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Article Title: Which Species Will Live?

Author/Source: Michelle Nijhuis

A: List the major ideas, concepts or key points- point by point - Weighing little more than a hefty greeting card and forced to contend with invasive rats, mice and cats, aggressive seagulls, oil spills and sea-level rise, it faces an outsize fight for survival. - At last count, only 10,000 remained. Several other species of storm-petrels are similarly endangered. - Conservation groups can no longer afford to try to protect as many animals and plants as they have in the past, so they are increasingly turning to new systems of triage to explicitly determine which species to save and which to leave to die. - As budgets shrink, environmental stresses grow, and politicians and regulators increasingly favor helping the economy over helping the planet, many scientists have come to acknowledge the need for triage. - In their book Noahs Choice, journalist Charles C. Mann and economist Mark L. Plummer describe the acts reasoning as the Noah Principle: all species are fundamentally equal, and everything can and should be saved, regardless of its importance to humans. - The way were doing it right now in the United States is the worst of all possible choices, says Tim Male - Some scientists argue for weighting species according to their role in the ecosystem, an approach we might call function first. - Threatened species with a unique job, they say, or umbrella species whose own survival ensures the survival of many others, should be protected before those with a so-called redundant role. - The evolution-first approach emphasizes the preservation of genetic diversity, which can help the entire worlds species survive and adapt in fast-changing environmental conditions by providing a robust gene pool.

B: Summarize the AUTHORs main point or idea- at LEAST 1-2 paragraphs Weighing little more than a hefty greeting card and forced to contend with invasive rats, mice and cats, aggressive seagulls, oil spills and sea-level rise, it faces an outsize fight for survival. At last count, only 10,000 remained. Several other species of storm-petrels are similarly endangered. Politicians and regulators, however only cared about the economy and not the earth. After this, scientists found the need for triage. Triage is a decision making system when treatment in difficult situations when time, expertise and supplies are short. Triage is a provocative subject today. Now, the triage focuses on all three of those factors as well as cost, benefit, and likeliness of success.

C: Write a reaction paragraph to the article stating your own thoughts on the topic, using specific citations from the article to support your views In the article Which Species Will Live? was about which species should people in the world care and which one is not. But in their book Noahs Choice, journalist Charles C. Mann and economist Mark L. Plummer describe the acts reasoning as the Noah Principle: all species are fundamentally equal, and everything can and should be saved, regardless of its importance to humans. And I believe that everything can and should be saved because all species are equally. So What? Which species should be saved Which species should not be saved The triage method work on most important species, the best species to save. What If? The triage was not use? - All the species are equal protected Say Who? Michelle Nijhuis

What Does This Remind Me Of? The Hunger Game, in that movie, the best would survive after the fighting. Just like triage, the species that the most helpful for ecosystem would be saved and the other is not.

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