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Jordan Daugherty Teaching Philosophy Intro to Teaching October 12, 2013

I believe education truly can be the great equalizer, especially here in the United States, the epitome of capitalism. With an education the opportunities for someone are endless. It takes extraordinary educators to bring out the full potential of a student. My teaching philosophy is that I am a social reconstructivist, and I believe education can bring positive change to society. I believe a teacher should understand and recognize the uniqueness of all their students and be able to adapt. I also believe a teacher should be flexible enough to adapt to a classroom when necessary rather than always making students adapt to them. As a teacher I will get a better understanding of my students by establishing relationships with their parents. Parents can be a very useful tool to realizing what is best for each student and discovering how to bring out the full potential in students. I will strive to be an extraordinary role model for my students. I am going to do this by being an advocate for positive change in the community and leading by example and putting in time and energy into improving the community I live in. After recognizing and appreciating the distinctiveness of each student, a teacher should be able to put each student in a situation in which they can find success. Using Individualized Instruction can be a valuable strategy for ensuring students of different learning styles can all

reach their full potential as students. To ensure I do this, as a teacher I will includ auditory, kinesthetic, and visual techniques into my lessons. As a teacher I will not have assessment be a major factor in my instruction, but I do think formative assessment can be a great tool for teachers. I will use occasional summative assessments, while not too frequently, as a way for students to gauge where they stand and for me to see where they stand. Assessment can also be a tool to promote accountability from the students. For example, sometimes a quiz could be helpful in holding students accountable for reading and knowing material essential to the course. However, other means of accountability can be measured through other activities. I want to build a sense of community in my classroom where the students feel relaxed and have a fun learning experience. Creating a sense of community in the classroom also creates accountability because the students do not want to let each other down. The classroom should be a fun and relaxed environment that promotes learning! A student being encouraged, rather than being discouraged from learning, is essential.

1. Social reconstructivist 2. Open to teaching in rough area A. Coaching 3. Student Centered 4. Fun environment A. Students more likely to succeed and strive for a teacher they like 5. I learn better with traditional methods so I know Ill incorporate into classroom 6. Conclusion

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