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Title: Manipulation throughout of Media in Adolescent Sector

Abstract: Por primera instancia esta investigacin es acreditada por la compaa Open Your Eyes Movement. Esta investigacin es sobre la Manipulacin a travs de los Medios de Comunicacin relacionado con la Sociologa. El proceso de esta investigacin fue entrevistar a dos personas del sector adolescentes en Puerto Rico en el cual tenan que contestar unas preguntas sobre este problema. Los resultados fueron los siguientes los participantes entrevistados han sido influenciado por los medios de comunicacin y ellos creen que hay posibilidades de resolver este dilema. En conclusin podemos decir que los adolescentes han sufrido manipulacin a travs de los Medios de Comunicacin pero, este problema se puede resolver tomando buenas decisiones y evadiendo comentarios negativos a sus vidas. For the first instance this research is accredited by the company Open Your Eyes Movement. This research is on the manipulation through the media of communication related to sociology. The process of this investigation was to interview two people from the sector adolescents in Puerto Rico in which they had to answer a few questions about this problem. The results were the following participants interviewed have been influenced by the media and they believe that there are possibilities to solve this dilemma. In conclusion, we can say that the adolescents have suffered manipulation through the media but, this problem can be solved taking good decisions and evade negative comments to their lives. Introduction: The problem is Manipulation throughout of Media in Adolescent sector. Justification: In life we are manipulated by everything that surrounds us. It may be for a positive or negative, but that will eventually affect us as an individual and to society as a whole. Therefore, we must understand and know what we have to do make decisions and not manipulated by someone or something outside. As a society we must solve the problem of the manipulation of Media throughout. We must rely on our own solution and decision. 'A man has to choose from. This is where its strength lies: in the power of their decisions.' Paulo Coelho. As information we can add that this work is related to the manipulation through the media and the sociology. What is it? The sociology, as its name indicates, is the science that deals with the study of society. In addition, this research will be around the adolescents. Methodology: In order to be able to start this research is carried out some things. Such as; Make a letter to the mayor of the village of San Juan and send it by mail. Make a series of questions. These questions were to interview two people from the voluntary sector chosen with prior appointment. The materials used were paper, pencil and tape recorder. The questions were the following: 1. As you think the media affect society? , 2. As you think the media you have personally affected? , 3. What advantages do you think they have the means to manipulate society? , 4. What you think they are the tools that they used to persuade and wrap the citizen? , 5. You as a teenager, you think he can solve or resolve this issue? , 6. What was your experience? , 7. How it has affected your family?

Discussion of Results: Information: The participants interviewed think that the media affect the society through the way of convincing the citizen. The first respondent was influenced by the media in your life, but rather, that bad since it is entertaining but, this can also be negative for the emotional and mental aspect of a person. In contrast, the other participant was offended by the offensive comments toward its nationality because is very criticized; and the media has an erroneous vision of what is in reality. In summary, we can see that the Media affects many different aspects to the people as in the social, emotional, physical among others. In addition, sometimes imposes as must be the citizen this can be based on commercial, magazines among others. We must as individuals with intellectual abilities know what is right and what is not. In addition, make us charges of our actions. The solution to this problem would be to educate people and downplaying the media. Graphics

The Media influence in our lifes?

2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Yes 0 No Series 1 2

Is it possible to solve this problem?

2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Yes 0 No Series 1 2

Statistics: Questions Yes The Media influence in our life? 100% It is possible to solve this 100% problem? Answers: No 0% 0%

Participant #1
1. The media affect the society mainly in how they interact, from television to the cell, the way one interacts with the world is very different from 100 years ago thanks to these media 2. I have given in my entertainment options, presently i have a number of ways to mess around thanks to the means of communication, 3. The media often manipulate the people and made to feel inadequate, there are many corporations that capitalized on that, like makeup, the products of diets among others. These corporations create economic impulses in the country as they create many jobs, so that this could be seen as an advantage in terms of economy. 4. The commercials, magazines and the images. 5. Giving less importance to what we see on television and the internet. 6. I have not had any similar experience. 7. I have relatives that have been manipulated to buy beauty products and diet, want to become more like the average.

Participant #2
1. I think that the Media affect greatly the society in a diverse and a vast way. The media can help positively or negatively today's society. They are able to increment someones status economically, politically, and culturally, as well as diminish it. 2. The media has attacked me in many ways. I'm a muslim woman and and arab, and in the media has created a horrible stereotype of what an arabic muslim woman is. People see me as a terrorist and a subordinated person to muslim men; when this is all the contrary. Islam is against terrorism and sexism. Nevertheless, when it comes to Islam, all of the media try to humiliate a muslim person. 3. I think that the advantages the Media has by manipulating the society is control and power. If the society believes everything the media says without investigating what the real truth is, then a direct way, the society's thought is being controlled by the media. 4. We live in a technological era and in a technological country. Therefore, we're directly exposed to the media at every instance. Because we're so exposed to media, such as the television and radio, we're constantly hearing worldwide news from a specific point of view. In other words, instead of only being notified about the news mostly from certain perspectives only. Therefore, I would say that the tools that the media uses are: constant exposure and notification of news from determined points of view. 5. We can't obviously eliminate the technology, and it would be extremely difficult to diminish the media. I think that the solution must firstly go individually, and afterwards attack it in a bigger way, with communities. First, individually, we must stop believing at first instance everything we here from the media, and investigate more profoundly. Afterwards, we should educated the people around us about the falacies that the media spreads. 6. My experience was, as I told earlier, that I have been discriminated by many people around me because of the wrong image the media has spread about an arabic muslim women. The media insults and harrasses the muslims arabs, and they indicate that we are terrorists and horrible people. Therefore, people around me look at me weirdly and sometimes they make offensive comments. 7. My family experiences the same because their muslim arabs as well. Nevertheless, we haven't let this stop us from living happy. All the contrary, this has been a reason to educate people about what Islam is really about.

Letter to the mayor:

Hon. Carmen Yuln Cruz Soto Alcalda de San Juan P.O. Box 4355 San Juan, P.R. 00901-4355

Saludos Hon. Cruz Soto; El nombre de la compaa en la cual soy parte es el siguiente Open Your Eyes Movement. El problema de esta investigacin es sobre la Manipulacin a travs de los Medios de Comunicacin en el sector de los jvenes relacionado con la Sociologa. El propsito de esta carta es compartir con usted la investigacin realizada y mostrarle los hallazgos obtenidos en nuestra sociedad relacionado con la ciencia social Sociologa. Encontrar en la carta los resultados obtenidos y las soluciones a este problema. Mediante esta carta le informare sobre los resultados de esta investigacin. Los resultados fueron los siguientes los participantes entrevistados han sido influenciado por los medios de comunicacin y hay esperanzas de que se pueda resolver. Con esto podemos decir que las personas no tienen control de decisin y pueden ser manipulados fcilmente. En conclusin, en el caso de los adolescentes han sufrido manipulacin a travs de los Medios de Comunicacin pero, este problema se puede resolver tomando buenas decisiones y evadiendo los comentarios negativos. Esta empresa Open Your Eyes Movement fue creada en Agosto del 2013 en la Escuela University Gardens como parte de un trabajo de la clase de ingls 12. El problema que tiene como referencia esta compaa es la manipulacin a travs de los medios de comunicacin en nuestra sociedad. El propsito de esta compaa Open Your Eyes Movement es investigar, encontrar soluciones y compartir los hallazgos con otras personas sobre la manipulacin en nuestra sociedad. La solucin a este problema es que debemos de confiar en nuestra propia decisin y apoyarla hasta el final. "Un hombre tiene que escoger. En esto reside su fuerza: en el poder de sus decisiones. "Paulo Coelho. Gracias;

Sinceramente, J.M.J.M

Conclusion and Recommendations: The media affect in many ways positive and negative to our young people we have to take into account what is right and what is not. In if these media are trying to wrap the citizen in different ways to obtain benefits from these and to persuade them of how they are to be them with this we can say that the people have no control of decision and can easily be manipulated. In summary, we must rely on our own decision and support until the end. 'A man has to choose from. This is where its strength lies: in the power of their decisions.' Paulo Coelho. Some recommendations is evade any negative manipulation, believing in ourselves and especially make the right decisions.

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