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Pre-Algebra Course Syllabus 2013-2014

Mrs. Tracy Meyer Website: All take home assignments, lesson notes, etc. can be accessed on my website. Please encourage your son/daughter to make use of this resource. Email: School Phone Number: (239)222-2222

arson! "on# aurie $os%ell (2&'&)! Big Ideas Math 8! $i( )deas earnin(! )S$N 9*+-'-,&+-&&&2-* (.lorida)

Course Description:
)n /rade +! ins0ruc0ional 0ime should 1ocus on 0hree cri0ical areas: (') 1ormula0in( and reasonin( abou0 e23ressions and e4ua0ions! includin( modelin( an associa0ion in bi5aria0e da0a %i0h a linear e4ua0ion! and sol5in( linear e4ua0ions and sys0ems o1 linear e4ua0ions# (2) (ras3in( 0he conce30 o1 a 1unc0ion and usin( 1unc0ions 0o describe 4uan0i0a0i5e rela0ionshi3s# (3) analy6in( 0%o- and 0hreedimensional s3ace and 1i(ures usin( dis0ance! an(le! similari0y! and con(ruence! and unders0andin( and a33lyin( 0he Py0ha(orean Theorem.

Three-rin( $inder The s0uden0 %ill be re4uired 0o or(ani6e all ma0erial 1rom class and 1inished home%or7 in 0his binder. This is use1ul 0o 7ee3 all handou0s! home%or7 assi(nmen0s! class lec0ure no0es! correc0ed home%or7! and any o0her ma0erial 0ha0 %ill assis0 0he s0uden0 la0er in 0he 0erm 1or s0udy aids. $inder chec7s %ill be done 3eriodically 0o chec7 1or com3le0eness and or(ani6a0ion. oose-lea1 3a3er! and 3encil 8ll %or7 should be done on loose-lea1 3a3er and in 3encil. ) hi(hly discoura(e %or7 0o be done in 3en. ) li7e 0o 7ee3 e5ery0hin( correc0able 0o encoura(e 0he learnin( 3rocess. /ra3h Pa3er

Pre-Algebra Course Syllabus 2013-2014

8ll (ra3hin( assi(nmen0s mus0 be done on (ra3h 3a3er so s0uden0s can 3ro3erly or(ani6e 0heir (ra3hs. 9alcula0or /ra3hin( 9alcula0ors %ill be 3ro5ided 1or each s0uden0 0o use durin( class 0ime! ho%e5er each s0uden0 should 3ro5ide 0heir o%n calcula0or 1or %or7 done ou0side o1 class. 8ny calcula0or is acce30able. )0 is su((es0ed! bu0 no0 re4uired! 0ha0 a s0uden0 has a Te2as )ns0rumen0 T)-+3Plus or +-! %hich are 0he mos0 common and 89T:S8T a33ro5ed calcula0ors! bu0 considerably more cos0ly.

Student Responsibilities
9lassroom $eha5ior Each s0uden0 should a00end class %i0h all class ma0erials includin( 0heir 0e20boo7 and home%or7. Each s0uden0 %ill be e23ec0ed 0o abide by all school rules and re(ula0ions as ou0lined in 0he ee 9oun0y School ;is0ric0 9ode o1 9onduc0. )n addi0ion! each s0uden0 should sho% cour0esy! res3ec0 and considera0ion 0o 0heir 3eers and 0he ins0ruc0or. No 1ood! drin7! or (um 3ermi00ed. Each s0uden0 is e23ec0ed 0o 3u0 1or0h 0heir bes0 e11or0 in all class ac0i5i0ies! 0o main0ain 0he hi(hes0 le5el o1 in0e(ri0y and hones0y in 0heir %or7! and 0o as7 1or hel3 %hen needed. <ome%or7 and 9lass %or7 =ou can access 0hese assi(nmen0s on 0he class %ebsi0e: S0uden0s %ill ha5e a schedule 0ha0 0hey 7ee3 0hrou(h each uni0 so 0ha0 0hey can easily de0ermine %hich assi(nmen0s are (i5en each day. )n addi0ion! assi(nmen0s %ill be %ri00en on 0he board! 3os0ed on 0he %ebsi0e! and s0uden0s %ill be re4uired 0o record 0he home%or7 o1 0he day in 0heir a(enda boo7. This a(enda boo7 is 0o be 0a7en home e5ery e5enin( 0o hel3 0he s0uden0 7ee3 or(ani6ed and hel3 0he 3aren0:(uardian 0o 7ee3 u3 %i0h 0heir child>s class%or7. ?ni0 Tes0s and @ui66es 80 0he end o1 each uni0! an e2am %ill be (i5en %hich %ill 0es0 s0uden0s> 7no%led(e o1 0he subAec0 ma00er 0ha0 %as co5ered. S0uden0s are re4uired 0o sho% u3 on 0ime and ready 0he day o1 a 0es0. )1 a s0uden0 has an e2cused absence 0he day o1 a 0es0 0hey mus0 con0ac0 me immedia0ely 0o se0 u3 a 0ime 1or a re0a7e. @ui66es %ill be (i5en in class and %ill occur a33ro2ima0ely hal1%ay 0hrou(h each uni0. S0uden0s mus0 be in class 0o 0a7e 4ui66es. )1 a s0uden0 3lans 0o be absen0 1or any reason! 0hey mus0 discuss i0 %i0h me 3rior 0o absence in order 0o ma7e u3 any 4ui66es.

Gradin Scale
9a0e(ory Tes0s:E2ams @ui66es <ome%or7 ProAec0s Par0ici3a0ion /"8;)N/ BE)/<T Percen0a(e o1 /rade 3&C '&C 2&C 3&C '&C

Pre-Algebra Course Syllabus 2013-2014

Percen0a(e '&&C - 9&C +9.9C - +&C *9.9C - *&C ,9.9C - ,&C D9.9C or $elo%

/"8;)N/ S98 E e00er /rade 8 $ 9 ; .

!"#RT$R %

$ssential &nowled e
)n0roduc0ion 0o .rayer Model and 9ornell No0es Tem3la0e Pre8ssessmen0



Sol5in( Sim3le E4ua0ions Sol5in( Mul0i-S0e3 E4ua0ions Sol5in( E4ua0ions %i0h Eariables on bo0h sides

)n5erse i7e 0erms# 0erms

M8.+.'.' 9rea0e and in0er3re0 0ables! (ra3hs! and models 0o re3resen0! analy6e! and sol5e 3roblems rela0ed 0o linear e4ua0ions M899.+.EE.3.*.a /i5e e2am3les o1 linear e4ua0ions in one 5ariable %i0h one solu0ion! in1ini0ely many solu0ions! or no solu0ions. M899.+.EE.3.*.b Sol5e linear e4ua0ions %i0h ra0ional number coe11icien0s.

"e%ri0in( E4ua0ions and .ormulas 9on5er0in( ?ni0s o1 Measure 9ha30er ' "e5ie% F Tes0

i0eral e4ua0ion# con5ersion 1ac0or

/ra3hin( inear E4ua0ions

M8.+.8.-.' Sol5e li0eral e4ua0ions 1or a s3eci1ied 5ariable. M899.+.EE.3.*.b Sol5e linear e4ua0ions %i0h ra0ional number coe11icien0s M8.+./.D.' 9us0omary and me0ric con5ersions M899.+.EE.2.D /ra3h Pro3or0ional rela0ionshi3s! in0er3re0in( 0he uni0 ra0e as 0he slo3e o1 0he (ra3h inear e4ua0ion# M8.+.8.'.' 9rea0e and in0er3re0 0ables! solu0ion o1 a (ra3hs! and models 0o re3resen0! analy6e! and

Pre-Algebra Course Syllabus 2013-2014

Slo3e o1 a ine linear e4ua0ion# solu0ion 3oin0s# solu0ions# rise# run# slo3e sol5e 3roblems rela0ed 0o linear e4ua0ions. M899.+.EE.2.D /ra3h Pro3or0ional rela0ionshi3s! in0er3re0in( 0he uni0 ra0e as 0he slo3e o1 0he (ra3h M899.+.EE.3.+a ?nders0and 0he solu0ions 0o a sys0em o1 0%o linear e4ua0ions in 0%o 5ariables corres3ond 0o 3oin0s o1 in0ersec0ion o1 0heir (ra3hs. M899.+.SP.'.3 ?se 0he e4ua0ion o1 a linear model 0o sol5e 3roblems M8.+.8.'.2 )n0er3re0 0he slo3e and 0he 2and y-in0erce30s %hen (ra3hin( a linear e4ua0ions 1or a real-%orld 3roblem. M899.+.EE.3.+a ?nders0and 0he solu0ions 0o a sys0em o1 0%o linear e4ua0ions in 0%o 5ariables corres3ond 0o 3oin0s o1 in0ersec0ion o1 0heir (ra3hs. M899.+.SP.'.3 ?se 0he e4ua0ion o1 a linear model 0o sol5e 3roblems M8.+.8.'.2 )n0er3re0 0he slo3e and 0he 2and y-in0erce30s %hen (ra3hin( a linear e4ua0ions 1or a real-%orld 3roblem. M8.+.8.'.':9rea0e and in0er3re0 0ables! (ra3hs! and models 0o re3resen0! analy6e! and sol5e 3roblems rela0ed 0o linear e4ua0ions. M8.+.8.'.2: )n0er3re0 0he slo3e and 6- and yin0erce30s %hen (ra3hin( a linear e4ua0ion 1or a real-%orld 3roblem M899.+.EE.2., ?se similar 0rian(les 0o e23lain %hy 0he slo3e m is 0he same be0%een any 0%o dis0inc0 3oin0s on a non-5er0ical line M8.+.8.'.':9rea0e and in0er3re0 0ables! (ra3hs! and models 0o re3resen0! analy6e! and sol5e 3roblems rela0ed 0o linear e4ua0ions. M8.+.8.'.2: )n0er3re0 0he slo3e and 6- and yin0erce30s %hen (ra3hin( a linear e4ua0ion 1or a real-%orld 3roblem M899.+.EE.2., ?se similar 0rian(les 0o e23lain %hy 0he slo3e m is 0he same be0%een any 0%o dis0inc0 3oin0s on a non-5er0ical line M8.+.'.3 ?se 0ables! (ra3hs! and models 0o re3resen0! analy6e! and sol5e real-%orld 3roblems rela0ed 0o sys0ems o1 linear e4ua0ions M8.+.8.'.- )den0i1y 0he solu0ion 0o a sys0em

D (' day)

Slo3e o1 a ine

rise# run# slo3e

/ra3hin( inear e4ua0ions Slo3e in0erce30 in slo3e-in0erce30 1orm 1orm# 2in0erce30# yin0erce30

/ra3hin( inear E4ua0ions in S0andard .orm

S0andard 1orm

Sys0ems o1 inear E4ua0ions

Solu0ion o1 a sys0em o1 linear e4ua0ions# sys0em o1 linear e4ua0ions

Pre-Algebra Course Syllabus 2013-2014

o1 linear e4ua0ions usin( (ra3hs M899.+.EE.3.+a ?nders0and 0he solu0ions 0o a sys0em o1 0%o linear e4ua0ions in 0%o 5ariables corres3ond 0o 3oin0s o1 in0ersec0ion o1 0heir (ra3hs. M899.+.EE.3.+.b Sol5e sys0ems o1 0%o linear e4ua0ions in 0%o 5ariable al(ebraically. M899.+.EE.3.+.c Sol5e real-%orld and ma0hema0ical 3roblems leadin( 0o 0%o linear e4ua0ions in 0%o 5ariables M8.+.8.'.':9rea0e and in0er3re0 0ables! (ra3hs! and models 0o re3resen0! analy6e! and sol5e 3roblems rela0ed 0o linear e4ua0ions. M8.+.'.3 ?se 0ables! (ra3hs! and models 0o re3resen0! analy6e! and sol5e real-%orld 3roblems rela0ed 0o sys0ems o1 linear e4ua0ions M8.+.8.'.- )den0i1y 0he solu0ion 0o a sys0em o1 linear e4ua0ions usin( (ra3hs M899.+.EE.3.+a ?nders0and 0he solu0ions 0o a sys0em o1 0%o linear e4ua0ions in 0%o 5ariables corres3ond 0o 3oin0s o1 in0ersec0ion o1 0heir (ra3hs. M899.+.EE.3.+.b Sol5e sys0ems o1 0%o linear e4ua0ions in 0%o 5ariable al(ebraically. M899.+.EE.3.+.c Sol5e real-%orld and ma0hema0ical 3roblems leadin( 0o 0%o linear e4ua0ions in 0%o 5ariables

S3ecial Sys0ems o1 inear E4ua0ions and Sol5in( Sys0ems by /ra3hin( 9ha30er 2 "e5ie% F Tes0

Pre-Algebra Course Syllabus 2013-2014

To 0he Paren0(s): Please read and discuss 0his ma0erial %i0h your son:dau(h0er. )0 is 5ery im3or0an0 0o me! as 0he ins0ruc0or! 0ha0 you and your child unders0and 0he e23ec0a0ions and re4uiremen0s o1 0his course. Please 1eel 1ree 0o con0ac0 me 5ia email or call me a0 0he middle school i1 you ha5e any 4ues0ions or concerns. Each s0uden0 is encoura(ed 0o 7ee3 a %ri00en record o1 0heir scores and 0o 0ally 0heir (rades 0hemsel5es durin( 0he nine %ee7s. ) a33recia0e your su33or0 and loo7 1or%ard 0o a 5ery 3roduc0i5e yearG Sincerely!

Tracy Meyer Please re0urn 0his 3a(e 0o me si(ned by 0he end o1 0he 1irs0 %ee7 o1 school. ) ha5e read and re5ie%ed %i0h my child 0he in1orma0ion re(ardin( Pre-8l(ebra e23ec0a0ions and con0en0.


HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Bor7 Phone (i1 ) may con0ac0 you 0here)


HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ++$mail #ddress++ ,Most *elp-ul: .lease print Clearly/

) ha5e read! re5ie%ed! and unders0and 0he in1orma0ion re(ardin( 8l(ebra ' a00ached.



0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Student $mail #ddress++ ,Most *elp-ul: .lease print Clearly/

Pre-Algebra Course Syllabus 2013-2014

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