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Lesson 2

Infer how color helps an animal. Understand that structures of living things are adapted to function (work) in specific environments. Know that plants and animals are adapted to changes in temperature and moisture.

an environment that is very dry because it gets little rain.

an environment with many tall trees that gets rain almost every day.

An environment covered with grass.

Is a large body of salt water.

Is a small freshwater environment

Being able to hide and not be seen using the environment

Lizards hide under rocks during the day, when it is hot. They come out to find food at night when it is cool.

Gets very little rain. Few kinds of animals and plants are adapted to live here.
Camels are able to go longs days with out water.

Snakes hide under rocks when it is too hot.

Wet environment, gets rain almost everyday. Have many tall trees that block the sunlight. Some plants grow high on the trees to reach the sunlight.
Bats hunt at night, when they can catch flying insects and other small animals.

Monkeys live high in the trees. They can hold onto the branches with their long tails and use their hands to get food.

Green tree frogs have sticky feet to help them climb.

Is an open environment that is covered with grass. Have few trees, so it is hard for large animals to hide.
Elephants and other animals travel in groups of their own to stay safe. While others are fast runners, so that helps them to stay safe. Lions live on grasslands and the color of their bodies help hide them when hunting for food.

Cold, snowy environment. Plants do not grow very tall, and they grow close together. Growing close together helps protect them from the very Caribou travel from place to place to cold temperatures (weather). Many tundra animals have thick fur
find the plants they need to eat to help keep them warm. Others have thick fats.

A large body of salt water. Most ocean plants and animals live in the top layer of the ocean. Ocean animals stay safe in many ways. Some fish change colors to help them hide and other swim fast or hide in small cracks.
Clown fish hide in anemones. Fish have scales to protect their bodies.

Jellyfish stings other animals that come close to it.

A sharks sharp teeth help it catch food.

Small fresh water environment. Freshwater because it does not have salt in it.
Water Lilies may grow on the surface of a pond so that it can get the sunlight it needs to make its food.

Ducks have webbed feet to help it move around in the water.

Beavers have webbed feet to help it swim and they use their sharp teeth to cut down trees to build their homes.

What are the different types of habitats? Give an example of an animal or a plant survive in desert habitat and a grassland habitat. How does a webbed feet help an animal in its environment? What is an example of a dry habitat? How do large animals stay safe in a grassland habitat? Do you think an animal with gills would live in a ocean habitat or a desert habitat, why?

Answer RS 29- RS 30

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