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Cancer Fighting Foods

Vegetables & fruits

1. Cruciferous Vegetables: Cruciferous Vegetables were reported

in studies back in 1970s that they are associated with lowering cancer risk. The Cruciferous Vegetables include those of boy choy, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, kale, kohlrabi, rutabagas, mustard greens, horseradish, raish, watercress, turnips and their greens. The reason why Cruciferous Vegetables are known to lower and fight cancer is because they are rich in phytochemicals. These phytochemicals include, sulforaphanes, indoles, indol-3-carbinols, and isothiocynates. Isothiocynates help in destroying the cancer cells by stopping carcinogens before they have a chance to be activated. This phytochemical is really helpful is cases of lung and esophageal cancers. This phytochemicals as well may also prevent cancers of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system. Indol-3carbinols are known to help in lowering the rates of breast and prostate cancer.

2. Tomatoes:

Tomatoes are shown to lower risk of cancers. This is

because of their phyto-chemical called lycopene, which is the chemical that makes tomatoes to bright and red.

3. Garlic: Garlic is known to be a cancer-suppressing agent. Dr.

Benjamin Lau, M.d., PH.D. a professor of microbiology, immunology and surgery at Loma Linda University School of Medicine in California, studied one of the most well known

studies, about garlic. According to Dr. Lau, the way in which cancer may be prevented may be due to Garlics ability to detoxify the heavy metals in the body. Heavy metals include those of lead, cadmium, cobalt, and mercury, can be absorbed in our systems by exposure to polluted air, paints, drinking water, contaminated fish, and dental amalgams. Dr. Lau had cited many studies that show garlics ability to get rid of toxic substances. One is that Dr. Lau himself claims that garlic helps the effect of radiation. Garlic capability to kill mold, viruses, and bacteria has been well documented over the years. Aflatoxin, a carcinogenic mold contaminates peanuts, grains, beans, and sweet potatoes, is withdrawn by garlic. In northern China where people eat about five to ten cloves of garlic a day, where shown to have lower incidences of stomach cancer. A study done by Iowa Womens Health Study determined, that women who ate a lot of garlic were about 30 percent less likely to develop cancer in the colon. *When cooking with garlic you never want to oven roasts it whole, because the special properties of allicin wont form and the allicin will be destroyed by heat. But if garlic is chopped allow it to sit for ten to fifteen minutes before cooking so the anticancer qualities of allicin can form, do these before cooking them or eating raw. * People who become overheated easily should watch and limit their intake of garlic, because garlic can worsen this imbalance.

4. Onions:

Onions are one of the highest sources of flavonoid

quercitin. Quercitin has been shown to prevent spread of human

breast cancer cells in test tubes and to delay mammary tumor growth in the body. Onions are one the earliest known food medicines that have been used to get rid of impurities from the body. Since onions have big amounts of sulfur, they are a great for liver detoxification.

5. Sea Vegetables:

In traditional Oriental medicine, sea vegetables

are used to soften the harden areas and masses in the body, detoxify, moisten, dryness, remove residues of radiation in the body, alkalize the blood, and ease liver stagnancy. They are also beneficial to the thyroid and used to improve water metabolism and cleanse the lymphatic system. Scientists at the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Maryland, have studied the chemical components, of a particular a sea vegetable algae, which appears to be more effective in cancer treatment than the drug taxol, which is a drug that has been used to treat breast and prostate cancer. Agar, which is also a sea vegetable, is used in making vegetarian gelatin, which has been shown to bind with heavy metals and radiation, by carrying them out of the body. Only a small percentage of our diet needs to consist of these. That means our diet could vary from eating a daily bowl of miso soup with sea vegetables, adding some dulse to a salad, cooking beans or rice with a strip of kombu, preparing vegan nori rolls, or making an unsweetened jelled dish with agar. Fats

6. Essential Fatty Acids: There are some fats that are good and
some that are bad. Good fats are essential for optimal health. The

fats that are important are the omega-3 fatty acids. These oils of fats are abundant in certain fish, flaxseeds, and cod liver oil. In the past years studies have been shown that omega-3 (high in alphalinolenic acid) have pro-oxidant activity in tumor cells. These fats help make cell membranes more permeable, potentially increasing a cancer cells sensitivity to therapies. One study was done comparing omega-3s to vegetable oils (rich in omega-6). These two fats were giving to twenty-five women who were at high risk for breast cancer. The ones who had omega-3s had a significantly decrease in their risk of breast cancer related to the ones who had the omega-6. The ones with omega-6 neither increased or decreased and stayed the same. Another study was done and presented at the Twenty-Third Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium in 2000, Dr. Paul Goss, from the university of Toronto and director of the breast cancer prevention program at the Princess Margaret Hospital and Toronto Hospital, presented a study that he had conducted. This study was done with fifty women who had newly diagnosed breast cancer tumors. While they were waiting for their surgery each women ate a muffin. Some were given one with 25 grams of ground flaxseed, each day and some were given regular muffins. The ones and the end of the study that has eaten ground flaxseed muffins, their tumor site was significantly reduced compared to those who had no flaxseeds in their muffins.

*Ground flaxseed: Eat about two tablespoons of this per day. They are great in breakfast cereals, smoothies, protein shakes, salads, or muffins. * Flaxseed oil: Flax oil is great for you as well. Try to buy it in opaque bottles and keep it in the refrigerator at all times. Date it at purchase and throw out after three months since this oil goes bad quickly. Never use this oil or any other type of oil that has a bitter taste. * Flaxseed oil: Never cook with flax oil, because it has high amounts of polyunsaturates, which are easily damaged by heat, and oxidized oils are very unhealthy. The type of oil you can use with heat would be coconut oil, because it is high in medium-chain triglycerides Whole Grains 1.Whole Grains: All whole grains have an important part in our diet. They are rich in fiber, which helps the body get rid of harmful wastes and banish estrogens. In 1970, British physician Dennis Burkitt observed that a high-fiber diet with whole grains, vegetables and fruits reduce diseases of the digestive tract. He as well reported that in countries that where diets are high in fiber, there were fewer results of colon cancer. When buying grains make sure theyre always in whole form. Dont buy them if they have been grounded or cracked, transformed in any way. Best is to buy your own whole grains and grind them yourself and use them shortly after being grounded. When you buy whole grains flours, cereals, or other

products alike you never know how long they have been sitting on the Shelfs before you buy them. The best forms of grains would be whole millet, brown rice in all varieties, quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth, spelt, barley, and oats. Legumes Beans, Lentils, and Split Peas 1. Legumes Beans, Lentils, and Split Peas: One study was done were they found that Hispanic women who ate twice as many beans as white women had a lower rate of breast cancer. They reason for this because of an estrogen-blocking phytoestrogen in beans. * The best beans to cook are mung and adzuki beans because they are easy to digest the best. Mung beans, in both traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, are thought to have detoxifying properties. Chickpeas ( garbanzos) are a good source of iron- a mineral that many cancer patients can become deficient in. Lentils are very stabilizing for blood sugar level. They are practical because they cook in less than an hour. All legumes are good, so give beans, lentils, and split peas so make them an important part of your daily diet. Spices 1. Spices: Many of us love adding spices to our foods, so thats one great benefit for us, because they are really important for keeping cancer away! Here are some spices that are great from preventing cancer, Turmeric (Curcumin), Rosemary, Oregano, Ginger Root, Mint, and Parsley. 2. Turmeric: Is a ground spice that is used in curry dishes, turmeric contains a yellow compound, which is known as curcumin. This spice is

very beneficial in preventing cancer, because it has known to inhibit carcinogens such as benzopyrene (found in charbroiled meat). This spice also directly inhibits the growth of cancer cells. Curumin helps from resulting in colon polyps, colon cancer, and have been demonstrated to slow prostate cancer cell proliferation. 3. Rosemary: Is known as a pine-scented herb with needle like leaves growing off each stem. Rosemary contains carnasol, a phytochemical with strong antioxidant action. Carnasol may help to detoxify substances that initiate the cancer process and help prevent skin and lung cancers. 4. Oregano: Is an herb that is associated with Italian food. Oregano contains quercitin, which is known to be a strong antioxidant, which is also in onions. It is in farnesol too which, is a phytochemical that has blocked the growth of a fast growing skin cancer known as mice. 5. Ginger Root: This spice is listed by the National Cancer Institute, as one of the spices with the strongest anticancer activity. Gingers strong flavor comes from the phytochemical gingerol, which is considered to induce cancer cell death. 6. Mint: Is a great source of the phytochemical limonene. Mint can be added to so many things such as, Herbal tea, juiced with vegetables for a refreshing nice drink, or even added with your melons or salads. Limonene is known to be a strong anticancer agent that can block the development of breast tumors and shrink them. 7. Parsley: Is not a so-subtle inhibitor of cancer, but parsley packs a wallop of protection against carcinogens. This herb is rich is polyacetylenes, phytochemicals that offer protection against a certain

carcinogen in tobacco smoke. Parsley helps regulate the bodys production of prostaglandin, a substance that is a strong tumor promoter. Liquids 1. Liquids: Some are good for the body and some arent. Ones that are healing towards the body are juicing, wheatgrass, water, and Green Tea. Those that should no be highly looked at are black tea, coffee, alcohol, and commercial beverages. 2. Juicing: Is a great way to get all you antioxidants and vitamin/minerals you need in a day if you dont have time to eat all your servings. 3. Wheatgrass: Has been found to neutralize and detoxify toxins from automobile exhaust and other pollutants. Dr. Chin-Nan Lai at the University of Texas showed that, wheatgrass has a strong antimutagenic effect and antineoplastic power to fight tumors. Wheatgrass been shown to help with many symptoms, some including lower blood pressure, heal wounds, and neutralizes toxins and carcinogens in the body. 4. Water: Is important to our body, because first of all out body in composed of 75 percent of water so therefore we need water. The second is that it help flush out all the toxins in our bodies and helps us from becoming dehydrated. 5. Green Tea: One cup of green tea contains about 100 to 200 milligrams of tannins, the main constituent being EGCG. EGCG has been shown to lower the number of tumor promoters in the tissue.

6. Alcohol: We all hear that some wine or beer help with your heart and help lower your risk of cardiovascular disease. But Alcohol is also hard on the liver as well at the same time. Alcohol is hard for your body to metabolize, and is very acidic. Alcohol beverages such as beer, wine, hard liquor are risk factors in developing cancer of the colon, liver, breast, oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, and esophagus. * If you need to drink to comfort yourself and something you like to do with your friends or family, limit yourself to one glass or cup of an alcohol beverage a week. Foods 1. Sweeteners: According to Otto Warburg, The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar. Sugars are known to feed cancer cells, and possibly help with the change of the protective coating the envelopes cancer cells, done by stopping the white bloods cells of the immune system from sensing and destroying them. High sugar diets are associated with an increased risk of breast, biliary (Bile duct or other systems of ducts within the liver), pancreatic, and colon orectal (colon/rectal) cancers. Refined sugars cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels, because they absorb quickly into the bloodstream. The pancreas, in response, releases insulin. By having to much insulin can cause a host of physical problems, which include cancer cell growth with, breast, colon, stomach, ovarian, endometrial, lung, and prostate cancer. High insulin levels may also determine if your breast cancer

returns after going through treatment, high levels up the risk of recurrence and death to at least eightfold. *Artificial sweeteners are even worse than sugars. In 1991 an article was in the Journal of Advancement of Medicine, stating the potential detrimental effects of aspartame (NutraSweet) as the cause of brain tumors. The National Cancer Institute, also concludes there been, a significant increase in primary brain cancers and brain lymphomas since 1985. This sharp increase occurred within one to two years following licensing in July 1983 if the chemical aspartame for use in beverages. *Beware of Splenda, because it has chlorine molecules substituted in exchange for sugar molecules. If you need sugar, use sweeteners such as stevia. 2. Meat and other Animal Products: Animals are at the top of the food chain, which mean they have toxins in their body that they absorb into their bodies from, toxic air, soil, food, and the water in their flesh, just like them we store them in ours. For this to happen factory farms farm and raise their animals in overcrowding areas, unsanitary conditions, and High stress situations. Followed by this is their poor feeding that has completely deviated from animals intended fare with antibiotics, and continual injections of growth hormones to make them grow faster and produce more milk. All these conditions add to the diseases in animals and their toxic flesh and fat for us to ingest and eat. Instead of farm factories giving their animals more humane conditions like fresh air, decent food, and the freedom to move around in open spaces, they dont care about them or us. They rather give the majority of them,

pumped antibiotics and feed them food that has been sprayed with pesticides and filled with additives that are sometimes unthinkable and we are eating them! When we eat flesh of sick animals (growing numbers have been found to have cancerous tumors at the time of processing), and we eat this flesh that is unhealthy into our own bodies. International studies show a strong correlation between meat consumption and these cancers. When meat cooked, it creates a chemical substance known as heterocyclic amines form, which requires acetylation by P450 enzymes. People with fast acetylation can have an increased risk of colon cancer. 3. Smoked, pickled, and salt-preserved foods: In a study that evaluated ten thousand people who developed colon cancer, had high amounts of NDMA (nitrosodimethylamine) were found in their systems in their bodies, which doubled their risk of having colon cancer. NDMA compounds are found in smoked and pickled foods, those preserved with salt, and in beer. * Once in a while it would probably be ok but dont take in high amounts of these foods, or make it a regular part of your daily diet plan each day.

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