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Grant for Young and Emerging Wind Band Composers 2013


Proposal for: Michael Alexander

ACC, Annabel in the Spring, is a wind composition first composed for the Hillcrest Wind Ensemble. It is a colorful depiction of spring, and the planting of a certain, beautiful hydrangea. With hopes of submitting it to the Merrill Jones Wind Ensemble competition, I intended on getting it published. This grant would allow me to travel, and work closely with ensembles to record, and allow the work, as well as my skills, mature. I am a 22-year-old working male, living in the heart of Chicago. I was born in the Louisville, KY, and have been surrounded by music my entire life. I've performed at Louisville Male High School, University of Louisville, and Columbia College regularly, and have kept ties with many exceptional musicians and colleagues. With minimum compensation, I know the right people to spend time on this but I must be able to get their attention; I must provide rehearsal refreshments, and a little incentive. This grant would not only allow me to do that, but I could have a viable chance at the Merrill Jones competition. This is my first composition for wind ensemble. Please consider my composition, as it would be my honor to represent the ACC, and the teachers who have helped and nurtured me along the way. I am hard-working, intelligent, and personable. The ACC would be promoting one of the most organized, persistent, and dedicated upcoming composers. Any amount, from $2000-$5000 would put me one step closer to realizing my first major piece of music With Best Regards, Michael Lamont Alexander

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