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DEC-16-2013 1. Dimple: 2. Rift:n,vt 3. Din: n,vi 4. Allay: n,vi 5. Align 6. Imminence: n 7. Imminent: adj 1. Attention: n 2. Attentiveness 3.

Attentive: adj 4. Attentively: av 5. Extortion: n 6. Extort: vt 7. Extortive: adj 8. Exaction 9. Wrest 10. Prompts: vt 11. Ophthalmology 12. Ophthalmia: n 13. Ophthalmic: aj 14. Fleecing: vt 15. Fleece: n 16. Limbo: n 17. Limbus: n 18. Splash:n 19. Miraculous: adi 20. Veer: vi 21. Welladay: intrj 22. Miscreants: n 23. Vain 24. Vain attempt: 25. Extinguish: vt 26. Wel 27. Wel come: coll 28. Well: n 29. Bore well 30. Widow: n 31. Widower: n 32. Widowhood: n 33. Deference: n

34. Defere: vt,vi 35. Difference 36. Distortions: n 37. Distort: vt 38. Humiliate: vt 39. Humiliation: n 40. Humiliating: adj 41. Mortify: vt 42. Mortification: n 43. Herald: n 44. Slew-slay 45. Sops 46. Heard-hear 47. Woe 48. Woeful 49. Woeful day: coll 50. Flurry 51. Extravagant 52. Extravagant leap: coll 53. Onus: n 54. Anus: n 55. Victorious: adj 56. Victor: n 57. Victory: n DEC-18-2013 58. Privileges: n,vt 59. Privileged: adj 60. Ambit: n 61. Escalation 62. Unprecedented : adj 63. Sacked: vt 64. Pooh: intrj 65. Pooh-pooh: vt 66. Embezzle: n 67. Embezzlement: n 68. Embellish: vt 69. Embellishment: 70. Grain: n,vt

71. Unhurt: adj 72. Dredge: n,vt 73. Dump: n 74. Dumping ground 75. Mystery: n 76. Mysterious: adj 77. Mysteriously: adv 78. Shrouds: vt 79. Hung-hang 80. Resorted: adj 81. Harmonious: adj 82. Harmonious agreement: coll 83. Unsavoury: adj 84. Unsavoury incident: coll 85. Disrupt: n,vt 86. Illicit: 87. Illicitly: adv 88. Illicit liquor: coll 89. Retrieve: vt 90. Retrieval: adj 1. Retrievable: adj 2. Exploitation 3. Sexual exploitation 4. Molestation 5. Slashes 6. Deport 7. Infringes: vt 8. Infringement: 9. Arbitrary: 10. Arbitrarily: adv 11. Savage: adj 12. Scalps: n 13. Turnaround: 14. Instigator: n 15. Instigation: n 16. Expoit: n,vt

17. Vigor: n 18. Vigorous: adj 19. Vigorously: adv 20. Incisive: adj 21. Incisive fast bowlers 22. Incise: vt 23. Incision: n 24. MULTI--: prefix 25. Cryptic: adj 26. Cryptical: adj 27. Cryptograph: n 28. --STER: suffix 29. STEREO--: prefix 30. Ancient: n,adj 31. Ancient temples: coll 32. Anciently: adv 33. Portrait: n 34. Pit: n 35. Muddy pit: 36. Misery: n 37. Miserable: adj 38. Miserably: adv 39. Piss: n,vt,vi 40. Numerous: adj 41. Numerous elephants: coll DEC-19-2013 42. Uphold: 43. Combat: vi 44. Combative: vt 45. Single combat: 46. Upheld-uphold 47. Regime: 48. Regime change: 49. Resign: 50. Immunity: n 51. Despair: n 52. Secluded place:

DEC-19-2013 Regime: adj Regimen: n Regime change: Combat: vi Combative: vt Single combat: Upheld-uphold: Immunity: n Despair: n Seclude: vt Seclusion: n Secluded place: Vindicate: Vindication: n Vindicative: adj Vindicatory: Hap: n Hapless: adj DEC-20-2013 Oath: n swearing: Stall: Stall bifurcation: Solace: n Solacement: n

Sojourn: Sojourn: Sojourner: n Sojournment: n Winter sojourn: Rein: n Envy: Envoy: n Unauthorized: Juvenile: n Juvenile delinquent: n Juvenile delinquency: vt Alumni: n Alumnus: pl Laureate: Nobel laureate: Poet laureate: Nephrology: n Nephrologist: n Cadet: Obesity: n Obese: adj Congnestion: Traffic congnetion: Fete:

Respite: n Despite: prep Hoax: Hoax: n Hoax call: n Bomb hoax: Veracity: n Veracious: adj ANTE--: prefix Mistreatment: vt Behest: n Cms behest: Confine: n,vt Confirm: Evicted: vt Eviction: n Irks: vt Irksome: adj Doom: vt Dignity: Decorum: n Bonhomie: n Artillery: n Rebuts: vt Rebutal: n Rebutter: n

Sovereignty: n Braces: n Tie-pair: Braces with husband Toddler: n Toddy: n Vis--vis: Tycoon: n Peril: n,vt Perilous: adj Peril imperil Perilous position: Effable: Effable uneffable Imbided: vt Fascinating: vt Fascinate: Quirky: adj Quirky pitch: Quirked: adj Quirkly: adv Quirkness: n Eerie: adj Eerie number: Reprieve: vt

NOV-27-2013 Defy: Procure: vt Procurement: n Procurer: n Milk procurer: Rice procurer: Paddy procurer: PSYCO--: prefix Psychiatry: n Psychical: adj Psychiatrist: n Psychobiology: n Psychological: adj Psychologist: n Psychology: n Psychopath: Wade: vi Wader: n Bind: adj Momentum: n Enable: vt Puzzled: n,vt,vi Puzzled condition: Inflict: vt Infliction: n

Inflictive: adj Unnerved: vt Embarked: vt,vi Embarkation: n Deprive: vt Deprivation: n Basil: n Basin: n Basis: n Veil: unveil Burgle: vt,vi Burglar: n Burgling: Burglarize: Bask: vt,vi Uniformity: n Incur: vt Woolen: adj Wool: n Wooled: Woolly: adj Refuge: n,vi Refugee: n Refuse: n,vi,vt Refute: Flourishing: adj

Flourish: vi Flourishing partnership Strew: vt Pile: n,vt Piles: n Culprits: n Default: n Defaulter: n Dodge: n,vt,vi Arrears: Dockets: n Owe: Lure: vt Logger heads: n Hookah: n Ooze: vt,vi =exude Exude: vi=ooze Nab: Nabbed: Evoked: vt Concern: Evacuated: Illicitly distilled liquor Autopsy: Illicit: adj

Distill: vi Distillation: n Distiller: n Distillery: n Urged: Litigation: n Enticer: n Entice: vt Enticement: Allure: Recipients: n Recipient: adj Recipiency: n Ful fill of no effect: To this effect: To take effect: To take no effect: To what effect: To destroy the effect of: Inaffect: Waive: Waiver: Loan waiver: Affected: vt=change Effect: n=result

Logistic: n Logistical support: Mere: adj=kevalam,n Merely: adj A mere five percent Assassin: Assassination: n Assassinator: n Assault: Mystery: n Mysterious: adj Mystic: adj Ingredients: n Layman: n Haunts: vt Inefficiency: Inefficient: adj Inefficious: adj Perpetrator: n Perseverance: n Persevere: vi Jolt: vt,vi Chop: vt Chopper: n Chronic deficits: adj Chronic disease:

Chronicle: n,vi Chronicler: n Espionage: n Espial: n espying: Cavalry: n Corps: n Intern: n,1,2,3 Internship: Interim: Vying: Tribute: Pierced: vi,vt,2 Pier: n=stambam Nightmare: n Dignitary: n Endure: vt Endurable: adj Endurance: n Diplomacy: n Diplomatic: Diplomatical: Anchor: n,vt Moor: n,vt Cast anchor: vi Anchorage: n

Verdict: Homeward: adj,adv Frigate: Voyage: n,vi Screams: Absconding: vi Abduct: Shunting: vt Derail: vt Derailment: n Ease: Waggon: n Wage: n,vt Wages: n Wage scale: n Wage drift: Wage earner: n Wage freeze: Pavement: Payment: Be-half: n On my behalf: Bolster: n Boulder=bowlder: n Interception: Oval: adj

Oval shape: Ovary: n Oust: vt Swelling: vt Provocation: adj Vex: Provocatory: adj Provocation: n Proverb: n Archaeological: Archaeologist: n Archaeology: n Arch: n Archer: n archery: n AQUA--:prefix Reap: vt,vi Burst: Bust: Creep: Flee:-fled Forbid: Cleave: Cling: Fling: Forbear:

Forget: Forgive: Forgo: Hew: Inlay: Knit: Kneel: Gainsay: Grind: Heave: Plumber: Rivulet: n Rim: n Rill: n Rime: n Rigorous: adj Rigor: n Rigorism: n Enormous: adj=gigantic Gigantic: adj Mammoth: adj Immense: adj Immensely: adv Immensity: n Imminence: n

Imminent: adj Pervading: Chaos: Irate: adj Ire: n Iris: n Irate fans: Ineptitude: Mild mannered: Wagged: Clarke Wagged hi finger Disgraceful: adj Disgrace: n Brace: Disgust: n Rein reinless(adj) Evince: vt Evincement: n Reinstall: vt Reinstate: vt Reinforcement: Reinforce=reenforce Re-enforcement: Levid: n Pacify: vt

specify: culvert: n chaos: cadre: n party cadre: caesar: owl: n owlet: n NOV-28-2013 Guilty: adj Guilt: n Guiltiness: n Guiltless: adj Guiltlessly: adv Compensation: n Remuneration: n Acquit: vt Acquit convict Coalition: adj Recoalition: Conciliation: n Reconciliation: n Rival: n Rivalry: n Segregate: vt Isolate:

Segregation: n Amuse: vt Amusement: n Amusing: adj Amusive: adj PER: prep Per annum: Percent: --ANCE:suffix =n, --ENCE: Hovel: n Hover: vi Denizens: n NOV-29-2013 Premier: n Defacement: n Deface: vt Forbear: vi For bearing: adj Sanitation: n Ultimatum: n Crew: n Torn-tear: Mount: n,vt,vi Reorganisation: n Reorganization bill:

Reorganize: vt Squabble: n,vi Loyalty: Loyalist: n Loyal: adj Paramount: adj Lizard: n Littoral: Littoral countries: Shed: n,vt Incongruity: n Incongruous: adj Erring: adj Erring dentists: adj Curb: Curd: Ethical unethical Ethical=ethic: adj Ethics: n Ethical investment: n Solicit: vt Voacal: Vocalist: n Demolish: vt Demolition: n Spurt: vt

Entrepreneurs: Drizzle: n,vi Dazzle: Unawares: adj Discrimination: n Discriminative: adj Discriminate: vt,vi Sustain: vt Sustained serious burns: Affect=change Effect=result Dissent: n,vi Dissidents: adj Swaying: n,vt, vi Gale: n Gales: n Heavy gales: Mishap=calamity: n Sustained serious injuries Carpenter: n Miscreants: n Abolition: n Abolish: vt Admonish: vt Admonisher: n

Admonishment: n Admonition: n Admonitor: n Admonitory: adj Admonitorial: adj Rebuke: vt,vi Wound-wind: Wounds: n (oond) Wounded: adj Wow: inrj,n,vt Inflict: Bamboozlement: n Bamboozles: vt Row: n(in line) Rowing: vt,vi DEC-1-2013 Emu: n Exempt: vt,adj Exempt from taxation: Exemption: n Arms: n Arms race: n Army: Plea: Emperor: n

Anticipatory: adj Antecipate: Anticipatory bail: Anticipatory bail petition Emperor empress Emperor: n Empress: n Catapult: n Cannon: n,sing&pl Cannonade: n Forbid: vt Forbidance: n Forbidden: adj Forbidding: adj Aquarium: n Aspirants: n Messanger: n Herald: n Errand: n Colossal: adj Celestial: adj Colossus: n Colossal wastage: Celestial sphere: n Celestial arbs: n

Kin: n,adj Intriguing: n,vi Intriguing murder Intriguier: n Mess: n, Nabb,busted,held,cat ch Retaliate: vt Retaliation: n Retaliate=retaliatory: adj Mammography: n Mammogram: Desert: n Desert country: Deserted: vi Deserter: n Burglary: n Polygraph: n Lie detector: n Vital: Vital role Vital clue Unprecedented: adj Unprecedented crowd Resentment:

Junket: n Jolt: Junketing: n Junk food: n Extrinsic intrinsic Extrinsic: adj Intrinsic: Tacit: Taciturn: adj Taciturnity: n Rows=rowing: vt Brewing: vt Brewer: n Stale: adj HYPER--: prefix Except: vt,prep,conj Exception: n Exempt: vt Exemption: n Exceptionable: adj Exceptional: adj With the exception of Reiterates: Asylum=refugee Transsexual: n Deport:vt

Deportation: n Exile: Homage: n Holiday: n Holyday: n Compellation: n Cure: Curative: adj Plea: Compel: vt Complete: Compellation: Ivory: n Arsenal: n Dangerous arsenal: Arson: n Comet: n Comet seeker: n Comet finder: n Saffron: n Civilization: n Civilized: adj Refinement: Civilize: vi Civil: Disillusioned: vt

Disenchant: Destroy illusion: Dismays: n,vt Buffoon: n Clown: n Buffoonery: n Bug: 1,2 Enthusiastic: adj Enthusiastically: adv Enthusiastical: adj Enthusiastic support: Souse: vi Soaked: Drenched: Console: vt Solace: Consolatory: adj Soothing: Consolation win: Valiant: adj Valiant effort: Mauls: n Inhabitant: n Dweller: Inhabit: vi

Flutter: n,vt Flutting: adj Homage: n Departs: Unilateral: adj Unilaterally: adv Averse: adj Aversion: n Hatred: Aversive: adj Disgust: Impasse: n Impassable: Draft: n,vt Disgust: n,vt Pelt: vt Stone pelting Effigy: n Disguise: n,vt Mantle: vi Enumerate: vt Enumerator: n Fable: n,adj,vt Fabulous: adj Afloat: adv Afoot: adv Betray: vt

Betrayer: n Betrayal day Oblivion: n Oblivious: adj Ascent: n Acclivity: Ascend: vt,vi Ascendance: n Ascendancy: n Sue=vt: legal action Depicting: vt Placard depicting Portray: n BOOK:1001 Liberty: n Liberty of press: Civil Liberty: Natural liberty: Climatic: adj Climate: n Climatical: adj Climatic: adj Climactic: n,adj Censor: n Censure: n,vt Censorship: n Censurable: adj Call off:

Cats & dogs: Rainy day: PG.NO:50 Take a look: Go through: Broke down: Ease: Hesitation: Authenticate: vt Authentication: n Authentic: adj Authenticity: n Liberal: adj,n Liberality: n Liberally: adv Liberate: vt Liberation: n Liberator: n Lexicographer: n Lexicography: n Lexicon: n Rein: n Reinlesss: adj Reins: Adapt: vt Adopt: vt Conpile: vt Compilation: n

compiler: n compile: compliment: complaint:: Ambush: n Ambushment: n Convoy: n Glorious: adj Glorious carrier PG.NO:51 Cheer: Cheerful: adj Cheerfully: adv Cheerfulness: n Cheery: adj Cheerily: adv Cheering: adj Cheer: Cheerio: n Refurbished: vt Ultimatum: n Assuage: vt Assuasive: adj Elude: vt Elusive=elusory: adj Escape: n,vt,vi Evade: Elusion: n

Induct: vi Bounty: n Vow: n,vi Wow: Vow fulfillment pilgrimage Grossly: adv Grossness: n Grossly corrupted PG.NO:52 Veteran: adj Humble: adj Humbly: adv Humbleness: n Humble bee: n Honour=honor: n Concern: Concert: Plea: n Apprehensions: Unnecessary apprehensions Brain storming: Convene: Intervention: n Ambivalent: adj Ambition: n,adj Suburb: n Suburbs: n

Traditional: adj Congestion: n Congest: vt Congested: adj Arduous: adj Arduous task Aspect: n Succumbs: Radical change: adj Vital: adj Symptoms: n Symptomatic: adj Deteriorate: Contemporary: n Thwart: vt Vow: Addressing: Inevitable: adj Inevitably: adv Ambassadors: PG.NO:53 Propagating: Propagative: adj Propagator: n Propagation: n Remarks: n Remarkable: adj Remarkably: adv

Scriptures: n Mannerism: n Manners: Busted: nabbed: held: arrested Bounty: n Bounteous: adj Bountiful: adj Gecko: n Geese-pl.goose Gazelle: n Lashes: n,vt Dogma: n Dogmatic: adj Dogmatically: adv Dogmatical: adj Dogmatism: n Dogmatist: n Dogmatize=dogmatise Coward: n Cowardice: n Cowardliness: n Threw-throw Extortion: n Extort: vt Wrest: exact: congregated: vt,vi

Congregation: n Fete: n Abundance: n Abundant: adj Abundantly: adv Intervention: PG.NO:54 Imperative: adj Falsehoods: n Resorting: vi Harp: vt Harper=harpist: n Recurrence: n Recurrency: n Confrontation: vt Irk: vt Irksome: Inmate: n Sworn-swear: Spews: vt,vi Spews lava Tackle: n Ramping: vi Trot=row In a trot Worship: vt,vi Worshipful: adj Worshipper: n

Reverence: Lauds: Intern: vt Interim: Internship: Buyer:vender:purchasr Purchase: vt Purchasable: adj Vengeance: n Vengeful: adj Retaliation: Stake holders: capitalist Intend: vt,vi Amendment: Amend: vt Amendable: adj Blunder: n Defiance: n Defiant: adj Deficient: adj Deficit: n Insurgent: n Insurgency: adj Cupboard: n PG.NO:55 Inscribe: vt Lured: n,vt RHINO--:prefix

Rhino plastic: adj Rhinoceros: n Threadbare: adj Decline: vt Premature: adj Ankle: n Turmeric: curcuma Vermillion: n Snail: n Snail like: adj, adv Determine: vt Determination: n Determinative: adj Determined: adj Determinate: adj Determinately: adv Persuade: vt Persuader: n Persuasible-persuadible Persuation: Persuit: Persuade: Duct: Antecedents: adj Demolish: Demolitions: vt Enrage: Enraged: adj

Screams: vi Snag: Nab: Nabbed: PG.NO:56 Congestion: Assessing: vt Assessment: n Assess: vt Lean: vi,adj Immense: adj Imminence: n Immense: adj Immeasurable: adj Immensely: adv Immensity: n Imminence: n Imminent: adj Peril: n Perilous: adj Perilously: adv Rip: vt Riparian: adj Upper riparian: TG Lower riparian: Andhra Explicit: adj Determination: n Pensivemood@thought

Aggravate: vt(worse) Aggregate: vt(total) Opportunist: n Plump: adj Canvas: n(cloth) Canvass: vt(ask) Abrupt: adj Abruption: n Abruptly: adv Abruptness: n Orchestra: n Intercept: vt Divulged: vt Nabbed: n Jurisdictional: adj Persuade: vt Inmate: n Capsicum: n PG.NO:57 Hat: n Cowboy hat Dethrone: vt Dethronement: n Exhaustive: adj(empty) Exhaustive work: Fascinating: vt Captivate: Fatigue:

Legacy: Fiscal policy: n Fiscal: adj Fisc: n Fiscal year: n Discourse: n(talk) Discourtesy: n(impolite Discourteous: adj Colloquially: adv Colloquial: adj Colloquism: n Colloquy: n Decorum: n Decorous: adj Decorous political discourse Discuss: vt (argue) Discus: n(disk) Discussion: n Couch: n,vt Informal: n(not formal) Informer: n(inform) Inform: vt(tell) Machete: n Assail: vt Assailment: n Assailant: n Assault: vt

Recuperation: vt Mosaic: n Colourful mosaic: n,adj PG.NO:58 Prorogue: vt Proragation: n Assembly prorogation Collision: n(clash) Collusion: n(plot) Omen: n,vt(sign) Ominous: adj Ominously: adv Goog omen Bad omen OMNI--:prefix (everywhere) Portents:(ill omen) Portentive: adj Portentous: adj Percussion: n Percussive: adj Percussionist: n Percussionist sivamani Kiok: n Wary: adj Chary: adj Leery: adj

Yearn: n(desire) Earn: vt(money) Yearning: n Envisaged: vt Envy: n,vt,vi(jealous) Envoy: n(messanger) Segregation: vt Needle: n,1,2 Needle work: n Needle craft: n Needless: adj PG.NO:59 Needle jasmine: Magnet needle: Dental needle: Pointer needle: Hyacinth: n(flower plant) Adjourn: vt(postpone) Adjoining: adj(next to) Mourn: vt Mourning: n Mourner: n Mournful: adj Mournfully: adv Mourning: vt(sorrow) Morning: n(day)

Mouse: n1,2,3 Mouse hole: n Mouse trap: n Escort: n,vt Bolster: n Accompany: vt(follow) Accomplish: vt (gain successfully) Comprehension: n Comprehend: vt Comprehensible: adj Comprehensive: adj Comprehensiveness: n Comprehensive legislation Comprehension: n (understand) Comprehensive: adj (large area) Altercation: n Altercate: vi Altercative: adj Altercate: vi Altercate: vi(dispute) Alternate: adj(next by next) Alteration: n (modification) Alterative: adj(change)

Plight: n Plight of domestic workers Flutter: n,vt,vi Fluttering: adj PG.NO:60 Confrontation: vt Compress: vt(press) Comprise: vt (contain) Inebriated: Intoxicated: vt Vain: adj Vainly: adv Vainness: n In vain: Vain thoughts Vain attempt to strangulate Vain: adj(useless) Vein: n(blood vessel) Strangulate: n Strangle: vt Vain glorious: adj Vainglory: n Pool: n Arduous: adj Arduous task Tenants: n

Ornaments: n(jewellary Armaments: n(guns) Seismograph: n Seismology: n Melt: vt(liquefy) Pelt: n,vt,vi(throwing) MAL--:prefix Malpractice: n Splash: n,vt,vi Devastate: vt Compel: vt Threshold: n

Prodigy: n (brilliant child) Prodigal: adj (lavish, spend more) Prodigality: n Prodigally: adv Unseated: vt AB--:prefix Undisputed: adj Dispute undisputed

Attribute: Imperative: adj Mammal: n Mammal glands: Mammalia: Mammaillary: adj Mammoth: adj Bikini: n Bilateral: adj Bilaterally: adv Bilingual: adj Dubious: adj Dubiously: adv Albatross: n Further: adv Nevertheless: adj Perspective: n Retrieve: vt Retrieval: n Retrievable: adj Log: n,vt Ganja: n Nabbed=busted Dupe: n Duping:

Uproot: vt Capitalist: n Scuttle:

Carlsen on threshold of glory PG.NO:61 Solicit: vt Solicitant: n Solicitation: n Solicitator: n Woo: vt Vigorous: adj Vigor: n Vigorously: adv Vociferously: vt,vi Rattles: (rouse)

Nutrition: n Nutritious: adj Nutritive: adj Nutrimental: adj Nutriment: n Nutrient: n,adj Nourish: Menace: n,vt Menacingly: adv PG.NO:62 Discard: vt Lid:

Prodigy: n

Turpentine oil: n
prodigious: adj

Entomology: n
Norwegian prodigy dethrones anand

Entomologist: n

PG.NO:63 Decease: n Deceased: adj The deceased: Decedent: n Disease: n,vt Diseased: adj Decease: n(death) Disease: n(ill,sick) Autopsy: Durability: n Durable: adj Heavy down pour: Tippler: n Tipple: n,vt Tipsy: adj Contempt :(disregard) Contempt of court orders Contemptible: adj Contemptuous: adj Contemptuously: adv Plunge: vt Wade: vi Wader: n Bind: adj PSYCHO--:prefix

NOTE BOOK PG.NO:1 Crown: Legacy: Ailment: Eyebrows: Incitement:(motivate) Excitement:(rousing) Pertain: Quid: Reputation: Ulterior:(further):adj Demoralize: Denied: Torn-tear Riot: Vandalism: Vandal: Vandalistic: Vandal:(destroy) Pandal:(shed) Intercept: Interception: Suburbs: Endeavour: Procession:

Sanitary: Sanitation: Hygiene: Stagnation: Dredger: Deploy: Skirt: Revealed: Vocal: Hound: Grey hound: Grey: PG.NO:2 Stifle: Infringement: Rejoinder: n (reply) Rejoin: vt (reunite, reply) Distortion: Distorted: Heap: Uncertainty: Procession: Commemorate: Commemorative: Pelting: Crest gates:

Crescent: Whirl: Whirl pool: Whirl wind: Reward: (remuneration) Award: vt (judgment) Daunt dauntless Bang: Propel: Proper: Rode-ride Exquisite: Constrain: Constraint: Restrain: Constructive: Emphatic: Slogan: Sculpture: Assist: Arrears: Evacuation:(empty) Evaporation: Evaluate: Slate: Slated:

Venue: Venture: Arena: PG.NO:3 Stake holders: Wake: Deliberation: Deliberately: Rams: Collision: Scrutiny: Resurrect: Revival: Bureaucratic: Meddling: Liberal: Liberally: Memorandum: Elusion: Escape: Evade: Elude: Consensus: Consequence: Reluctant: Flay:

Corner: Stretch: Stretcher: Snarl :(harsh speak) Snore: Tardy: (slow) Toddy: (wine,kallu) Toddler: (child) Inordinate: Disrupt: Beneath: Under: Underneath:

PG.NO:4 Casualty: Casual: Casual leave: Distress: Valve: Gauge=gage=gaze Rain gauge: Significant: Rid: Vampire: Protagonist: Scuttle: 1,2,3

Substantial: Substantial evidences Misleading: Gambler: PG.NO:5 Combat: Combative: Combatant: Charge sheet: Storm: Principal: n,1 Ransom: (bribe) Random: Subsequent: Admonish: (warn) Indict: (accusation, allege) Induct: (start) Indicate: (known) Reconciliation: Allayed: Alloy: Innocent: Apprehensions: Animosities: (enmity)

Below: Comprise: Throng: Garbage: Clog: Hindrance: Incessant: Incessant rains Commence: (begin) Commerce: n(trade) Rejoinder: Commencement: Allegation: Inception: (begin) Confine: Intercept:(hindrance) Fabricated: Inundate: Conspirator: Juncture: (point time) Junction: (place) Caution=wary=chary =leery Exploit:(selfish) Criticism: Justify:

Anonymous: (nameless) Face: Facets: Faade: Decease: (died) Disease: (ill) Convene: Convener: Reiterated: Communal: (religion) Commute: (travel) Transit: Transit hotel: Abduct: (kidnap) Abdicate: (leave) Explode: vi(burst like bomb) Exploded: adj (separate parts) Explore: vt(search) Expose: vt(reveal) Explosive: adj (explodes, fire) Subsequently: Monuments: Intervention:

Contemporary: Comic: Amusing: Amuse: (laugh) Abuse: (scold) Amusement: Tantamount: Contest: Reconciliation: Contend=contest Content: PG.NO:6 Satisfaction: Peculiar: Bound boundless Apparel: Apparet: Supervision: Reinstate: Spy: Snooping: Pluck: (pick, pull off) Flock: (sheep crowd) Folk: (rlt to society) Flick: (beat)

Heat: Aggregate: vt (whole/total) Aggrevate: vt (make worse) Track=trace Emerging: Emerging countries: Emerging: (rise out) Emergency: (urgent) Erupt: (sudden outburst) Quite: (wholly) Quit: (leave) Snooping: Intercept: (hindrance) Interpret: vt( telling meaning) Rails: Surveillance: Consent: Consensus: On mutual consent marriage should be Object: 1,2 Report: (tell) Reproach: vt(blame)

Grill: Confess: When police grilled, culprits confess their crime. Pursuance=pursuit (following) Perpetrator: (culprit) Persuade: (convince) Diphtheria: Charms=enchant Sham: (fraud) Exotic: (attract) Erotic: (sexual desire) Grandeur: Accomplish: vt Intern: vt(training) Interim: m(interval) PG.NO:7 Echo: Starved: Pledge=pawn Mortgage: Procure: Cash starved: Tactics: Solidarity:

Commission: Commissioned by: Commission agent: Felicitation: Frustration: Frustrate: Dynasty: Abduct: (kidnap) Abdicate: (leave) Accompanied by: Snore: (harsh breath) Snarl: (harsh look) Spinster: Drown: (human) Sink: (objects) Territory: Franchise: Prone: (inclined) Precarious: Precarious state: Pledge=pawn=mortg age Vow: (promice) Wow: (surprice) Grapple: Solemn: adj

Swelling: (enhance) Smelling: Comprise: Comprising: Recommendations: Recommend: Rubbish: Expel: (drive out) Excel: (better) PG.NO:8 Boon: (luck) Boon bane Summit: Turf: Pursuit: (chase) Persuade: vt (convince) Adamant=reluctant Shrewd: Sparkles: Enact: Afford: Pluck: (pull out) Tumult: Mild : Mild mannered

Turmoil:=tumult Residuary: Comprised: Comprise: Fruition: Hurriedly: Resolution: Barricade: Disperse: (spread) Dispense: vt (distribution) Vociferously: Rigorous=vigorous Rigorous imprisonment Prevention: Fraudulent: Pronounced: Impose: (enjoin) Compose: vt (make up) Hail: n1,2,3 Prey: Predator: Predatory: Relent Crelentless

PG.NO:9 Crisis: Criticism: Constitutional crisis Jubilation: Erupt: (sudden outburst) Emerge: (rise up) Exult: (happy) Except: (not included) Eject: (expel, drive out) Trickle: (flow in drops) Torrent: (flow in gush) Trickle torrent Furious: Throng: Toe: Elation: Elate: Elope: Indebted: Hasten: Waste:

Elegance: Elegant: Elegantly: Assign: Pretend: (make false) Prevent: (hindrance) Pretext: (misleading excuse) Deadlock=impasse Pull up: Spank: Owing to: Beside: Besides: Not with standing: Throughout: Through: According to: Exclude: Irrespective of: Either or: Neither nor: Till: (varaku) Still: (inka) Which:

How long: (duration) How far: (distance) PG.NO:10 Adversity: Hostile: Habits: Hobbies: Chores: In the mean while: By the way: Then and there itself: In that case: Crocodile tears: Alacrity: Assert: Assertive: adj Assertiveness: n Assertively: adv Boisterous: adj Boisterously: adv Boisterousness: Taciturn: n Accomplish: Accompanied by: Lordible:

Lord: n Spirit: (enthuastic) Sprite: n(water lord) Sprint: (running) Visually impaired: Physically impaired: Tete-a-tete: Ever: Never: So far: (right now) Just now: Already: Yet: Still: Till: Rampant: PG.NO:12 Quite: For the sake of: Contradictory: Controversial: Legible: Mob=crowd=throng= flock Loop hole in law: Tendency:

Criminal tendency: Culprits: Grudge=envy Hostile: Adamant: Can: abilities Will: willingness Drench: (human) Wet: (objects) Obligations: Tenant: Waive: Loan waive Fee waive Weaver: n Weave: vt Once in a while: Ability: Willingness: Prevail: Vernacular: Irate: Ire: Squad:

Partisan: (one sided) Partition: (division) Foil: Native: Era=decade Well wisher: Traitor: Betrayal: Conventional modern PG.NO:13 Modern:

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