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Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

Teacher Candidate: Samantha Sutton Lesson # __3__ Subject/Grade: Math/K-5 Date and Time o Lesson: !ctober "3# "$%3 %$:$$ a&m& Learnin' !bjecti(e: Students will be able to identify and explain the characteristics of a

)*i'nment +ith Standards: Identify the source and list standards (local, state, and/or national) that align with the learning objective. EE ! "erfor#ance Standard $% &ontextual 'eaching SS&! Ele#ent% (istening and following directions. S& &o##on &ore ).*.+ correctly na#e shapes regardless of their orientations or overall si,e.

De(e*o,menta* ),,ro,riateness or Cross-curricu*ar connections: 'he students are already fa#iliar with other shapes. -ust last wee. the teacher did a lesson on triangles. /ost of the students can already identify the basic shapes when they see the#. It is i#portant for each student to .now the shapes nu#ber of vertices and sides as well. 'his will help the students verify the differences between each of the basic shapes. )ssessment-s. o the !bjecti(es: 0hat assess#ent(s) will you use to deter#ine student
learning (pre, during, post)1 Each objective should be aligned with an assess#ent. (esson 2bjective(s) Students will be able to identify and explain the characteristics of a rectangle. !ssess#ent(s) of the 2bjective(s) !ssess#ent for 2bjective 5% 6efore reading the boo. to the students I would as. 7uestions to see what previous .nowledge they have about a rectangle. 4or individual assess#ent I will use #y chec.list and assess the finished product of each students 8ectangle /an. 3se of 4or#ative !ssess#ent 9ow will you use the assess#ent data to infor# future instruction1 &lass and individual discussion answers will help #e deter#ine how well each child .nows the characteristics of a rectangle. I will use the 8ectangle /an to deter#ine how effective #y lesson was for each student. 'he results of #y assess#ents will deter#ine whether or not I need to further instruct #y students

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template on the characteristics of a rectangle.

Rev. 2013


'o acco##odate for #y early finishers I would have the# to finish coloring the 8ectangle /an. 'hey could color the eyes, #outh, and the box that the characteristics are written in. 4or #y slower learners, I would have the# do as #uch of the wor. as they can. 0hat they do not get finished with I will help the# one on one during center:ti#e.

Materia*s: YouTube video Rectangle Song, White Board, Expo marker, green
crayon, ci computer%

or , glue, E!"# pro$ector, "ou e Shape by Ellen Stoll Wal h, and a

/rocedures: Include #otivation techni7ues, grouping, instructional strategies (steps in the

lesson), probing 7uestions;, and lesson closure. 8efer to rubrics for specific ite#s that should be included in every lesson plan. "otivation& Students will watch a video about rectangles. 'he video involves dance and #otion for the students. 'his will engage the students in the content of the lesson before they do their hands:on activity.

'rouping& (t the beginning o) the le on, the tudent *ill be itting on the carpet in )ront o) the *hite board% Each tudent ha a peci)ic eat on the carpet, ince the beginning o) the chool year% When *e are ready )or the hand +on activity , *ill call tudent to go it at their table % Each table con i t o) - tudent % The tudent are grouped by academic per)ormance% There *a an exception made )or one tudent, *ho e )amily re.ue ted he be eated alone at hi o*n de k%

/robing 0ue tion & 1o* many ide doe a rectangle have2 What are vertice 2 1o* many vertice doe a rectangle have2 What are edge 2 1o* many edge doe a rectangle have2 1o* i a rectangle di))erent )rom a triangle2 1o* many ide doe a triangle have2 1o* many vertice doe a triangle have2

,n tructional Strategie & 3ir t, , *ill call the tudent to the carpet according to their table%

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template Rev. 2013 While the tudent are *alking to the carpet , *ill pa out the Rectangle "an hand +on *ork heet% ()ter all o) the tudent are eated on the carpet and .uiet , *ill begin the le on% , *ill tart by dra*ing a rectangle on the board% , *ill a k the cla What hape i thi 2%

, *ill point out that a rectangle ha )our ide % There are t*o long ide and t*o hort ide % , *ill a k 1o* many ide doe a rectangle have2% , *ill explain to the tudent that edge i another *ord )or ide % So , *ill a k, 1o* many edge are there on a rectangle2% , *ill de)ine the *ord vertice )or the tudent % ( vertex i a )ancy *ord )or the number o) point or corner that a hape ha % , *ill dra* a triangle% The tudent have already covered the hape o) a triangle, o thi *ill be a revie*% , *ill a k, 1o* many vertice doe a triangle have2% The tudent *ill an *er *ith three% Then, , *ill a k 1o* many vertice doe a rectangle have2% The tudent *ill an *er *ith )our% 3or my vi ual learner , , *ill go to the board and circle the )our vertice % 4ext, , *ill dra* t*o rectangle ide by ide% , *ill dra* one vertically and one hori5ontally and make them di))erent i5e % Thi *ill ho* the tudent that orientation and i5e do not change the hape% The hape i till a rectangle% , *ill then a k 1o* many edge doe a rectangle have2% Then, , *ill read the book "ou e Shape by Ellen Stoll Wal h% ()ter the book, , *ill play a YouTube video )or the tudent % The video i titled Rectangle Song% The tudent *ill be able to tand up on their pot at the carpet in order to ing and dance along to the video% When the video i )ini hed, , *ill di mi the tudent )rom the carpet by ro* % The tudent *ill go and be eated at their table % Be)ore the tudent leave the carpet , *ill tell them to go to their eat and get out a green crayon% , *ill then turn on the E!"# pro$ector and place my rectangle heet )or the children to ee% , *ill tell the tudent to u e their green crayon and circle the vertice on the rectangle% They *ill circle all )our vertice % Then, , *ill , *ill tell the tudent to color the entire rectangle green% ()ter coloring, , *ill tell the tudent to pick up the other *ork heet% , *ill read the *ork heet% The )ir t .ue tion i the number o) edge % The tudent and , *ill *rite )our%

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template Rev. 2013 The next .ue tion i the number o) vertice % The tudent and , *ill *rite )our% The la t .ue tion i thi hape in the environment% , *ill then go around the room and a k tudent *hat they ee in the environment that look like a rectangle% The tudent can dra* their idea or their cla mate % ()ter an *ering the .ue tion, the tudent can then cut out the eye , the mouth, and the box o) in)ormation% When they )ini h cutting out the boxe they can glue the boxe onto the rectangle that they colored green% ( the tudent are *orking , *ill let them kno* that the eye )or the Rectangle "an are al o rectangle % , *ill u e my checkli t to go around the room and a comprehended the le on on rectangle % e *ho ha


on 6lo ure& , *ill have my Rectangle "an pro$ected on the E!"# )or my vi ual learner % Thi *ill al o be a *ay )or the tudent to check their *ork% When the tudent are )ini hed , *ill u e my checkli t to a comprehen ion on the rectangle le on% e )or

)cti(it0 )na*0sis:
Identify at least two activities you plan to use in this lesson and explain why you are planning these specific activities. In your explanation include the following pro#pts% 'he <ou'ube video =8ectangle Song> will be used to engage and #otivate the students. 'he students really enjoy #ove#ent activities. 'his video will allow the# to stand up and #ove around while dancing and singing to the song about rectangles. 'he video also tells the students the answers to the 7uestions that are used on the 8ectangle /an that they will #a.e. 'he 8ectangle /an activity will engage the students with its art influenced procedures. 'he children love hands:on activities and this gives the# the opportunity to cut, glue, and color. 'his activity boosts their fine #otor s.ills while they learn about the characteristics of a rectangle. , *ill u e the technology )or thi le on% , *ill u e the Smart Board to *atch the YouTube video on and , *ill u e the E!"# pro$ector%

1e erences:
&ite all references for #aterials/resources used in preparing the lesson. &itations should be in !"!, ?th edition for#at.

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template 9ave 4un 'eaching. (+@5+, -uly 5@). 8ectangle Song. 8etrieved fro# http%//":Chwrx,I. 0alsh, E.S. (+@@D) /ouse Shapes. 9oughton /ifflin.

Rev. 2013

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