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[Adult roles and responsibilites]

Communication skills:
Students will better understand communication.

[11th and 12th] [50 min]

Teachin+ 2aterials

Standards Ob!ectives:
STA()A*) 2

"#denti$% domain & level'

Students will identi$% e$$ective communication in interpersonal relationships.

Other *esources Technolo+ %


Ob!ective 1: #denti$% various t%pes o$ communication st%les. a. )e$ine the levels o$ communication. b. Assess personal communication st%les. c. #denti$% t%pes o$ destructive communication "blamin+, interruptin+, endless $i+htin+, character assassination, callin+ in rein$orcements, and withdrawal' d. #denti$% t%pes o$ constructive communication "#-messa+es, clari$%in+, timin+, /uestions, re$lective listenin+, respect, consideration, avoid an+er'

#ntroduction Set #nduction "5 min':

0ave students pla% telephone. The +ame where %ou +ive one students a sentence and whisper it in there ear then the% whisper it to ne1t and then the ne1t and so on.

Transition "5 min':

Tal. about what the% thou+ht o$ this activit% and have then shout out what the% thin. the lesson is on based on the activit%.


3esson 4od% "20 min'

Direct Instruction:

"5ontent Teachin+ 2ethods'

PHASE 1: Orientation to the Content (time): 6stablish a $ramewor. $or the lesson and orient the students to the new material Provide ob ective o! lesson and level o! "er!ormance re#uired: Describe the content o! the lesson and relationshi" to "rior kno$led%e&e'"erience: Discuss the "rocedures o! the lesson( the di!!erent "arts o! the lesson and student)s res"onsibilit* durin% ach activit* PHASE +: Presentation (time): Teacher presents new content and or s.ill. The success o$ the student relies on the thorou+hness and /ualit% o$ the teacher7s initial e1planation. 0ave students +o into +roups and have them identi$% what the% thin. the de$initions are $or: "blamin+, interruptin+, endless $i+htin+, character assassination, callin+ in rein$orcements, and withdrawal', a$ter 5 minutes have them share what the% thin.. PHASE ,: Structured Practice (time): 3ead students throu+h practice e1amples Then %ou +ive them real de$initions that %ou $ound and have them split up +roups "one $or all o$ the bad communication blamin+, interruptin+, enless $i+htin+, character assassination, callin+ in rein$orcements, and withdrawal' and have them come up with a scenerio and a little act or script dealin+ with the bad communication the% +ot. PHASE -: .uided Practice (time): )e$ined as in class 8seat wor.9 with the teacher circulatin+ monitorin+ students7 wor. and providin+ $eedbac. :al. around room while students are up there scenarios and help them out. PHASE /: Inde"endent Practice (time): Additional class time or homewor. be+innin+ when students achieved ;5-<0= accurac% level

Transition "10 min':

0ave them present there scenarios.

Summar% 5losure "time':

Then sum up b% about the de$initions a+ain and how the pla%s were connected with the de$nition o$ each bad communication.

Assessment 6valuation:
5ras vel massa condimentum nisi ultricies venenatis at id nibh. >usce et risus e+et ne/ue sceleris/ue vestibulum. #n vestibulum arcu e+et risus con+ue con+ue.


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