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World This Week

TEST STUDY Nov 2. 2013s Politics This Week section

What is WAR?

Content: Korean War

What you have remembered from the articles (general knowledge) Gaining historically accurate, unbiased knowledge History as a story of conflicting interests and backroom dealings. Historical events as products of unique circumstances

The Untold History of the United States: the Korean WAR

Understanding the political context of the events leading up to the Korean War and what this can tell us about a possible reunification.

Today, we OBSERVE. Tomorrow, we DEBATE.

Questions from Different Perspectives

Thinking about Actors and Stakeholders.

Actors in a possible Reunification

PROP vs OPP. What kinds of people would be AGAINST a reunification? What kinds of people would be FOR a reunification? What are the effects of a KOREAN Reunification? Who gains from a possible reunification and why? The above dont count as questions. BASE your questions around them.

Proposition Opposition

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