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Innovative Practices in Teacher Education by Bhavna Lavaniya & Pravendra Singh Birla Research Scholars, Faculty of Education DEI

gra E!ail, Phone no" 8979900248 ddress- House no. 4 !H "#, $am%un& gali 'ra(hvina(h )hahgan& #gra-2820"0 *((ar 'radesh bstract +eacher ,duca(ion is a discipline -hich educa(es (he progressive genera(ions on -ha( has gone by, -here -e are, -here -e -an( (o go, and -ha( -e li%e (o crea(e, observing heal(hy, meaning.ul and long li.e. /( is one o. (he signi.ican( areas -here a lo( o. innova(ive ideas can be (ried ou( and prac(iced. 0os( o. (he schools and universi(ies in /ndia have (raining program .or (eachers (o upgrade (heir (eaching s%ills. +here is no harm in doing (ha( as -e should be open (o learning ne- (hings. 1earning never s(ops all our li.e, and .or (eachers (o evolve, as a good (eacher needs (o e2plore (hemselves, and (ry innova(ive educa(ional measures (o (each children. +he 3en(re .or #dvanced )(udies in ,duca(ion 43#),5, 6adodara has been s(reng(hening 7holis(ic +eacher ,duca(ion (hrough seminars, research and publica(ions. )ome $esearch )(udies are being conduc(ed on 7holis(ic )cience ,duca(ion 'rogram and 7holis(ic 8evelopmen( (hrough 1eisure +ime #c(ivi(ies. +he -holis(ic (eacher educa(ion program is 9ui(e promising. 7i(h in(erne( being so -idely used, %no-ledge is &us( no( res(ric(ed (o (e2(boo%s, children have access (o in(erne( and in.orma(ion. /n such (imes i. (eachers s(ic% -i(h a decade old -ay o. (eaching (hen i(:s di..icul( .or children (o rela(e (o (hem. +eachers have (o loo% beyond (e2(boo%s and (a%e help .rom audio and visual aids o. (eaching (o ma%e a sub&ec( in(eres(ing. 6arious seminars and -or%shops are conduc(ed by (he educa(ional boards 43;), /3), /)35 in /ndia (o (each innova(ive (eaching s%ills (o (eachers. +he 'resen( paper discusses abou( (he need o. (eacher educa(ion program (o be innova(ive. +he paper also discusses (he basic .ea(ures o. some o. (hese innova(ive (eacher educa(ion programs and approaches and a( (he end sugges(s some innova(ive .ea(ures o. (eacher educa(ion programs.

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