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Poetry in the Spoken Word Overview: Students will learn how to analyze and evaluate poetry.

They will be able to identify the imagery, themes, and any parallels with the poem and the writers life and/or present day. This will be accomplished using both visual and audio mediums for the various types of learners, and to accommodate those with any learning disabilities. Standards: 9-10.RL.1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. 9-10.W. !se technology" including the #nternet" to produce" pu$lish" and update individual or shared writing products" ta%ing advantage of technology&s capacity to lin% to other information and to display information flexi$ly and dynamically. 9-10.'L.( )resent information" findings" and supporting evidence clearly" concisely" and logically such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organi*ation" development" su$stance" and style are appropriate to purpose" audience" and tas%. Objectives: This lesson will help students critically analyze 2- poems and/or songs of their choosing. The poems and/or songs may have the same theme, or be from the same author. Students will read the authors biography to help them better understand the mindset and, if available, listen to a reading of the wor! in the authors voice. Students will be able to ma!e connections with the conte"t of the poem and their own lives. #ith each poem students will translate the meaning and feeling the author is trying to get across. $f the student chooses to analyze a song, the student must include the type of music, list the different versions of the song, and research the singers/songwriters and what they hoped to communicate to their audience. Key Points: %eading &omprehension- Students will comprehend the literature given with the help of the music and/or recording as an audio aid. 'aving an audio recording to go along with the visual poem will cater to both audio and visual learners. (ral )resentation and &ommunication- Students will share and present a small portion of their chosen poem and/or song to the class.

#ritten &ommunication- students will improve on these s!ills when they write their analytical essay.

Assessment: *iography o )oem+ ,- paragraphs about the author and his/her time period and lifestyle. o Song+ ,- paragraphs about the singer and songwriter, the type of music theyre performing, and their target audience. #ritten analysis of poem/song. Students can do a side-by-side listing, or a line by line evaluation -inal essay or presentation o .ssay+ -/ pages reflective essay on the students e"perience of translating the poetry. o )resentation+ -/ minute presentation to the class on the students choices of poetry, and reflection on what they learned Procedure: 1. Opening and Introduction The beginning of the lesson will start with a poem of the teachers choice. 0 written copy will be handed out for students to read, then an audio presentation of the poem will be played 1poem can be read if needed2. 3e"t students listen to a popular song, then they will be handed the written lyrics. Teacher will e"plain that there are many different mediums to poetry, and every poem has a deeper meaning behind it. Students will be grouped up where one group will analyze the poem and the other will do the song. 2. Student Practice/ Procedure Students will be re4uired to choose 2- songs or poems 1it has to be a mi"ture, not all poems, and not all songs2, and have to be approved by the teacher. Then students will have to research the creators of the various mediums of poetry they chose to analyze. 0 biography will have to be turned $n with 2sources cited. The analysis may be done in a written format. Students will also group up for peer collaboration5 it is at this time that they can as! each other for help and opinions. The final reflection may either be presented or typewritten. The delivery of the final will be the students choice and must be communicated to the teacher. Students may also turn in drafts of the presentation and typewritten finals to the teacher for review. 3. Conclusion 6epending on the students decision, the student may+

o Turn in a hard copy of their reflective essay o &reate an e-portfolio with the lin!s of the songs, attachments of the poem, and final reflection, and email the compilation in. o )resent the reflection to the class Student may play their song of choice for the class

Reflection: This lesson plan ta!es into consideration the different types of learners. *ecause some students may have slight learning disabilities, the various mediums of poetry will allow students different ways to comprehend. -or e"ample, for a student with dysle"ia, they may find reading and listening to the poem at the same time will help with comprehension. 0lso, giving students a chance to decide what they want to focus on gives them room to choose something they are passionate about.

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