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RUNNING HEAD: 4MAT Lesson Plan 6

4MAT Lesson Plan 6 Shepherd Warrior Kaitlin Rice La Sierra University

RUNNING HEAD: 4MAT Lesson Plan 6

RUNNING HEAD: 4MAT Lesson Plan 6 Title: Shepherd Warrior by Bradley Booth Theme: Big things can come in small packages Book and lesson unit give to me by my TeacherUnit Lesson Plan is by Chris Juhl Reorganization to fit 4MAT was done by Kaitlin Rice

Grade Level: 5 EL and CCSS: 1. A. Collaborative: 1. Exchange information and ideas with others through oral collaborative discussions on a range of social and academic topics. CCSS SL.5.1,6;L.5.13,6 2. B. Interpretive: 5. Listen actively to spoken English in a range of social and academic contexts. CCSS SL. 5.1-3; L.5.3 3. C. Productive: 11. Supporting own opinions and evaluating others opinions in speaking and writing. CCSS W.5.1,4,9-10;SL.5.4,6;L.5.1-3,6 Assessment: Verbal check points will be made through out the lesson, when Turning to your neighbor or Think Pair Share. In addition a quiz over the material covered in this lesson will be given the next day. Also reading the students options and personal experience will show that they understand the concept. Materials Needed: 1. The Shepard Warrior book for each student. 2. Journals 3. Writing implement 4. Printed Hero Pictures 5. Printed writing prompts 6. Finished Portfolios Time: 1 Week

RUNNING HEAD: 4MAT Lesson Plan 6 Objectives: 1. Given the debate, Students will be able to share their opinions and thoughts about heroes, defending their answers.

2. Given the discussion, Students will learn to organize and support their options 3. Given the journal prompts, Students will write down their opinion and express themselves though their writing.

Time: 1 week 1. Meaning a. Why? i. Connect (R) Moving the desks aside, and putting a line down the middle of the classroom, the students will be participating in a debate. There will be a series of This vs. That, which lead to a discussion about Heroes. The students will have to pick a side, and defend their choice. Example: Who is more of a Hero and Why, Batman or Superman. 1. Support/ Scaffold for ELs: I will have pictures that I will post for each topic change. The picture will be posted on the side of that Hero. 2. Support/ Scaffold for Special Needs: I will also be using pictures, as an aid for the special needs students. In addition, I will have one student (that knows the Heroes) from the class describe both characters so that

RUNNING HEAD: 4MAT Lesson Plan 6 if anyone is unsure, they will have a description. I will give each team a list of printed out questions to think

about on their different sides. They will then discuss as small groups about those questions, and be given time to think of answers. I will call for one number each round. ii. Attend (L) I will have the students write in their journals about their experience. Answering the following questions. Share about the experience that they just had, Tell me what they liked and didnt like, did they feel they were able to defend their choices? Did they ever want to change their minds? Who their favorite hero is, and why? 1. Support/ Scaffold for ELs: They can verbally share the majority of their experience, and then do their best to write down what they are able in the time given. The questions will be given on a piece of paper to have on their desk. 2. Support/ Scaffold for Special Needs: They can verbally share the majority of their experience, and then do their best to write down what they are able in the time given. The questions will be given on a piece of paper to have on their desk.

RUNNING HEAD: 4MAT Lesson Plan 6 2. Concepts a. What? i. Image (R) Discussion through Turn to your Neighbor, and Think-Pair-Share throughout the lesson. Throughout the reading of the first chapter, and after working on the worksheet. 1. Support/ Scaffold for ELs: Using Turn to you Neighbors, Think-Pair-Share during the lesson give a break to whatever is going on, and allows the students to express themselves to a pier before having to share with the whole class. In addition they can share responsibility with their partner.

2. Support/ Scaffold for Special Needs: once again the support for Special Needs is similar to ESL for this part. Using Turn to you Neighbors, Think-Pair-Share during the lesson give a break to whatever is going on, and allows the students to express themselves to a pier before having to share with the whole class. In addition they can share responsibility with their partner.

ii. Inform (L) Use one of their note taking worksheets. Practice taking notes and gives the students a way to better remember

RUNNING HEAD: 4MAT Lesson Plan 6 what they have read. At the end of every chapter the students will write a paragraph summary of what they have read/ listened too. 1. Support/ Scaffold for ELs: Go through the note taking sheet together as a class. Give time for the class to discuss the story. 2. Support/ Scaffold for Special Needs: Allow the student to take notes during the story, so that the summary at the end will be easier. Pause during the story to share that it might be a good idea to write this down.

3. Skills a. How? i. Practice (L) Read chapters 12-16 First reading activity is for the students to read and re-read the material for full comprehension. Students will be quizzed and tested over their comprehension through a series of quizzes and a final test. This will be done through reading aloud, independent reading and class reading. I will give a study guide of the types of questions that they will have to answer for the quiz. They will be allowed to work on them with the student next to them. 1. Support/ Scaffold for ELs: While reading chapter one, I will read the majority to model reading. I will also only

RUNNING HEAD: 4MAT Lesson Plan 6

ask for volunteer readers, so they do not feel pressured to read. During this time I will walk around the classroom making sure students are following along. For the Quizzes I will read the questions out loud. I will help the students to study. 2. Support/ Scaffold for Special Needs: I will create a classroom environment while reading, in which the students are not required to sit in their seats. They can lay on the floor, or stand up. As long as they are listening to the story, and able to understand the main. Many of the students need to be constantly moving in order to concentrate. (I am not sure how this is going to go, but I am going to try it.) ii. Extend (R) Draw himself or herself as a hero, create their own superpower, costume, reason to fight, people helping, and villain. Write a short paragraph sharing these details, but the students will illustrate one of the choices above. 1. Support/ Scaffold for ELs: Have an example already done, for a well-known hero like Superman. The student can refer to that as many times as needed. Brainstorm as a class on the different questions. 2. Support/ Scaffold for Special Needs: Have an example already done, for a well-known hero like Superman.

RUNNING HEAD: 4MAT Lesson Plan 6 The student can refer to that as many times as needed. Already have a sketch of hero that they just have to color the costume on. Brainstorm as a class on the different questions.

4. Adaptations a. If? i. Refine (L) Have a class discussion about Heroes. Was David a Hero? Why do we know more about Superheroes in comic books than the ones in the Bible? How do you think you would become a hero? Is it important to have heroes? Has anyone ever been a hero to you? 1. Support/ Scaffold for ELs: Give more time to discuss with classmates about the question. Write down classs thoughts on the board, to visually see the progress. Give them time to think about what to say. Use random call cards to make sure that everyone has a chance to share. 2. Support/ Scaffold for Special Needs: Give more time to discuss with classmates about the question. Write down classs thoughts on the board, to visually see the progress. Give them time to think about what to say. Use random call cards to make sure that everyone has a chance to share.

RUNNING HEAD: 4MAT Lesson Plan 6


ii. Reform (R) Finish their portfolio, writing in their journals about the Shepherds Warrior. Write a short summary. Write how the story is similar and different to their own life story. Write a critique of the book, and if they would recommend it to another student and 1. Support/ Scaffold for ELs: Give examples of the above journal questions. Pick two of the questions and only concentrate on them. 2. Support/ Scaffold for Special Needs: Already have a worksheet of this typed out. Verbally answer the questions. Work in pairs.

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