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Dementia Cases Expected to Triple in Coming Decades

By Alexandra Sifferlin (Dec 5th, 2013 via Time Magazine !ealth"

#$rrently, a%&$t '' milli&n (e&(le are living )ith dementia, )hich incl$de* Alzheimer+* di*ea*e, )&rld)ide, %$t acc&rding t& Alzheimer+* Di*ea*e ,nternati&nal, ca*e* &f the di*ea*e c&$ld reach 135 milli&n %y 2050-

.hy/ Beca$*e )e are living l&nger, and dementia generally affect* the elderly.hat+* tr&$%ling a%&$t the late*t *tati*tic* i* that %y 2050, 011 &f dementia (atient* are ex(ected t& %e in middle inc&me and (&&r c&$ntrie*, *$ch a* th&*e in S&$th 2a*t A*ia and Africa, that are n&t (re(ared f&r the *$rge-

,n a re(&rt that )a* relea*ed %ef&re the 34 dementia *$mmit in 5&nd&n *ched$led next )ee6, the re*earcher* *ay m&*t g&vernment* are 7)&ef$lly $n(re(ared f&r the dementia e(idemic87 &nly 13 c&$ntrie* have rai*ed f$nd* and %eg$n (lan* f&r a dementia (r&gram t& acc&mm&date the added *&cial *$((&rt and medical *ervice* needed %y the*e (atient*- Already, dementia care acc&$nt* f&r a%&$t 11 &f gl&%al gr&** d&me*tic (r&d$ct, at 9:00 %illi&n, and )ith m&re affected (e&(le, that n$m%er )ill &nly %all&&n-

;All nati&n* that m$*t c&mmit t& a *$*tained increa*e in dementia re*earch and a c&m(rehen*ive (lan f&r c&lla%&rative acti&n inv&lving all relevant g&vernment *ect&r*, ind$*try and civil *&ciety,7 the a$th&r* *ay, calling dementia &ne &f the %igge*t gl&%al health challenge* &f thi* generati&n-

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