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Benchmark: Future Exhibit: Personal and Professional Goals

Personal Goals: 1. Obtain a job that pays over minimum wage (within one year) 2. Purchase a more fuel efficient car (within two years) 3. Complete my undergraduate studies in political science (within five years) 4. Continue on to law school (within six years) 5. Graduate law school and pursue a career in law and politics (within ten years) Professional Goals: 1. Graduate high school with at least a 3.8 cumulative GPA (within one year) 2. Gain acceptance into the university of my choice (within one year) 3. Gain acceptance into the honors program of the university of my choice (within one year) 4. Graduate college with honors (within five years) 5. Obtain a well-paying job in the field of political science; continue on to law school (within ten years)

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