each report and each assignment meant more research, and more knowledge about the dangerous effect genetically modified organisms have in our society. Since we all began to feel more passionate about the subject, one of the most helpful areas of this class were the peer critiques. Because everyone was researching the same subject, my peers were able to give me useful critiques on my paper to add appeal. For example, one of the helpful critiques on my paper noted my lack of visuals. After seeing this note, I was motivated

to find effective visuals for my essay. I learned and researched many types of visuals that are relatable and appropriate. This small comment was important to the development in my writing because it motivated me to research outside of the classroom. The second comment that helped change my writing was made by a peer in my group. He said You definitely included the first-person narrative, but you did so in a way that wasnt over bearing and left good spacing for scene setting and description. Although this was not necessarily a critique, I found that the hard work I was putting into my drafts was noticeable. This comment made by my peer was a great motivator in my writing, it helped me realize that I do have the skills to create an appropriate paper or report. On the other hand, as I was given the chance to review my peers written work, I realized that many of them had their own strength in composing papers. This helped me visually read great examples and uses of voice, all of which I was able to incorporate into my own writing. In my eyes the importance of peer-reviewing is great. In doing this I was able to see mistake my peers were making in their work, and realize I may have been making those mistakes as well. For example one critique I gave said You have really good flow between your transitions except for one section that I highlighted. This made me realize I may have one or two transitions that needed fixing. Another example I gave to a peer said You have all your sources cited, but I believe theyre cited in a different format. I realized that my works cited page was organized wrong. In noticing this edit in my peers work I began to look more carefully at my formatting. I was also able to see the strengths each one of my peers possessed, and integrate their word

choice, use of voice, organization, or choice of visuals into my own written work. In putting together the work for my final portfolio, I see all the achievements and potential I am capable of. In creating my final portfolio I knew I wanted to include my Profile essay. For the second showcased document I was town between putting in my higher scored assignment, which was my Argument, or my lowest scored assignment which was my brochure. Although I received a higher score on my Argument, my brochure was by far the most enjoyable. I had also put more effort into this than the other major assignments. Because of this, I decided to showcase below my brochure and take the critiques given by my instructor to make it better. I reviewed and edited both documents taking into account the critiques my instructor gave me. In the Profile assignment, I needed more organization and to alphabetize my sources. The Alphabetizing was easy, but to better my papers organization I added smoother transition sentences. In doing this I feel I was able to link each idea more smoothly with the following paragraph. Some of the changes I made included removing the mailing space and putting in a more appealing and eye-catching design. I also changed the font on the brochure to be more consistent and readable. Overall, this class may not have been easy, but it was enjoyable learning strategies on created work that I can be proud of.

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