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Compare and Contrast

This is statistically the second easiest essay to write behind the DBQ. Simply because the information is not provided to you, instead you have to supply the historical evidence to support your thesis. Thesis Statement Again, this is the most important part of the essay. There are multiple ways to write a thesis statement for the compare and contrast. Student need to have a minimum of TWO differences and ONE similarity, OR ONE difference and TWO similarities.

Generic thesis statement: The (civilization/region 1) and (civilization/region 2) are similar by (Theme 1) and (Theme 2); however they are different by (Theme 3. Topic Sentence body paragraph 1: SIMILARITY Needs to refer to the thesis statement. For paragraph one, the topic sentence should incorporate both civilizations/regions and theme 1. Topic Sentence body paragraph 2: SIMILARITY Should incorporate both civilizations/regions and theme 2 Topic Sentence body paragraph 3: DIFFERENCE Should incorporate both civilizations/regions and theme 3 Historical Evidence: Must include factual evidence to support topic sentence. Do not give general information! As a rule of thumb, you need to include a minimum of 8 facts in your essay. Relevant Comparison: In order to earn this point, you must show a MINIMUM OF TWO relevant comparisons. These are areas that both civilizations had in common. All of the following are examples of relevant comparisons: Chronological, Cause and Effect, Thematic, etc. Local to Global How is this prompt question relevant to other parts of the world at the time? What other things are going on that might be the same and/or different in other parts of the globe. (good to put in the conclusion) Compare and Contrast Outline Thesis Statement Topic Sentence: Similarity between civilization/region based off of Theme 1 o Factual evidence for civilization/region 1 o Factual evidence for civilization/region 2 Explanation of how they are similar o Factual evidence for civilization/region 1

o Factual evidence for civilization/region 2 Explanation of how they are similar Topic Sentence: Similarity between civilization/region based off of Theme 2 o Factual evidence for civilization/region 1 o Factual evidence for civilization/region 2 Explanation of how they are similar o Factual evidence for civilization/region 1 o Factual evidence for civilization/region 2 Explanation of how they are similar Topic Sentence: Difference between civilization/region based off of Theme 3 o Factual evidence for civilization/region 1 o Factual evidence for civilization/region 2 Explanation of how they are different o Factual evidence for civilization/region 1 o Factual evidence for civilization/region 2 Explanation of how they are different Conclusion o Relevant comparison #1 o Relevant comparison #2 o Local to Global connection

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