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Environment spoilt


Unlimited over-
development of
agriculture in the
Cameron Highlands at
the expense of the

Cameron Highlands becomes less attractive

Serious environmental problems are pollution by agriculture and urban REACH are: (a) to restore the water
threatening the Cameron Highlands area is mainly caused by over- catchment of the Cameron Highlands
development of urban area as well as as a river system with outstanding
The Cameron Highlands serves as an agriculture with excessive (illegal)
important catchment area for drinking pesticide usage, the absence of
water supply. Forest cover is essential riparian buffer zones along rivers,
in this function, despite that fact 30% illegal clearing of forests for The once tranquil highla
of land cover is used by agriculture nd
farming and the lack of proper resort gets over-develope
now. In preventing erosion and runoff waste water treatment facilities. d by
in agriculture the slope gradient of the unsustainable agriculture
land has to be less then 25°. At this
The lack of enforcement by at
responsible governmental agen- the cost of nature and th
moment almost 45% of the agri- cies makes things even worse. e
cultural land in the Cameron Besides this also water shortage is environment
Highlands exceeds 25°, causing a problem caused by large scale
massive siltation of rivers due to run- water tapping for irrigation
off. purposes in agriculture.
river water quality of high ecological,
Threats to Cameron’s Rivers environmental and aesthetic value that
REACH tries to help
is safe for recreation. (b) Conserving
The main rivers of the Highlands are
the rare and important forest
now heavily polluted with E. coli (a Several concerned residents of the
Cameron Highlands formed the ecosystem with river water of good
health hazard bacterium), pesticides,
quality. (c) Ensuring sufficient water
suspended solids (siltation; clay community organisation Regional
Environmental Awareness Cameron resources of good quality for the use
particles in the river) and sewage. This
as drinking water and irrigation as well
ongoing and increasing water Highlands (REACH). The aims of
as for nature.

Regional Environmental REACH Office

No. 1 Jalan Besar, Brinchang
R E A C H Awareness Cameron
39000 Cameron Highlands

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