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Most colonists lived on small, self-sufficient farms. A few small port cities connected the colonies to each other, Great Britain, and other markets. There were Human, geographic, and economic differences among the colonies. New England Colonies: Mostly white Immigrants changed puritan seeking religious freedom. It has the environment in the poor rocky soil for farm land, cold colonies by clearing climate, and rich fishing and timber trees for farming, resources. The economy is based on trading fur, and ship building, fishing, sailing, skilled creating port cities, which soon became the Middle Colonies: settled by Protestants centers of trade. Some for religious and economic reasons. It of these port cities were New York City and has good farm land, fur resources, and a cool climate. The economy is based of Boston. Immigrants also introduced the fur trade and farming. diseases which killed Southern Colonies group: Settled many Indians. The mostly for economic reasons. Large Franklin Stove was plantations used slave labor. Rich soil for introduced bringing farming and warm climate made for a heat into the home and longer growing season. The main replacing fireplaces. economy was based on cash crops.


Representative Government-The power and right to govern come from the people who choose leaders to make and enforce the law on their behalf. Enlightenment- A period of time when philosophy of reason (thinking) was used as a guide for society. Explanations were made using logic instead of religion. Montesquieu- argued for separation of powers (branches of government) John Locke- argued for government by consent of the governed and the natural rights of citizens (life, liberty, and property). Term Magna Carta (1215) English Bill of Rights Mayflower Compact (1620) Virginia House of Burgesses Fundamental Orders of Connecticut Description (British) power is shared monarch and parliament. Nobles demand a say in government. (British) Protected individual rights (trial by jury, right to petition); elected parliament must approve taxes. Plan for self government signed by Pilgrims promising to obey laws for the good of the colony. First elected lawmaking body (group) in the colonies. The colonial legislature shared power with the royal governor. First example of a constitution (a formal written plan for government). Thomas Hooker idea. It expands the right to vote to all freemen.

New England town meetings were common. This was a direct form of democracy where everyone had a say in deciding. Individuals like William Penn (of Pennsylvania), gave all freemen the right to vote in self-government based on personal virtues and Quaker religious beliefs.

Characteristics of the 13 Colonies

1) How were the colonial regions affected by geography?

2) How did geography effect immigration to the colonies?

Foundations of Representative Government

1) Why do you think colonists were so eager to form their own self government? 2) What contributed to the development of representative government?

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