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Project Assurance and Audit

For information or advice on project assurance and audit contact Kevin Garthwaite University Projects Manger Email: Extension: 4924

General information on project assurance and audit The term Project Assurance is used to describe the rocesses o! continua" audit o! the roject management method and the e#ecution o! the roject. The assurance ro"e can either be a""ocated to the members o! the Project $oard or someone e#terna" to the roject team with signi!icant roject management e# erience. Project assurance cannot be carried out by the roject manager !or obvious reasons. Anyone a ointed to an assurance ro"e re orts to roject s onsor.

Project Assurance "ooks at the integrity and viabi"ity o! the roject and ensures% Adherence to the $usiness &ase &onstant reassessment o! va"ue'!or'money. The roject remains viab"e The Project stays within sco e (ocus on the business need is maintained A "icab"e standards are being used Adherence to )ua"ity assurance standards That the right eo "e are invo"ved in the roject *nterna" and e#terna" communication is e!!ective There is sti"" a need !or the roject +assessed against changes in the e#terna" environment, The res onsibi"ities o! the Project Assurance ro"e are% Provide assistance to the Project Manager in "anning- monitoring and contro""ing the roject. Attend roject initiation- stage assessment- roject c"osure and team check oint meetings as a ro riate. .eview and sign o!! the roject de"iverab"es. .ecommend im rovement to e#isting or new rocesses to the roject board !or decision. Assess the im act o! su "ier and user e#ce tions. Advise the Project Manager o! any "an deviations. Provide assurance to the roject s onsor and roject board that the roject is "ike"y to de"iver the bene!its out"ined in its business case. (or "arge sca"e rojects or rojects with signi!icant strategic or resource im "ications it is advisab"e to bui"d roject assurance into the roject "an !rom the start so there is a continua" rocess o! audit and review. /owever !or other rojects the roject board may re)uire an adhoc assurance audit or review to be carried out.

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