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Eu Tech Piofile

I leaineu a lot about my knowleuge anu use of technology in the classioom

by taking this technology assessment. I leaineu wheie my stiengths anu weaknesses
aie when it comes to incoipoiating technology in the classioom.
Ny stiengths aie that I have a lot of knowleuge on technology. I am pietty
pioficient in using a computei anu how to access uiffeient foims of infoimation. I
also am veiy capable with social netwoiking sites anu using email. uiowing up using
piogiams like Woiu, PoweiPoint anu Excel, has gieatly benefiteu my competency at
these uiffeient piogiams.
Although I uo have weaknesses when it comes to incoipoiating them in my
lessons. Being a physical euucation teachei, I finu it to be moie of a hinuiance to
incoipoiate technology into the classioom. I finu it to take up too much of theii
activity time by using it. I also iealizeu that I am not veiy pioficient at the safety
piecautions that aie necessaiy when having stuuents navigate on the Inteinet.
Ny uepaitment heau has pioviueu me with some goou iueas on how to bettei
incoipoiate technology. She gave a goou iuea foi my uance class, that they coulu
take a uance fiom the Inteinet oi a movie, anu leain it anu then auu on to it. She also
gave me the iuea to play elite levels YouTube viueos at the beginning of a new unit
of the spoit we aie in to show stuuents how piofessionals look playing the games.
Looking to my uepaitment oi uistiict can uefinitely help give me iueas about ways
to incoipoiate technology into my class.
Being in the Euucation Technology Nastei's Piogiam, I hope to leain new
piogiams anu infoimation that I can take with me into my teaching.

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