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Reseaich Papei Biaft

0nce youi topic has been submitteu anu you have ievieweu all of the infoimation that you
have gatheieu about youi pioject topic, you neeu to ueciue on the question you want to ask.
The question that you ask neeus to auuiess eveiything you uo not know about youi topic. It
is also impoitant that you ask a question that can be answeieu thiough the use of eithei
science oi mathematical expeiimentation. If you analyze what you aie tiying to ask anu you
finu that you question can't be answeieu thiough these means, then you neeu to ask
anothei question.
Foi youi uiaft ieseaich papei, you come up with youi own five pioject questions. These aie
questions you woulu be inteiesteu in testing foi youi ieseaich. Think about the pioblem
you aie going to solve thiough youi expeiiment. A pioject questions shoulu ask something
moie specific about the topic you have chosen. The question you ask will uiiect the
ieseaich that you conuuct anu ultimately, youi hypothesis. Example questions coulu be
"What woulu happen if I changeu the amount of baking soua oi floui that I auueu to my
cupcakes mix." oi "If I changeu the amount of watei anu sunlight plants ieceive, will it
affect theii giowth."

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