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Which was the shore, and which was the ocean? As the two bodies twined, she felt that at times she arrived upon him, like a swimmer, grateful for refuge and land and rest, and at times, like a tremendous swell that suckled and swallowed him like a memory of god manifesting in the unconscious. The borders blurred and clarified like the gradual development of a photo in a dark room or a time lapse in a camera. They became real in the way that the numinous becomes known through a recording or representation or measured thought. She felt like she would burst from her desire to be fully held by him. She felt like her ecstasy was in that very trust. What sustained their love? Was it the silence that wed intimacy to presence, or the judgment that silenced her? The fine and subtle sense between expression and repression, listener and voice, soul and sound was both a devotion and an art; and the movement that flowed between the two was a beautiful oneness.

By Sofiya Hyder

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