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Since Homo sapiens p live on the planet of earth c.a.180,000 years ago, g human activities have been increased that cause great impacts to environment

Major human cultural changes and d its it impact i tt to environment environme i nt t

Human Cultural changes
Humans were mostly hunter gatherers Agricultural g revolution

Major human activities

Hunting Food gathering g development, p , Settlement and agriculture domestication of animal, city development (urbanization) Development D l t of fi industrial d t i l process, mining i i and d fossil fuel production , increase the use of pesticide and chemical fertilizer, Rapid technology and information development, globalization on many aspects

Industrial revolution

Information and globalization revolution

Agricultural revolution

Settled Agriculture

Nomadic hunting g and food g gathering g Settled agriculture (animal domestication and p plants cultivation) ) Settled agriculture has increased food supply supp yt that at led ed to suppo support t more oe people, but decrease the environment qua y quality

Human activities for settled agriculture and its i impact t to t environmental i t l

Peoples Cut down vast forest to supply wood f fuel for f l and d building b ildi material t i l soil il erosion i Plowed up large expanses of grassland to grow crops turning fertile land to desert Built irrigation systems to transfer water from one place to another continous avaibility of water for f plants l

Such activities cause extensive land clearing which degraded the quality of ecosystems

Modern agriculture has harmful impacts on air, i soil, il water, t and d biodiversity bi di it resources

Raising livestock to produce meat by open

grazing could destroyed ecosystems

Lightly grazed


City development and urbanization b i i

Urbanization: the formation of villages, g town, and cities. Some villages grew into towns and cities, which served as center for trade, government and business Towns and cities concentrated sewage g and other wastes, polluted the air and water

Industrial revolution

Represented p shift from dependence p on renewable energy wood to nonrenewable fossil fuels ( first coal, later oil and natural gas) this led to switch from handmade g goods in small scale production p to large scale machine-made goods in industries cities

Effects of extracting, processing and using of mineral i l/f fossil il f fuels l


Using fossil fuels can leak into the h ocean ecosystems

a large g amount Liquid q fossil fuels can seeps into ocean

Tanker accidents Waste oil dumped from activities on land

Oil spill onto the ocean and kill a number of organisms


Spill of oil fossil fuel over the sea


Surface and subsurface mining cause pollution po ut o a and d deg degradation adat o o of st stream ea a and d groundwater by runoff of acids


Burning fossil fuels produces billions tones of CO2,, one of greenhouse gases that contribute global warming climate change
Projected emissions of three important greenhouse gases as a result of human activities


Several Impact of human activities cause a major issue: CLIMATE CHANGE



Building g roads is one of human activities that cause destruction and degradation land and ecosystem


Soil Degradation
Areas of degraded soil of the world

Controlling pest population by spraying a pesticides ti id

About 2.5 million tons of pesticides are use yearly in developed and developing countries to control pests such as insects The use of pesticides threat human health: -According WHO , nearly 3 million agricultural p g countries are seriously y workers in developing poisoned by pesticides each year, estimated 180,000 deaths p country y such as USA, , 300,000 , farms -In developed worker suffer from pesticides related illnesses each year

Decline of marine species (mostly fish)

About 75% of the worlds commercial oceanic i fi fish h stocks t k are in decline

Pollution, habitat degradation


Overload wastes into water cause d degradation d ti of f water t quality lit


Water use

Only a tiny amount of worlds abundant water is available as fresh water (2.6%)

Water is collected, collected purified purified, recycled recycled, distributed fresh water available (siklus air) Human withdraw fresh water from rivers, lakes, and aquifers for cities, cities residences and industry uses uses, and also to irrigate cropland

Global water use

The use of too much water by human may effect ff t to t the th avaibility ibilit of f f fresh h water t

Due to large population, human withdraw underground d d water t f faster t than th it is i replenished l i h d depletion of fresh water If it is happened near a coast, salt water can intrudes into aquifer and contaminate drinking water along coastal area



Too much water: flooding

Natural flooding primarily caused by heavy rain and degradation of water holding capacity of soil Natural flooding have benefits: - provide productive farmland - recharge groundwater - refill wetland However each year flood kills thousands of people and However, cause property damage Since 1960 human activities have contributed a severe flood damage by: -removing water-absorbing vegetation (hillsides) -draining wetland that absorb floodwater -living on flood plain

Flood Plain



Flooding on Jakarta


Nuclear power

Produce energy: produce electricity at much lower cost than coal Hi h l High-level l radioactive di ti wastes t ( (stored t di in pool l of f water t at t plant l t site) it ) Nuclear disaster happened at Ukraine (Chernobyl nuclear power plant) p ) in 1986: - killed 3,576 ~ 32,000 people - a series of explosions caused a huge radioactive d cloud spread over Ukraine, Russia and other parts of Europe - forced 40,000 people to leave their homes, probably never to return Global nuclear power plant peaked in the 1990s and is projected to decline


Information and globalization revolution l i

Technologies g such as telephone, p radio, television, computers, the g satellites internet, remote sensing providing people to access people to have much more information on a global scale


Positive affect of information and globalization l b li i revolution l i

Allow us to respond environmental problems more effectively and rapidly Allow us to use remote sensing satellites to survey resources and monitor changes in the worlds world s forests, forests grassland grassland, oceans, oceans rivers rivers, polar regions, cities, and other system Can reduce pollution and environmental degradation by substituting data for materials and energy and communication for transportation Allow environmental researchers and activist to exchange data and information rapidly


Negative affect of information and d globalization l b li i revolution l i

IT could cause confusion, distraction and sense of f hopelessness h l as rapidly idl growing environmental information Increase environmental degradation and decrease cultural diversity as a globalized economy spreads over most of the earth and homogenizes the worlds cultures including disease Creating and introducing new technologies much faster than we ca evaluate l t their th i i impacts t

Infectious disease

Spread by air, water, food, body fluids, some insects, i and d other h nonhuman h carrier (vector) Human activities such as International traveling can rapidly spread diseases such as flu, measles, chlorella, TB, smallpox and AIDS Migration g to uninhabited rural areas and deforestation in tropical country can expose to disease spread by vectors such h as malaria l i

Smallpox and AIDS

People with AIDS symptom

Child with smallpox


Humans activities affected bi di biodiversity i


Kill endangered animal cause d l i of depletion f bi biodiversity di i

Consume such p protein endanger g species of Gorilla Confiscated p products from endangered species


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