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October 28th 6:00pm-8:00 pm Go Math!

Parent night (P/A 2 1/2 hrs; 5 1/2 hrs total)

This was a parent night given by the ASD to assist Parents in learning about the new Go Math! Curriculum. It was a wonderful presentation and very instructive for me as a student teacher as well. The meeting began with an overall introduction of the Go Math! Curriculum, explaininhg how it was chosen by the school district and then Mrs. Erb discussed some of the advantages of the curriculum for students, but also for parents in that the GO Math Curriculum is so easily accessible theorugh their website for parents as well as students. The next part of the evening was broken up into small group sessions where parents could go to a small group to learn about their students grade level. This was particularly informative as the ASD expert at each grade level was present for the parents to ask questions. Finally the parents were able to go to a computer room and learnhow to log in to the go Math! Website and access information that would help their student. More teachers were present to help the parents get passwords and log on information. Overall it was a very successful and helpful program for parents and teachers alike!

Webinar 1: Transforming Schools through Family, School, and Community Engagement (1 hr; 6 1/2 hrs total) The introduction of the Webinar had James Shelton, assistant Deputy Secretary of the Department of Education discuss Family Engagement and the need for core areas of reform, he was followed by Anna Hinton who discussed the goals of the project which are to have all families have access to their

students information and receive the support they need; and to ensure schools and school districts have the support they need to develop family school engagement projects. The next speaker, Heather Weiss, discussed the necessity of data to track student success, and the necessity for parents to have access to this data. She discussed pilot programs that were established to integrate data better with parent engagement programs. United Way, and Iowa Parent Information resource Center then gave briefer presentations about actual projects that sought to implement parent engagement as models for how to engage parents and teachers better in our own school environments. Webinar 4: The Teacher Parent Relationship: Using Professional Development to improve family and community Engagement. After opening remarks, the PTAs Chuck Saylors presented on the benefits of Parent teacher partnerships, giving examples form specific school districts, then he discussed how 15states have codified the PTAs National Standards into state law, and how these standards give parents and educators a clear road map for family engagement strategies. Then Jane Groff gave a presentation on how to educate teachers so that they are better able to integrate parent engagement. Several University programs were discussed, and the power of having a parent teacher engagement unit in teacher training schools was established to better prepare teachers to engage with families. Katherine Mora the n discussed parent engagement at the Early Childhood level. This was followed by a University of MN presentation on a redesign initiative in order to refresh and redesign current initiatives.

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