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Mary Kate McNulty Interview with Administrator Report July 5, 2011 I interviewed auren !

ade, Readin" #pecialist at $denton %lementary #chool in Anne Arundel &ounty, Maryland' auren is considered an administrator in the school

(uildin" and was a(le to "ive me a "ood understandin" o) the role o) administrators in relation to technolo"y at her school' *he state o) Maryland or"ani+es their schools very di))erently than ,ennsylvania and New Jersey' In Maryland, everythin" is run (y the county rather than the district' *he county-s *echnolo"y .epartment is the "roup that oversees all technolo"y district/ wide' $denton is a K/5 school that has (een ma0in" an e))ort to use technolo"y over the past )ive years' *he school has purchased or )undraised )or two sets o) #entios, #MAR* 1oards in more than hal) o) the classrooms, several airliners, pro2ectors in every classroom, several document cameras' %ach classroom has at least one (ut some have two des0top computers' *here is one centrally located computer la(' $denton %lementary has a &omputer *ech who is )ull time (ut splits her time (etween two schools' #he reports to the school principal and the technolo"y department' 3er responsi(ilities at $denton include trou(le/shootin" and updates )or computers' #he does not do anythin" with incorporatin" technolo"y into the classroom or curriculum and does not provide support with technolo"y lessons to teachers' ,ro)essional development )or incorporatin" technolo"y into the classroom is availa(le throu"h the county technolo"y o))ice durin" a)ter/school hours' *he Math .epartment and Readin" .epartment each wor0 with the *echnolo"y .epartment to

provide already created lessons, note(oo0s, and ideas to teachers who are interested in usin" technolo"y in their classrooms' *hese resources are availa(le to teachers on the district intranet' *he school has a *echnolo"y &ommittee that is led (y the primary lead teacher and there is one teacher )rom each "rade level on the committee' *he principal, assistant principal, and readin" specialist, who are all considered administrators in the (uildin", do not have much involvement in the *echnolo"y &ommittee' It is a teacher run committee (ut in the past two years has not made any real improvements to the school' !hen $denton )irst (ecame invested in the push )or technolo"y, the school o))ered an a)ternoon pro)essional development on #MAR* 1oards' $ver the past three years there have (een no pro)essional development opportunities in the (uildin" on how to incorporate the #MAR* 1oard into the classroom' I) teachers are interested they must "o on their own time to wor0shops o))ered (y the county a)ter/school' auren has

o))ered pro)essional development opportunities this year to help teachers use the electronic readin" hand(oo0 on the intranet, Read #ource' auren and other

administrators have also o))ered pro)essional development that )ocused on data and how to use technolo"y to analy+e the data' *here is no re4uired pro)essional development )or teachers or administrators at this time' I chose to interview auren at $denton %lementary #chool (ecause this is where I )irst started teachin"' At the time, auren was a classroom teacher who was e5cited, motivated, and constantly tryin" to incorporate technolo"y into her classroom' *o"ether, auren and I started )undraisin" )or our school and started to "et the push in technolo"y "oin"' I was interested to hear how thin"s had pro"ressed over the years and how she

saw thin"s as an administrator who was once a teacher' I was e5cited to hear o) all o) the new types o) technolo"y that have (een added to the school (ut was disappointed to hear how there is no pro)essional development o))ered at the school and little push )or teachers and students to use it )rom (uildin" administrators' I do thin0 it-s "reat that the county *echnolo"y $))ice is wor0in" with the Readin" and Math .epartments to create lessons and resources )or teachers to use at all "rade levels' As I ended my call with auren, she stated how she never really thou"ht a(out all that was lac0in" (ecause she wasn-t very involved with the use o) technolo"y anymore' #he reali+ed a)ter tal0in" with me that it needed to chan"e this )all' I hope this comin" )all $denton will start to do more with their *echnolo"y &ommittee and add an administrator to the committee' I also hope that more pro)essional development and support with (e availa(le to teachers and there will (e a "reater push )or technolo"y to (e used more )re4uently and in a meanin")ul way'

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