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Guess Paper 2013 Class X Subject Mathematics Time; 1 hr Answer the following questions: Section A M.M. 30 5x2 = 10

1. Check whether the following is quadratic equation and show, how : x3 !x" # x $1 % &x "'3 ". The area of a rectangular (lot is )"* m". The length of the (lot in metres is one more than twice its +readth. ,e need to find the length and +readth of the (lot. -e(resent it in to quadratic equation form. 3. .ind the roots of the equation /x" # x "%0. 01 factori2ation method. !. .ind the nature of the roots of quadratic equation 3x" # ! 33 x $ !%0. ). .ind the roots of the equation x # 14x % 3; x5 0. Section )x3 % 1)

/. The sum of the reci(rocals of -ehman6s age in 1rs 3 1rs ago and fi7e 1rs from now is 143. .ind the (resent age. 8. .ind the 7alue of k, it has equal roots; k x&x "' $ / % 0. *. .ind the roots, +1 quadratic formula. "x" # "3" x $1%0. 9. .ind the roots of !x" $ 3x $) % 0 +1 com(leting the square. 10. The altitude of right angle triangle 8 cm less than its +ase. :f the h1(otenuse is 13 cm, find the other two sides. Section ! ) x1 % )

11. ;n ex(ress train takes 1 hr less than a (assenger train to tra7el 13" km +4w m1sore and 0anglore. :f the a7erage s(eed of the ex(ress train 11 km4h more than the (assenger train. .ind the a7erage s(eed of two trains.

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