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Kate Freeman and Jessica Mannion Professor Hendricks, Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Hopke 11 AM-11: !

AM, "cto#er $ , $%1& Mott '(ementar) *choo( '+' &%1-%$

1. Tit(e or Topic of the +esson and ,rade +e-e(

Learning to Read and Write the Numbers 6, 7, and 8, Kindergarten

$. +esson 'ssentia( ./estion0s1:

How do you read and write the numbers six, seven, and eight?
&. *tandards:

K.CC.& Write Numbers from !" # Re$resent a number of ob%e&ts with a written numera' !" (with re$resenting a &ount of no ob%e&ts)# . A. +earning "#2ecti-es and Assessments:

3. Assessments: +earning "#2ecti-es *tudents wi'' be ab'e to asso&iate a $hysi&a' amount of ob%e&ts (or a $i&ture with x amount of ob%e&ts) with the numera' and word that is asso&iated with this +uantity# Assessments *tudent &om$'etion of the Read and Write Wor,sheet for numbers 6, 7, and 8 and student res$onses to tea&her +uestions (for exam$'e- when students are as,ed .how many sha$es are on the fe't board?/ and are given the o$$ortunity to re$'i&ate the numera's 061, 071, and 081 they wi'' be ab'e to do this with su&&ess) *tudent &om$'etion of the Read and Write Wor,sheet for numbers 6, 7, and 8#

*tudents wi'' be ab'e to read and write the numera's 061, 071 and 081#


Materia(s: *enten&e *tri$s23b%e&tives written on *enten&e *tri$s 4hirty 5o$ies of 6&7raw Hi'', 6y 6ath 8o'ume 9 4hirty :en&i's 4ea&her1s ;dition of 6&7raw Hi'', 6y 6ath 8o'ume 9 :'asti& 5ubes (*ets of 8 &ubes wi'' be given $er student)

Large $ost!it $a$er, and mar,ers 4 . Pre-(esson assignments and5or prior kno6(edge: :rior to our 'esson, students have been wor,ing on being ab'e to &ount u$ to 9 # We got the o$$ortunity to he'$ 6rs# Ho$,e $erform a :re! <ear =ssessment> students were as,ed to identify numbers in $rint that went as high as 1"8#1 ='most a'' students were ab'e to identify sing'e!digit numera's automati&a''y, and strugg'ed with two!digit numera's# *tudents a'so have been taught 'essons simi'ar to ours on the numbers 9, ", ?, @, and A in the wee,s $rior to our 'esson# 4hey a'' have the abi'ity to &ount the number of sha$es re$resented in $rint, or number of ob%e&ts $hysi&a''y shown to them if the number of sha$es does not sur$ass a one digit number# 7. +esson 3eginning:

4he instru&tors wi'' begin the 'esson by writing the numera's 9!A on the &hart $a$er as a review with the students of the numera's they have 'earned to write so far# 4he instru&tor wi'' draw one ob%e&t and then as, a student how many she drew# *he wi'' then write the number 9, reviewing how to $ro$er'y write the numera'# *he wi'' re$eat with the numbers "!@# 8.



9nstr/ctiona( P(an4he instru&tor wi'' begin the 'esson by as,ing students to &ome to the &ar$et, and sit in their rows 0&riss!&ross a$$'esau&e1 with their hands in their 'a$s# We wi'' state the ob%e&tives for the 'esson to students> today we wi'' 'earn how to read and write the numbers 6, 7, and 8# *he wi'' then review numbers 9!A, mode'ing how to write those numbers as review# *he wi'' then draw a grou$ of five &ir&'es and as, the students how many &ir&'es she drew# *he wi'' then write A next to the grou$# 4he tea&her wi'' then as,, .How many wi'' C have if C draw one more &ir&'e?/ *he wi'' then draw six stars and as, the students to &ount the grou$# *he wi'' then ex$'ain that 6 is one more than A and wi'' demonstrate how to write the number 6# *he wi'' then re$eat with 7 s+uares and 8 triang'es# ;a&h time writing the numera' and ex$'aining that seven is one more than six and eight is one more than seven# 4he tea&her wi'' then $i&, $o$si&'e sti&,s and have the students &ome u$ and $ra&ti&e writing the numbers on the &hart $a$er# 4he tea&her wi'' then as, the students to return to their tab'es# 4he materia's for the next a&tivity wi'' a'ready be at the student1s seats# (4he wor,boo,, 8 $'asti& &ubes, and a $en&i')

=s, students to turn to $age 9 A in their boo,s# (Whi&h wi'' be mar,ed with students1 boo,mar,s# *tudents wi'' be as,ed to ho'd u$ their $ointer fingers and $'a&e it on the grou$ of six ob%e&ts (six marb'es)# *tudents wi'' be instru&ted to $'a&e six &ounters on this grou$# *tudents wi'' be instru&ted to tra&e the number six in their wor,boo,s two times next to these marb'es# (Cnstru&tors wi'' wa', around and &he&, student wor,) *tudents wi'' be as,ed to ho'd u$ their $ointer fingers and $'a&e it on the grou$ of seven ob%e&ts (seven marb'es)# *tudents wi'' be instru&ted to $'a&e seven &ounters on this grou$# *tudents wi'' be instru&ted to tra&e the number seven in their wor,boo,s two times next to these marb'es# (Cnstru&tors wi'' wa', around and &he&, student wor,) *tudents wi'' be as,ed to ho'd u$ their $ointer fingers and $'a&e it on the grou$ of eight ob%e&ts (eight marb'es)# *tudents wi'' be instru&ted to $'a&e eight &ounters on this grou$# *tudents wi'' be instru&ted to tra&e the number eight in their wor,boo,s two times next to these marb'es# (Cnstru&tors wi'' wa', around and &he&, student wor,) Cnstru&t students to turn to $age 9 6 (on the 'eft side of their wor,boo,s)# *tudents wi'' be instru&ted to raise their $ointer, and $'a&e it on the b'ue number one# Defore these +uestions are as,ed students wi'' be reminded not to &a'' out so that their $eers have time to thin, of their answers to the +uestion# =s, students .5ount the a$$'es in number one# How many a$$'es are in this $i&ture?/ *tudents wi'' be instru&ted to $ut a &ounter on ea&h a$$'e# Cnstru&t students to tra&e the number 7 two times next to the seven a$$'es with their $en&i's# 4hey wi'' be instru&ted to write the number 7 on&e on their own# *tudents wi'' be instru&ted to ho'd u$ their $ointer, and $'a&e it on the red a$$'e with a two in it# Defore these +uestions are as,ed students wi'' be reminded not to &a'' out so that their $eers have time to thin, of their answers to the +uestion# =s, students .5ount the eggs in number two# How many eggs are in this $i&ture?/ *tudents wi'' be instru&ted to $ut a &ounter on ea&h egg# Cnstru&t students to tra&e the number 6 two times next to the six eggs with their $en&i's# 4hey wi'' be instru&ted to write the number 6 on&e on their own# *tudents wi'' be instru&ted to ho'd u$ their $ointer, and $'a&e it on the green s+uare with a three in it# Defore these +uestions are as,ed students wi'' be reminded not to &a'' out so that their $eers have time to thin, of their answers to the +uestion# =s, students .5ount the ro&,s in number three#

How many ro&,s are in this $i&ture?/ *tudents wi'' be instru&ted to $ut a &ounter on ea&h ro&,# Cnstru&t students to tra&e the number 8 two times next to the eight ro&,s with their $en&i's# 4hey wi'' be instru&ted to write the number 8 on&e on their own# Cnstru&t students to turn to $age 9 7 (on the right side of their wor,boo,s)# *tudents wi'' be instru&ted to ho'd u$ their $ointer, and $'a&e it on the orange fish with a four in it# Defore these +uestions are as,ed students wi'' be reminded not to &a'' out so that their $eers have time to thin, of their answers to the +uestion# =s, students .5ount the dimes in number four# How many dimes are in this $i&ture?/ *tudents wi'' be instru&ted to $ut a &ounter on ea&h dime# Cnstru&t students to tra&e the number 6 one time next to the six dimes with their $en&i's# 4hey wi'' be instru&ted to write the number 6 twi&e on their own# *tudents wi'' be instru&ted to ho'd u$ their $ointer, and $'a&e it on the $ur$'e triang'e with a five in it# Defore these +uestions are as,ed students wi'' be reminded not to &a'' out so that their $eers have time to thin, of their answers to the +uestion# =s, students .5ount the &rayons in number five# How many &rayons are in this $i&ture?/ *tudents wi'' be instru&ted to $ut a &ounter on ea&h &rayon# Cnstru&t students to tra&e the number 8 one time next to the eight &rayons with their $en&i's# 4hey wi'' be instru&ted to write the number 8 twi&e on their own# *tudents wi'' be instru&ted to ho'd u$ their $ointer, and $'a&e it on the orange f'ower with a six in it# Defore these +uestions are as,ed students wi'' be reminded not to &a'' out so that their $eers have time to thin, of their answers to the +uestion# =s, students .5ount the $o$&orn in number six# How many $ie&es of $o$&orn are in this $i&ture?/ *tudents wi'' be instru&ted to $ut a &ounter on ea&h $ie&e of $o$&orn# Cnstru&t students to tra&e the number 7 one time next to the seven $ie&es of $o$&orn with their $en&i's# 4hey wi'' be instru&ted to write the number 7 twi&e on their own# Cnstru&t students to turn to $age 9 8 (on the 'eft side of their wor,boo,s)# *tudents wi'' be instru&ted to raise their $ointer, and $'a&e it on the b'ue star with a number seven in it# Cnstru&t students to draw six tomatoes or red &ir&'es on the first $'ant# Cnstru&t students to tra&e the number 6 be'ow this $'ant# Cnstru&t students to draw seven tomatoes or red &ir&'es on the se&ond $'ant# Cnstru&t students to tra&e the number 7 be'ow this $'ant#

Cnstru&t students to draw eight tomatoes or red &ir&'es on the third $'ant# Cnstru&t students to tra&e the number 8 be'ow this $'ant# 5he&, student wor,, and ri$ homewor, $age out of wor,boo,s# Eismiss students to get a $uFF'e when they are finished# 4he fo''owing e'ements a'so need to be &onsidered#

:ifferentiation: *tudents at 0a$$roa&hing 'eve'1 wi'' be given extra tea&her instru&tion# 4he tea&her wi'' he'$ students to re$resent a numeri& +uantity using mani$u'atives ($'asti& &ubes) and wi'' he'$ students $ra&ti&e how to write the numera's 061, 071and 08#1 *tudents who are 0on 'eve'1 wi'' be instru&ted to &om$'ete the a&tivity inde$endent'y> the instru&tor wi'' answer any +uestions that arise# =dvan&ed students wi'' be instru&ted to &om$'ete the exer&ise inde$endent'y# Gor extra $ra&ti&e they wi'' be given b'an, $a$er, and wi'' be as,ed to $ra&ti&e writing the numera's 061,171 and 081 without arrows to guide them# ./estions: many &ir&'es wi'' C have if C add one more to our grou$ of A? many stars wi'' C have if C add one more to our grou$ of 6? many s+uares wi'' C have if C add one more to our grou$ of many triang'es wi'' C have if C add one more to our grou$ of many many many many many eggs did you &ount? raisins did you &ount? dimes did you &ount? &rayons did you &ount? $ie&es of $o$&orn did you &ount?

o B B B B B B B B B o

How How How 7? How 8? How How How How How

C(assroom Management: 4o regrou$ students, get the &'ass1 attention, or +uiet them down, the tea&her wi'' &'a$ out a rhythm that the students ,now to re$eat and +uiet down when they hear# (H&'a$!&'a$!&'a$&'a$&'a$H) 4he wor,boo,s and &ubes wi'' be distributed at the students tab'es whi'e they are sitting at the &ar$et so &'ass time isn1t wasted when the students are ready to wor,# :en&i's wi'' be in the bas,ets at the students1 tab'es#

4he students wi'' sit +uiet'y with their hands fo'ded when they are finished as o$$osed to raising their hand or shouting out .C1m doneI/# When the tea&her sees the student with their hands fo'ded she wi'' ,now they are finished wor,ing# *tudents wi'' be reminded to not &a'' out before +uestions are as,ed# Transitions: Girst transition- *tudents wi'' be as,ed to &ome and sit on the &ar$et &riss!&ross a$$'e sau&e for the start of the 'esson# *e&ond transition- =fter given dire&tions for what they wi'' be doing at the tab'es, the tea&hers wi'' dismiss students who are sitting and waiting +uiet'y to go ba&, to their seat# 4hird transition- *tudents wi'' sit with their hands fo'ded to show they are finished their wor,# = tea&her wi'' &ome to 'oo, over their wor, and then dismiss the student to go get a $uFF'e to wor, on unti' it is time for 'un&h# C(os/re:


*tudents wi'' be instru&ted to fo'd their hands when they are finished# 4he instru&tors wi'' &he&, the students wor,# Cf the student strugg'ed to write a number, the instru&tor wi'' write the number with a high'ighter for the student to tra&e# J$on su&&essfu' &om$'etion of this a&tivity student wor,boo,s wi'' be &o''e&ted and students wi'' be $ermitted to get a $uFF'e from the front of the room to wor, on unti' 'un&htime#

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