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Modul biology 1 : 1. 2.


CHAPTER 1. Cell structure & Cell organisation CHAPTER 2. Movement of substances across the plasma membrane

Modul biology 1 : 1. 2.


For Question 1 to 20, each question is followed by four alternative answers A, B, C or D. Choose one correct answer for each question and circle the corresponding space in your question paper.

Section A

Figure 1: Chloroplast Organelle Which part of the organelle contains the chlorophyll?. 2. Figure 2 shows the structure of an animal cell.

Figure 2: animal cell Choose the correct matching. Organelle Function A B C D P Q R S Modify and alter protein Site of cellular respiration.

Transport proteins to other part of the cell. Synthesis of protein.

Modul biology 1 : 1. 2.



The diagram shows an aquatic organism.

Figure 3

What is the process of substances moving in and out as shown by the organism? A. Osmosis B. Diffusion C. Facilitated diffusion D. Active transport. 4. Cucumber slices are immersed in 0.1% sucrose solution. After 3 hours, the slices are found to be turgid and hard. Which of the following statements explain this phenomenon? A. The cucumber cell wall prevents it from shrinking. B. The cell sap is hypotonic towards the sucrose solution C. The high concentration of the cell sap in the vacuole causes water to diffuse in. D. The cucumber cell wall allows the sucrose molecules to diffuse into the cell . 5. Which of the following are animal tissues? I. Muscle tissue II. Epithelial tissue III. Epidermal tissue IV. Connective tissue A. I and II only B. I, II and III only C. I, II and IV only D. II, III and IV only. The figure shows the structure of a plant cell.


Figure 4

Which one of the following is true about X? A. Semipermeable B. C. Fully permeable D.

Elastic Rigid

Modul biology 1 : 1. 2.


7. The figure shows different human cells and organs.

Figure 5

Which systems do these cells and organs belong to? P Endocrine system Excretory system Digestive system Integumentary system Q Respiratory system Reproductive system Endocrine system Reproductive system R Digestive system Integumentary system Nervous system Muscular system S Integumentary system Circulatory system Respiratory system Circulatory system



What are the phenomena taking place for the following cell?

Q Figure 6


P Haemolysis Plasmolysis Deplasmolysis Crenation

Q Plasmolysis Crenation Plasmolysis Haemolysis

R Crenation Deplasmolysis Crenation Plasmolysis


The diagram shows a plant cell which has been placed in a sucrose solution for 10 minutes.

Modul biology 1 : 1. 2.


Figure 7 Which statement about the cell is correct? I. The cell is flaccid II. The plasma membrane is broken. III. The cell will become turgid again if placed in distilled water. IV. Water has moved into the cell by osmosis. A. I and III only C. II and IV only 10. epidermis B. I and II only. D. I, II and IV only.

Before Experiment Figure 8

After experiment

The above figure shows a plant section before and after being immersed in a solution for 20 minutes . What can be concluded about the plant section?. A. B. C. D. 11. Cell sap of the plant is isotonic. Osmotic pressure of the plant cell is low. Cells of the plant are turgid Cell sap of the plant loses water.

Which of the following factors affect the internal environment? I II III IV A. C. Osmotic pressure Glucose level pH Temperature B. D. I, II and IV only I, II, III and IV

II and III only I, II and IV only

Modul biology 1 : 1. 2.



The diagram below shows a diffusion process through a partially permeable membrane.

Figure 9

What are X and Y solution? X 20% Sucrose solution Distilled water 20% Sucrose solution Distilled water Y Distilled water Distilled water 20% Sucrose solution 20% Sucrose solution

A B C D 13.

The diagram in question 11 shows an experiment to investigate the changes of sucrose concentration in a visking tubing. Which of the following graphs A,B, C or D represents the change Concentration of sucrose Concentration of sucrose

Time Concentration of sucrose Concentration of sucrose



Tim e

Modul biology 1 : 1. 2.



Diagram below shows an experiment to investigate the movement of substances through a visking tube.

clip clip Visking tube Visking tube

Distilled water Sucrose solution

Distilled water Sucrose solution

Figure 10 What is the process that takes place in the above diagram? A. C. 15. Osmosis Facilitated diffusion B. D. Active transport Facilitated transportation

The graph shows the changes in mass of mustard green stem immersed in different concentration of sucrose solution.

4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 1

Changes in mass of mustard green stem /g

Concentration of sucrose / g per 100 ml

Graph 1

Based on the above graph, which of the following concentration of sucrose solution should be used so that a flaccid potato strip regains its turgidity? A. B. C. D. 1.5 g per 100 ml 2.5 g per 100 ml 3.5 g per 100 ml 4.5 g per 100 ml

Modul biology 1 : 1. 2.



Which of the following onion cells were immersed in a hypotonic solutions? A.





Arrange the following statement in the correct order to show the process of facilitated diffusion. I. II. III. IV. A. C. The molecules bind to the active site of the carrier protein. The protein changes its shape to allow the molecules to pass through the plasma membrane. No energy is needed and the carrier protein changes back to its original shape. Substances which are not soluble in lipids will accumulates outside the plasma membrane. I, II, IV , III IV, I, II, III B. D. II, III, I , IV IV, II, III, I

Modul biology 1 : 1. 2.



The figure shows a tissues.

Figure 11

Which organelle is found in abundance in the tissues as shown above? A


Which of the following comparisons between haemolysis and plasmolysis are true? I II Haemolysis Occurs in hypertonic solutions Occurs in red blood cells Plasmolysis Occurs in hypotonic solutions Occurs in plant cells

Modul biology 1 : 1. 2.


III IV A. C. 20. II and III only I, II and III only

Cells burst out Water diffuse out from the cell B. D.

Protoplasm and vacuole shrinks Water diffuse into the cell.

I and III only I, II, III and IV

An experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of concentration of sucrose solution on the mass of potato. The initial mass of potato pieces was obtained. They were left in sucrose solution and the final mass was obtained. The graph shows the result of the experiment. Which of the graphs A, B, C or D may be expected if the concentration of the sucrose solution is increased beyond 0.04 mol dm-3 ?

Answer all the questions from this section. 1.

Section B

Figure 1


Modul biology 1 : 1. 2.


Figure above shows the organelles of P, Q, R and S found in plant cell. a) i) Name the organelles of P, Q, R and S P : ................................................................... Q : ................................................................... R : ................................................................... S : ................................................................... ii) State the function of P and S organelle Function of P : ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................ Function of S : ................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................... [ 2 marks] b) i) Name the process that takes place at R organelle ? ................................................................................................................................................... [ 1 mark] ii) State where light and dark reaction occurs at R. ................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... [ 1 mark] c) Name the part labeled X at Q and explain its function. ................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... [ 3 marks] [ 2 marks]


Modul biology 1 : 1. 2.


Figure 2 K d) (i) What type of cell is shown by K and L? ......................................................................................................................................................... [ 1 mark] (ii) Explain the living process shown by K. ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... [ 2 marks] (iii) Describe how the cell at L differ from a typical plant cell. ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... [ 2 marks]


Modul biology 1 : 1. 2.



Figure 3 shows a plant cell as seen under an electron microscope.

Q : ................................... R : ............................................ P : ..................................... S : ..................................................

T : ..................................................... Figure 3 a) (i) On figure 3, label the structures P, Q, R ,S and T. (ii) State the function of structure: P : ........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... S : ........................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... T : ........................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... [ 3 marks] b) Explain the role of S to maintain cell turgidity. ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... [ 2 marks] c) Every somatic cell which contains structure Q has a potential to form a complete new organism. (i) Name the technique used to produce new plants in large quantities. [ 2 marks]


Modul biology 1 : 1. 2.


......................................................................................................................................................... [ 1 mark] (ii) By using one suitable part of the plant, explain the technique in 1 (c) (i). ........................................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... [ 4 marks] 3.

P Q U T Figure 4 S

a) Label the structures of P, Q, R, S , T and U. P : ................................................................................................... Q R S T U : : : : : ................................................................................................... ................................................................................................... ................................................................................................... ................................................................................................... ................................................................................................... [ 2 marks]

b) What is the name of this plasma membrane.


Modul biology 1 : 1. 2.


......................................................................................................................................................... [ 1 mark] c) Describe the permeability of the plasma membrane. ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... . ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... [ 2 marks] d) (i) State one molecule that can pass through the following structures (ii) State how the molecule/ particles able to move across each of the following structures. Structure Molecule Molecule movement across the membrane

T [ 3 marks] e) Explain how the particle you suggested in (d) moves across T. ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................ [ 3 marks]


Modul biology 1 : 1. 2.



Figure 5 With your knowledge from question (d) (ii), describe how the above figure can be preserved. ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... [ 3 marks]

Section C
4. (a) Compare and contrast an animal cell and a plant cell. [ 4 marks] (b) Describe cell organization in the formation of tissues, organs and system in multicellular organisms. [ 6 marks] (c)

Red blood cells in 3% sodium chloride solution after 30 minutes

Red blood cells in 0.1% sodium chloride solution after 30 minutes


Modul biology 1 : 1. 2.


Figure 6

Figure 6 shows an animal cell immersed in different salt solutions. Explain what happened to the red blood cell in 3% of sodium chloride solution and 0.1% of sodium chloride solution after being immersed for half an hour. [ 6 marks] (d)


Original level of sucrose solution Distilled water

Thistle funnel

20% sucrose solution Semi-permeable membrane

Figure 7

Outside the thistle funnel Inside the thistle funnel

Sucrose molecule Water molecule

Plasma membrane

Beginning of experiment

After experiment


Modul biology 1 : 1. 2.


Figure 7 shows an experiment to study the movement of substances across the plasma membrane by using a simple osmometer. (i) Complete the molecular drawing in the box provided to show the movement of substances. (ii) Explain the movement of molecules across the plasma membrane. [ 4 marks]


A housewife made fruit pickles using unripe mango. During the preparation, she placed the mango slices in water and later placed them in sugar solution. When the mango slices were in the water, it was found that, the slices became turgid and their sizes increased. But when they were placed in the sugar solution, the slices became soft and shrunken. Based on the above situation, plan a laboratory experiment to determine the concentration of sucrose which is isotonic to the cell sap of the mango. The planning of your experiment must include the following aspects: Problem statement Aim of investigation Hypothesis Variables List of apparatus and materials Technique used Experimental procedure or method Presentation of data Conclusion [ 17 marks]


Modul biology 1 : 1. 2.





Module 2 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007

CHAPTER 4 : CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF THE CELL CHAPTER 5 : CELL DIVISION SECTION A Instruction : Each question is followed by four options. A, B, C and D. Choose one correct answer for each question. 1. Figure 1 shows a stage during mitosis in a plant cell.

Figure 1 Which of the statements about the cell in Figure 1 is not true? A The cell produces diploid daughter cells B The cell is at anaphase C The cell is found at the apical meristem D The cell has eight chromosomes at interphase 2. Figure 2 shows the molecular structure of three food classes.

A B C D X Carbohydrate Lipid Protein Lipid

Figure 2 Y Protein Protein Carbohydrate Carbohydrate

3. Which of the following is not a function of water? A Provides a moist surface for the diffusion of gases B Facilitates the movement of joints C An insulator of heat in the body D Facilitates the hydrolysis of food by enzymes

Module 2 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007

4. Which of the following graphs best represents the effect of pH on the rate of reaction of enzymes secreted by the pancreas?

5. Figure 3 shows how an enzyme works.

Figure 3 Which property of an enzyme is shown in Figure 3? A Enzyme reaction is specific B Enzyme reaction is affected by pH C Enzyme reaction is affected by temperature D Enzyme structure changes at the end of reaction 6. An animal species has a diploid number of chromosomes, 2n = 12, in each of its nuclei. Which of the following is true regarding the animal cell during and after meiosis?
Number of nucleus divisions during meiosis Number of chromosomes in gametes after meiosis


1 1 2 2

3 6 3 6

Module 2 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007

7. The diagram shows several stages in meiosis.

What is the chromosome behaviour in stage P? A Chromosome condense and thicken B Chromosomes arrange themselves around equatorial plane C Homologous chromosomes pair together and cross-over occurs D Homologous chromosomes separate and move to the opposite poles 8. Figure 4 shows a graph rate of enzyme reaction P, Q and R in the different pH.

Rate of enzyme reaction



Figure 4 What is the enzyme P, Q and R? A B C D P Pepsin Renin Renin Pepsin Q Lipase Lipase Amilase Tripsin R Tripsin Tripsin Tripsin Amilase

9. In the human body, active cell division does not occur in the A bone marrow B brain C testis D epidermis

Module 2 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007

10. Figure 5 shows the synthesis of extracellular enzymes.


Figure 5 Which of the following is the function of organelle Y I II III IV A B synthesis of proteins modifying of proteins sorting of proteins packaging of proteins I and II only II and III only C D I, II and III only II, III and IV only

11. Figure 6 shows the stage of sexual reproduction in animal.

Male organism I II

sperm fertilisation zygote III embryo

Female organism

Figure 6

Choose the process which occurs at stage I, II and III. I A B C D Meiosis Mitosis Meiosis Meiosis II Mitosis Meiosis Meiosis Mitosis III Mitosis Mitosis Mitosis Meiosis

Module 2 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007

12. Figure 7 shows a stage during cell division.

Figure 7 Where can you find this stage in a plant? A B anther cambium C D apical meristem shoot tips

13. The figure shows the breaking down of a complex molecule by an enzyme. Which of the molecule A, B, C or D, represents the substrate?

14. The diagram illustrates a stage during a cell division

Which of the statement is true about the cell? A B C D A pair of sister chromatids separate and move towards the opposite poles of the cells After a cell division, each daughter cell has four chromosomes After a cell division, each daughter cell has two chromosomes The cell in the diagram at anaphase II

Module 2 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007

15. The figure shows the phases of a cell cycle in an organism


What are P and S? P A B C D G1 G1 G2 G2 S S M S M

16. The diagram shows a DNA model .

The components labelled X, Y and Z are X A B C D Deoxyribose sugar Nitrogenous base Phosphate group Phosphate group Y Nitrogenous base Phosphate group Deoxyribose sugar Nitrogenous base Z Phosphate group Deoxyribose sugar Nitrogenous base Deoxyribose sugar

Module 2 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007

17. The figure shows the chromosomes in a parent cell.

Which of the following are not the possible combinations of chromosomes in the daughter cells after the parent cell has divided? A B

18. Which of the following statements represent the importance of meiosis? I II III IV A B C D The number of chromosomes is halved in gamete cells The diploid number of chromosomes is maintained after each cell division Genetic variations occur from one generation to the next The genetic content of the parent cell is maintained I and III only I, II and III only II, III and IV only I, II, III and IV

Module 2 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007

Section B Instruction : Answer all question in this section. 1 Figure 1(a) shows a reaction catalysed by lipase Q: R: S:

P: Figure 1(a) (a) (i) Label P, Q, R and S in Figure 1(a). (ii) State two characteristics of P 1 . 2 . [2 marks] (b) State the principle of enzyme reaction as shown in Figure 1(a). [1 mark ] (c) Two test tubes A and B containing pepsin and albumen were set up. The apparatus was left aside for 15 minutes at room temperature. The result are shown in Table 1. Test tube A B At the beginning of the experiment Cloudy Cloudy Table 1 At the end of the experiment Cloudy Cloudy [4 marks]

Module 2 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007


Explain the results for test tube A at the end of the experiment. .. .. .. [2 marks]


Suggest the changes to be made to the contents in test tube A and the set up of the experiment to obtain a positive result. ...... .. .. [2 marks]


After making the changes in (c)(ii), predict the result obtained from test tube A. .. [1 mark ]

(d) Figure 1(b) shows a box of washing powder.

Brand X
Washing powder with added enzyme

A housewife uses cold water to wash her clothes with brand X washing powder. The cleaning is less effective Using the above information, explain why. [2 marks]


Module 2 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007

2 Figure 2 (a) shows four randomly arranged stages of mitosis in an animal cell.

Figure 2 (a)

(a) Write the correct sequence of the stages of mitosis. [1 mark ] (b) Name the stages of mitosis represented by B and C. B : . C : .............................. [2 marks] (c) If the parent cell in Figure 2 (a) divides three times during mitosis, state the (i) number of daughter cells formed (ii) number of chromosomes in each daughter cell .. [2 marks]


Module 2 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007

(d) Figure 2 (b) shows the nucleus of a somatic animal cell

Meiosis Mitosis

Figure 2 (b)


In the space above, draw the nucleus of the daughter cell produced during mitosis and meiosis. [2 marks] Based on the diagram drawn in (d)(i), state two differences between the daughter cells formed through mitotic cell division and meiotic cell division. [ 2 marks]



Explain how meiosis helps to maintain the diploid condition of the cell .. .. .. [2 marks]


Module 2 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007

(e) Cancer is a disease which causes uncontrolled growth of tissues. Radiotherapy is a method to treat cancer by using radiation. Explain how this treatment stops the growth of cancer cells. [2 marks] (f) An oil palm planter wants to produce a large number of oil palms in a short time. State the best technique to be used by the planter and one problem to be considered in using the technique. [2 marks] (g) Every somatic cell which contains nucleus has a potential to form a complete new organism. (i) Name the technique used to produce new plants in large quantities. ...... [1 marks] (ii) By using one suitable part of the plant, explain the technique in (g)(i). .. .. .. .. .. [4 marks]


Module 2 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007

Section C Instruction : Answer all questions. 1 A group of students carried out an experiment to study the effect of the concentration of albumen suspension on the rate of reaction of pepsin enzyme. Diagram 1.1 shows the method used by the students. The time taken for the change in the cloudiness of the albumen suspension is shown in Diagram 1.2 The whole experiment in diagram 1.1 was repeated using different concentrations of albumen suspension Table 1.1 shows the results of the experiment.

Diagram 1.1

Diagram 1.2


Module 2 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007

Table 1.1


Module 2 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007

(a) (i) Based on Table 1.1, state two observations on the relationship between the quantity of albumen and time 1 . . 2.. .. [3 marks] (ii) State the inference which corresponds to the observation in 1(a)(i). 1 2 [3 marks] (b) Using the information provided in Table 1.1, complete Table 1.2 by recording the time taken for the albumen suspension to turn clear. Percentage concentration of albumen suspension 10 % 15 % 20 % Table 1.2 Time taken / minutes

[3 marks]


Module 2 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007

(c) (i) Complete Table 1.3 based on this experiment Variable Manipulated variable : Responding variables : Controlled variable : . . Method to handle the variables .. .. .. [3 marks]

Table 1.3

(ii) The following list is part of the apparatus and material used in this experiment Thermometer, Stop watch, Albumen suspension, Water bath, Pepsin, Syringe Complete Table 1.4 by matching each variable with the apparatus and material used in this experiment Variables Manipulated Responding Controlled Table 1.4 [3 marks] Apparatus Material


Module 2 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007

(d) State the hypothesis for this experiment ... .. [3 marks] (e) (i) Based on Table 1.1, construct a table and record the results of the experiment which includes the following aspects: percentage concentration of albumen suspension time / min rate of enzyme reaction as percentage of albumen converted per minute

[3 marks] (ii) On the graph paper provided, draw the graph of rate of reaction of pepsin against the concentration of albumen suspension [3 marks] (iii) Explain the relationship between the rate of reaction of pepsin and the concentration of albumen suspension based on the graph in 1(e)(ii). ... .. [3 marks] (f) Based on this experiment, what can you deduce about this enzyme? [3 marks]


Module 2 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007

(g) The experiment is repeated using the apparatus set up as in Diagram 1.3. The quantities of albumen suspension and pepsin enzymes used are as shown. The experiment is left for one hour.

Diagram 1.3 P, Q, R and S are four possible observations after one hour. Choose one correct observation and explain your choice.

[ 3 marks]


Module 2 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007



Chapter 6 : Nutrition

Module Panels: 1. Tn. Haji Meli bin Hussin SM Sains K. Terengganu 2. En. Mohd Nor bin Ismail SMK Tun Telanai, Marang 3. En. Zulkifli bin Awang SMK Ibrahim Fikri, K. Terengganu 4. Pn.Hjh Muslimah Bt Mahmood SM Sains Sultan Mahmud , K. Terengganu 5. Pn. Hjh Rohayah Bt Md Nor SMK Sultan Mansor, K. Terengganu



SECTION A: OBJECTIVE QUESTION 1. Which of the following process is autotrophic nutrition? A. B. C. D. 2. parasitism saprophytism holozoic chemosynthesis

Which of the following definition is holozoic? A. B. C. D. produce organic molecule from carbon dioxide and water using light ingests food and digests it within the body absorbs nutrients from dead organic material absorbs nutrients from another living organism


Which of the following factors affect the daily energy requirement of a person? I III A. B. C. D. Age Occupation I & II only I, II & III only I, II & IV only I, III & IV only II IV Blood group Body weight


Based on the food guide pyramid, which of the following food we have to eat more A. B. C. D. meat and alternative fruits and vegetable lipids, salt and sugar rice and alternative


Which of the following substance can cause osteoporosis? A. B. C. D. protein mineral water lipid


Protein deficiency The child becomes very thin with a wrinkled skin Mental and physical development is impaired The above statement is referred to A. B. C. D. merasmus vitamin C scurvy blind color


What is the name of semi-fluid that was found in stomach? A. B. C. D. bolus chyme bile saliva III



Which part of the stomach contain microorganism that can digest cellulose? A. B. C. D. I & II only I & III only II &IV only I, II, III &IV


Which of the following are adaptation of small intestine in absorption I II III IV A. B. C. D. long line up by villi epithelial of villus have microvillus contain secretion glands I & II only II & III only II & IV only I, II & III only


Excess amino acids cannot be stored in the body and broken down in the liver by a process A. B. C. D. assimilation absorption deamination detoxification


How can we avoid constipation? A. B. C. D. eat more carbohydrates eat more lipid eat more fibre eat more water


Constipation can leads A. B. C. D. small intestine cancer colon cancer gastric ulcer


Gastric ulcer because of I II III IV A. B. C. D. excess alcohol consumption drink more orange juice do not eat stress I & II only I & IV only I, II & III only I, II & IV only


Patient with anorexia nervosa may seek treatment in the form of A. B. C. D. counseling medication religion health


The diagram shows an experiment on photosynthesis

60 W bulb Elodea

Water bath at 30 C

Which of the following will increase the rate at which gas bubbles are released in the experiment? A. B. C. D. using a 20 W bulb using a water bath at 50oC replacing Elodea with Hydrilla using sodium hydrogen carbornate solution 1.0 %


Which factors are limiting factor in the graph? A. B. C. D. light intensity & temperature carbon dioxide concentration & temperature light intensity temperature


What is the process that water split into hydrogen ion and hydroxyl ion? A. Hydrolysis B. Lysis C. Photolysis D. Condensation Which part of the chloroplast that light reaction takes place?



B A 19. Genetic engineering is a technique A. B. C. D. 20. seed are sown directly plant culture in solution plant suspended in special chamber transfer of beneficial genes from one organism to another organism

Milk is heated to 63oC for 30 minutes or 72 oC for 15 second followed by rapid cooling to below 10oC A. B. C. D. fermentation canning cooking pasteurization



Named juice that secretes in A . [1 mark]


Give two function of hydrochloric acid in A 1. . 2. . [2 mark]


Explain how the food digested in A [4 mark]


Explain what happen to the same type of food when enter in small intestine? [5 mark] List out the factors that effect photosynthesis 1. .. 2. .. 3. .. [3 mark]




Explain graph I and II [4 mark]



Explain what is mean by limiting factor

[1 mark] (ii) What is the limiting factors in the graph? [1 mark] (d) Green house is a place where we can control the factor that effect photosynthesis. Explain how those factors can be controlled? [3 mark]

SECTION C: ESSEI QUESTION 1. (a) (i) (ii) Draw a cross section of a dicotyledonous leaf to show tissues that involved in photosynthesis Based on a diagrams, explain the adaptation of leaf to increase photosynthesis [10 mark]


Ali has a blocked bile duct. He takes fried rice with fried egg and teh tarik as his breakfast. Explain how digestive process in his alimentary canal and how his problem affected the digestion of his food. [10mark]

1. Experiment carried out to determine effect of light intensity on rate of photosynthesis as shown in figure 3. Concentration of carbon dioxide is constant by using 1 g of sodium hydrogen carbonates dissolved in water. The apparatus is set up 60cm from light sources. Gas that release can replace volume of water as shown figure 4. Volume of water that was replace in burette is a volume of gas released by photosynthesis.


lamp sodium hydrogen carbonates Elodea

Figure 3 The apparatus is change at different distance 50cm, 40cm, 30cm, 20cm and 10cm as shown in figure 4. After 5 minutes, bubbles release replace volume of water as shown in table 1.

Distance from light source







Figure 4


Volume of oxygen (cm3)

Distance from light source







Table 1

(a) (b)

Record volume of oxygen release in table 1 (i) State two observation from table 1

[ 3marks ]

1. 2. [ 3marks ] (ii) State the inference which corresponds to the observation in (b) (i). 1 3. [ 3marks ]


(c )

Complete table 2 based on this experiment Method to handle the variable

Variable Manipulated variable

.. .. Responding variable .. .. Controlled variable .. .. Table 2 (d) State the hypothesis for the experiment [3 marks ] (e) (i) Based on table 1, construct a table and record the result of the experiment which includes the following aspects: Distance from light source Volume of oxygen release Rate of photosynthesis Rate of photosynthesis = V/t V= Volume of oxygen cm3 t= time, 5 minutes [3 marks ] [3 marks ]


On the graph provided, draw the graph of rate of photosynthesis against distance of light source [3marks ]




Based on the graph, state the relationship between light intensity and rate of photosynthesis [3marks]


This experiment was repeated using two grams of sodium hydrogen carbonate which has dissolved in water. The apparatus is set up 30cm from light source. Predict volume of oxygen gas that will produce and explain why?. [3marks]


Based on the result of the experiment, what can you deduce about the rate of photosynthesis? [3marks]


Another group of students investigate other factors that effect the rate of photosynthesis.
water Number of stomata temperature

Concentration of chlorophyll

Concentration of carbon dioxide

Classify the above factors into environmental factor and intrinsic factor that affected the rate of photosynthesis. . [3marks]



Module 4 : Tutorial EMaS JPNTrg : Chapter RESPIRATION


Chapter 7 : Respiration

Module Panels: 1. Tn. Haji Meli bin Hussin SM Sains K. Terengganu 2. En. Mohd Nor bin Ismail SMK Tun Telanai, Marang 3. En. Zulkifli bin Awang SMK Ibrahim Fikri, K. Terengganu 4. Pn.Hjh Muslimah Bt Mahmood SM Sains Sultan Mahmud , K. Terengganu 5. Pn. Hjh Rohayah Bt Md Nor SMK Sultan Mansor, K. Terengganu

Module 4 : Tutorial EMaS JPNTrg : Chapter RESPIRATION Part A : Objective 1. Which of the following equations represent aerobic respiration ? A B C D 2. Carbon dioxide + water + energy oxygen + glucose Oxygen + glucose carbon dioxide + water + energy Glucose + carbon dioxide oxygen + water + energy Energy + oxygen carbon dioxide + water + glucose

What are the end products of anaerobic respiration in human muscle tissues during vigorous exercise? A B Lactic acid and energy Lactic acid and carbon dioxide C D Ethanol and carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide and water


What are the end products of anaerobic respiration in yeast? A B Ethanol and carbon dioxide Lactic acid and carbon dioxide C D Ethanol and oxygen Lactic acid and oxygen


Muscle contraction needs instant energy supply which can be obtained from A B glycogen which is stored in the muscles fats in the adipose tissue D C glucose in the muscles adenosine triphosphate in the muscles

5. Glucose


X + carbon dioxide + energy

Which of the following process uses the product X which is produced in the above chemical equation ? A B 6. Bread making Cheese making C D Wine making Ketchup making

Exchange of respiratory gases through the skin is characteristic of A fish B amphibians C reptiles D mammals


Air is inhaled when I II III IV A B the external intercostal muscles relax the rib cage moves upwards and outwards the diaphragm muscles relax the pressure in the thoracic cavity decreases I and II only II and IV only C D I, II and III only I, III and IV only

Module 4 : Tutorial EMaS JPNTrg : Chapter RESPIRATION 8. Figure 1 shows the respiratory system of an insect. The parts labelled X, Y and Z are the A B C D 9. K L M N O spiracle, tracheole, chitin spiracle, trachea, tracheole opening, tracheole, trachea spiracle, trachea, bronchiole

Figure 1

The opercular cavity is enlarged. The mouth opens. The floor of the buccal cavity is lowered. Water containing dissolved oxygen is drawn into the mouth. The operculum closes.

K, L, M, N and O describe the mechanism of inhalation in a fish which is not in the correct sequence. Arrange them in the correct sequence ? A K,M,L,O,N B M,L,N,K,O C L,O,M,K,N D L,M,K,O,N

10. Figure 2 shows a longitudinal section through an alveolus and the associated blood capillary in a lung. Which of the following describe the concentrations of oxygen at X and Y? X A B C D Low Low High High Low High Low High Y

Figure 2

11. What are the common characteristics shown by the respiratory surfaces of animals? I II A They are thin. They are moist. I and II only B III They have a large surface area. IV They are covered by a network of capillaries. III and IV only C I, II and III only D I, II, III and IV

12. To regulate the rhythm of breathing, the respiratory centre of the medulla oblongata needs direct nerve input from the I II A aortic bodies. carotid bodies. I and II only B III IV II and IV only central chemoreceptors. intercostal chemoreceptors. C I, II and III only D II, III and IV only

Module 4 : Tutorial EMaS JPNTrg : Chapter RESPIRATION 13. What happen when a person is in great fear? I II Adrenalin in the blood increases The rate of breathing increases B II and III only III IV The rate of heartbeat increases The rate of cell respiration increases D I, II, III and IV

A I and IV only

C I, II and IV only

14. Figure 3 shows an experiment to demonstrate the effect of cigarette smoke on lung.

Figure 3 Based on the results of this experiment, what conclusions can be drawn about the effects of cigarette smoke on the human respiratory system? I II III IV Cigarette smoke is acidic. Cigarette smoke emits a strong smell. Cigarette smoke causes an increase in the temperature of the lungs. Cigarette smoke causes tar to be deposited in the alveoli. B I, II and III only C II, III and IV only D I, II, III and IV

A I and II only

15. Why is carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke harmful ? A B C D It can cause lung cancer. It causes addiction. It kills the cells lining the trachea. It competes with oxygen to combine with haemoglobin.

16. The following are good respiratory habits to be cultivated, except A swimming B a balance diet C deep breathing D breathing through the mouth 17. The process of photosynthesis and respiration can be thought of as a cycle because A B C D both processes use energy respiration occurs only in animals while photosynthesis occurs only in plants both give off oxygen which is used by animals the products of one process are used as the raw materials in the other process

Module 4 : Tutorial EMaS JPNTrg : Chapter RESPIRATION 18. The measurements from a J-tube experiment to determine the percentage composition of gases in expired air are as follow: Length of original air bubble = 10.1 cm Length of air bubble after treated with KOH solution = 9.7 cm Length of the air bubble after treated with pyrogallol solution = 8.1 cm What is the percentage composition of carbon dioxide in expired air? A 1% B 2% C 3% D 4%

19. The graph in figure 4 shows oxygen exchange in a green plant at different light intensities and at two concentrations of carbon dioxide in the surrounding air.

Figure 4 At which light intensity are respiration and photosynthesis occurring at the same rate? A 0 B 10 C 20 D 30

20. The attainment of compensation point is directly related to A B formation of ATP production of oxygen C D water uptake light intensity

Module 4 : Tutorial EMaS JPNTrg : Chapter RESPIRATION Part B : structure item 1.

Figure 5 Figure 5 shows the transport and exchange of respiratory gases between the lung and body tissues. (a) i. Name the tissue labelled X in the human lung where exchange of respiratory gases occurs. .. State the gases labelled P, Q, R and S.


.. [ 2 marks ] (b) i. What chemical compound in the red blood cells that help in the transport of oxygen? ii. What mineral is contained in the chemical compound mentioned above? [ 2 marks ] Explain how gas R transported from cells to organ X ? [ 3 marks ] (d) i. State the function of X structure ii. Explain two adaptations that help structure E performs its function.


Module 4 : Tutorial EMaS JPNTrg : Chapter RESPIRATION [ 3 marks ] (e) Explain how carbon monoxide transported in blood capillaries and state what happens to the body cells [ 3 marks ] 2. Figure 6(i) shows the respiratory structure of humans and figure 6(ii) shows the respiratory structure of fish.

Figure 6(i)

Figure 6(ii)

(a) Name the structures in figure 7(i) and figure 7(ii) which allow gaseous exchange in human and fish. . . [2 marks] (b) Describe two similar adaptive characteristics of P and Q which enable both the respiratory structures to function efficiently. . . [2 marks] (c) If both fish and human are of the same size, give two reasons why the rate of oxygen supply to body cells in human is faster than the rate of oxygen supply to the body cells in fish. . .

Module 4 : Tutorial EMaS JPNTrg : Chapter RESPIRATION [2 marks] (d) Figure 7 shows the model of structure in figure 6(i) in human body.

Figure 7 Base on the model, (i) What is the structure is corresponding to the figure 6(i) [ 1 mark ] (ii) Describe how the mechanism of breathing can be shown in the model. [ 4 marks ]

Module 4 : Tutorial EMaS JPNTrg : Chapter RESPIRATION 3. Figure 8 shows a cross section of a leaf.

Layer P

Layer Q

Layer R

Gas X Figure 8 (a) What are the structures labelled P, Q and R ? Layer P : (b) (i) What is gas X ? . [1 marks] (ii) Explain how gas X is used to produce energy in human body ? . . [ 3 marks] (c) The surface of a mesophyll cell is moist with a thin film of water. What is the purpose of this water film? . [1 mark] (d) Explain the intake of oxygen from the atmosphere by the leaf. . . . [3 marks] (e) Explain why at certain times during the day, exchange of gases between the leaf and the atmosphere does not take place. . . [2 marks] 9 Layer Q : .. Layer R : . [2 marks]

Module 4 : Tutorial EMaS JPNTrg : Chapter RESPIRATION

Part C : Essay & Practical Item Question 1 1.(a) Figure 9 shows energy releasing process in a human muscle cell.

Figure 9 Explain how processes P and Q occur in human muscles. (b) Our rate of respiration varies. For example, we normally take about 20 breaths per minutes when we are at rest. However the rate could double during vigorous physical exercise Based on the statements above, discuss how the rate of respiration is controlled in human. [ 10 marks ] (c) A student analysed a sample of inhale air and exhaled air and obtained the results as shown in table below: Gas Oxygen Carbon dioxide Nitrogen Water vapour Percentage Composition Inhaled air Exhaled air 20.90 16.35 0.04 4.00 79.00 78.95 Variable Saturated [ 4 marks ]

Explain the results given in table. [ 6 marks ]


Module 4 : Tutorial EMaS JPNTrg : Chapter RESPIRATION Question 2 - Practical A group of student conducted an experiment to measure the process of aerobic respiration by a cockroach over a period of time. Figure 1 shows the set-up of the experiment.

37 C Figure 1 The students carried out the following steps: One boiling tube is filled with soda lime and placed with a wire gauze in the middle of the tube. A cockroach is placed on the wire gauze in the boiling tube. A stopper with a capillary tube is inserted to the boiling tube. The end of the capillary tube is immersed in a coloured liquid . The initial level of the coloured liquid was marked. The boiling tube was placed in a water bath at room temperature. The apparatus set-up is left for an hour. The heights of the coloured liquid in the capillary tubes are observed and recorded every 10 minutes interval.


Module 4 : Tutorial EMaS JPNTrg : Chapter RESPIRATION Table 1 shows the results obtained from the experiment: Boiling tube Time (minutes) Height of coloured liquid (mm) Results





Module 4 : Tutorial EMaS JPNTrg : Chapter RESPIRATION


Table 1 a) Record all the values of your reading in Table 1.

For Examiners Use [ 3 marks] 1 (a)

b) (i) Based on the results in Table 1 , state three observations that can be made from this experiment. Observations

2 1 (b) (i) 3 [ 3 marks]

(ii) State the inference from the observations in (b) (i).

[ 3 marks] 1 (b) (ii)


Module 4 : Tutorial EMaS JPNTrg : Chapter RESPIRATION For Examiners Use c) Construct a table and record all your data collected in the experiment.

d) Complete table 2 based on the experiment. Variable 1. Manipulated variable: 2. Responding variable: . . 3. Controlled variable: . .

[ 3 marks]

Particulars to be implemented How to alter the manipulated variable. . . . What to observed in the responding variable. How to maintain the controlled variable. . . . Table 2 [ 3 marks ]

1 (d)

1 (e) (f)

e) Plot a graph based on your reading at Table 1. What is the height of coloured liquid at 35th minutes? .. [ 3 marks] According to your graph at (e) , state the relationship between the use of oxygen gas 1 (f) with time. .. .. [ 3 marks]


Module 4 : Tutorial EMaS JPNTrg : Chapter RESPIRATION (g) State a suitable hypothesis for this experiment. .. .. .. [ 3 marks] (h) If the temperature of the water bath is increased to 400 C, predict the height of the coloured liquid and the amount of carbon dioxide gas at 40 minutes. [ 3 marks] (i) Based on the results of the experiment , state the operational definition of respiration. . . . [ 3 marks] (j) Another group of students carried out the experiment to determine the aerobic respiration of germinating seeds. They were provided with the following materials: Potassium hydroxide solution Thermometer liquid Germinating seeds thermos flask U-tube with coloured stopper with hole 1 (j) 1 (i) 1 (h) 1 (g)

Classify the above list into materials to be tested and apparatus to be use based on their functions in the experiment. [ 3 marks]


Module 5 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007


Chapter 8 : Dynamic Ecosystem Chapter 9 : Endangered Ecosystem

Module Panels: 1. Tn. Haji Meli bin Hussin SM Sains K. Terengganu 2. En. Mohd Nor bin Ismail SMK Tun Telanai, Marang 3. En. Zulkifli bin Awang SMK Ibrahim Fikri, K. Terengganu 4. Pn.Hjh Muslimah Bt Mahmood SM Sains Sultan Mahmud , K. Terengganu 5. Pn. Hjh Rohayah Bt Md Nor SMK Sultan Mansor, K. Terengganu

Module 5 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007

CHAPTEBR 8 : DYNAMIC ECOSYSTEM CHAPTER 9 : ENDARGERED ECOSYSTEM SECTION A Instruction: Each question is followed by four options A, B, C and D. Choose one correct answer for each question. 1. Which of the following organisms is a saprophyte?

2. What is the correct sequence of ecological change that occurs to a barren land over a long period of time? A Colonization, climax community, succession B Succession, colonization, climax community C Colonization, succession, climax community D Succession, climax community, colonization 3. Figure 1 shows a pyramid of numbers

Figure 1

Module 5 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007

Which of the following is not true about the organisms in the pyramid in Figure 1? V A B C D Holophytic Autotrophic First trophic level Producer W Holozoic Autotrophic Second trophic level Primary consumer X Holozoic Heterotrophic Third trophic level Secondary consumer Y Holozoic Heterotrophic Fourth trophic level Tertiary consumer

4. Figure 2 shows a mangrove swamp at the month of a river in the year 1970

Which of the following would represent the possible zonal shift at the river mouth in the year 2010?

Module 5 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007

5. Figure 3 shows an area of human activity?

What is the effect on the river ecosystem based on the main activity shown in Figure 3? A B C D Number of trophic levels in a food chain Algae growth in the river increases BOD of the water decreases Temperature of the water increase

6. Table 1 shows the results of an experiment to study the population of garden snails in a vegetable farm Capture First Second Number of garden snails captured 200 were marked 50 marked 80 unmarked

What is the approximate population of the snails in the farm? A 125 B 320 C 330 D 520 7. The picture shows the root structure of a mangrove tree.

Module 5 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007

What is structure Q? A Knee root B Buttrees root C D Fibrous root Stilt root

8. The figure shows the effect of interaction between two organisms, P and Q.


Benefit What type of interaction is this? A Parasitism B Mutualism C D Saprophytism Commensalism

9. Which of the following does not cause water pollution? A Carbon monoxide B Excess fetilizers C D Sewage Industrial waste

10. The figure shows an environment phenomenon.

What is the phenomenon? A Green house effect B Air pollution C D Ozone depletion Radiation effect

Module 5 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007

11. The figure represents a pyramid of numbers of a vegetable farm. P, Q, R and S represent the different organisms in the pyramid of numbers. S R Q P An insecticide was used to eliminate the population of Q. Which of the following represents the pyramid of numbers after the insecticide was used?

12. The picture shows an activity.

Module 5 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007

Which of the following are the effects of the activity? I II III IV A B C D Flash flood Landslide Global warming Training of the ozone layer I, II and III only I, II and IV only II, III and IV only I, II, III and IV

13. The diagram shows the feeding method of organism X

What is the feeding method of organism X A Holozoic B Parasitic C D Saprohytic Autotrophic

14. A former mining ground can form a primary forest. Which of the following sequence is correct in the formation of the primary forest? A B C D Successor, climax community, pioneer Pioneer, climax community, successor Successor, pioneer, climax community Pioneer, successor, climax community

15. What is biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)? A B C D The quantity of oxygen produced by an aquatic organism The quantify of oxygen used by an aquatic organism Indicator to measure the level of water pollution Indicator of the amount of a water pollutant

Module 5 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007

16. The following information is about eutrophication. P Algae grow and cover the surface of the lake Q The rate of bacteria reproduction increases R BOD value increases S Organic fertilizer flows into the lake Which of the following sequences is correct about the eutrophication process? A B C D S, P, Q, R P, S, R, Q S, Q, R, P Q, S, P, R

17. The increase in global temperature due to deforestation causes I II III IV A B C D soil erosion climatic change air pollution rise in sea level I and II only II and IV only I, II and IV only II, III and IV only

18. The following information shows steps in reactions during the destruction of the ozon layer. P Chlorine atom reacts with ozone to produce chlorine monoxide and oxygen molecules Q Free oxygen atom will break the chlorine monoxide bond R Ultra violet ray breaks the chlorine chemical bond in CFC to produce free chlorine atom S Free chlorine atom repeats the chain reaction Which of the following sequences of steps is correct during ozone destruction? A B C D P, R, Q, S Q, P, R, S R, P, Q, S R, Q, P, S

Module 5 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007

19. Diagram below show a crab with barnacles on its shell

What is the interaction between the crab and the barnacles? A B C D Parasitism Mutualism Saprophytism Commensalism

20. The following information is related to a process occurring in an ecosystem

The pioneer species is replaced by a new species which is more

adapted to the habitat The process occurs gradually over a long period of time The process ends with a climax community The process is A B C D colonisation competition succession evolution

Module 5 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007

SECTION B Answer all questions in this section.

Type of fauna Water Insect source nymphs Insect larvae Fish Worm (Tubifex sp) None None None Present Present Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) 0-3 3-10 10-15 15-30 >30


5 3 1 None None

3 2 1 1 None

4 2 None None None

0,1,2,3,4, . 48,49,50 BOD value Low BOD value high Table 1 1. A study was carried out to compare the effects of pollution on several types of fauna in five types of water sources J, K, L, M and N. biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) was used as an indicator of the quality of water. Table 1 shows the results of the study. a) State the meaning of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). .. .. .. [2 marks] b) (i) State the relationship between the level of pollution and the fauna species in this study .. .. .. [1 mark] (ii) Describe how the relationship in (b)(i) is formed. .. .. .. .. .. [3 marks]


Module 5 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007

(iii) State one waste substance that cause the high BOD value in N. . [1 mark] c) (i) What is the other indicator that can be used to gauge the level of pollution in the five sources of water in Table 2, if BOD is not used? .. .. [1 mark] (ii) What conclusion can you make about the worm Tubifex sp. in Table 2? . . . . [2 marks] d) Suggest two ways to increase the number of fauna species in N. .. .. .. .. .. [2 marks]


Module 5 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007

2. Figure 2 (i) shows a food web found in a field ecosystem.


Rabbit Organism Y


Organism X

Figure 1 (i) (a) (i) State the role of organism X and Y in the food web in Figure 2(i) X: ... Y:..... [2 marks] (ii) If grasshopper and wolf brought into the ecosystem, mark on the figure 2 (i) the position of both organisms to show their roles in the food web above. [2 marks] (b) Explain the importance of organism X in the food web [3 marks]


Module 5 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007

(c) Based on figure Rajah 2 (i), draw and label a pyramid of numbers to show all trophic levels in the food web on figure 2 (ii) below.

Figure 1 (ii) (c)

[3 marks]

In a season of draught, all the grass in the field died in a fire. Explain the effect of this fire to the eagle population in the ecosystem. [2 marks]


Module 5 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007

3. Figure 2 show a terrestrial ecosystem

Figure 2 a) Abiotic and biotic components influents the lives of organisms. Fill in the boxes in Figure 2 to show two more abiotic and two more biotic components [2 marks] b) On Figure 2, mark and label one example of the following organism (i) Producer (ii) Consumer (iii) Decomposer c) Based on Figure 2, constructs one food chain consisting of four trophic level. 1st trophic level .. 2nd trophic level . 3rd trophic level . 4th trophic level . [2 marks]

[3 marks]


Module 5 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007

d) An organism in the 3rd trophic level in Figure 2 has decrease in number. (i) Base on the food chain you have constructed in (c), suggest a way to increase the number of this organism again. .. .. [1 mark] (ii) Explain your suggestion in (d)(i). .. .. .. [2 marks] e) The organism in the trophic level in Figure 2 absorbs 15 000 kJ solar energy. Energy loss at each trophic level is 90%. Calculate the total every transferred to the organism in the 3rd trophic level.

= .kJ [2 marks]


Module 5 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007

SECTION C 1. Figure 6a shows the profile of a mangrove swamp and distribution of plant species.

Avicennia & Sonneratia


Figure 6a (a)(i) This mangrove swamp has been polluted by oil spill from a tank ship. Explain how this event can affect the ecosystem of the mangrove swamp. [4 marks] (ii) Explain the role of plants in figure 6a in increasing the ground level of mangrove swamp.

[6 marks]


Figure 6b shows the condition of three cities.

Keys: Industrial area Glassed building Agriculture area P Q R Cities


Figure 6b Discuss about the pollution in P, Q, and R city. [10 marks]


Module 5 : Tutorial EMaS Biology 2007

FIGURE 2 2. Figure 2 above shows an industrial area that release smoke resulting from burning fossil fuel to environment. a) (i) Name the event shown in figure 2 above and explain how it happen. [4 marks]


(ii) Elaborate the effect of the event you mentioned in (a) to living things and ecosystem. [6 marks] A real estate company wants to open an area of forested hill for the purpose of building a new housing area. The hill area situated near to a water reservoir centre for the nearby villages and a river flowing from the hill area through a few nearby villages.

You are assigned to do an initial study at the area mentioned above. Using your knowledge in biology, justify why the companys proposal must not be approve. [10 Marks]


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