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MA DOE Preservice Performance Assessment (PPA) for Teacher Candidates Only

Please use this assessment in conjunction with the Preservice Performance Assessment (PPA) Guidelines found in all Springfield College fieldwork handbooks: evaluation questions relating to standards A-E and license-specific questions per standard B2c below are listed in the guidelines. [Note: The practicum report is page one of the PPA]

Standard A - Plans Curriculum and Instruction

1. Draws on content standards of the relevant curriculum frameworks to plan sequential units of study, individual lessons, and learning activities that make learning cumulative and advance students level of content knowledge. (Specify Curriculum Framework title, learning standards, and concept and skills used [attach list if necessary]). 2. Draws on results of formal and informal assessments as well as knowledge of human development to identify teaching strategies and learning activities appropriate to the specific discipline, age, level of English language proficiency, and range of cognitive levels being taught. . !dentifies appropriate reading materials, other resources, and writing activities for promoting further learning by the full range of students within the classroom. ". !dentifies prerequisite skills, concepts, and vocabulary needed for the learning activities and design lessons that strengthen student reading and writing skills. #. $lans lessons with clear ob%ectives and relevant measurable outcomes. &. Draws on resources from colleagues, families, and the community to enhance learning. '. !ncorporates appropriate technology and media in lesson planning. (. )ses information in !ndividuali*ed Education $rograms +!E$s, to plan strategies for integrating students with disabilities into general education classrooms. -. )ses instructional planning, materials, and student engagement approaches that support students of diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, strengths, and challenges.



E#$lanation of atin! for Standard A - Plans Curriculum and Instruction

atin! Scale" %&Does 'ot Meet the Standard( )&Meets the Standard* +&E#ceeds the Standard( 'A&'ot A$$lica,le-

Candidate.s 'ame" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////0icense" ///////////////////////////// Colle!e Su$ervisor (si!n)" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Date" ////////////////////// Su$ervisin! Practitioner (si!n)" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////Date" /////////////////////

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MA DOE Preservice Performance Assessment (PPA) for Teacher Candidates Only Standard 1 2 Delivers Effective Instruction
1. .ommunicates high standards and e/pectations when beginning the lesson. a, 0akes learning ob%ectives clear to students. b, .ommunicates clearly in writing and speaking, and through the use of appropriately designed visual and conte/tual aids. c, )ses engaging ways to begin a new unit of study or lesson. d, 1uilds on students prior knowledge and e/perience. 2. .ommunicates high standards and e/pectations when carrying out the lesson. a, )ses a balanced approach to teaching skills and concepts of elementary reading and writing. b, Employs a variety of content2based and content2oriented teaching techniques from more teacher2directed strategies such as direct instruction, practice, and 3ocratic dialogue, to less teacher2directed approaches such as discussion, problem solving, cooperative learning, and research pro%ects +among others,. c, Demonstrates an adequate knowledge of and approach to the academic content of lessons. Physical Education license s$ecific content" 1. Demonstrates an adequate knowledge of the principles of health2related fitness and nutrition. 2. )ses knowledge of motor development +growth and development, when developing and modifying lessons. . Demonstrates an adequate knowledge of the history and foundations of physical education4kinesiology +e.g., e/ercise physiology, biomechanics, psycho2 social aspects of play and sport, history of physical education,. ". Demonstrates an adequate knowledge of movement concepts, skill themes, and sports concepts. #. Demonstrates an adequate knowledge of a range of appropriate play and sports for $re5212 and the relevant motor skills. &. Demonstrates knowledge of appropriate physical and safety limitations, legal standards, tort liability, first aid and .ardiac $ulmonary 6esuscitation +.$6, when conducting a lesson. '. Demonstrates an adequate knowledge of adaptations for students with disabilities. (. 6efers to appropriate learning standards in the .omprehensive 7ealth .urriculum 8ramework in developing a lesson. d, Employs a variety of reading and writing strategies for addressing learning ob%ectives. e, )ses questioning to stimulate thinking and encourages all students to respond. f, )ses instructional technology appropriately. g, )ses effective strategies and techniques for making content accessible to English language learners. h, Demonstrates knowledge of the difference between social and academic language and the importance of this difference in planning, differentiating and delivering effective instruction for English language learners at various levels of English language proficiency and literacy.


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MA DOE Preservice Performance Assessment (PPA) for Teacher Candidates Only

. .ommunicates high standards and e/pectations when e/tending and completing the lesson. a, 9ssigns homework or practice that furthers student learning and checks it. b, $rovides regular and frequent feedback to students on their progress. c, $rovides many and varied opportunities for students to achieve competence. ". .ommunicates high standards and e/pectations when evaluating student learning. a, 9ccurately measures student achievement of, and progress toward, the learning ob%ectives with a variety of formal and informal assessments, and uses results to plan further instruction. b, :ranslates evaluations of student work into records that accurately convey the level of student achievement to students, parents or guardians, and school personnel.


E#$lanation of atin! for Standard 1 2 Delivers Effective Instruction

atin! Scale" %&Does 'ot Meet the Standard( )&Meets the Standard* +&E#ceeds the Standard( 'A&'ot A$$lica,le-

Note !ith a rating of " or #, the signatures $elow signify that e%idence was found for all indicators in Standard & and specifically for all topics listed under &"c, unless otherwise noted (e.g., no opportunity to demonstrate a particular topic'content area). Candidate.s 'ame" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////0icense" ///////////////////////////// Colle!e Su$ervisor (si!n)" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Date" ////////////////////// Su$ervisin! Practitioner (si!n)" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////Date" /////////////////////

Standard C 2 Mana!es Classroom Climate and O$eration

1. .reates and maintains a safe and collaborative learning environment that values diversity and motivates students to meet high standards of conduct, effort and performance. 2. .reates a physical environment appropriate to a range of learning activities. . 0aintains appropriate standards of behavior, mutual respect, and safety. ". 0anages classroom routines and procedures without loss of significant instructional time. ;;#. 9voids stereotyping and uses effective strategies to deal with inappropriate remarks made by others. ;;:his item does not appear on the 09 $reservice $erformance 9ssessment. !t has been added by 3pringfield .ollege to further assess the candidates competence in this area.


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MA DOE Preservice Performance Assessment (PPA) for Teacher Candidates Only

atin!" E#$lanation of atin! for Standard C 2 Mana!es Classroom Climate and O$eration

atin! Scale" %&Does 'ot Meet the Standard( )&Meets the Standard* +&E#ceeds the Standard( 'A&'ot A$$lica,le-

Candidate.s 'ame" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////0icense" ///////////////////////////// Colle!e Su$ervisor (si!n)" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Date" ////////////////////// Su$ervisin! Practitioner (si!n)" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////Date" /////////////////////

Standard D 2 Promotes E3uity

1. Encourages all students to believe that effort is a key to achievement. 2. <orks to promote achievement by all students without e/ception. . 9ssesses the significance of student differences in home e/periences, background knowledge, learning skills, learning pace, and proficiency in the English language for learning the curriculum at hand and uses professional %udgment to determine if instructional ad%ustments are necessary. ". 7elps all students to understand 9merican civic culture, its underlying ideals, founding political principles and political institutions, and to see themselves as members of a local, state, national, and international civic community. #. .ollaborates with families, recogni*ing the significance of native language and culture to create and implement strategies for supporting student learning and development both at home and at school. ;;&. Deals equitably and responsibly with all learners that creates a larger community no matter what their race, ethnicity, level of English language proficiency, gender, se/ual orientation, religion, socioeconomic class, ability or needs. ;;:his item does not appear on the 09 $reservice $erformance 9ssessment. !t has been added by 3pringfield .ollege to further assess the candidates competence in this area.



E#$lanation of atin! for Standard D 2 Promotes E3uity

atin! Scale" %&Does 'ot Meet the Standard( )&Meets the Standard* +&E#ceeds the Standard( 'A&'ot A$$lica,le-

Candidate.s 'ame" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////0icense" ///////////////////////////// Colle!e Su$ervisor (si!n)" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Date" ////////////////////// Su$ervisin! Practitioner (si!n)" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////Date" /////////////////////

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MA DOE Preservice Performance Assessment (PPA) for Teacher Candidates Only

Standard E 2 Meets Professional es$onsi,ilities

1. )nderstands his or her legal and moral responsibilities. 2. .onveys knowledge of and enthusiasm for his4her academic discipline to students. . 0aintains interest in current theory, research, and developments in the academic discipline and e/ercises %udgment in accepting implications or findings as valid for application in classroom practice. ". .ollaborates with colleagues to improve instruction, assessment, and student achievement. #. <orks actively to involve parents in their childs academic activities and performance, and communicates clearly with them. &. 6eflects critically upon his or her teaching e/perience, identifies areas for further professional development as part of a professional development plan that is linked to grade level, school, and district goals, and is receptive to suggestions for growth. '. )nderstands legal and ethical issues as they apply to responsible and acceptable use of the !nternet and other resources.



E#$lanation of atin! for Standard E 2 Meets Professional es$onsi,ilities

atin! Scale" %&Does 'ot Meet the Standard( )&Meets the Standard* +&E#ceeds the Standard( 'A&'ot A$$lica,le-

Candidate.s 'ame" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////0icense" ///////////////////////////// Colle!e Su$ervisor (si!n)" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Date" ////////////////////// Su$ervisin! Practitioner (si!n)" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////Date" /////////////////////

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MA DOE Preservice Performance Assessment (PPA) for Teacher Candidates Only

Summary Decision for Preservice Performance Assessment

Teacher candidate.s Preservice Performance Assessment in the $racticum or $racticum e3uivalent meets the Professional Standards for Teachers" 4es //////// or 'o ////////Candidate (si!n)" ////////////////////////////////////////////////MEPID or 0icense5: _____________ Colle!e Su$ervisor (si!n)" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Date" ////////// Su$ervisin! Practitioner (si!n)" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////Date" //////////

(a) Plans Curriculum (,) Delivers Effective Instruction (c) Mana!es Classroom Climate (d) Promotes E3uity (e) Meets Professional es$onsi,ilities

atin! (from $$- )-6)

atin! Scale" %&Does 'ot Meet the Standard( )&Meets the Standard* +&E#ceeds the Standard( 'A&'ot A$$lica,le-

Teachin! A,ility (7on the floor8) 9rade//////////////

(Su$ervisin! Practitioner ; Colle!e Su$ervisor colla,orate)

:inal Practicum 9rade ////////////

(Includes all <ritten assi!nments- CS determines final !rade)

Summary Comments (include $hrases that could ,e used in a letter of recommendation)" Areas of stren!th"

Areas in need of im$rovement"

The s$onsorin! or!ani=ation should maintain this assessment record as $art of its candidate.s $ermanent file- Co$ies do not have to ,e sent to the De$artment of Education-

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