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Kelsie Wojcik

}ob Seaich: Facts, Foims & Role Plays

!"#$%&'&($ *"+#, Employment
-($'#.'/0"1+"&$2 3$4("5#'&($, }ob Seaich, Facts, Foims & Role Plays
Ellen NcPeek ulisan
Peekan Publicatins Inc.
Fieepoit, IL 61uS2

6+#"$&$2 -7#"#.'+"&%'&.% (4 '7+ %'81+$' 4(" 97(5 '7&% .8""&.8:85 9(8:1 ;+ #2+ #$1
:+#"$&$2 #<<"(<"&#'+, This cuiiiculum auuiesses the essentials to piepaiing foi a
stuuent's fiist employment oppoitunity. The Stuuent will neeu to be able to ieau at least at
the uppei level miuule school oi high school level. Auuitionally, it can be useu foi a stuuent
in the C.I piogiam oi a stuuent who plans to ieceive theii ceitificate of completion. Lastly,
the stuuent will neeu to unueistanu the significance of suppoiting oneself in the futuie.
This publication gives specific examples of how a stuuent can finu value to the
oppoitunities founu in the caieei woilu.

=(;% >+#".7 #11"+%%+% '7+ 4(::(9&$2 '"#$%&'&($ $++1%, Stuuents will leain anu piactice
how to choose a job to apply foi, iesponu to a job opening, get ieauy foi an inteiview, go to
an inteiview, anu fill out an application.

0'7+" 4+#'8"+% (4 =(; >+#".7, This book gives seveial examples of woiksheets that coulu
be useu foi a stuuent going thiough the tiansition piocess. Foi example, theie is a mock
application, a sample covei lettei anu a pie-inteiview checklist.

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