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Alexandra Marcis Rachel LaMance French 123 001 Portfolio World War I World War I was a war involving

man co!ntries all over the world" #he $ig economic %owers were all involved in this war" #his war was centered aro!nd in &!ro%e" World War I was a fo!r ear war that lasted from '!l 2() 1*1+ !ntil ,ovem$er 11) 1*1(" #here were two ma-or alliances. the Allies and the /entral Powers" #he Allies were made !% of 0nited 1ingdom) France and the R!ssian &m%ire" #he /entral Powers consisted of 2erman and A!stria34!ngar " It was a ver $lood war with over 10 million soldiers d ing and a$o!t 20 million other in-!ries" #he war was ca!sed $ the assassination of A!stria5s Archd!6e Fran7 Ferdinand and his wife 8o%hie on '!ne 2() 1*1+" 9n A!g!st 3) 1*1+ 2erman declared war on France $ going thro!gh the ne!tral land of :elgi!m" 8ince :ritain alread had treat with :elgi!m) this attac6 also $ro!ght :ritain into the war" When the war $egan $oth sides $elieved that this war wo!ld onl $e a few months of $attle" In res%onse to the attac6 from 2erman ) France created Plan ;<II" It was created =!ic6 mo$ili7ation after $eing attac6ed" #he 2erman troo%s were moving so!th so the French and :ritish troo%s moved north to meet !% with them" When the troo%s met in the middle the were in a stalemate" 9n A!g!st 22) #he :attle of the

Frontiers too6 %lace and >)000 French soldiers die on this da in %!rs!it of Paris) towards the 2erman $orders"In 8e%tem$er 1*1+ the two sides co!ld not force the other one to move and the $egan to dig trenches" For the next fo!r ears) the troo%s wo!ld fight

from these trenches" #he fired artiller and grenades onto the enem " #he %ro$lem with this was that once the ran o!t of ammo) one of the soldiers wo!ld have to leave the safet of their trenches and %!t themselves into the fire of the enem " If one side wanted to ta6e over the enem 5s land the wo!ld have had to cross over the ne!tral land $etween them 6nown as ?,o Man5s Land?" #his was a ma-or ca!se of death for the troo%s tr ing to ta6e over the other side" &ach side was losing soldiers ra%idl that it was coming down to whoever had the most soldiers alive was going to win the war and it seemed that the Allies were losing their soldiers faster" When the 0nited 8tates entered the war with the Allies) the $ecame more dominant in the war" #he French were also o!tn!m$ered in the amo!nt of g!ns the had to go to war with" #he 2ermans had 12)000 machine g!ns and the French onl had a co!%le h!ndred" #he French had $eg!n the %rod!ction of the tan6" #he first tan6 was considered to $e !nrelia$le $!t the $!ilt a second one and it wor6ed $etter so the %rod!ced more to !se against the 2ermans" After + ears of war) the Allies came o!t the winners of the WWI with 2erman s!rrendering" htt%.@@histor 1*00s"a$o!t"com@od@worldwari@%@World3War3I"htm htt%.@@www"%$s"org@greatwar@timeline@timeA1*1*"html htt%.@@www"$l"!6@reshel%@findhel%region@e!ro%e@france@france@ww1@frenchww1"html

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