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Genetic Engineering

Is Genetic Engineering a good thing or a bad thing? Some people agree with it happening and some people dont. I am one of those who is both against, and for, Genetic Engineering. In this essay, I will write about Genetic Engineering; why I feel that it is both good and bad, what others feel, and why my view should be ta en. !here are "uestions all around the world about Genetic Engineering that most people are unable to answer. !he big "uestion is, #$hat is Genetic Engineering? $ell, its complicated because it has many different aspects to it. !wo of the main ones are cloning and mutations. %loning is when a cell is removed from your body to ma e a replicate of yourself. & mutation is when a scientist ta es a gene out of you, removes e'ons (a segment of )*& or +*& molecule,, adds a gene, and-or introduces point mutations (the changing of a gene structure,. !here are many reasons why I disagree with Genetic Engineering ta ing place. .ut the main one is that I dont agree with human cloning. Scientists are wor ing hard at being able to clone humans and other animals. /ets say you lost a limb; the scientist would clone you, and then transfer the missing limb from your clone, over to your body. .ut what I also dont agree with is harvesting a human clone, because these clones are actually real people, who have feelings. Some people dont thin of it that way though. Some other reasons that cloning could be problematic are with genetic diseases. If they cloned a human with a genetic disease, then the clone would have that disease too. If they figured out a way to clone humans, many things could go terribly wrong. !he life e'pectancy of a sheep is between 00102 years, but when a scientist cloned )olly (a sheep from the +oslin Institute in Edinburgh, she only lived to be si' and a half years old. 3owever, the )*& cell )olly was made from was already 4 years old, so that could have had something to do with her shortened life. So there is a chance of human cloning going wrong as well. 5ne part of cloning I do agree with is Genetic mutations. In this case, a scientist would remove a certain gene from you so it wouldnt carry over to your clone, or to your future children. !he scientist can also mutate a gene from any ind of victual (food or provisions,, so it wont mutate when the victual is e'posed to o'ygen. 6utations could also possibly provide a

longer life for humans, certain genetic diseases to disappear, and the best possible animals for farmers. Some individuals dont agree with this ta ing place. !hey believe that mutations in humans and victuals will cause serious health ris s because they wont have certain nutrients they need to survive. !here is also the chance of something going completely wrong. If you dont have some certain genes to fight against bacteria, then it could lead to physical e'haustion and possibly even death. In conclusion, if genetic engineering was to ta e place, the world has a possibility of becoming e'tremely over1populated and shortages of food could occur. !here is also the possibility of genetic diseases becoming more harmful in a sense where no one would be able to survive. %an we tolerate failure? !here are 274 failures for each success, so cloning one person will ill hundreds. 6y view should be ta en because if you can mutate something to prevent the worst from happening you may as well do so. .ut if you want to prevent someone from dying, you should do it in such a way that you are not ending the life of someone else.

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