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I can honestly say, this class was nothing how I expected.

I thought that this class was going to have really boring lectures and I was going to dread showing up to class. I could not have been more wrong about my assumptions. This class for me has actually been quite enjoyable. I didnt really consider myself to be a writer when I signed up for this class. I can honestly say that throughout this semester, I have begun to think of myself as a true writer. I enjoy writing, especially on topics that interest me. I find that, writing is a great way for me to put my thoughts, opinions, and ideas on paper. This class has also really forced me to think analytically about writing. Debating and public speaking has always been of interest to me. In this class, I was able to use these interests to discuss writing with my peers which was actually quite enjoyable. I found that this class also allowed me to think about my own writing. I learned that I have a completely different process to writing than many of my peers. I believe that I have a very unique process and style of writing. I never really considered my writing to be different, but throughout the semester I have been able to notice many differences between my own writing and my peers. I have found that I tend to write in a more conversational manner, while many of my peers tend to be more formal. I have found what works with my writing, and what doesnt. My writing process is very short and simplistic, while others in the class have specific steps to their writing process. Throughout the semester I have learned the importance of clarity and specificity. This class, in my opinion, was very similar to a debate. There was a topic and we would talk about them as a class. The unique thing about this was the ability to hear others opinions. There were many topics that were controversial, but it was incredibly interesting to hear peers arguments and try and relate to their perspective. I also thought it was interesting the wide variety of topics that we related to writing. We watched TED talks, commercials, and even described bricks. It would be hard for most people to see the relation between some of the topics we discussed and writing. For me, this abstract approach to discussing writing made it the most interesting. When we related topics that seemed irrelevant to writing, I actually became interested. I also found these discussions to be helpful when I write. Whenever people would speak in class, it was important to be incredibly clear as to their point. This idea of clarity carried over for me in my writing. I tried to think of my writing as a conversation or discussion. I wanted to convey my message in the most direct and simplistic way possible. In some of my papers, I did this incredibly well, while in others I did not. I tried to use this class as a learning experience for my writing. I tried not to get upset or disappointed when my opinions were disputed or criticized. Instead, I used these criticisms to improve my writing. Again, this class was incredibly different than I expected. This English class was different than any other I have had in my life. As clich as it sounds; this class actually made me appreciate writing. From my experiences this semester, I am trying to grow and improve as a writer.

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