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Lesson Plan Template Common Core Aligned

Subject: Math 7 Math 8 Teacher: B Bo!er Lesson Plan "ate: #ee$ o% &'()7('* School(+rade ,d!sse! Charter School +rade 7 +rade 8

L-SS,. PLA. T-MPLAT/0S0,.1S-TT0.+ Common Core Leaning Standard -ssential

2uestion()'st Centur! S$ills
Grade 7- MA.7.A.1.2, MA.7.A.1.6, MA.7..A.3.2, MA.7.A.1.3, Collaboration, Self-Directional, Critical Thinking Grade - MA. .A.1.3, MA. .A.!.2, Collaboration, SelfDirectional and Critical Thinking.

3-4 P,0.TS
"hat ke# idea$ and %nder$tanding$ are re&re$ented b# thi$ ob'ecti(e) "hat kno*ledge and $kill$ do $t%dent$ need to acce$$ the$e ke# idea$ and %nder$tanding$)

+r 7 Monda!1 TS#BAT complete introduction to Chapter 5 outline and be able to de%ine and model the concept o% a percent Tuesda!1 #ednesda!1 TS#BAT sol6e problems in6ol6ing %inding percents o% a number Thursda!1 TS#BAT complete percent problems b! sol6ing them using the percent proportion 7rida!1 TS#BAT con6ert sentences into algebraic e8uations to sol6e proportions +r 8 Monda!1 Tuesda!1 TS#BAT 9rite algebraic e8uations %rom 6erbal sentences and problem situations #ednesda!1 Thursda!1 TS#BAT sol6e e8uations using the %our operations and Properties o% -8ualit! 7rida!: TS#BAT TS#BAT graph ine8ualities .

+r 7
Monday- Friday: Chapter 6 Concepts

Monda#- T%e$da#- "edne$da#++ ,ercent of a -%.ber Th%r$da#- ,ercent ,ro&ortion /rida#- The ,ercent 01%ation +r 8
Monday- Friday- Chapter 4-2/3 A Concepts

Monda#+ "riting Algebraic 01%ation$ T%e$da#+ "riting Algebraic 01%ation$ "edne$da#- Th%r$da#+ Sol(ing 01%ation$ %$ing the ,ro&ertie$ of 01%alit# /rida#+ Gra&h 2ne1%alitie$

Lesson Plan Template Common Core Aligned

Learning Target:

"hat *ill $t%dent$ kno* and be able to do a$ a re$%lt of thi$ le$$on) Grade 7 Monda#- "hat i$ a &ercent and *h# are &ercent$ i.&ortant in .# life) T%e$da#3"edne$da#+ 4o* do &ercent$ hel& .e to learn financial literac#) Th%r$da#+ 4o* can 2 a&&l# &ro&ortionalit# r%le$ to co.&are $i.ilar fig%re$) /rida#+ 4o* can 2 tran$late a $entence into an algebraic e1%ation to $ol(e &ercent &roble.$) Grade Monda#-T%e$da#+ Gi(en (erbal $entence$, ho* can 2 tran$late a%thentic &roble.$ into algebraic $entence$) "edne$da#- Th%r$da#- 4o* can 2 a%thentic &roble.$ %$ing the ,ro&ertie$ of 01%alit#) /rida#- 4o* can "rite t*o Ste& 01%ation$ that 5e&re$ent 5eal "orld ,roble.$)

+rade 7:
Monday- Tuesday-Wednesday: Students will e introduced !ethod o" "indin# percents o" a nu! er and esti!ation$ Students will co!plete te%t pa#es 3&&-3'&$ Wor( oo( pa#es )*-+2$ ,with esti!ationThursday-: Students will e introduced to usin# the proportion !ethod to sol.e percents$ Te%t pa#es 3''- 3'6$ W/ +3-+4 Friday: Students will e introduced to translatin# a sentence into an al#e raic sentence in order to sol.e percent pro le!s$ Te%t pa#es 3') 0 32'$ W/ +1-+6

+rade 8:
Monday- Tuesday: Students will e introduced to writin# al#e raic e2uations "ro! .er al sentences$ 3n Tuesday4 a"ter re.iewin# concepts4 students will co!plete !atchin# acti.ity in #roups$ Te%t pa#es- 2'6- 22& Wor( oo( pa#es 63-64 Wednesday- Thursday: Students will practice pro le!s usin# the 5roperties o" 62uality$ Te%t pa#es- 22'- 23& Wor( oo( pa#es- 61-6+ Friday- Students will e introduced to two step e2uations$ Te%t pa#es 23)- 242 Wor( oo( pa#es- 6*-)&


"h# are the o%tco.e$ of thi$ le$$on i.&ortant in the real *orld) "h# are the$e o%tco.e$ e$$ential for f%t%re learning)

+rade 7 and +rade 8: The outco!es "or the wee(ly lesson are rele.ant to the succession o" di""iculty that is necessary "or Middle School Students to attain in order to reach and !aintain success in a hi#h school settin#$ 7essons that are tau#ht coincide with the Sunshine Standards that are set y the Florida 8ept o" 6ducation$


,pening ;7min <:

4o* *ill #o% co..%nicate what i$ abo%t to ha&&en) 4o* *ill #o% co..%nicate how it *ill ha&&en) 4o* *ill #o% co..%nicate it$ i!portance) 4o* *ill #o% co..%nicate connections to &re(io%$ le$$on$) 4o* *ill #o% engage $t%dent$ and ca&t%re their intere$t) 9 will recall pre.ious day:s lesson and how it uilds on to the new concept that will e introduced$ 8iscussion will "ollow o" the assi#ned day:s o ;ecti.e and how it relates to their e.eryday world$ When introducin# a new concept4 students will watch and en#a#e with a tutorial .ideo$ Students will also e introduced to new .oca ulary when applica le$

MAT-:0ALS +rade 7(8: White oard4 indi.idual white oards4 calculators4

co!puters4 internet4 pencils4 paper4 wor(sheets4 rulers4 te%ts4 wor(sheets4 assess!ents ,i" necessary-$

0ntroduction o% .e9 Material ;== min <

4o* *ill #o% e6&lain7de.on$trate all kno*ledge7$kill$ re1%ired of the ob'ecti(e, $o that $t%dent$ begin to

Grade 7 and Grade 8: St%dent$ *ill be introd%ced b# %$ing a (ariet# of .ethod$+ (ideo

Lesson Plan Template Common Core Aligned M-T>,"S

acti(el# internali8e ke# &oint$) "hich &otential .i$%nder$tanding$ do #o% antici&ate) 4o* *ill #o% &roacti(el# .itigate the.) 4o* *ill $t%dent$ interact *ith the .aterial) 4o*7*hen *ill #o% check for %nder$tanding) 4o* *ill #o% addre$$ .i$%nder$tanding$) "h# *ill $t%dent$ be engaged)

t%torial, an a%thentic 1%e$tion %$ing c%rrent e(ent$, or a $hock and 9a*e: to get attention. St%dent$ .a# be gi(en &roble. and an$*er and a$ked to brain$tor. ho* an$*er *a$ deri(ed. Grade 7 and Grade 8: Students 9ill 9or$ independentl! and cooperati6el! on assignment using indi6idual 9hite boards Continual re6ie9 o% pre6ious topics 9ill be hit on each da! "ail! Bell 9or$ 9ill consist o% pre6ious learned topics Misunderstandings 9ill be addressed on indi6idual basis or 9hole class instruction depending on the amount o% students ha6ing the same mista$e Students 9ill be engaged b! indi6idual or collaborate 9or$ing on assignment Grade 7 and Grade 8:
Students will !odel prior concepts that were learned$ Students will co!plete indi.idual/ s!all #roup/ pair partners4 to drill/practice past and new concepts$ Students will e en#a#ed y indi.idual white oards4 role playin#4 and #a!es ,when applica le-$ 9t is i!portant "or students to e en#a#ed to retain in"or!ation and stay on tas($ <rade )- te%t pa#es 3&&-32' and W/ pa#es )*-+6 Study #uide pa#e '&2$ <rade +- te%t pa#es 2'6-24' and W/ pa#es 63-)2

+uided Practice ;== min <

4o* *ill $t%dent$ &ractice all kno*ledge7$kill$ re1%ired of the ob'ecti(e, *ith #o%r $%&&ort, $%ch that the# contin%e to internali8e the ke# &oint$) 4o* *ill #o% en$%re that $t%dent$ ha(e .%lti&le o&&ort%nitie$ to &ractice, *ith e6erci$e$ $caffold fro. ea$# to hard) 4o*7*hen *ill #o% .onitor &erfor.ance to check for %nder$tanding) 4o* *ill #o% addre$$ .i$%nder$tanding$) "h# *ill $t%dent$ be engaged)

0."-P-."-.T P:ACT0C- ;== min <

4o* *ill $t%dent$ inde&endentl# &ractice the kno*ledge and $kill$ re1%ired of the ob'ecti(e, $%ch that the# $olidif# their internali8ation of the ke# &oint$ &rior to the le$$on a$$e$$.ent) "hen and ho* *o%ld #o% inter(ene to $%&&ort thi$ &ractice) 4o* *ill #o% &ro(ide o&&ort%nitie$ for re.ediation and e6ten$ion) "h# *ill $t%dent$ be engaged)

Grade 7 and Grade 8: ASS-SSM-.T:

De$cribe, briefl#, *hat $t%dent$ *ill do to $ho* #o% that the# ha(e .a$tered <or .ade &rogre$$ to*ard= the ob'ecti(e. ;ell *ork, and a$$e$$.ent <Cha&ter te$t$7$e.e$ter e6a.$=, 1%e$tion and an$*er, th%.b$ %&7th%.b$ do*n>..

"hat c%rric%l%. .odification$ and7or cla$$roo. acco..odation$ *ill #o% .ake for St%dent$ *ith Di$abilitie$7Gifted in #o%r cla$$) ;e a$ $&ecific a$ &o$$ible. 0S0 Acco..odation$ Check for co.&rehen$ion, (i$%al aid$, .odeling, in$tr%ction in $elf-deter.ination, e6tended ti.e, $hortened a$$ign.ent$, differentiated in$tr%ction, direct in$tr%ction, think-&air-$hare 0, Acco..odation$+ Differentiated 1%e$tioning, e6ten$ion acti(itie$, cl%$ter gro%&ing 0?? Acco..odation$+ <Si.&lified @ocab%lar#, $&eak clearl#, differentiated in$tr%ction, differentiated 1%e$tioning, check for %nder$tanding, Think-,air-Share, .ani&%lati(e7 hand$-An Acti(itie$, gra&hic organi8er$, &referential $eating.

Grade 7 and Grade + 5e.ediation *ill be a$$e$$ed b# the indi(id%al need$ of all $t%dent$. So.e re.ediation techni1%e$ are+ check for co.&rehen$ion, (i$%al aid$, .odeling, in$tr%ction in $elfdeter.ination, e6tended ti.e, $hortened a$$ign.ent$, differentiated in$tr%ction, direct in$tr%ction, think-&air-$hare, Differentiated 1%e$tioning, e6ten$ion acti(itie$, cl%$ter gro%&ing,

Lesson Plan Template Common Core Aligned

*ork$heet$ *ill be aligned according to the indi(id%al need$. >,M-#,:3 ;i% appropriate<
4o* *ill $t%dent$ &ractice *hat the# learned)

+rade 7: Monda#- St%d# G%ide &age BC T%e$da#- St%d# G%ide &age B6 "edne$da#- "; &age B6 Th%r$da#- St%d# G%ide &age BB-1DD /rida#+ St%d# G%ide 1D1-1D2 +rade 8: Monda#- "; &age 6! T%e$da#- no ho.e*ork "edne$da#- "; &age 66 Th%r$da#- "; 6 /rida#- "; 7D-72

Doe$ thi$ le$$on reflect one of the 9$hift$: in in$tr%ction) 2$ $o, *hich $hift and ho*) 4o* did thi$ le$$on $%&&ort 21 $t Cent%r# Skill$) 4o* did thi$ le$$on reflect acade.ic rigor) 4o* did thi$ le$$on cogniti(el# engage $t%dent$) 4o* did thi$ le$$on engage $t%dent$ in collaborati(e learning and enhance their collaborati(e learning $kill$) Mo$t ?e$$on ,lan$ $ho%ld reflect+ St%dent$ a$ *orker$, teacher$ a$ coachE .%lti&le $%b'ect integrationE higher order thinking7critical thinkingE di(er$ified acti(itie$ and differentiationE a%thentic a$$e$$.ent .ethod$E technolog# inf%$ed co.&onent$E learning e6ten$ion o&&ort%nitie$E reinforce$ o%r core (al%e$ of 0//A5T, 50S,0CT, A"-05S42,, and SA/0TFE choice, collaboration, o%tdoor co.&onent$, lect%re and te6tbook e.&ha$i$ ;AS2C ;AA5D CA-/2GG5AT2A-+ Date Cla$$ Ab'ecti(e$ Cla$$ Agenda o(er(ie*7ti.e$ for acti(itie$ ,rod%ct$7a$$e$$.ent d%e at end of &eriod 06ten$ion7ho.e*ork for the da#

Lesson Plan Template Common Core Aligned

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