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The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography Chapter 1 page 1-5 1. !.

What is contemporary geography Ho" doe Geographers organi#e material Why

$. Ho" do Historians organi#e material Why %. What ! &actors pull people in opposite directions 5. What ! things encourages glo'ali#ation (. What pro'lems occur 'ecause o& these ! con&licting causes ). What sym'ols o& glo'ali#ation do you see in the picture on pages !*$ +. Who in,ented the "ord geography -. Geo1..Graphy11.Human Geography1!./hysical Geography1$.Why do "e al"ays ha,e to consider the physical geography 1%.What are the ! main &eatures o& human 'eha,ior "e &ocus on 15.0ame $ e1amples o& culture. 1(. 0ame $ e1amples o& 2conomic Acti,ities. 1).3ap1+.Why is Geography di&&erent &rom other areas o& study 1-. What in&ormation is displayed on page 5 &igure 1-1 !../lace!1.4egion!!.What is the $rd 5Why6 7uestion geographers as8 !$.9cale!%.9pace-


The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography Chapter 1 :2; I99<2 1 page 5-1$ 1. Ho" many maps are in this 'oo8

!. What is cartography $. Why is a map a re&erence tool %. Why is a map a communication tool 5. Where do the earliest maps come &rom (. Who incorporated geometry to measure land area ). Who sho"ed the earth as a cylinder +. Who "rote the &irst geography 'oo8 -. What did Aristotle demonstrate 1..Why did he thin8 it "as a sphere =$> 11.What is circum&erence 1!.What 5 climatic #ones did 2ratosthenes come up "ith 1$. What did /tolemy use to "rite his Guide to Geography 1%.Who "as the &ather o& Chinese Cartography 15.What type o& in&o did Chines maps record 1(.Which 3uslim geographer created ne" maps using /tolemy?s "or8 1).Who "rote 4ihlah Why are his tra,els important 1+.Why did translations o& /tolemy?s maps help 2urope

1-. What does scale re&er to on a map !..4atio-

!1.Written scale!!.Graphic scale!$.What is a pro@ection !%.What are % causes o& distortion on maps !5. /ros * Cons o& di&&erent map pro@ections /ro@ection 27ual Area /ro@ections 4o'inson /ro@ection 3ercator /ro@ections /ros Cons

!(. What did the Land Ardinance o& 1)+5 do in the <.9 !).To"nship!+./rinciple meridians B !-.Case Lines$..What is the location o& the Tallahatchie 4i,er $1.Ho" many sections is each to"nship di,ided into $!.Ho" much land "as in a Homestead during the "estern e1pansion o& the <.9. $$.What is GI9cience $%.What is G/9 $5.What are the $ parts o& a G/9 system $(. Who is li8ely to use G/9 $).Ho" do indi,iduals contri'ute to the creation o& digital maps $+.What is in&ormation gathered &rom satellites * other long-distance methods

$-.What is a stic8 chart Ho" does it "or8 %..What is GI9 %1.Why "ould someone "ant a layered map %!.Ho" did Ian 3cHarg help de,elop modern GI9 so&t"are %$.3ash-<p -

The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography

Chapter 1 :ey Issue ! page 1$-!. 1. !. $. %. 5. (. ). +. -. 1.. 11. 1!. What is the scale o& placeD region What ma8es a place or region distinct LocationEour methods o& descri'ing location ToponymWhy do "e name places a&ter people =(> What is the Welsh "ord &or meandering What are the origins o& the Losanti,ille Why did they change to Cincinnati Why did Hot 9prings 0.3. change its name What "as the concern o& the Coard o& Geographical names Why do you thin8 names change a&ter a "ar

4ead Article 50ames A Changin6 Time 3aga#ine 1$. 1%. 15. 1(. 1). 1+. 1-. !.. !1. !!. !$. !%. 9iteWhat are some important site characteristics Ho" much did /eter 3inuit 'uy 3anhattan Island &or in 1(!( Ho" did 3anhattan gro" in the 1+th century 9itutationWhat are the ! reasons situation is important Why is 9ingapore important 3eridianLongitude/rime 3eridian/arallelLatitude-

!5. !(. !). !+. !-. $.. A $1. $!. $$. $%. $5. $(. $).

What is the location o& 3idlandF TG. What is the sym'ol &or minutes What is the sym'ol &or seconds Ho" does G/9 'rea8 do"n degrees o& latitude and longitude Hescri'e 9ingapore gi,en Eigure 1-11 Ho" did ancient people measure latitude Why "as Green"ichF 2ngland 4oyal A'ser,atory chosen as the site o& Ho" did Iohn Harrison "in the pri#e to measure Longitude accurately Why did they "ait %. years to gi,e him the pri#e 4egionCultural landscape4egional studiesWhat did cultural geographers argue What are integrated characteristics

$+. WhoJWhat is the most important element o& change on 2arth according to the author $-. %.. %1. %!. %$. What is the Geographers @o' What are the t"o types o& 4egions geographers use =scale> Eormal 4egionHo" does 3ontana meet this de&inition Ho" does &igure 1-1% meet this de&inition

%%. What cautionary step does the author remind us o& in identi&ying &ormal regions %5. %(. Eunctional 4egionKernacular 4egion-

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