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Principles of Communication Engineering John M. Wozencraft Irwin Mark Jacobs Depart of Heeical Exgeeing Masher inne of Tecaegy John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York + London + Sydney woe Cpyih 195 by Bo ey Son ts AL Rigs Reser ‘intent ora pct et nen be ope fn ‘ou ewe paren fhe ube. Listy af Cong Catalog Cad Nanber 65.1649 ‘Prod in be Usted Ser of Aen Preface Dring recent years «vast body of knowledge central to the problems ‘of communication engineering has acamulated pieceredl in the journal Teature Unfortaately, tis work is often couched in advanced mathe- ‘ata! term, and no overall synthesis at the level ofan introductory textbook fs been available, AS 4 result, even at second glane, the dix [Splines of coding and modulation often appear to be distivet and the [Sbivecions of information theory t0 be oxly vaguely connested with the relies of communication system design. “We hope thatthe Book wil provide a cobesiveintducton to much of this apparently dxparate work, We have been motivated by three ‘elated objetives. The fist is to establish a sound frame of reference for Farther tidy m communication, random processes, and information fd detection theory. The scond sto make the ental results and con- Gepis of stitial communication theory accessible and intitively ‘etingfal to the pratcng enginee. The third i to Muminate the {nenecring slgalicance and application of the theory and to provide & {Quantitative basis for the compromises of engineering design, "Book cont and senpe reflect these objectives, The subject mater progresses systematically from elements of probability and random process theory through signal dtetion and selection, modulation and Posing, demedulation and decoding, and engicering compromises ‘Unity ssougt throueh consistent exploitation of the gometieconeeps ‘of Shanaon and Kotelnikov, which place dearly in evidence the iner- felations emong such phenomena 26 the inedence of threshold with “twisted” and “sampled and quantized” modulation systems, "The development ofthe sibjest matter i almest ene selcontaioed ‘and does not demand mathematics more sophisieated than now ene Counter in an anderradoate electrical engineering curiculim, We Dresume thatthe reader bas @ through grasp of Fourier and tnear stems theory that hes able not on 0 write down but ls to evaluate Convolution intgral—and that he Bas been exposed to complex inle- pation, Pioe knowledge of linear algebra and) probably theory is pt but not necessary In thot bal don instances in whic theorems ‘ut bo invoked whose formal proof exceeds the lvl ofthe txt an fo ‘gs bern made to mate traning plate at wel as pai We aloo presume thatthe reder i lreedy Wel founded in clstome irc, Mich we do not does “Although the materatcl level of the book is intentionally eon- stcined he imelltua evel ofthe sujet ater sot. Inde, although ‘he book Begins at «bite stomenary lvl, ater chapters tat maay {opis that be gear the Toto of caren eormanieatonreerch and intorporatscvtain rule hat have oot previous been published. The cul chapters re preseate in nay tht eae tera ino the deer Stati! ofthe ltr chapter, eventhough less gears prstaton IBieM slice if an open-ended tsutment were not died. "Fosome extent depth of treatment has ben Sata hy ew and os formidable derivation of wellknown resus. Toa larger extent, bower, ithe equted esting conieation to communication mods tht ae mathematically tractable, The premier theoretic ae best com veyedie these poxsiblecontt. Tut book spinal oaeeoed ‘rh Guosan channel dstarbencs abd performance bounds sbuaineble {rom union arguments. Extension to more geertlehannels a gsr Bounds requsesadiional cchnigo Gu Iie tat i ne inte Way of "The slecion and treatment ofthe subject mater reflects out bas as well as our objectives For example llhvgh coding i not an eo ‘onic viele sluion in many enginesting environments, i ceain ‘thsi appears tote the mostatactivesalation, Wefecin conegeence tiara communication ager neds fo appreciate the operating char Actes, capac, and imitation of soding. An et cpl {herfore daveed to « nady of coding end decoding implementation “The scope ofthe bok is adequate to spun two-seater sequence of fieyear grate nsucion, andthe sbjct mace has bon ranged wih sua coure in mind.’A natural dvsion ito cover Chaplet 1 {o Sin the fat semester and Chapters 6:0 in the sacond This progres Son provises a unified and extensive teatment of digs comomiction tefore consideration of the mathratical and Sonepat of Com finsous modulation, which are inherentiy more stb "The rs ve chapion may abo be wed alone a «contained ono- semester introduction to data communiation. Aa aleratve one. ‘Simtr course compres Chapters] fod plus thet al f Chapter? And ih het two tts of Choper 8. The lter sequence has the ade antage of icuding some continous modulation theory but fot the cena idea that err ice communication is tainabs even when a ‘hanno. Either onesemester configuration may be used as a senior honors ‘course for undergraduates who are seriously interested in communica: lions; successively revised versions of Chapters Ito Shave been taught atthe Matsachusets Institute of Technology to seniors by nine diferent ally members during the four years of manusrit preperation. On the other band, Chapter 6 andthe las parts of Chapsers 7 and 8 seem sisincly graduate fa character. Most of the problems atthe end of tach chapter are roativly deep snd many extend the materia of the fest, We antcpate that intractors teaching andergraduates wil wish te supplement these problems with athers designed for purposes of di 'No book is writen in a vacuum, but we fel special debt to our colleagues. The intelectual malnsprings of this work stem from the ‘pioneering research of T. A. Kotelnikoy, C. E Shannon, R. M. Fano, nd P. Blas. To the last thes we ae indebted not only for their work but also for ther inspired teaching, generous counsel, and constant ‘encouragement. Several of the rceat refinements and extensions of the ‘theory ave attributable to RG. Gallager. Valuable suggestions were recsived from W.B, Davenport, W. M. Siebert, B.Reifen, HA. Van ‘Tees, DA. Sakrison, RS. Kennedy, IG. Sgt, V.R- Alga, T.S. “Huang, A.M. Manders, H. A. Yudkin and J. E, Savage. In aition, ‘oth of us have benefted immeasurably from our association with the MLL Lincoln Laboratory, a which the experimental work disused in ‘Chapter 6 was performed under the direction of P. Rosen pd. L Lebow. Deborah Brunette, Barbara Johnson, Manly Pierce, Eline Osler, ‘and Lovie lana syped and retyped the manuscript through innumersble teisions. Helen Thomas gunerowsly edited and D. G. Forney, Carefully proofread the final version, Most of the computations were programmed by Martha Aitken, "We are gatful fo the Department of the Army and to the National ‘Aeronautics and Space Administration for parti supporto the research feported herein. Manuscript prepartion vas supported in part by a front made to the MassachusstsTnstate of Technology by the Ford Foundation forthe purpose of ang inthe improvement of engineering ‘education, Last, t0 our students and stociates inthe Research Labor fatory of Elvronie and Deparinent of Electrical Engineering at th ‘MassichosattsInsate of Technology we owe aa unrepayable debt for stimulation an opportunity. J. M. Wozevenare nn M, Jasons Cambridge, Massachusetts une 1965 Contents Chapter 1 Ttrodestion Hoa o 0 11 Historia Sketch ' Communication Theory, 2, Randomness 5, Probabilistic Formation ofthe Communication Protem, & 1.2 Plan of the Book 5 113 The Role of Communication Theory Dolo Chapter 2 Probabity Theory a 211 Randompess in the Real World 2 Random Experittent, 13, Relative Frequencies, 14 22 Mathematical Medel of Probability Theor. 6 Fundamental Defrtions, 16, Ancilary Defnions, 18, Propesies, 19, robeility Systems, 20, Relation of the Mode tothe Real World, 24, Conditional Probst, 2, Sattal Independence, 31 23 Random Variables 9 Distbation Funetons, 38, Density Function, 4, ‘Mulidimensionst Density Functions, $7, Equality of Random Varlabes, 58, Transformation of Variables, 58 Conditional Probability Densiy, 48, Mied Probebility Expressions, 73, A Communication Example, 7 24 Exposed Value oe ‘The Fondemenil Theorem of Expectation, 65, Moments, &8 25 Limit Theorems 9 “The Weak Law of Large Numbers, 96, Chernof Bound, 97, Central Limit Theorem, 108 AAppendic2A Reversible Transformation of Random Vectors . 111 Problems » Ma hapter 3. Random Waveforms 2A Random Proceses Imerprtaion of the RandomProcess Model, 131, Random Vectors Obtained fom Random Processes, 132 Specfcaion of Random Process, 133, Stationary Random Process, 135 . 42 Filtered Impulse Noise ‘i 7 Statinical Charocerinstion, 148, Statistical Dependency, 148, Joint Gawsian Denily Function, 151 433 The Malivarate Centra Limit Theorem Joint Characteristic Fantions, 157, Cental Limit Argu tment, 60, Caussan Random Variables, 163, Fiteed Impuke. Noise. Process, 168 Properties of Gavsian Random Variables, 164, The Multivariate Gaussian Density Fupetion, 168 146 The Gaussian Process pe Speciation of Gnonsian Process, 172, The Corcaton Function, 174, Stationary “Gausian’ Processes, 175, ‘Gaussion Processes through Linear Filters, 177 415 Correlation Funetioas and Power Spectra “The Expecation ofan Etegra, 179, Power Spex, 181, Jaiiy Gaussian Proseses, 186, White Gaussian Noise, 188 ‘Appendix 3A, Matrix Notation . ‘Detaitions 192, Properties of Matix Mutiplietion, 196, Inerse Matrices 197 Problems Chapter 4 Optimum Receiver Principles 41 Basie Approach to Optimum Recsver Design 42 Veetor Channels : Deshion Regions, 214, Adve Gausian Noise, 216, ‘Multivestor Channels, 219| 43 Wevefoem Channels . Waveform Synthesis, 223, Geomettic Interpretation of Signals, 225, Resovery of the Signal Vectors, 227, m 199 au a 212 Inielevant Data, 229, Joint Density Function of the Relevant Nove, 252 Inatiance of the Vector Channel to Choice of Orthonarmal Buse, 232 44 Receiver Implementation Corrltion Reteiver, 234, Matched ter Receiver, 238, ‘Component Accuracy, 264 45 Probably of Error 7 . Tauivelene Signal Ses, 246, Rectangular Signal Ses, 248, Orthogonal ed Rested Signal Sts, 257, Completely Symmaine Signal 'Sels and A Prior Knowledge, 263 Union Bound onthe Probability of Ero, 256 “appendix #4 Orthonormal Expansions and Vector Repre- ‘Chapter § ficient Signaling for Missage Sequences 5.1 Sequemil Sources Source Rate, 286, Transmitter Ponce, 287 52 Bicby it and Block-Ortogondl Signaling DBicbysit Signaling, 269, Block Orthogonal Sigaing, 290, Geoeati ntepetalon, 292 53 Time, Bandwidth, and Dimensonaity : Signal Dineusonaliy ay 2 Function of 7,294, Bandwidth Requirements vith Block ing the subjective equivalence toa listener of maby quit rent speech wavefoens. ‘Once the fact that receiver can ditnguish meaningfully between only a flnte number of message atesnatives hasbeen accepted tolls that ‘no significant los in comaniation performance x entaed in eesvcting the transmit to sending one of fine set of signals. The block digram ‘of such communication sytem isilistated in Fig. 1.7. As Ia Fig. 3, the soure output mf assbmed to be gonorted at random from a bet of (AC possble dscete messages, fm}. 10, Toso Mot, Each message is sociated with corresponding signal waveform, mo~ st) fo all land the transmitter sends (0) whenever ms mT transmited goal then propagates through the channel, aad a corupted version 1) is ‘elvetod to the ressivee inp. eo ,® o : o ote ale a gl a a 1 opts at Tipu LBs dgan de oomon in ‘The task of the resvee i 0 produce an estimate i ofthe message generated by the eoure, Te does this by comparing () against each ‘ember of the set of al M signal alternatives (0), eplias of which we ‘resume are stored ln the rcsver. "The receiver strctre showa ia Fig. 1.7 is quite general, The receiver consists of a lineae“ront end” thi compensates for atemustion during Propagation, a set of M detectors and a decison element. Each detector Deviorms one of the conparizon operations. Tn particle, te th detector Conmpaes the rseved waveform r) with the signal eceform 5) and produces a oliage valu, s8y, ny that is a mpeasuce of thirsty. The {eso element then determines sh on the buss of these fu) f= 0, Teer Mo, For certain choices of the {640} single deletion may sce in which case thereover diagram reduces to that show in Fig 18. ‘The chapter tha follow are organized around thee Bock diagrams. We begin by considering the point labeled ala Fig. 18 and by assuming ‘thatthe entire communieation system, with the exception ofthe deision ‘ment, bis already born designed. Tn Char 2 we introduce the ‘athematea tool probably theory—dhat is necesary for determining how best to dasgn this element. ‘Chapiee ie devoted to extending the concepts of probability theory 10 the study of random waveforms, In Chapter 4 we consider fist the point SS y (ra | © fram a tot Lome Sie Tipe 18-1 cern ca he ero Fig 17 my be er 0h eo soon 10 mernopucro labeled 8 in Fig, 1.7 aad exploit she eps of Chapers 2 and 3 to deter tine the opdimum detector and decision operations when transmission s istacbed by white Gaussian noise, Chapter continues witha discusion ‘of egnal design (pointe im Fig. 1-7) and concludes with an evaluation of the overall system when the (4()] fe chosen t yield the best posible performance. Tn Chipter 5 ye study the effects intzoduced by constants on the tlloyable transmitter power and the available chanel bandwidth (cor fesponding to post din Fig. 17}, In particle, bousds ate established ‘on the best attainable performance, and classes of signals that essentially Stain these bounds are desrbed. Questions of transmitter and resiver implmestation ere considered in Chapter 6, and the overall theory is ‘ious i relation to a ‘lephone line data Communication experiment. ‘Chapter 7 is concerned withthe extension of the preceding resus to bundpass channels, 0 filtered signals, and to nonwhite noise. Cerisin ects of random seatering during propagation are. described and, ‘evaluated. Filly, in Chapter 8 we consider the ease ia which the oupet of the random source isa eontinuows waveform, such a speech, rather than one ‘ofa nite wet of discret messages. Conventional modulation systems are valated, and their performance i clatod to that afforded by dveete ‘gnaiing, The chapter concludes with x determination ofthe fundamental Timtations of continuous modulation and © discussion of the inherent ‘advantage oblinable ia a discrete approach fo the communication problem. 12 THE ROLE OF COMMUNICATION THEORY es interesting that ingenious expesimestaton has often le historically to advances in commutistion tschnology far antdating real under Sanding ofthe principles involved. For example, Frequency modulation {abbrevisted FM) care ito widespread se soon after Armstrong? frst Spprecated its noiso-suppression capability ia 1936, even though to tis Aly some aspects of FM noise behavior remain puzaing and are the ‘sibject of active research, fooover the basi dea of Fraqueney modi lation had boon devised fong before in 2 misguided attempt to conse ‘tansmission bandwidth and bad lin exensally dormant subsequent ‘Carson's disproof of such a characteristic in 1922. Tn the past the role ft communication theory frequently as been to explain rate than Forel. ‘On the other hand, the basic conceptual aspects of communication are ‘now ot solid ground, and an extensive body of methodology and results “ime RoIP oF conaconacaTioN THEORY has been accumulated. Although innumerable strides of invention, both ‘heorsieal and experimental, emin to be taken, it appeatsinressingly likly that future advances will prminate within the framework of com ‘umsition theory. Even when a problem i best approached exper ‘mentally, appredason of the pdnsiples underlying’ commoncation oginering will provide ‘osght itl to guiding the experimeats to be pafomed. 2 Probability Theory Im our discussion of communication thus far we have emphasized the cenizal role plajed by the concept of "randomness." Ifthe ultimate ‘eesiver Know in vane the message output from the originating source, ‘here would be no ead to communicate; and ifthe propegationelacto- ‘magnetic sigals were not disturbed by mature, to communicate the retuage would be no problem. The word “random” means “uapredice bie" of the basi of what we know about the ast of phenomezon, we fre unable to predict ts future in detail. A considerable body of mathe- ‘ates (clels, for example) has been develope to treat causal phe- omens occurring in the rel world. Similarly, mathematial models hive been develope that are wef inthe sty of real-world random phono na. The objective of Chapters 2 and 3 is to present the mathematical 21 RANDOMNESS IN THE REAL WORLD (Our inability to predict the detailed future of a random phenomenon may arte either fom ignorance or zinss: to the Limit of our knowledge, the as governing a progression of eveats may be fundamentally random {ee in quantum physics), oF they may be so complicated and involve such trical dependence on intial eondions (as incom tossing that we deem unprofitable to undertake a detailed eal, ‘A petinent example of randomness is the transmision of radio waves trough the ionosphere, illustrated in Fig. 2.1. Radio waves at certain frequencies are refracted as they past through the ionized ga that con- ste the ionosphere. The degre of reaction depends on the detailed Strucute of the lonosphere, whieh depends i tur on the amount of ionising solar radiation, the incidence and Veloce of meteors, ané on ‘many ether factor “The voltage atthe terminals of the receiving antenna i the resultant of a number of waves taeling over a vavisty of different paths. The i i y pie 24. Refrain oo wine ty he nape sstenuaton and propagation delay vary from pa to path at any given instant of tinea vary with time fr any given path. The causes a hese ‘variations are far (oo complex to be ealelable i deta. Thus the re- ‘civing anton terminal volge varies ia a manner unprocieable i ‘detail, We say it varies randomly. "Although we cnt predict evacly What the entenoe ouput voltage wil be we fndexpernnally thet eran average properties do exhibit 3 reasonable regula. The received power aveaged over seoonds doesnot ‘vary greatly over minutes; the received power averaged overa month does ‘nt difer greatly from that average over another month chaactenzed by the same solar svt. “This satsica! regulary of averages i an experimentally verifale phenomenon in many eifferent situations Inveling randomly varying Guanes, Were therefore motiated to construet a mathematical model ‘Bdequate for the study of such phenomena. This isthe domain of the ‘mathematical field of probability and sais, Random Experiments ‘To avoid confusion, we inteduce the following terminology. By an experiment in the sel world we mean a measirement proce in Which ‘llcondiions are predetermined tothe tof our ability or interest. We ‘se the vor rao mean tho making ofthe measurement. By sequence (of Mindopondon tral of wn experiment we mean a set of N measurement, {nthe performance of each of which the discernible conditions are the ‘An experiment scaled random when the conditions ofthe measurement are not predetermined with suicient accuracy and completeness to permit ‘A peveepoditon of the result ofa lal. Whether an experiment should be considered random depends on the precision vith which we wish to 14 rnonamiusry THeRY istnguish between posible outcomes. If we deste (orate able) to look, lovely enough, in some sense any experiment i random. "Tho discussion above lads ws to estingash in connection with an experiment between the term oucome and res. By diferent catcomes (ve mene outcomes that are separa enable in an ulate sense; Ingeneal, the st of outcomes inany tal-werld experiment isifinite. BY diferent rendie we mean Sets of outcomes between which we choose to ‘istnguish, “Thus the outcomes hat are assed into esl share some ‘common Mentialestribule. For example «result in ovr propagation Experiment might be thatthe reesved power atthe antenna terminals, fveraged over T st, je between 10 and 15 gv. Such a result cliely fmbraces an infniim of diferent possible received waveforms, or ‘outcomes. Relative Froquncics ‘We ean now discuss more precisely what we mean by statistical regue Inty. Let denote one ofthe possible cesls of some experiment and ‘considera sequence of independent tals. Denote by (4) the number ‘of times that reult oecats. The fection oo an is calle the relative feguency ofthe result A. Clearly, Da hMayet oa In Fig. 22 we plot (4) veraus 1 fora spiel sequence of tls in coin fostng experiment where A denotes the result “Heads”. We observe that the relative requeney Austuates wildly for small N but eventually Seis down nthe vein of. This stabilization ofthe average incidence fof Heads in a lange saquence of ropeated iis isa simple example of Static regularity. In fac, we sre s0 imbued with tbe notion that this ‘ably is proper that were He not in evideace we would immediatly Stspet citer the cola or the tose, We fel itutvely that statistical fegulaity fa fundamental atsbute of ature ‘We often denote diferent results of an experiment by diferent sb- serpts! for instance 4. yey Aye Results shat cannot happen Smoltancously ina given tal ate called mally exchatce. As 2 tvial txmpl, ina coin toss the revuts Heads (say a) and Tail (say) are mutually exclusive, For mutually exclsive results itis clear tht the MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF PROBABLY TaRDRY 15 gue 22 Rene heyy in coin toning. (Mie plated on logit ak) cceurrence ofthe result “either 4 oA" satis the equality MA, A) = MAD + MAD Iaeaoe Subs o1 4) = fib) + febA)- a Another example toting adi, with denoting the result that the ith {ace shows. The result “odd face shows" is therefore the result "Ay ot yor Ay” Chatty, ily 08 Ay 06 Ay) = fA) + ful) + Sale [Fora fai die we expect the relative frequency ofeach 4, to stabilize about 1 "Thus oe expat the relative fequeney ofthe rl “odd face shows te stabilize at 22 MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF PROBABILITY THEORY ‘Matherstical models prove vssful in predicting the results of exper ‘ments is the real world when two condiions ar met. Fis, the pertinent physical enties and their properties must be reece ia the modal. Second, the propertcs of the model must be mathematically consistent fd pore of ana ‘we have son that realworld rendom expeiments involve three pertinent ents: 1. The set ofall posible experimental outcomes 2. The grouping of tes onteomes into eases, clld roms, between which we wish to stngulsh 16 Pronanirry ninoRy 3. The relative feguoncie with which these classes oocur in long seaqence ot independent tas ofthe experiment. In the mathentic model of probability theory the corresponding abstractions are called: 1. The semple space. 2, The et af events 53, The probability measure defined on these events. ‘We begin our discussion by ening these three mathematical entities, ‘We then develop our model by assigning to them mathematically con- Stent properties dit eefect constraints inthe real word, We conclude ‘wth a series of examples that develops further the correspondence betweun our abrit ents and thet real-world corsatives. Q® Qe gure 22, Asap spc, Bash gph 4 irae sociated wit the sample pin Fndamentl Definitions ‘Sample space: a collection of objects, The clletion is generally re- ferred fo by the symbol D. An object 01 called @ sample point and denoted As examples, Emig consist of the st of A graphs shown in Fig, 2.3, ‘vera points om the ve! ln, {he loved interval 0, 1] ofthe ral Hine, points ina plane, tli ie functions J) defined for —39 <1 < 2. rpavenevalDeHneTIONS 17 “The sample space @ carresponds tothe set of ll possible outcomes ofa real world experiment; each outcome, in turn, corresponds to a sample point Events et of sample pints. Wo usuliy abel event by capital eters, such a5 A, Beer OF Ay, dyssss- At evan s concisely defined by the expression A= (a: some condition on a is sts), aa hich stead "the event Ai he et fall suc that some eonditon on is saisied."} For example (fishes plane and p* 8 28 + #2 pose Shlecrent ie A = fo: p<). Then 4 i the set ofall points interior to a nit ele entered on the oii, ‘Similarly ifs the set of alltime ane tions posible event is the subst oF al ine functions sich that ac [irons Since the entire sample space ease of sample points, itselisalways aa vent. ‘Evens in the mathematical model corespond to resul won Probability measure: an assignment of veal numbers othe events ened on 2, Tre probability of an event Ais denoted P(A). ‘The com isons that the asigament must satiy will be cussed subsequently. Example I. Ifthesarple space isthe sto praphs shown in Fig. 23, and we define the event, toe the hk graph (sample ein), a possible probability asigament is in the real Pua) = Pla = Pld = be Play) = 0. Example 2. Wis the rea ine segment 0 < Land we define the vents 4, 4 (a: 0 <0 <0), 1. possible probability assignment is Past Example 3. 1°Qisthe set of all ime fusions (/(0) and we define the events 4, 4 (0:0< the? avo td noe song at Pima) — ald", (2.19) \whure 2s postive number Independent of M. ‘The number m4) the mathematial model ofa compound expeiment tas been defied ina manner that mace dzety analogous to relative requeney: we have f(A) ® NDI and m(A) = MAM. Equation 219 states, n addiog, that m(A) exhibits properdes that miror those of relavcefroqueney in nature: m(A)is lose to the murber P(A) with high, probability when Mi lage Just as CA) almost always stables close fo this same number when Ws large- Furthermore, the low-probabiliy ‘eat that mA) is very ilereal from PLA] mievrs atypical results im the real world soch ae abserving the relative froqueney of Heads 1 be close | na) = nbn mayen b= ® o gue 27 Boil robs snd ber a La, The ey abn te Nota nts trl po (Oh Gand heir p 003 CP Cconomonat roaaniry 29 ‘to-mity in long saquece of independent evin tosses. We say tat such Sequences are unlikely; the mathematical model says that they are improbable, We connect the model of probably theory withthe cel ‘world by saying that we donot expect fo obser a parteday experimental result if i erresponds to an event of low probability. Ths in a long Sequence of independent tals we expec the meaaazed lative ofa result to sonvergero the probably of be orresponding mathematical Sa Ae Neat Satna posal wR) sted by the fat that it preicts—in his eae, the atv frequency — succesfully, Naturaly the succes of a mathematical prediction depends not of cn the rls wed in casting but sls onthe secruy of he orignal ‘numerical data. For inctanos, the mace of « mathematical body in mechanics must approximate the massof the physical body. Inappication, Drobabilies ate ually assigned initially to funy spe evens; then ‘We proceed to caleulate the probabilities of ther, more complex, events, ‘Care must be akon shat che original asigameat i elise. For example, ‘one objective of communication theory isthe design of communication stems that operate over noisy channels with a minimum probability of ror. Successful enginering results are obtained only ithe mathematical ‘mode ofthe chaasel adequately ls the tte natu ofthe istrbance. In many eases study of the physics underying a random phenomenon leads toa proper intiat probability assignment; we shall sv that tran sSsior and Vacuum tube mole canbe treated In this way. Ta some eases, Symmetry provides the starting point; for instance, i is reasonable to ‘sign probability ? to Heads in coin tossing. In ether cass we make recourse fo the observation of-ratve frequencies: life insurance rates fre based on mortality experience tables. The unavoidable hazard fers, ‘of course, i that the observed frequencies may not be 1ypicl. Tn any vent, the ale of validity i always Whether of not predictions based ‘onthe orginal data are aourate enough to be wat Conditional Probability In dealing with repeated tals of a physical experiment, we have introduced the concapt of condional rave Frequency. ILis convenient to introduce corresponding concept into the mathematical mode Given any two events A and B, we deine the conditional probably PLA Botan event 4 aa pain Se ea 30 ronnusry cay whenever PLE 0, When PLA] alo nonzero, i follows that Pum) = FeAl a1PIB} = Pte A}PLA). 2) Sines te interston of 8 with ites, Pia] B]= 2) oaonalprotabiies ee tonto consideration oa sabpace ‘Borel pce This xm ely be vuliad ith he ep of Fi JiR Site show a sample spc 0m wich sve evens (4) a eine, The shaded are to the left ofthe doe ine is another event B. eis uel to think of “conditioning” as 2 means of generating & new probability system fom a given one: 1. The new sample space, say she original event B. 2. The new events sly (fi), are the original interseetions (4,8) 53 The new probabltes,(P[4\T}, ae the concitional probes (eid | a “This probability asignment to 0 stises the necessary properis. 1, Sins 0 < P14,5] < POR, we have 0 < PLA] < 1 W, By Eq, 222, PIO] = PIB| 2) = 1 FMBY}= Po thy Wks on moronbapeing Jone (290) searanest woremomece 31 I, I A/A; = 0, then (45) 04,8) = 2 and PAS UA) PIB U A,B| ABU 4.8 PIB) = Pla +P) 12 =P + Pt Since conditions| probate an beconsideredas ordinary probabtes dened on ane spl sce,alsttents ad theorems deutodinaty ato tee fr coal potas te pr Ir the set of teretions (4,5 i aon ad if Yea =, ex) toon PUB] = SPA) = ZPUeI PLA 8) eam ed 1a pM 1a) aw Equation 2.23 is elled the teoro of otal probably. 1 eorresponds tothe geomeccal axiom that the whole equal the sum ofits parts ‘Statistical Independence As lowe ondon! probaly i sty analogous sone onion He Seo CIN Dat Te conion Tong seas of indepen expcinenal taswetefore ante tia a conto! nitive frueny nl ice ate eepening Condionaprotaliye 1 the joint probabiiyt of two events and B satises Pla, = PLA PL, 025) PiA| BT = PLA, a2) ‘we call the prof events satay independent. Equation 2.25 mierors the coresponding approximate teationship for sea frequency with independent tials given by Eq. 215, {Ti proteiy tte ncton 4 of no eens 4 and 2 egy writen” 24h tendo LAL a reo ws fot he "Jost sed ‘2° The norton as atria melo ons oi tin Tale or equivalently 32 mossaiury mony ‘Asetof& events (dj) defined as statistically independent if nd only if te probability of evry inteseaton of fof fewer event equals the Drodiee of the probablites ofthe consituens, Thus thee events A Bs (oy rani eta vi BAS Ha Fle otra (0 a pt ea iat cans Figure 29" Indpenence and denen of tes ees. (Care statistically indopeadent when Pd, 1 = Pal PL rccrmane| on PIB, C] = PIB] PIC) aed Pla, 8, C]= PLA) PLB PIC cs) No three of these rations necessarily implies the fourth, If only Fa 2.6 is satshed, we ay thatthe events ae pals Independent, Pltwise Independence doesnot imply complete independence, Various possibilities sre given in Fig. 29, svensnican mmeresomce 33 An wn problem. The use of conitinal probably often simples the assignment of probabilities to the joiat occurence of two cVent. ‘Consider the urn problem, for example, in which We draw two bills at ‘random ffom aa urn containing one black and to ted balls. When we ‘daw ew bale without replacement, the only pssble outcome sequences fare (RR), (RB), and (B, 2) In the mathematical model we employ a Subsergt to denote the drav. For te fit draw we set PIR,) © & PIB] =f For the second draw we set PIR |RI=4 PUR B= 1 P| RI=} Pia B1=0, ‘hese the conditioning om the result ofthe frst draw. ‘Thus POR al = PERI PLR | I= 3, PER, Bs) = PUR PLA. | R= 3, PEBy, Re] = PLB PCRs | BA = A commanicaton proBlem. second, particlaly germane, example of tne utllty of conditional peobebiity i the following tealzed commun ‘ation problem, ‘Consider a mathemtial model ofa discrete commun ation ehaazel having M posible inpot messages (m}, 0G f< M — fd J posite output symbols (). 0- Pll} forall aa) ‘ence fj) ~ my if and only if 2 Plo Ply |ml> Pim] PL,| md forall 318) 36 vRowanusry nue (Once the set (9). J = 0,1, -- =F = Ses determined from Ea. 2316, the protablty of corect decison, PIC) can be calculated from the uation el = Pum. (3) te Pr) dente the ont probaly at i) tasted Snr scene atthe potty of ror, Piso by H{6)01 = PIC ex) da Example, tn Fig 12a we show a bias caonl with wo np relma a re08g— > T 1B o gue 22 A bnhy communion chon symbols (a, 8} and two output symbols (0,1. The input probebiities Plej=06 Pi] = 04 “The channel transition probatiites are Plo|aj—02 P1015 Ptjal—os Pte “Thos the probabilities ofthe four possible input-output paisa shown in ig 2.120, are o,0) = Pa} PO | a} 08 x 02 = 0.12 a, 1} = Pa] ol = 06 x 08 = 048 18,0] = 20] POs} = 04 x 07 = 028 P%,11= Po] I | 4] = 04 x 03 = 012 sasoom vananies 37 Since PI, 0) > Pla, 0} Plo, 11> PO, Th ‘the optimam receiver i specid by the mapping womb wm) = From Eg. 2328, Plc) = PIP, 0} + Plo, = 0.15 and P= Pre = 028, “The sample points corresponding o error are shaded in Fig. 2.128. 23, RANDOM. VARIABLES, In many ofthe applications of probability theor)—one is tempted to say mostieel nunibes are atoeatd with the pots (0) in a sample Spuce, For exampl, in dieoussng the ateratial model fora sequence Ur independent tls ofan experimen, was natural to assign to each joint va aumber ma), chosen to equal the fractional occurrence of A Ite event sequence astciated with , Another natural example, whe ‘isthe rea line is to ansocinte with each point «the distance for 2 the origin Equally wel, f course, we could asocate wit o the square ofthis distance. "The eal number asocated ith a sample point @ is denoted 240. Inthe general cee n which (23s an absrectcolection of points, =) tay be viewed as function that maps Jato the real line: given any olathe function =) specifies a finite real number 2(0). simple Example of euch mapping fe lstated ia Fig, 2.13. When 2 ise the iN] | fit He aa) aed Pipe 213- A maplag ot rom oe rele, 38 moans THORY real fine, examples might be xo) = fo) = oF or (0) = sine Tat, a ereug fo fue we ston dle bap pstachos nd impy tet ne he oneon =) Dison Factions Cae tas ben specie, we my Iguieinlothe robsisy of omens a feta <0) <8, Be fois) eh em toreley> a od soon, Tho answer to any such question i edly obtained om {| —-— Fun 21¢ Anenale oa poabilty dashes ton knowledge ofthe probably distribution funtion, defied as fa) £ Plo (0) b, FQ) ~ FiO) = Plo: <0) < a). Vila>d, Ao > A. “The fst three properties follow From the fact that F(a) i «probability and PD] = 1. Properties IV and V follow fons the fact that (wala) <0) U{0:b < de) <4} = {oi 2(0) 0. Furthermore, F,() i the value of F at the top ofthis discontinuity. 1F ‘P,=0, the height of the dicontinity i zero, that x, there i no d= ‘minty. ‘The properties of distribution functions are summarized by remarking that F,inteases monotooiealy from 0 (01, is comtinvous on the right and has 2 sep of sae P, at pola ai and ony if Plo: (a) = a= Py ‘We are no restricted 10 assigning only one rel number to each pont a in a sample space. In general, we define many diferent mappings (ancions) from a single sample space 0 into the teal Line, Then We have a st of coexisting random warble, sy (2, =, 2p. “Lhe pect omer mledig. Asal andor vale wwe ‘bial ancon on te poo ample sce The minlogy come om he ne ‘fram vale x math ot or nis el moi ch Sain vtage messed ame ie 40 prosasnare rR iret conser the cat for which kis 2. Once the fuetions x and ate speiied, we may ingle into the probability f joie eae such a5 foi2(e) Foyal dn b> Felts b> isranunoN ruNcrons 41 Properties I I, IL, and VI are sltevident, Propestos IV and V are sontequences of the facts that {30} < oo] =f fo om sarableand to of unt erent insur, Polen a) 8 monotouaaly Inewasing function of both engines, igre 21% Lungle os wont dition incon, ah and 0.6 Faya(eut) <1, Anexample ofa posible distibution function Faia shonin Fig. 2.156, ‘When random varabies, 2.» ae defined on , itis conven: Feat t adopt concise notation. Let denote the tuple (25 +, Ye ee he ies jon rovity door Rncon Ro) 4 Plo: 540) < gu 20) Sano) Sah, 235) foy-vo1 We refer tox 08 « femensional ecior of Bes 0, mar imply, a & random eector. 42 mommy Hoey “Two keaimensional vectors, sy 22a ad (2360) sad SOP bd. (2300) are sid to satis dhe relasionship ae om a Pooa- aay Examples. The folowing continuous probability density functions are froquelly encountered. Ta cach case, the parameter 8 is a positive constant. The density functions ae iustrated in Fig. 2.21. 1, expoNENIAL apo, ary 2<0, «<0, rs 24s) 2. manaat apo (246) 250, <0, reek (2.460) 48 rome mony ia N sata e igure 221, samples of prota ‘ery fnsuoe te poet ‘ens farcton@) the Ray gh Ot ‘lyfe 0 the arn ety feeaion the Caochy dons are thn ihe Cason dont faeton, fe ane) ctoewkere, 0; a<-h Faye jhets ~beact e476) i aos. 4, eavenn He, -aceco, G4) Beat elaluwt?; -ocece, Gato) rate Desy FoNcONS 49 5. onus 1 160) ~ he 2489) r= 1-o(2), 249) Jn whch we hve deiacd wat from a0 8 [remap es ‘The function Q(a) is not an clementry integral, but its complement, 1 900, is welitabalated “Ix rated 1 the more familar ervor fmcten ant fet ay es) si-o()] ast) 4s nian he eon f pais by of ey summer f= waa a pen nte:sey im joee= [Lema by the equation 2) ~My, Toondimensional demity functions. The_sotationsl convenience of writing probabilities a integrals exended to two Tandon VaabTos, Say 5 and 5 5 Gag OR detyJincion pn whe te oreny tedienal gn Fe Mle:teion 600 i011 = [renedde der — 52) (be acguments 2, and gare assole with and sp espectvely) "Tose HOW Past Be dtited in onder tat Le, 252 ay be wali t fist consid small etanglar ein shows fig 2.23: mA a 6 ya bab O aco Phe) = | om, ews a0 (ere bis postive constant and y = 2 then nied = sale) + vd-Vs ao ah(Gersd: <0 1 eam, apo ‘We observe that y isan exponentialy dstebuted rondom variable. “erated transformations iti sometimes convesient with complicated iransformetions fo apply the abovementioned techniques In sequence ‘Weilstate thie bythe simple example bet, 2.76) bles be. Then y =e + aand ee es soba none nls) ere) eee we have em eee ee ee weer tele Latent wraps area ne eee Sarah ams pee eee ros ff nossoanat reVREB creo gown; O0 a 0 «<0 vom {fi “atecntaiade; 630 ary For example, it apo =>0 aso. 64 momnury tore ‘The resulting random variable y i Rayleigh. This method is further lsborated in Appendix 2A. Implsise densities, When y= fle) and p, canting impulses, we ezermin p, in two part, The fst, sulting from the onimplive com ‘ponent of fis obtined as before; the second, resulting rom impulses Inno is obtained by the following means. IF p, contains an impulse ae ab i t @ etad ’ 4 o Figs 230 A tuft wh mpi dentin Py a0), then an impulse of value 2, is added to 7, at the point #=s0 ‘As an example, consider the half-wave rectifier transformation of Fig. 229 andthe density function of Fig 2302, Be) = WUE = 24 e+ DY+ BER, From Eq, 2.74 the continuous par ofp contributes top the tems 1) + Foe conmmova PRORARILTY DENSTY 6S “The impale (8 — 2) inp, contTotss top, the impulse (2 — 2). The impulse } G+ 2) n ps contributes (op the impulse 4a), Thos, as shown ia Fig. 2.36, fa) = 1 He) +a 2)-4 8 Condtional Probaiity Deasity Given an event B of nonzero probability, the conditional probability of an event ds been defied as M18) lal nal PIB) ‘fen events A and B are ceed in terms of random vale For ample lt andy be to endo vara defied on semple spce ind dene he ets Am (0:0, < 50) ch Applications. ‘Toe usefulness ofthe concept of conditional probability density canbe demonstrated by two examples. For the fest example com sider two random variables 2 and y and the tansformation reat, We desire the probability density Fanction ofthe random variable = We have alteady considered transformation of the form ¢ = 2+ 8 when isa constant and found (E9, 2.70, wth a change of notation) p= ply. 2.880) CCONDATONAL FROMAMLITY DENSTY 6 patain = -eiog | ‘igre 252 The conn Gaui enity freon, pa 5 — 0) 36 eton “This rest can be applied to the present problem by use of eondiionst probability deny. Focus attention on that part of the sample space for hich 4(o) eal f. Over this eegion «+ y is +B, and Bq, 2360 is ‘ali, with the important proviso that we sate the condition exp. Wehave Po |v = B= pay ~ By = 0 a.86) “The joint density of = andy is obtained by first oukiplying both sides of 9. 2.666 by D- Put B= Plo |9 = BPs nfo — Bly = PPB) mal = BB and then integrating out the unwanted variable in accord with Eg. 263 inn[lnd-hnu: smern 289 cee cee = 70 propawnry rian For s = fs, where is constant, we have found (Eq, 2.73) nor= dine) assy Restricting attention to the region of @ for which (a) = B, we have roly= = nlt|y=2) es) ‘Again tis iroportant thatthe condition be stated expliily. Multipying ‘oth sides of Eq, 2880 by pf) and integrating over B yes som, 289) ‘These results, of course cn ako be derived by the method of trans. otmation of vriables For 2-4 9 the condifon 2 <7 met by all Fue 255. ‘Theron or whkh © +9 <9. points in te +4 plane below the line # + y = y, a8 shown in Fig. 233. ‘The probability that te point (x, ) wil alli this regions Fo= [arsed wnt hs nora[l no“ Bbw snot en Inthe case of random variables the definition of tistical independence ‘a somewhat simpler than i the case of events (ee Eqs, 2.26 and 227. stamsnicaL wperm@eice TL We call random variables... % stacy Independant and only ifthe joint density funetionp, factors nto the product TT py that ony if = BA) = pelea Palte)--" Palo) Foral. (250) ‘Let x denote a tof k statically independent random vasiables and consider the random vector a ony Be Hea oo BD ea.) ing = ‘The joint density function pis given by ony ‘We conclude that the components of are also statically independent It's readily induced thatthe statistical independence ofa st af random ‘orables guarantees the independence of any subset ofthe, we have ast of Kovens, Sa) dys such tha each event A, inden in terms ofa single coresponding random variable =, oh asm) ee Whe ff dy ratedds=FTPAd a9) whenever the 7) ar statistically independent ‘Similan, the probability ofthe nteection of any subset ofthese events pal) Fenty! 160 =Phpter= ae 72 prowaneme reson {nth two-dimensional Gant ‘tr pis set equal to zo, then deny ucton o 258 he pram ante 89 = Zhen Ht #01 eye). ano ‘hush conion p= ines tit indgodee. Comey, for p x 0 the joint density farction doesnot factor and therefore», and sy afe not indopendent. ‘Sams of independent random variables, When random vaciabes are statistically independeot, te fom ofthe probability density function of rm is siripifled, For == 2 + y we have already obtained the sioy= [ptr As ee eee si0)=[ptr- patos Equation 2.94 is the conluion ofp and. py Using the symbol » to éenote convolution, we ean wet, for satisteslly independent random vaabies, Pa pethi tmety. By induction, Parytrar tas a3 m= T Ene 295) ‘As inthe Faia case of signal analysis, iis often easier to calculate ' Kfold convolotion by means of Fourier transforms. We dine the ‘characterise fttion, dented by Mo), ofa random variable to be the Fourier transform off demity fusion 109 Ape @s5 st I ot [poten ‘Mou WROBABILTY BKPRSHONS 73 1) Pim |= ol e108) ‘We nes pice 2108 jn amore conveent frm by use of the mined. Bayes role f 21038. Thos ip) yi and ony ‘do a) Pla) ede LPO Phe) HO) oz, since the denominator is common to both sides ofthe Inequality, if tod oaly if Pde |r Pinal > pom) Pim 2.106) We may proceod by noting that r= 4,4 when the transmitted sessag sm, ‘Thus, conditional on the event that mis the message ipa, 7g obtained from n by the addition of the (knowa) constants, Under {is condition r= pitsnd only i n= p — ay Ths, from the tion on lrsnsformations, de |) = ple — sm). (2.1100) ‘Moreover, snc the nos is assumed tobe indepondent ofthe transmitted Signal, hence of the message, pale = si] m) = phe — 9. 2.1108) A comacerion saree 7 1 llows that the optimum receiver sets ip) my if and only i alo ~ 8) Pl) > palo — 5) Pim. eu ‘The decision rule of Eq. 2.11 may be immediatly generalized to Include the case Af > 2. If the posible input messages ar my y= yp With corresponding tansmitir vollaes fy fy --- yea 280 pion probabilies {Pin} the optimum receiver again assigns (9) the message with maximum » posterion probably I follows immedi ‘ely fom Eq. 2111 that rip) = mand only if Pap = 59 Pim > palo = 5) Roma =O Ma 1, JL QUI fo or more messages have the same a posteriori probability, p may be assigned arbitral o any ope of them without os of optim ‘The decision rule of Eq. 2.112 emt be simplified further without introducing a spaic noise density Tunctionp,. The Gausian nose case inwhich pe) = net an) Pe infrequently encountered. The decision rule then becomes: ste) = my and only Pinjeom'™ > Pind ste, jm, Maine Guts) “This situation is iastrated in Fig. 2.350 for M = 2. From the figure is dear that am equivalent rae i then> assign p 10m if aa only if fa wate the thneshold 2 isthe value of pat which the two curves Inerect, The fenton ofthis threshold, fom Eq. 2.114 with = 2 8 yy) ens) pan Pid “The optimum ever oni i) is eterined by Bi. 2.112 for sale of M ad forty speed noe dest Tonto Ts tl {Dew the ncn bas prong te yc ofa Foul aos ‘of p into w set of M disjoint decision regions {f,}, 7 = 0, 1,..., M— 1. For he aus une n Pig 235 pnt neal a

id > Hd Sis the staf nt (n} ae mul ease, los fom the dtcorem of oa probabity tat the mcondvoned probity of 4 costs v(e}~ Sein trte| ma = "SP réeimo dp arte) and the unconditioned probability ofthe event eror, denoted fit Hg = 1 Ie) aur For he womsag ca in Fig. 235 alee nent nlm = = 2)= ant Reh = Pinte eh do trim fein ap ssrcgneryeme He PED ate fencer of Magen cle ine nator | aa ‘The probability of rors tereore PLC] = Pima ee ae ee [Equation 2.184 can be expresed in terms of the fonction OC ) of Bq, 2.50 by making the change of variable 2 =(p — in the fst Jnagel and = (p = aie in the sooond: then 19} «rimao(®@=4) +rtmao(?=) ne pti of ay Ht ess, = = em +3) and te evr roby jus OU — 592A. apa probes, Before a tansision occur, hea prot proba bit Bm] ofeach mesiage mis bow a he cer. When a olage Fp rzsed thea posta! probaty of each mesage my te teers Pm, [f= pland the optimum reaver dies infor of ht rresage for wich the a porartprbabliy is grete..The canna, egal cmon ean ls coh Tn the stnenee of 2 chante, the "9 es) Oye tie 1 geen Yow =[" poe apy =} Phere 3 [hever ate [7h oo A coamustcarion exanets 63 ean) wt gee 2.6 ‘The uncon Qe) and he foun 84 pRowaRsTY THEORY Substitution of Bq 2.120 in these bounds yes 1 1a ee Jonge ‘Thus the probebility of error decrees approximately exponentially with foeresing E,jo, Table 22 contains some typical value, eam ‘Tele 22 Binary Bror Probabiy Bounds Nake Bato, Bl Lower Bownd PIE Upper Bound @ Rex W™ 2m x1? 270 x10 Ho 24810 Ta IO 830 x 0 to Maple Sarto 402 x Bro 12 x10! 130 x 10% ‘Another upper bound to O(2), which willbe usfl Ine, amie x>0. aim) “This bound is lo plotted in Fig. 236, Proof of Eq, 2.12 is deferred to Problem 226. 24 EXPECTED VALUE, ‘Eventhough random phenomena ae unpredictable ja deta, me have noted that cetiain average properties exhibit reasonable reglacy. An Enpricalevrage inthe reel world eoresponds to expecied elu in the trathematical moet of protabiliy theory. “he a simple xampl, consider an experinent that consist of NY inde penens tones of an erdinary gambling die with faces labeled 1 to 6 ite denote the reste therth ons. Then ech: some integer between Yaad 6. "The empirical arerage va ofthe N results, denoted (2 is defined tem 2 ES es) “The summation in Eq, 2123 can be zeit inthe following way tet NE) denote the pusfber of tones that result inthe integer J. Then, regrouping terms, we have ® LS ofan "THE FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF EXPECTATION 8S von Ad E.N(pit isthe relative frequeny, defined in Ba, 2.1, of the ‘Since thes, ar acdom, thats, unpeditablein deta so also is hel empiical average (ay, But when Nis larg, f() i amon alvays b+ {Ered to stable close to some particular umber. This number cor- Fesponde ia the mathematical mode co the probability PL. Thus, for Targe M, we expect (2) to stable atthe muber Ele] given by te] = Bet any ‘We cll Ele the expected nae of the random variate = "Pquation 2124 defines the expected value forthe particular experimest of tossing die, Moce generally, we define the expected value of random ‘arable with density function py 35 via p40te aus ote 210s Zt 0) = SPUIMe—D- ‘We shal seein connection with the weak law of large numbers tat the general defniton of El] tetas the property of being the number ‘Onto which we expect an empirical average (2)v tO camcorge. The fxpectd value of @ random variable 2 ig also called jis moan eal, ot ‘npecttion, andi altermatively denoted “The Fundamental Theor of Expectation In many oases we need to caleulate the expected value of a random ‘variable that is defined by means of transformation on a random wetor r=a0) (2.126) ‘where g(_) maps every kimensional vector into sreatnumbe Although Tle] ean te ealeulatd from Fg. 2125 by fst ealalating , from the joint with the result of the th experimental Mallets, Nyand the sample mean mith the empirical averege TENE ‘When Ari agg, the weak Iw statement that wit high peobebility aoe tothe mursber is interpeted nthe real wor a the statement hat berring an atypical sequence of obseratins—the valve of be lose to the number 2. The posiity of observing an atypical equsace of rials (one comesponding in the mathematical model to Tae |S ois not raed Out, But, if 07. is small, soch sequences focus. "Aa infreting specal case of Bq, 2.149 io encountered when cach sanom variable defied in terms ofan event, of probability» bY for (or ein A) eam onl etowna, Thee Paya i= Pep, P= Ol= PAS] =1— 1506) and for f= 125-004 My weave mee ep f= HH = np. Substtating these values in Bq, 2.149 ives Pim ppd ] <3. of 23 4|>-] <3 aim ‘We begin the new derivation of Eq, 2.182 by defining 2 random variable ta (et Ke ne Faye 241 Geos cosas or skert pot of th wank hw of ge through the transformation stn), asso) wee /( then vad ation shown ia Fig. 2a ford Ne ilsSol>J-m=a seorecoti-re=n=a[]t3s] >. eases CHERNOTE BOUND 98 ‘The expectd value of equls the desired probability. By the theorem on sete] aus In geacral, there is no simple vay to evaluate the right-hand side of| Eq. 2.154 for aricay p, The Weak law Bond, however, can be obtained ‘by noting In Fig. 2.400 that for<(2Ji rat aim verf(l] d0, we should choose Lin sucha way that be rght-haod sides minimum. We can ind this opinum ehoioe, 2, by cilferentating = with respect to Zand ‘sating the derivative to ero: 4 a Lcerin, afer] yey ly =e] = Ey Corensore souxo 101, CCancsling «~¥ and reaeanging gives Zimplicly, thai, a the solution to the equation lve] FL] “The bound of Eq 2.159 then becomes En>]< PR oa cum It cam be shows that 2 a ven by Eg 2.160, alway greater than oF feu to zero for « > O'and tha 2 provides the minimum # (rather tha, the maximum) “The bound of Eqs 2.160 sealed the Cheroff Bound can be used whencrer the mimerstor and denominator of Bq 2.160 are finite which is teas or evry dust random varthle tha takes a ite sumber of ‘lus and for many continuous random variables, Though Is easy to ‘valute than the weak law Bound, the Chersf? bound is much more powerful: If we define (@.1€00) x Ain, tea) then Eg. 2160 becomes [Lgus]cem oa au Th te Coot nln een wih, es TLS Sota ao Peru tho SOEUR Sr ies lnc ones oe Eas ‘with independent of M8 vl for all Vfor aay 4° > Xi We say that ‘the Cheenof! ova is exponential ight. ‘We extend the Cheroff hound to a set fof identically distibuted, independent candom variables with nonzero means, (F, = 2}, by wating on. ‘Then Eg, 2.1606 bevornes rEkanet ethene; <> ate in which denotes any one of the identically dstebuted variables {. 102 Pponamuiry Teo From Eg, 21603 gis given impli by en Bhe= mee afer ee e18) ‘An identical derivation can be performed when «is taken as constant. The results rb gacere cies «20, in which 2, now negative is again spied implicitly by Bq. 2.1620, ‘We ean tammarize these bounds concsly by desing ceive abate Ta tes fd ae e160) ace th ged mpi by Ble} 1636) Fe] ae sample, Asan example ofthe Cherof bound, tke 1, with probabil p ae iat 2.16 iearerae ete ad Weta have Ble“j=a— 0) + re, Ee = pe We nts fom Ba, 2160: for OK 4&1, se’ pone ine Thos 1)-mn@ aim e102), comasore soon 103 Final, ap - nila, aoa) hich is postive i'd > p and negative if a < ps required “The bracketed etm on the lean side of Eq 2163 then becomes Td = pd + peKe*yt vea[GeT ome : i [lgacd, ocecr as vse owt 216 ei Come (aN) inp =~ ain (t = p+ dind C1 — adingt a ra) — HO, (2.1669) Tye) 4 win pain = Dy 2.1658) H@)% —alea~ (1 —2)la = 9). (2.1660) “The function H(_) called the “bnsey entropy funtion.” Tt is tabue lated and ploted in Fig, 2430. 104 Pxosaatiry nitony Ma)e-ahan(ia)e-0) a en ‘ce arirararisaparerae (a) Te boro an toese Hf a a we

] [E3x>4] ‘hws we may immediatly invoke Fo, 2165, wih d= 1 — d= be TE ‘oauumeltntp Ol and N= 1, tbe Chern bound yk noe (ETT -(GresT (wt. 105 rwoeaauery maxon On the other hand, substcating yields ap 1p) _ 01009) pe < PP O19) 0) < ASP = Rw 008. “The comparison betwoen the strength ofthe two bounds is more dramatic ite tiple N (039. The Chernoff bound s then cabo to yield 2.2% 10°, ‘whereas the weak law bound is vide by thre to yield 0.014 nthe weak aw bound Central Liet Theorem, ‘We noted in connesion with Fig. 2.7 that he binomial density function (hati, th density function ofthe semple mean re make in the particular cate for which the fx; are tatinticlly independent binary random variables, each with mean 3 and Vviace 2) exhibits an envelope that becomes simultancously narrower end more bellshaped asf inerenen The face that the envelope bacomes narrower is atebuue to the normalization factor 1/M in Fa, 2467: as M increases, the mean Fema remains constant, whereas the variance og? = o¥/M decreases, ‘Wie are interested here in investigating the tendency ofthe envelope to become bellshaped. Consequently, insted of m, we consider the reited random variable + defined by fees Waa en® 2.168) eae, ‘With this normalization = 0 and 0 = 6% so that both the mean and the variance of = remain constant sx NV ineeats. The Behavior of the ‘envelope ofp, a6 increases i evidenced in Fig 285. "The bellshaped tndeney stated in Fig. 2.45 for the binomial istibution is an example of a much more general group of theorens, Called collectively the contra dol theorem, one statement of which retds fs follows: Let (y) denote a set of stray Independent, 20ro-mean random riches. each with the came deny function py, = Py and fate arlance 0. Define Le jaa (2.1688) 1 The ptr i hore tte ce ical he inde y them, Ts fester eed tere re ede Refocse 50a) cereal | corns. tar THOR 107 at 1 tt Lay 4 Genayeoaxe te Wo pnonenahvers (epnokentbveo Wr o1e=03.v=40 FRpue245 ‘The Nat bin deny faction semmaad o 260-084 aod mm [rien [Gc ermtas erm oth ap e680) or, when 8 = 420, ) cas tim [ped da = o| Since the choiee doesnot ffi the right-hand side, the integration interval” ‘OF Eg. 21700 may be eogen either to include or exclude the points @ dnd ‘Discusion. The ceneal Limit theorem does not imply that, isell approaches the Gaussian density function; it does imply that the stegral Epic between fed nits proaches a value given by te inepal of the Gausitn density function, The distinction is clear if we consider p, torte binomial; for any 1, 0 mater how large psa su of impulses td therfore never approximates the encoth) Geusin density funtion. "The cenel limit theorem is operationally weful in estimating such ey or when is finite but very large aad [ao is relatively small constant CGniependent of N}. Quantitative evustion ofthe words “very lage” Sid Telatively small” depends on dhe details of the original density. Function pif py Haef ie Gaus, the central init theorem exact for fay N aod alo An equally tivialcousteresarple isthe binomial ease: iPtach y, assumes only the valbes —1 and 1, and if is any mumber eater than Vi, {Siar ]-oxe(2) probabil in whi ae, prows with sue LSyovie) ery Incsinet fi Sn>]=" the ose me of pan dae ]~of) am nsminseninascntosnsinenepial cctnaL Ur Tena 109 {a dubious, regardless of hov lege we tke N, Consder, for example, & ‘Sof inary random variables (2) in which for exh i assumes the Values 0 and L with equal probability. With 9, 2b of = i and af, we obtain from Eq. 2.171b LE aat+ofs)-avm eine af We have already sen (of, Bg 2.121) that the Q fonction Behaves ex Ponenvally #8 Qwerty a0. ors igeefeem eam whereas the exact expression is Hideo) of ee enters ports eo yetj=rywecm. a7) _qrons with Nand becomes enormous when Nisiarge, On the other hand, i realy veriied thatthe Cheroff bound aprss with Eq. 2.173, which {sin accord with our carr statement thatthe Chernol! bound is ex ‘oncotillytgit,Thus the Chernofl bound should be wed in lieu of the ‘Sata mi ealelation inate suc, ag in whic the Tit of tte goon Eg, 2.708 meee i N “Argument. No appricaton ofthe validity ofthe central limit theorem cat be gained from he Fllowing arguments Tet M0) denote the characterise function of any one of the N fdencaly istibuted zero-mean random yarlsbes (x and tet MA) fdooue the characteristic faction of het nocmaized sum =. Then M0) fand Mo) ae selated by = owls} —liter l Dba 8 M,(0) 3 Ele" 110 ragakanry mizony In wich we have wed the fc thatthe mean of a rout of aisaly independent random vrais i the product of ther means. ‘Now let us acme that py sch Sat every moment (7) n= by 2ycocr is nite Then, in ecordans witk Eq, 214b, M6) may BS ‘apes in the ponerse expansion monte ont Be Pee. ans Since ~ 0 aad FF = owe have Moya 8 S440) eT) where (8 sotinvous funtion that approaches the constant (—i}6) Seo approactes zo. rom Egy 2.174 and 2.1786, we bare iano= win) =a — aa) ‘me tpeina may be apne a te oe e nd+H=w 7 eam which converges for any complex variable w for which jy] < 1. Since we {he intrest inthe inias N+ co, we ray take Wsoiaty lege hat, fans fod 54+ Gall Applying Eq. 2.17 10 Ba. ra fave ofits a) Lita eee paso ua o-etinnnentnai si inane sin AEvERSIN:E TRANSFORMATION OF RANDOM YrETORS 111 Sines the exponential faction is continuous i fellows that jin Moy a7) ‘We recognize thatthe iting form of A) the character fuseion of a zero-mean Gaussian random variable with variance oy Tee Iannis tbe Sy ton In rlernia [miorma arm {is Gaussian, As we have already sean in connection with the binomial Aistibution, sucha claim ie fale! ‘The operations of limit aking and fntepration in Eq, 2179 eanao, in general, be interchanged, ‘Although the density function of » dees tend to Gaussian if py is sufcendy smoot, the general cental limit theorem statement that the {itribution function converges to Gaussian form hinges onthe atonal “mocthing” tht i niodced by integrating the density function, to tthe distribution function F. {APPENDIX 24 REVERSIBLE TRANSFORMATION OF RANDOM VECTORS “The changeotvariables transformation considered in Eq. 2.78 ie a special case of a reversible transformation of vectors. A transformation o> y, with both Xana y k-dimensional vectors, sealed reverie is ‘e-to-onethat i i the iverse transformation y+ also exists fr all Sand y ofinteres, For example, let YEU... AED (Ata) ‘where each ofthe [0 is «funtion of k variables that i, each signs 1 (difret) number cay ya), (0 vector x(o)- The transformation is ‘eversible if thee exists anther set of Functions fg) such that X= GO) 2)--. 0). eat) 1 is convent to express Eqs 2.1 inthe more conse form yet) pan 9) = at. a2) We now relate, top fora reversible wansformation in which the partial derivatives 3f/@% and 2p, exist for all and j, 1-61, ke First we determine the probably distribution funedon F, and then we 112 pmonamunry THEORY diferente Fo obtain p,. By defnon, 116)=[esoie ox) ‘where /is the region 7 Ale) < Br fle) < Brees nffe) SB QARB) “oking the derivative OY(28, 2° 4) ofthe right-hand side of Ea. 2A;3e to obtain p(B) is complicated by the fact that J not simply “xprese in terms ofthe variables of iteration. This difiuly ean be voided by making the change of variables yo Me. aaa) “Then it follows frm the existence ofthe inverse transform g that a= a0. Aa) “The region of integration Fcan be expressed simply in terms of y as I= (768) (Ade) Since aC) may be substituted for ain the integrand of Eq, 24.3 the ‘nly problem sn performing the change of variables of Eq. 2Asa i to {ela thediferental volume clemeats de and dy. The relationship is de = Us, QAse) whore Uy is te abgolute value ofthe Jacobian Jy) sssciied with the transformation g. The Jacobian, by defiition, is the determinant x Sg o> Su Yn Jao In| non| . ease) a ten --* Ja ‘with lente Jy = Ps FAD & @ASe), wr eng vii of 2A BTA 140)= [ patonusole af Po fowoneéoin one aes eveRSIBLE TRANSFORMATION OF RANDOM VECTORS 113 “Taking the partial derivative is now teva, and wo obsin the sited ‘elation betseen p, and p, when random vectors y and x are celated by ‘the 1:1 wansformations = ffx); x = #0) 4B) = pulat®)1 8 ean) Forther insight into the elation between py end py may be gained ty sealing te findamental interpretation of the probability density function: py i the function which, When evaluated at a point a aad sulipied by the volume AV, of « small pion AV, incuding the point. {yds the probability that xl ie In the rego. But, 7 Has In the region Mp then y = fx) must le in & coresponding region Aly of ‘Volume AF", whic contsine the point b= fla). Thus PAD AY, = psa) AY (2A) Since a = g(), we ave PAW) SY, = plat) Ae east) ‘Of course, AV, je notin general equal to AV,; indeed, feom Ea, 24.5 ay, a =H (Ase) Substtating Ea, 2A.e in Eg, 2A.Sb yields Ad) ~ ple) easay which is consistent with Eq. 287. "Asn ample ofthe use of F247 condor the polar wansformation xory given by (A.0) As shown in Fig. 24.1, the inverse transformation is = gO = Hc08 30 O % oat ts Figwe Pad 225. A “avesty” sormmusiation system employs two chanel fo transit Svohge 40a deion device oe show in Fig P25, Taste decison device ap aa Oo ood oR, rand 0 Wich haste nettm Assume that m an ng arson Gavan random vaables with vacances ‘Sb and ofa tut 6 my nd my ae jay stately independent. The routes 123 oscnen |B To ap igre as ‘stem ia ado commanicate one of to messages yan my wih pear roabis Pon] and Pim. For mesage om ie niga is Pa(YE: [a0 “The optimum dain ale seks to determine that Tor wish the 8 posterior (eonshionl probaly f my gia rad asia 4 Deteine the strutare ofthe optimum deco devie and exes the resin proabity of ror. Coase this eit for, =o; nd Pl = Pi] wth te performance ‘bained with un optima delsion tased only 08, 226 Detve he inequity cet [Feerew tees, ame. For what vale of does the equality ho? For what ales of this bound fighter tha the tony awe gonm or what vais of are the two bounds both within 10% ofthe tue value af (2)? Ho. Tenky OCF asthe proba hat ai 2 oF idependent ‘rovmean, untvarance Gauasan fandom vues les within the Shaded ‘egion of () sn ig. P226. Obser tat tis probably i excnied by the Figure P226 124 Promamury neon peoatily that y es within the shad repom of). vate his Ise probly by mas ofa change of alas. 227 Let ands he tio candor varlables soc tat EG — 29] =. Desig the event Am Co: 360) A) sd evaluate UA) 2228 Lat» and y be ono candom vsabes wih Gol second moments aod See Prove hat aft OP tray Kod Sol Hat ty oF 62108 +60. 1239. Let rb any random vale or which th two conons péay a0; 2<0 28flnmeee aremmet, Prove th forall k > 0 Me Dk cz. snr am acoepable deny fanetion py for wish equality bolts tue? 290 Late tpsooa ta be 8 wt PN ienilly ised tatty ia Gependet random vara each wie dens fincion py and dition Tanoton Ft shown in Fig P20, these anal ate ape a he inputs fore box hats a CU, oy the lest ofthe (=) Clee 9 ‘ado vate Expres py a rma a No and Fy A ee | penn ten mind Fp 230 soa somes 125 1, Assume tht the 3 re exponent sebited random vaibis: meee monk 8 Caen epcation yo =12 ‘ase, Beans as re reo jy inp wo By a sctin common stn nein ety teminon ‘agit Rayan pte tne Cue mo rere Satbchat tenes ow sue oqo Ray eon SSRs eyenety sara a ses emer so Sefun cas rcp ecb te meno oe Fu, sree to itty ae N=, The imrementl advantage of ang Shother sie sbanol, however, dactese rally as becomes large 231. Let bea random variable wih mean valance «8 and barctiis fetion (0. Deine phar; wand beonstans, Drtermine v6 sod Mo) i wns of 5, Maa ‘232 Lets and y besa independent random variables withthe probe ty deny faci po) = pC) = he Calla the th momen, Ele" f= 1 Get te mh absolute momen, EUS of, © Dateine the samen fetion a {Determine and plot the probably density of he sum x = +3. Collate he probably hat = restr ha 2.4 A random variable tas character fetion ee (2h Bale ie cons teint DEES ote bacon tt M0) 2M random variable which taker on oly inter vale ald to be poison dtbatd it Plot pe for 2 = 2, <5 1 Find of and MO Lats and y be acl independent Polson variables with constants Apa iy Dooe 23-43 Epes pa 8 a4 oi terms of 0 126 YwonaurY cao 235. The random variables; 04. have he joo any unetion es Pashtu)” SEFTaMT ERD) RPO 4 Show thats, and ae stately Indepeont random variables with ‘Catchy density fanatons (ee 248). i Prove tut MA) => © Deine y = 244 my, Determine Py 4G Dae oj ast of steal indapenden Cet random variables ith boa by Toyo Ns ie edd ‘Determine pe I which cle te sample ean—a good esti of the 2136 Let fo) bea set of WV eaiicaly independent random variables aod ace % 4 Which of the following statens rv alvaye true? rove or ve & sovntr xp ° s-Re @ ake wy a-Se w ago = So ° Sea oo Bare sam Soest “The conBiaton in tsk fn (calle the tied storia met. Tart b ne cone the gener fos of sentinvarlant mows baie a) Btn Myo) and ade) # In MO. 0 ort wi St rowins 127 suing that ll moments exist, we may expand 16) and 6) Pd wor Sar no= Souk Equatngostisent fel powers, we obtain ay ~St0 “Thus te th out into expansion fr a wom of Mindependsn random ‘atlas sth sum ofthe th coefcen's of the constuens. Teh oot is calod the th sumiivariant moment aad yy sell the Servant ‘ment gett funtion. (Evaluate yy al in terms ofthe moments of y 237, Prove tat =e Ms =a a6 Iocay sadn ables wih < 0, ‘eRe thas ea Ganon random varie ane =k. Determine ‘werageet ior hs beboun of pares spr an i Cds oun Wythe bound pares nts etl ae Cyber bowed pring ‘ase olor ner? Hn. Show ai eer ' eameioam swore: # $ yan th (te statis ndpenin iene sible nom ii 2238 We witht simulate a communication stan ona digi compete and timate the eror probably by marin the rive Lequncy of eer. ‘Approtimnte by mena of 1 the Chebysbev inequality, the cant core, the Chern bound, how many indepeneat ues ofthe chanel we mutt sma inorder to be 1527, extuin that the obered Tene equ) a in 37 ofthe Le PL wih ve may seme teeth 00 239 One ofthe two oqaly My nemageie razed ove nol chanel ‘by meane of he following strtey fm to sage, the amie sends sequence of volige ules over the cane, each ath amptudo VE It 128 pmonamerry TugoH mie dhe esses, voltage pul with auploade ~VEare ent. The eet of TEATS B tae ldeeod satiicaly independent Guia randoms SERS cach amplitude: Tie the chanel output & x sequance of 3 ‘mpl nee . VE other, Ase for wheres = VE the message it my 309 # mene Bee. The sever cleats z aod ‘and wt ot =m and nly Hy > 0. [We sal sein Chapter dha uch 9 SeLver rope] Determine de resating ME] and show tha Pa cet, + Abopinam recive makes an ngependent binary dion abou m on tbelnnit ofeach rin tara. Le p dnote the minum atainableprobebty Tre St econ wrong. Obtain at expression frp. The sever ten ‘oem the 30 % rods here =, 21 seh don favors md 41 he th eon He pun Hey ot limp oval odepeaenny. ‘The eer 98 Fer ee Dandi = mite 60, Use Cheat bounding teeigas how tat Hg < cae, ‘Show that poh Vie when jo very sll so Ut te probability of eror bound in pat ben feones ig < urban comparing this bound with tha of part a we sett the est of making Farkit to may Eby he ator Bl (™ ~2 a). 3 Random Waveforms ‘We have considered so far how to make the optimum decision about ‘which messages transmit when a receivers Font end and deictor ate fixed, With reference to Fig. 3.1, this problem involves limiting our ‘observation of what i received fo & quantized voltage sample at point fr to an unquantid volge sample at poiat al. The decision rues Shee Ie . Bae sl Fire 31. A communion seem motel witha ie eer of apr mesa rhe OinocseAl I ‘tablished in Chapter 2 ate therefore opkimam only inthe imited sense ‘that they produce the smallest posable probabilty of error, given thet tre cannot redesign the ora in Which the receiver cbs the voltage at Polat 2 from the random recived waveform 1(. To design a rssver that is optimum in an overall sense, we mUR focus back on points band ff and invertigate the problem of dealing diresly with random sine Suction, ates of ust with random vols Tn this chapter we comsier those mathematical aspects of random wave: forms that are esetial tO our sty ofthis problem. As in Caper 2 ‘the primary objective is to develop the engineering import 3 RANDOM. PROCESSES ‘The appropriate rothematcal model for dealing with unpredictable voltages involves te concept of a random vanable, x, defined as the 130 wanpow wavanonnes sssignment of rel number (4) to each point w of sample space in Such away that 8 probability distibution function F, exists Unpre- Aitable waveforms ire dealt wit in & similar way: instead of only @ Single number, however, we now assign ko exch pot in a reals Futon, 33 (0,2). The station ie ilstate in Fig. 3:2, which shows io J) te oe : no a Pa see os slit) ‘el EN a a x4) ‘ REAR 4 ® ‘igre 32 erp anon rece a fcite sample space Q with four points, and four waveform, labeled Mond: 11234 [Now let us think of observing this set of waveforms at some time Instant, r= 28 shown in the Agu. Since each point o, of Q has ‘tosis wi it both amumbe (anda probebilty the coleson otaumber (0, ‘formes rpdom varie Obsering ‘he waveforms ate socond Une istant, sa) fies ferent collection of sumbers, hence a diferent random varable. Indeed, his set of four ‘waveforms defines a (dierent) random variable for each choice of observation ins Ta general, We ae interested ia the c2s.n which contain a infinite ‘aumberof points, and the set of waveforms (ato, 2)) is eorespondingly ch, For example, (2, 0} might lalude every real waveform dened foal oo <1 < co. Just as with Hite, we presume thatthe collection WTERPRETATION OF THE RANDOME-ROCHSS MODEL 13] assignment, defines random “Tae probability system composed of saspe space, set of waveoems, and probability measure i called a random process and is denoted by @ Symbol such as 2(). The individual waveforms of a random process 21) are cle sample fancins, and the particular sample faetion sociated withthe poi is denoted a(w, Narn a random process 1 and denoting the sample function aioclated wih the point w as (a, corresponds to our previous practice of naming a random variable 2 and denoting the sample value asociated with the polat w a 240), ‘We shall find it coavenien to use the notation 2() in two diferent sense first (es above) to denote the random process snd second to denote the random variable obtained by obsecving the random process at time f ‘Whenever the sense isnot cleat from the contest, we Wate) oF 2410 denote the random variable observed at time Interpretation of the Rapdom-Process Model “Let ws consider how the randomprocess model ener at the problam ‘of designing a receiver such s that dlagrammed in Fig. 31. First, which ofthe st of possible tranmitter waveforms (0) actualy tanaited ‘depends on the random input message m. We not immediately that the tignal (ea random proves with» ite namber of sample functions: ‘he probability that (equa £40 is Pl ‘Next, easier the channel Lets arme that nature, in some way that we eam desribe only probabilsicaly, salbets one member of a set containing all posible disturbing waveforms and adds it to x0. The Spproprite mathematical model tun involves a sample space Q on which ‘hes random proceses and the random inpst mesage ace defined fimltaneovsly? sociated with any. particular sample poist «i a ‘message, say m, the taste sign so, t) = {one ofthe possible noise waveforms, say ny 1) and the recived waveform Hea.) = 0) oD, (1a) Since Bq 3.18 hols for every poi o, we write 1) =) + ow ese), a, andr) ar random pres. Over the ene set {Won} exhaut al poo pats of aoe a gal waveform “The problem config ue won designing he rescer eseated in Fig Sd may now be stat. We lok om the random pres 0) 3-4 ‘ack box acompasing the meage source, anomie, and chan) 12 manbow wavesonus at whose output terminals oe ofthe time fuvetons xo, ) appears. Tn ‘ect, some ddan mechani within the box selects a point at random, “nd emis the corresponding sample function. The receiver rust operate ‘tis sample function whichever one it may bein some fixed way t0 produce an estimate of the mesag. Te crx ofthe problem is that we ‘ist specify the resver operations in advance, wheres We cannot know in advance which sample Fuetion wil appest. Given «fed receiver dsiga, is leat that some of the ro, will esd toa correct estimate of the message ad some will not. Let us denote the sst of sample points that leads to an incorrect estimate by the symbol & 82 foro, = ere ‘Our objective isto dssgn the receiver in such a way thatthe probability fof this event, thst the probability oferorPfé) wil be minimom. The Subject of Chapter is how to design sch a receiver in certain important fcves, Firat, however, ne must develop appropriate mathematical, {echnigues for doing #9. Accordingly, we now Fetur to the discussion of random processes Random Vectors Obiaoed from Random Processes By definition, a andom process implies the existence of an infinite surnber of random variables, one fr each rn the range —20 <1 < co ‘Thus we may speak of the probability density funtion pay ofthe random ‘variable ) obtained by observing the random proces (0) at time fy More generally, fr tie Instant y+ yf We define the random rab (5) Ht) = aC) and denote thee joint density Fanetion by ‘Pau it which we incoce the notation AOE GH), 200. 00), (620) ‘The components ofthe random vector x(0)asocated with any particule sample point w are the valves of the sample function x(a, 1) observed (0, (0,1), 0, fy ACO, 625) [Note thatthe density function pg depends onthe random proces 24), and the specif time satan (2) "As an application consider the probabllty of obtaining a waveform ‘that pesses through a set of K "windows", os ia Fig. 33) that i, the probability ofthe evest, As fea, < (041) to a) shown in Fig 39. von sonny [igue Wh i) ~ ot pl eon ao fF “w 23) Tip 19. ‘The trafoaaton nian he and vie apd 4) abn from Fig 37 tll ean ting 0) othe et ye amet 138 RANDOM WavEFORS “To determine the distcbution fonction of s(), consider first the event {rssti) < a) in which ai as shown la Fig. 3.102. The probably of this event est the probability that > wl i inte shaded interval, treat) -1 or 1 the ellipses degenerate into the 7 and me, respostively. Jat Gaussian Deasty Function Covsriance. For any two random variables, sty, andthe centrat Ay 2 BUG, — 26) — A] 639 fncaled the covarfance ica! . (Thecenteal moment isthe vasiace, Gof.) Since expectation sins, we ale ave Ayn Fe — 8, +2, ie 63H ‘The covariance coficen, py of to random vatiables is defined as a 629) ae, For the zero-mean Gaussian variables mand n, the covarianet is iy. Recalling thatthe conditional mesa of m,gven m= a, 8 py we have eee C mofo pale de = pt 40) ‘The parameter p is therfore denied a3 the covaiance coticent ofthe ceqalaranae random variables and: a reledal” 8 rn(Pl m= ade = Bap, 0 BPA n, oa tis always tus thet the covariance coefcent of two random variables is resisted tothe interval [1,1]: ince the expocted vale ofthe uate 152 Ranboue waverons ‘of any random variable is nor-aegatve, we ave wets ss Garay Brewed eam Whence [pl = the expen in By. 428 equals mo, But he Meeps el aNd vr con vans oly the fandom, SENT fr sample pin cope ply bt of 0 probability. Thus were the and ails re un he ses of 2.6. "eto 4a ema wit Figs 230 end 3.17" When thenin, = by and the joint density fantion ps impubive. Tp such eRZe at he Jot Gran dnt Raton yy sgl Unga sre, Equation 3.31 epee he jot deny futon of trl trsnean Causun anon vara ih equa arate The Sree eet aes cbanabe tom Eq, 331 y the een cantormaon ayaing b>0. (6.440) ‘Thea and 1 individually are zero-mean Guussan variables with czneal moments maeteos dane = me, rico dy ha = Ha TS = Be oan : ‘The covariance coefficient remains unchanged; mde np Ke) 1a tacos of these quantities, the zero-mean wosqua-arianoe Gaussian ensity can be writen by imspecion: from Eq. 3.31 end the relation (cba. 288) Joo GAUSAN baNERY RINCHON 153 We have, withthe shortened notation oA oy ot oy, areal as Ball 1 Panli Bm apse | [Nowzero means. The geoerl two-dimensional Gaussian density fane- tion is obtained from Eq, 345 by making the further transformation neath = 6) acath ih pis Ponl OPI Maal eB B= ros e-B_te¥ sp 5 cool ara palae sae aie +S) aan In weting 85,347, we have recom dat wansfomatons avin ‘onthe aon ofconstans nf 3.46, sortie a AB) 2H Da oH ot =k = endow variables and yr clled oll) Gani if and only ith density Function paste foo speed by Eqs. 347 aad 3.48. We Serve tht the petra joint Gaussian deat tion pends nly 00 the means, variances, and covariance (covariance cots). We aso Shaere once again that two jointly Gauntan random variables ae Sats independent if and ony ihe covaranc 2x0. General incor rasormaton, One of he moi important propeics oF the joint Gaussian demity fenton to hat ronan varable fod a lieor onfomarions of Gausion srabes ar eto Gaiam, In hi setton we show that this tue for any revel linea rnforation applied tothe pai of roean Gnssan variables and of Ey 3, 154 naNpow waveronss ‘The generalization to Gausian variables > 2, is deferred ntl the First consider the transformation (23) > (ey 29 given by stanton; 6x0. 63) Hon b 0 guarantees thatthe vansformation is reversible, Tf Pena Sore pen any ne gle rind var, aad “Hgphsnate tinea ep Rs Be 2 oe TE involves impulse). From Eq. & eouional density of even = & itl om al Motipgiog by pss Prot) = Substituting Bq. 345 in Ea, 250 and simpliying, we have, alter consid- ‘mb (and unzewarding algebra, \ Pralt 2299.2), an wales eae aah 089 vere eee Ba oat + taba + OH osm) osm) Wie note that Eq, 251 once more has the Gaussian form, [Next consider the reversible ‘the pair 220 given by aye an tbe: sym ea ts naformation from the put (0%) 10 bo, bead #0, os By writing nal n tds. ve observe that the transformation of Eq, 3.53 can be considered as the escede (eu29)-r en) > Gy Sie each Hndvidul step results in the general Gauesian form, the cascaded wansformation Joes alo, and the proof i complete. Tovey Ree Rm ae 8 fe pemion som onus vest ruNeHION | 158 A simple example of linear transformation is (1) (En), in ‘whieh ese) 4 Pn the 2ronnean equal-narincejoit Gaussian density fnstion ven Bye, 331, Since t= TS + 2am + te, a D. es from Eq. 345 we have Porat 1 : 2 —j ee [- 2 - saree mtn sata = Palos Pal 056) We observe that the random variables 2, and sy, obtained from the atistically dependent vaciablesm, and by the “rolation of coordinates” Acansformation of Bq, 3.54, are satel independent. By choosing the sogle of rotation 1 be J tant pyarey(0s~ 9) rather than fy the sven two-dimensional Gaussian density of Eq. 347 can aso be teans- formed into statistically independent form, Summary. ‘The preceding discussion has esablshed four extremely Important properties of two random variables that are oily Gaustian, that is, variables with the joint density function given by Eq. 3.47 1. The joint Gaussian density function p, «depends only onthe means Hand the variances «,* and o,3, end the covariance fg Ell — Dee BD 2, As andy are jointly Gaussian, they are individually Gaussian, 3. Two variable tht arc joally Gaussian ae statically independent, ‘if and ony if teir covariance is zero. 4, Linear transformations on varices that eee jointly Gaussian yield ew variables that are also jointly Gaussian, ‘These four propertts are wor tue in general fortwo random vaiables ‘that are not jointly Gaussian reansalden ot bape bE 156 nanbow waveronss In Section 3.3 we tive fom multidimensional central Timi thecemt arguments 4 density funtion for k random variabies that is called ke ‘Gmenvonel Gausin. Random vests with this density function are Jomly Gaussian, We shall see thatthe four propertss simmarid for {he case k = Dextend without change to the ease of arbitrary 1. he density funtion p, of jointly Gaussian random vector 22 Gate, 14) depends only on the metns (and the set of ete omens (i) By Ay BAM) ANT Roo Jeb Qeok 2. Any subset of jointly Gaussian random 3, A‘cet of k Gatesan random varieties fad only ithe covariances = 0 fora andj. Ja this ese, nee) = Hed =, at —en(- Creo in which we have writen on ie of 4 and astumed all, 2 Any linear trensormation of @ set of kjoinly Gaussian candom ‘aiables yields new variables that are als jointly Gasan. Ta particular, 2 weightod sum of Gaussian variables is Gausian. ‘Even for k-=2 we have sun that she algebra ie toious and hat the _gencral expression for ps suicientycumbrous tht notation sa problem. FFor f> 2 the simpideation that eeslts from the use of matrix notation ‘esental. This notation i reviewed ia Appendix 3A and is applied in Section 3.3 to verily the foregoing properties of joint Gaussian variables. Since only the properties themselves, and not their proof, reused in the Segue, Section 3.3 anay be omited oa a frst reading. {4/33 THE MULTIVARIATE. CENTRAL, LIMIT THBOREM Insight into the appropiate mathematical model for fer’ impulse ois gue from eosideration ofthe multivariate central init theorem, (which reduces for single random variable o the exami theores. Of Chapter 2. ‘The theorem ie proved by means of the joint character= Tie anction, denoted My), of se of k random variables Xm ded 358) oper cranacronisie Functions 157 oint Characteristic Functions ‘We define Ai{s) to be that funston obtained from the joint density ‘uneion py by petoeming a Four taasormation on esch argument Myo re) foam alenee on rapeinein so i da do de {sing mar oton ang the tere of expectation, we cam wie hi more concely as sao 4 pee [oo(iSe-)]=2{fhe"]. ean Whe fa ay indepen mem ftaemiafine. sn St et 9) on ts 7 foe poset ce tare Miers Gasiecnmsernabes tints. eee PT enn a br ely i fn eet pet ao nies aylimerws aan ee eae ee eee cee ee swe i angen pe Se eee fas alnady been exo in conection wih onedinensona tha a aes oer er eee ees Pam Woes bres toned, (8608) ne = M0) Gare) 158 nanbow waverons Ifthe moments exe we cam expund in power serie to obtain [iewrt eee] niet eee 2.625) eee ta ee 3.02) “Let uscxamine the seoond term inthe expansion, From Ba. 3.628 Woe tne BD Gea, which involves omy the means of the (3 Inthe deivation ofthe mui vate central Limi we tll be concerned. with zro-nean random ‘arabs, Therefore we nosy patclarize to the cas in which the means TB) teal zero. Lefting 0 denote the vector ach component of whichis ero, we Bae En] 2 Gok 2D = O.0.- 020. “The second term in Eq, 3.626 then = 0. “ets next examine the tied erm, i. Since PS pa} --E Snare tng expat ys Fo -$ Suen, or momen dom vey ies yl Mya Ha HAO Th Fo-E dae aap and 3x may be evaluated by determining the coefiient multiplying 9, in the power series expansion of AL). ‘Similary, examination of 9 and higher order teems shows that the count of any term such 35 "*> yin the power-sties expansion of + Sis Mo = | [Ler poe | < [levees = 1 the shart imc te fo a _ ony he et omen of w x toys ht may eespanded im wrnw of 71-2) ©, pas rere tat ane 5», once eanacrensie rucnons 159 -Mo) is proportional 10 the corresponding mined moment (7-77). ‘Thus all moments that exist maj be evaluated by expanding (0) in a ower sein, ‘he covariance matrix. The form ofthe expression for vin Eq. 3.622 can be simplified by using matrix notation. Recognizing tht the double Summation i 2 quadratic for (Fg, 34.19}, we can write Wa ay, ey for which we define the matrix Pru yo dal da ty dn AS es hs Bag ool ‘Ay called the convince matrix of %. Since y= Ry forall and ja ‘variance matrix f symmetric about ts principal agonal. "The covariance matrix pays a conta cole in the multidimensional ete linit theorem. Observing tha BS Ba ne wxe |e] Gur) 65) el a a ot we cam write Ayia the compact form A= ET] =F, ew) wine te enpecttion EA] of mati A wth amen dtd ax the matrix whose elements are {2,,). With this notation and the fact that win Sanaa, e079) 4 Se ae? = 2B, 3b na goad ample tha ric ition i 160 nanoou wavtrons vie observe that Eg 368 may also be derived directly ty the sequence of cquliie FA Bp] = ELD) =a vt G6Tt) Central Limit Argueeat ‘The development of the multivariate central limit theorem which fellows exactly mirrors the devel ‘ot the corresponding” one- ‘imensionl theorem in Chapter 2. The only distinction is tht the we fof matrix notation now permits us to tent a sum of random vectors father thon Jase a sum of random variables. Tet us consider the vector 2= (yay---4%) defined a8 1 o G68) We ase tha each 3 & a component vet ati ily Depend ofl tee Passe He 6%) “Att, we ashume that each x, has the same density function, sy py with ero mean, covariance mstix Ay and characterise function My Pa =P Ex) = 0 ' o oa Bis xd = Ay = Mi ‘Thuswehave 7 Ep] =0. 709) » “The normalization of by the factor I// Nin Fg. 3.68 js uch hat nsae bo Se) i) sx] xT x] = Ae 6.708) ‘CewrRAL Loar AROUMERT 161 Here we have used the fot chat xy and x, ae stassticlly independent to evaluate Eis) = ERNE =O: J & {in whic () denotes the matrix each element of which i eo. ‘We now take up the lmitng form ofthe characterise function of Mio) © Ble") lon oS] ~lfen 5p Since the random vectors (} ze satistialy independent, so are the random variables xp v-x7/V 3), and the mean of their product is therefore the product of bei means won ee weg) [ola “Taking logarithms on both sds, we ive Ww M(9) = Nie (5) “The limiting beavio ofthe righthand ie of £9371 sam be et mined by expaating Sse oN), nd then MSV, na power Seles. We astume for singly tht all moms fie. ‘The proof maybe extended fo th cen whch oly i ite by expanding na power series with remeinder. If isnot nit, the central limit theorem isnot valid, From Eqs. 362 and 3.70, om BF Moye 14 04848 som ieee aE bey 162 nanbow wavetonss werden hale arm 1a) «(E+ on {is continuous funtion of VN tht for any Bxed v approaches the con stant 96/6 as V becomes lags. By taking large enough, we ean make [tamelda) smal 8 e wish, It fllows that for suflentl large NV we may invoke ‘he expansion ‘Thus where Pe ee ae and write wn) = — chase +(e) er Since the “otber terme” involve powers of 1 more negative than NH, we have for any fed 9, lint mor = stat) tngs[ dons + gh (4) eters] ‘ ahaa From the continuity ofthe exponential funetion lim M0) = exp (tv, (3730) Equation 3.738 is our dese ses, For any py the characterise fvosion M,o) of 2 oxmaled sum x= (IVA) x, of deta di tribute zrosmean random vectors (x) approaches exp [Iv]. This Coxussane Ranpow VARIABLES 163 simitngfuretion invoives only the covariance mates A, = Ay, Note that, when k= Eg. 3734 reds to im Mo) = ep(—bign)=emn(—We) 235) nd isin accord withthe one-dimensional central init result of E2178, Gawssian Random Varia In Chapter 2 we called a single random vasable “Gaussian” if it chhaacieriste fonction ha the oem of the -ight-hand side of Eq, 3.738, ‘We ow generalize the definition to &vacables by saying that any zer0- ‘mean random vector y is Gaussian if and ony if Mo) = exp. 674) _Atternatively, we say thatthe components oy ae “jointly Gaussian.” “Equation 3.7 tates that M() approaches the Gaussian frm a8 N-> 22 "The dent function of ro-mean Gaussian vector yi determined by taking the iverse Fourier transform of Mf, However, jst a nthe one- ‘imensional case, we must retain rom claiming hat he density function, of normalized sum necessary converges to Gausianformas WN geslarge. ‘Wheneverg, doesnot contain impulses, the convergence occurs. However, if py contain impulses, s0 does p-As in Chapter 2, itis only the dis- ‘eibution function F that always becomes Gaussian (provided A exis). “The definition of “oinly Gaussian” Ig extended to vectors with nonzero means ian obvious way. IF i @k-imessonal yetoe with mean Fis) 4m, 8 Gm Ds .159) ‘hen xis called Gaussian if and only ifthe zero-mean vector 6.58) is Gaussian; that is and only if Myo) = exp(— by. 18) We therefore have MG) SEN ORD = TE om Myoe = exp(—bay! + ym). Sine, in secocdaace with the definition of Eq, 337, the covariance 2y of san #8 dy 5 Bla, = 202, — F2= Elves, 164 nanpou wavesons the covacanee mateces of x end y a 4 the same: be (We agin note that central moments ate invariant to transformations involving only the addition of constants) We conclude thatthe general oem of the Gouin characteristic ncion Ao) = exp (PAT + ym 3.769) ‘where i{0) = exp (vA + 9m, 0.16) m8. (3768) A, 2 BIG. — my! (x my). (8.66) iteredImpue Noise Process “The approprnteness of assuming that samples mM) = Qs ma Gg) observed from a fiers impulse noe source at any soto tines {are modeled mathematically by a joiat Gaussian density fonction Finges on the mlivariate central iit theorem. Leth be the random ‘estr obained by sampling te plate response to the th cutent impulse Fig, 316 attimes of 2B (RG, = 1D Mle — 7s Mle = 7D) arm ‘Asn, 325, A isthe (knows) ter impute response, nd the random Saab 7, is the arrival time of the Hh impale. Whenéver the impulse rival times (r) are substantially independent and the average number of impulses ariving ducing the efetve duration of the ters impulse response is extremely large, the cental limit theorem implies that the density function of w= Bh ar ‘nclosly approximated bythe joint Gaussian density function Properties of Gaussian Raniow Variables efore comsidering the form of the multivariate Gaussian densiy function, iis instructive to observe certain properties implied by the ‘efniton ofthe Gaussian characteristic Function. ‘We now show that any fet of Jetty Gausian random variables, say * ade ‘xhibits the four properties claimed on p 156. Property 1. The joint demity faction of te fe) Pe depends only on ‘themeansm, aed the centel moments Ay Ty2eeees f= b2peveoke a ‘mROPERTIES OF GAURSAN RANDOM VARUARLES 165 Proof follows from the fact tht the Gavssian charucteistie function ‘Mg depends oaly oa mad the covariance matrix 4, with elements {ig}. Thos pe, the Fourer transform of Maso depeadsoaly on these wares, Property 2. Any subset of the (xs sy Xe 1<1 24, also joinly Gaussian Faye share Proof follows fom noting that ivy % (etn De Mand feast afghans ot met iy Filer OG OO PoE. 316 mg ~0(—18$ra0,41$3). orm se 9 Eq. 3.78 in Fg 3.78 and discarding terms that ee equal to ero, we again have the Gata form aoomoo(-18 Sree a). ny solvent tec ayant Comin et Beet eee secre aes My) = M0, res) = A drto? + WR BIR) epee fa aby ae tae oe Bee eee ee By =o by 7%) ae Alls forjen PF lo; tore G7) ‘Proof follows from substituting the diagonal covariance matix “ot 0 A . 6.805) 166 RANDOM Waverones in the expression forthe characteristic Funtion: exp (iv + pm) $atnt1Sna) Mi) = Tper cinta? + id= JE mioo. 06) Taking the ioverse Fourler transform in accordance with Eg. 3.61, we obiain 0.806) Which completes the proof. Equation 3.0e sates that any set of (aot ecesearily Gavin) random variables i statistically independent when (coer their joint characteristic furtioa factor. For Gausian vaiabes the factocablty ofthe characterise fenesion fe guaranteed by the condition ‘thatthe covariance matrix te diagonal. Property 4. Ut y= Qutor-s-s) be 8 st of random variables ‘obtained from x by means of the transformation yeas ba, ean hore Ais any & x matrix. Then yi alo jointly Geussian Proof follows from showing that che Join characterise Funston of y has the Gaussian form of Fg. 3.76. By definition, M0) 2 FO

and Eg" my ~ mT = AN AT) = AAA, dnvohing Bg. 3A.28 and 34.30 we have WAP = (TAA ALATA G Using the wolknown result for determinants® that ATL = IAL ‘and that for any two Ge K) matrices leo) ic11D1, whic implies SWAT ‘we have penton is 7 TAT Accordingly, may be ween concisely 3s ~ayh 630) Fguation 3.90 the genteel form ofthe nonsingular Gaussian density function, We abeere tat dependsooly on th mean vector my and the ‘covariance matrt A, That Eg. 3.90 represents the most genera form of ‘the nonsingular Gavtsan density function follows from the fac that any such set of Gustin variables nay be obtained by mats transformation 1 _ 21) = RR HE AF ld ‘me Gauss PROCESS {TL ‘from a statisialy independent st. AS final point, we note t (Py and M, are Fourier ansforms of each other, the eighthun By, 390 the inverse transform of Myo) = exp (— BA + Im), Gan ‘As an example of Eq. 3.9, consider the two-dimensional case with ee a(S Tp ne oe aa eo won se Saal, 7) tm, = 0.0, vehwe aad sax fom at Out ( 1, +) (B)] sap aa“ ‘hie density function has aieady been studied in det in Seton 3.2. dom process x), and let x0) = (6), 244), -- 200) ents the random variables obtained by sampling 2) a the set of ime Festants (4). Ie the variables (9 ate josly Gausian for every finite st of observation instants ff) then >) i clled a Gaussian proces. "The conditions thst process must met in order to be Cawsian are stringent. The one-dimensional central Lm theorem of Chapter 2 has besn uted, however, to argue thatthe output of ier impulse mole source, observed at any single Sime, can bo adaquately modeled mathe- ‘mately by » Gavesian random variable, More genealy, tbe multe ‘aa cenzl imi theorem juli te assumption that k output samples ‘observed at any set of times (4} cam be adequately modeled by k random ‘arabes tht are joinly Gaussian, The important condition for the ‘alcity of sch a mathematica! model that the values ofthe observed "amples depend on the sum oft large number of relatively adopendeat Dovsurbasions. Since there are many cicumstaness, such as thermal 1 RANDOM WAvEFORDS noise in resistors, diftsion noise in tansstors, spontaneous emission ole in pavers aad intergalactic nose im rao astronomy, ia which this ‘onuiion set, Gaus procests sr of the utmost practical (swell as ’ fathematicl) importance. Specification of Gauslan Processes “We have sen that an arbitrary random proces is considered species Sand ony its tales implied fr determining the joit density Function of $Sampic taken at any finite set of ime instants ((),7= 1,2...» Ode ‘of the important propertics of set of jointly Gaussian vaiables, say "Geuste sss fs te that pe depends only on the mean values Eps) Sm, = GF AD 0.9, and the set of eovariancest (=, 2-4 RE Jb Devos a i whieh hy 2 El, = BE) FD) = Fa — 7, oo) sve see that ‘how the La ‘4 Gatssian pres 0) com 15 % denote the random variable), 1 Sy species “The mean function. To be wb to specify my for any seo it uit neconary sad solcient that we Kcow function m0), called ‘the man faction of), defined by my © Bite 693) For example, since =, andy denote the random vatiales cbtsined by Stmpling the proses times Zand fy respestvely, R= mt) G4) Rams. G4) ‘The couriance function, Siisly,In order to beable to spsily the sel of covariane®s (i) for any set oF instants (itis necessary and Shifcient that we Know a function 2,9 clled the coarlance funtion ‘of 1), defined by 244,92 B14) — mK) = mE. 95 {Mee in tet anne eh ema = SPECICATION OF GAUSSIAN PROCESS 173, “Then for samples 2 and taken at ands, rspactvely, we have hu Lhto 6.95) In imerpreting 0,8, ne think of observing each sample function (1) of the process fst ak some particular tine? and again at some times, a8 showa ia Fig. 218. The product of these two samples (vith means subtracted) is o(o,1) — maOe(e,s) ~ ma} The covarinee function 27.) describes how the expected value of this product, over Shecsenle of pens wn vanes essen of hpi guy 38 lotepetion of he cova fun. Forti peice coke of PES a tat ue tei 0, Les bea ond eae Steed Oy xo) Ec) Seen. The Mo) 2 11-87) = 48 fey=d— Oh 174 RANDOM wacronns Example. Suppose iti known that a random process 0) is Gaussian aad) ng) = sin, G96) 2a. 2 ee 0.968) ‘Tet ferns wo ample aan a ie = tant of Sig eet odie etetal, 2) putin ada = ‘The vector ofthe means m= (mAsdom£ea) = @.-D- 1 follows from Eq, 3.47 (oF Eg. 390) that the joint density function is i Pane = xeol-aacal “The Corrdaton Fanetion In dition to the covariance function of @ random proces 20), We frequently encounter the covrelation fancion, denoted 3,3), and elined as 840,914 El 0) = THT 69 From Eq, 3.95 we se that (3) nd Zs) re relate by £46.) = I= MOD = IO, Au+ns0+0]) a) = Ha) — mA AR) — mH + mA mds) ls) = RUG) — mM 6.98) Toied Hak all three of these functions —say infty 2.) snd Bef 3) may aso be defined for any process 0) that noe Gavssian ese, however, knowledge ofthese ply thatthe pres is completely specie. For example, consider the twa random processes (?) and 2() shown in folios that. a Gaussian process completely spcied by knowledge of so Rai ee Ry= | become Loeyt) aye yout) dab 2 Spesrbany caus moc 195 Fig. 219; in both cases every sample function isa constant, and itis ‘dese that mdi) = mf) = 0 Rode Roa he ‘But, for any observation instant ¢ Priegla) = HB — V2) + 282) + Ka + VD}, whereas Pans) = He = 1) + He + DL ‘Stationary Guusian Processes “To be stationary an arbitrary random process must be sue tha all invariant to any tanlation i time gin. For pint density function p, of samples {5} 1,2,---k depends only oo the {and covacianes {2}. Thus sonata by wansaton Tn time a only if mg) 8 Ble = Ela, + TNE m+ D 16.99) sd aso Ay = Pint) = He) -B A Ela, HAE MBA Ll) O99) for allt all 7. In partoular, if we choose T= ijn Bq 3.996, ‘we ave Ay = Bla, — 1) 300) oe al gt which implies that 2h Fhe 59) 6.999) {or ll ands. The covariance Function must depend only on the interval (=) between observations and noc dizecly on these observation {asians themsclves. A Gaussian proves i stationary whenever Eqs. 3954 fad care atid. In order to simply aoalon, i is conventional to top the second argument in Eq, 398e and write Zt) instead of Sram OREN TUTTE OE to be stationary are then fo) = = 4 comiant 2.1003) £409) = EM 9) 6.1008) cx f TF 2 176 & Photek Hono 1 ” Figure 419 Two dot random prone wth test in and ova Function CCAUSSAN PROCES THROUGH LINEAR FILTERS 177 ‘An example of «covariance function meting this constion s Eq. 3.260, civen that Eq Tei said, «requirement equivalent to Eq 3.1005 (with th same notational convention) is Alt.) = 80-9. 6.1006) "Notice that thexe conditions are ot sucent to gusranzesaionariness fo eandom process that ae aot Gaussian. The following random process acount Tlf contan fvesampe pois andleteach Point be asigned probably f. Let s() be the process whose sample Functions x0, 7) are Homi) = —Vicos!, ay.) —VEsins, Hei) = VR eos + in), 6.10 Hoyt) = (008! = si08, Hoyt) = (Gin! — 6081. 1 can bo verified by diet ealaltion that W=1Esou9 =o; toralte TW =1E eo 91045) = Seosce HR) = EE Hg Xo 8) = $000 “Thus the conditions of Eg, 3100 ae met ‘On the other hand iit eagy to show that a) isnot stationary. For insanee consider the two random variables = and x, obained by ob serving) at times 5 —Oand f= 9/4, We have direct trom Eq, 3.101 Pio = Ha + V3) + He) + Me = VD + Ka D E+ DT pale = UR + 1+ Ke = 2+ 20 Ths PH Pay ‘Gaasian Prooeses through Linear Filters ‘We hae argusd in Sections 32 and 3.3 that filtered impulse noise tbezomes Gaussian when the number of impulses per sscond becomes Targe, More preccly, me roguire that the average numberof impulses ‘caring ducing the efcive duration of the Site's impuse response Be laege es indiated in Fig 316) and thatthe arial times ofthe impulses be ‘utslantally independent of one another. In genera, follows from the 178 naxbow wavirons arti ‘ous por sand ot yet Ss gue 120 The smouting Hs cade, The el ox may be cons tier asa gh rw pe ona ad eee craton do wo sin tasede {the elntye tion of my Stor epaoe 0) soalsng lpi ceo utr ofeach» Sher ako mpl ad oD oe ot Witee Guasuinsr ad same aegoment thatthe ouiput of 2 second iter connected in cascade behind the ist as shown in Fig. 320, also becomes Gaussian. Al that is ‘eure i thatthe eerie duration ofthe overall impulse response of {he pair of ites in cascade should again be slconly long. “The preceding arguments suggest hat the outpusof any linear fer i @ Gousian process wheneer is inputs Gaussian proces. Although formal proof of ths fact mathemaaly involved, the observation that the {HE EXPECTATION OF AN INTEGRAL 179 input and ouput process x) and 4) in ig. 3.20 are rated by wor[loM—ae am Posi utr want Ainge 4 Mim Fata) He — 4) Bay, ‘we note tbat the consusion that y) is Gaussian is consistent with the Property that a weighted stm of Gaussian random variables is Oausian. ‘Ae mentioned in connection with Eq, 3.10, Eq, 3102 i an example of specifying a new random process by means of applying a stated operation [convolution with] to the sample fusctions of «given proses. The relative mathematical cae with which Gaussian nose can Be banled in ‘eommnication problems sems from the fact tat a Ostet input to ea fier Yields a Gausian output. This of course, mot tue for Non Gaorsan input, 25 CORRELATION FUNCTIONS AND POWER SPECTRA ‘We have soon that th random process at dhe output ofa linc ltr is Gaussian whenever te input is Gaussian. Since any Gaussian proces is specie by ils mean and correlation functions, the effet of the linet Ser cna Gaussian input is desrbed cone pletely bythe eet ofthe linear filter onthe _ 269 1 Inean and correlation functions. We no¥ so consider how to ealelate thew functions; — fat brawl the results re valid whether o not the aput Sea Fie 3.21,‘The ra poe (Shy wh canis fentone ‘Sey ) ewe om pasing ‘The Hxpectation of an Integra Sean ear oh In Fig. 821 we show a linear fee Ke) whose inpit isan arbitrary random proces =(). The sample fonctions (ofthe random process (atthe fite outpa ae related to the sample Tonetions of 40 by the contusion integral woof 2(04 4) hia) da; allovin 2 G.103) From Eg, 393 the mean funtion of 0s wo=suer=e{[xone—ae], 09 180 RANDOM waverones \ Simplifcation of Eq, 3.104 is straightforward when the number of points in the simple space 0 is Ante. Let us asume that thee are k Points (0), 4= 1,2,.--, 10 each of which i asigned probability P. Then Peso mio Reflseum—oe a. ‘By interchanging the onder af summation and integration in Eq, 3.1058, we ‘obtain myo] SPxorad ne — da * eM ade, (@:105b) Under these conditions the autocorrelation function of 9) may be ‘obtained by smile procure: 992 TVD [fh some oaef” aon 9a] 200 sononi 94” Hon DME~ Bab PJ [senso Me — 9 Me aes 6.1069 -Aginintachangig te ner of ite suninatonandinegation weave 8400)=[7 [7 [Sectors pat 9m ~ naa Fi farow-oe-pae ome ‘The mathematical ives avolved iain and eo i ‘af ee a emer aon mton [nto cus aor~ [i aemme—ome—Paaes, (109 remain valid, however, whenever the double integral of Eq. 3.108 eit frit and 2" ng the order of nt rowan specu 181 For ecither of these equations do we rogue that o() be Gaussian, ‘When xi)—henee vf)—is Gaussian, however, evaluation of thse two nepal completly species the process). Power Spectrom Important addtional insight into the effect of living a random proc- ss: which again naed not neces be Gausia, can be gained from Eg. 3.108 in the specu in whic 3) depends only onthe interval (Coa betwcen the sampling instante rand stn patiouay, if his eon- ‘ition i sats, we shal fd it posible to investigate the distribution tfmean power i) ava function of frequency. Accordingly, nthe est, ofthis section we shall sume that 0.9) = 0), 6.20) ore and the notations that of Bg 3.100 "Equation 2109, when subsituted in Eg 3.108, implies that auuoe[t [ome pme aie péea sg ego Fi flau-rte—nmonoansr sey Since the righthand side ofthis equation depends only on (¢ ~ 3), we see that whenever 342) 8 a fonction only ofr =f — soa is 3): Rita) = Rl) Rts) = HO. 2.1105) Equation 3.110 can be simplified if we iatoduce the Fourie transforms of Ryo) and Ro, say Lf) and 8,00: bles ys = 5, ps = B, we obtain Afi se C Reh" dry (.itla) sine aoeme a om 1 allows by inverse transfor th awpe[ amen a our and awo=[" sce at ou) 182 xaNow waveronss 4 ‘When + is substituted for f= sad Eq, 3.112 is used to express Ae + u — 9) ners of 8, (/), Ey. 3.110 becomes n= ff suneieernannn arava =a of ner af” now a “The integral on vis reognied asthe Fte’s transfer function HY), and the integral ony is eecognized as 11*(). Thus n= [0 supine ar 6.19) nd, comparing E3113 with Eq 3.123, we Rave 87) = SUP ou ‘We may interpret Eq. 3118 as follows. Fist, we note thatthe mean square vale of the filter ouipur process y@) is independent of Une whenever Ba. 3.100 is satisfied: FD = 860.9 = Ale = HO. ens, [Noxt, we consider sf) as an ensemble of voiage or current waveforms “pplcd scoss a Ll resistor, so that yA, 2) i he instantaneous power ‘lipated in the resistor at ime «bythe wavtorm associated with sample pointe. We therfore interpret 74(0) asthe expected vale of the power (isipat in the reetor at any insant. From Eg 3.1128 and 3.114 we have a0=[ swf swmnra 09 two now let 1) bb pr ft, shown ia Fig 22, for which nal ESIC aim “we obtain, : “ so-Punasfsuna eam We sall son se tht 8) alvays an even function of frequency. Since Eq, 3.117 implies thatthe mean power delivered by 2(0) im any ‘arrow frequency Bond of width Af centered on f* is approximately 28,") Af. as shown ia Fig. 3.23, 8(f) describes the distribution of “Hieon s Gaus input prose, the eine although Eqs 3.118 and 3. owen srscrnuat 183 Ho Aca gmares f Figure 322 tial bangpate Ser. Alou not physcay rae (he np pons not oly nro fac <0) Hat ng ts a0 st Co pepo of ami scan power with frequency im the process 7). For this reason 8,(/ is ‘led the power dems futon of 30. Wide seme saionariness. It sential i he decivation of Eq, 3.117 that (0) = Sr formation of Bg. 3.1 8.G) is nt defined, ‘Since knowledge of 8,(f) atthe output of iene iter implis knowl ‘cannot be made and the power density fucetion edge of (0), Eq. 3.104 (logether with the tltion between tbe mean Fantions The Sear ora near ‘leron a at pes When oO) nak wast ll permit ustocalslate the total ‘an squat nsanfeneovs power Out of the filter. The abit to do thls fnd to fall about the power dansiy ofa random proces is suficintly fmportant ins own ght that processes 2() which meet the conditions ‘mo = constant unis) lus) = Kfe~ 9 e118) so see +l? gue 123_The mean poverty) aay dt wt Yon Sirhaqalouemonse 184 naNbow waverOR 1 ave given the spocial name widewese starionary} Stationarnes, as we ‘dened it in Seton 31 is often called srictsensesaionrinesin order 1 avoid posible confusion. [Any stficvsenge eisionary process is widens stationry, but the ‘converse ot teue. The proces of Es. 101 isa counterexample. 4 widecensestaonary Gausian proces salvo srctsense stationary, sine All of the conditions of Eqs. 3.100 are met Propertesof 8, (fend B.(3). Since the power deasty function 8,() ofa wide sna lationary random process () isthe Fourier transfor of the corrlation finetion 3), the properties of the two functions are Intmatly related, Fist, we nte that J) area, even Fuetion o A) = 6.19) “This follows from the definition of Eq, 397; 2) seal, and Ai) = Rfe— 9 2TH) = HAD SE A(e— 9 = Af). Equation 3.119 imps that 8,(f) is rat, enn function off. We prove this by observing that, sace (seven and sin 2rd, [svosnagea + seoet ara [a(n - sr=[aermrn ou Since the righthand side of Eq, 3120s an even function off the proot fs complete. "Rent, we claim that 8,(/) mus also be & son-nepaiv Fantion 84>: forallf enn “This is cleasly a necesary condition for the interpretation of 8,(/) as ‘omer density tobe meaning. Proof follows by noting that ig. 3121, frere no fue hf, and could be chosen forthe rectangular filer ia Fig. 324 such that [isinarce em ‘Fin my tens, proce ehing ony S186 acl wide stony. owen seccreune 185 0 a t i a igue34 oot onrdson tht power doy fon eanat beneai. Bt, rom E3117 and he ovenes of 8, (this integra is oe ba be expected lve ofthe square oft ilar outa a) and ths Eq. 3122 ‘rou be fn contradstion to th fat that A) mast Be non-egative “The fact hat Bf) x nonoegative der not imply that) lao son-egtve It dos ipl tet the contain function of aay Wide. ue sonny process) sass te inity FRO = fm 190 aanpow waveronses ‘meaningful, From Bs. 3114 and 3.152 we have 8cy =H, G34) 2 and thus eH = Mf cn = Nel mena err) which, by Bg, 3.133 ifiite. The corselation function at the outp, fom Ege 3.20 and 3134, Xa)" jp cos nf Ron Bf maremne ety ‘An alternative derivation of Eq, 2135 follows directly from the eor- telation function of white nose, We note that, AM fame a speBafSoeme — esse “Ths, in asoedance with Eg. 3.111, we aerbe to 1,() the correlation function = 240, ny hich is again a nonphysical but useful result, Equation 3.138 implies ‘that any two samples of white Gaussian noise, no matter how closely together in time they are taken, ace statistialy independent, In teense, ‘white Gaussian note represents the ultima in "randomnes:” Sub. stitutng Bq, 3.136 in Eg. 3.110, with 1 —s = 7, we have soft [nena mene dns = Bf" ie — nae) Sf ne onan 1m ‘Expressing Me) atthe inverse Fouie transform of H(f) and interchanging the order of integration again ead to Eq 3.135. The integral in Ey. 3137 is frequently refered to the “correlation fonction” ofthe (deter= ministe) function M0, ‘Asan example ofthe aplication of these results consider the ial owas ter shown in Fig. 828, whose transfer uncon i given by is nc 4 38 wot om a swore cass some 9 ft Ea wo = w ’ -Figue 125 Wote noe ino a ial loupe er. ‘When the input tthe fier is white Gausian nis, (9), tho mean Fantion mo ofthe output a) mo = [ABH = 9) a ut, rom the definition of 9, FA=0; forall imi) = 0; forall. 6139) so that “The comelation and covaancefunetions atthe output, froin Eqs 3.1316 and 3135, are 2,0) = 8,6) =] SCM UDeos af ay Mf conaear ance” a wnt, ga ae ba MN ei KO) = A= Wy, for al [Now consider samples fn.) taken from the output process nt) atthe time instants (given by & Gtsta) nahn vagt 192 naxpow wavezons where Tis A. Iisinteretng to note thatthe (y} are stat ny coast {ath inept with x0 meena varianoe WOy = AGS = mid =0, cousin) a2 (=! dy am = 244-9 = 2 A) er ase Im : oe ects OUD “Thus the density fasion ofthe Gaussian random vaabes {a} | exo ( APPENDIX $4 MATRIX NOTATION Matrix notation simples dealing with liner transformations, Coa- ‘ses, for example, the set of near equations mS ont tt et ote bm em cate Hy tt oa Ee Yo ante Fats boo ae + me on) ‘We may say that the variables (= Ue 2, +. ate linearly trans Sonmed int the nev variables (,), j= 1e2y.-- ke Tn mates notation these uations would be waten more concisely as Yaad mt Gan, Desinitions Im order to give explicit meaning to Ba. 3A.2, several deiitions are neces. 1. An (vx 8) matix B i defined as en row, kcolumn stray of numbers such as us bay 2 bu ba Oe ooo oe a-|- 7 way) Pus baa °° Da penenons 193 2. The (th element by of mates Bis the number tha is octet the intersection ofthe fs su andthe th cols, "The trangpate ofan (n 3H) matrix Bis the Ge n) mat, denoted 1B, obtained by interchanging the rows and columns of An equivalent Statement shat the (a element of Bi the (Jdth element of B. The transpose of matrix Bn Eg. 3.3 is fb by oo at Pas ba oo be wel: : os) by oo bal 4. We call a 1% (singleon) matsix a peor. For example, 2 Gps -r8d GAs) “The transpoie of a row matic x, dented 27, sa k x 1 Gngle-solume) F- GAs) \ 5. Two matrices are sid to be egua! fund only if every pair of coe responding element is equal. Thus the equation A = B implies fy bos forall and j eng, 6. The sum [A+ Bl of two (rx) matices A and B is the new (00% fats C whose clments ae given by ey ag t bys forall dan Gas) Ties caAte GAT it and only sf Bq. 3A.7a fs stsfed. Matrix adition, tke aitimetc ‘dition, is asosntive and commutative. The sum of two matrices that Go not have the sane dimensions (Fb ot defines. 194 nanpom waverons 1. Te scolar produet ofan (a x K) mati A by a constant cis the new (Rj matic B whose elements are given by dog cay; forall fad GAs) Thus Baca Gast) if and ony if Eq. 34.8 is satisfied, Sealer muliplication i associative sn commutative, The matrix product AB of an (+x) mate A bya kx nae isthe new Gr 3m) matrix C whow elements re given by c= Seabys forall and (ensay ‘Ths = cman Gas if and only if Eq, 3A. Is gtisfed. Ifthe numberof cofumns in te fst matt A, is ot equal tothe number of rows in the second mati, B, thet matrices are eid to be noacoeformable and the product AB is ‘ot defined, Thus the matrix product of two vectors sot defined; But the matrix prodhet of a ecomponent vector x ad a component tans- ‘posed veto i identical tothe vector dot product of xand y: wredener extn Equation 3.10 is a importot relation which we shall use frequent. 1s immeaiately begin visualizing the mecning of Eq. 3ABa. AS shown in Fig. 3A, we cam think of e 3th dot product of the vector ‘that conresponds othe th ow of A'and the vector b Whose ranspose Sororponds tthe th column of B Thus gm eb ren) “The notation a and by is mnemoaic in that the dois inate indices ranging over the dimension of the vector: fora Ksolomn matic and M6 ™ (lua da) 200 by = Cy, bane Bud uation 3A. may be vied in terms of picking up the th column GB Tayng thorny over he th row of A, lying the super imposed members by pis, and summing the products. AS an example, 36 0 B12 15 20 26 1 (7.2 s)- 20 6 iat 36 30 26) 453 | on eumteoby mond baby aah) Fire AL Mitixomliston, To mirc C= AB een Xm tec with ‘Norn (tat ay Be baie shown. which may te readily veifed by laspeation; for instance, the (2,3) clement inthe product computed ane 0 3. . weno 2 af +0418 = 30, “The foregoing dsSiniions are sofient to explain the meaning of 4B, A.2. We take the mati A tobe the square (Ex &) matrix Whose ‘elements are the coefccns(a,} in Fa. 3A and let ra a " % % m t= GAD sl \4 ‘The product AX” i therefore a (Kx 0) column matrix, dad equating comeaponding elements on the right and left-hand sss of Eq. 242 reproduces the set of equations in Ea. 3A.L ‘Matrix notation is especialy helpl when one i confonted with 3 sequence of lear teansformatons. For example, if the & variables 196 xaspow waveronns Y= (e049) in Eg, 3A.1 are subaequetl transformed into new arabs 2 (iy «8D BY eane of linear transformation fox Baa +> ba og Pag oo ae ee|: GAL) by thea, @A138) If we wish to find the 2's in terms of thes, we substitute Bg. 3A.13b in Eq. 3A2 and obtain Fa WANT +o Ba) Properties of Matrix Maliplcation ‘The definition of matrix multiplication (Eq, 34.9) implies certain prop- cetieg that are mporant, 1. Max mulpcntion and adlon are duties tha AB = AB AC car “This can be eid diet fom the dition, 7. Mace mulipizaton aoc; ha (ame = AH. oats ‘Tis can be vere, with some labor by showing hat the eh element, s3y dy, of Ge tple procs ven by Eeabint ar GAI9 tum regardless of which maliplcation is cari out fst} 3. Matrix mutipiaton is or generally conumutaice; tha ABABA, earn Indead, two maces conformable in one order need not be conformable 1 Use ofthe eno properties permite wo sii Fg SAAS il fret: we ny onto a? = x" Reon @= A and 67 Ba Tye 4 que of ae ‘trom ta lina anstrmain. snvesse uamuces 197 inthe other. Even in the cae of so (x K) mateo, however, multi- pation isnot usually commutative. For example, (ab d= C=C ak d- bo} 4, The transpose ofa matrix product isthe commuted product ofthe eansposes; that is (apy = Bat cary ‘This property is easly proved. Fist consider the lethand side of Eq, 3A.8. The (element of (AB) is the ( element of AB, ‘which by Ea. 3A.11 fa, ye Next consider the righthand sid: the ovr of Bethe th column of B, and tho h clu of A"is teh row OFA. Hence the (th clement of BTAT also a, by AS an example, be T-C 3 Poe : Ssauns = un + mate + ute fata tae ok Bata Fegan + state + tye OAIB) can be writen sucinely bards = 3 Sante Gas) where x= (25.0. me Y= Guinn. sa and A i the (Fx 8) smatrx with slaments (a). ‘This type of sua sealed bilinear form ‘When y'= x, ii called quadratic form. xprsions ofthis Kind are ‘efol in Setion 33. Ieverse Matrices ‘The last matrix concept we shall consider is that of an dese, The inverse ofa squae (E> K) ar Ais watt A* and is also a (EB) 198 navoou waverons ratix, Wabe set of k equations yea @a209, can be sled niquey forthe f'n terms ofthe y's, A~ the marx ‘of cooicients inthe reeling equations, ‘Thus, i Eq. 3A 20 impli that vam, A200) then Beas caam Combining. 34.206 with Ege. 3.208 and 3820, we have bth es FF mm ACBy) = (AAMT GA2la), = Wax) = A (aay Ie otlows hat AAAS | GARD here isthe dagonat mates 1 . Gay ‘in which all of diagonal elements are 2eo (symbolized by the large 0s), And.ll principal diagonal elements (Of te forts cy) ate unity ‘The masa Tis elled the Kenttp meiris and has the propesty tha it scansforms any mata into Hel a-1c-c, GAZ) [Equation 3A.22 is taken tobe the defisition of imerse: the mates A Inverse to is that matix which, when peerltipied or postmaliplied by A yes the identity mates. Tis ler from the definition th aortas Gary When matsix A docs not correspond to a reversible transformation (that iyi the 2s in Eq. 3A.208 cannot be uniguely determined frem nowiedge ofthe ye and vie vera), tho mas inverse 1 Ais not defined and A i call singular. This must always be the cae when A is not ‘xine, When A is square, Ci singular whenever the simultancous mostens 199 ‘equations of Hg 34.200 ae Tnearly dependent, which implies that the ‘termina of A, denoted [A ize0: [Al = 025 A fs singular 6429 ‘Otherwise, Ais nonsingular and A“ exists. ‘The elements comprising Av! ar given directly by solving Bg. 3.208 {fo obtuin Eq, 3A.20b, 1f-B— A“, then We Know from the elementary theory of determinants” that 4 lad yell, A. cone Gaz where Ay, the matrix obtained from A by dleing te th row and th column, dnd [Ay sitedeterminant. Note hat the order ofthe indies rand {ia diferent onthe two side of Eg. 38.27 ‘Asan example, te inverse ofthe ari 110) 243), Ale 10, aay non a3) wtetfin 1 3 iol oa 4 can be renily vere that Eq. 38.225 sted. ‘The last result we shall nod is (ay = Boa GAx ‘his follows directly fom the equation (AB) = BAND = Bo @A28) Filly, taking B= A~t in By, 3A.(8 yields aoe a GA30) PROMLENS ‘AL Anskmentar ror pros compris fur supe ncn, to 8c ‘of when asigned equal pobaiy, Hey al— xoyt) =n Hop 92 Hoyt) = coer 200 axoox WavEFORE + Ihe pres stasioaey? 1b Cate and a, 1 Wat ithe prota of te sto sample functions psig hough the “window of Fig P31aFig. P3107 't | Ll | ie Po 22 Lax = fg mere an 8 swomean Gain rndom va ables. Assume for (a) and (o) that 3? — at — 1 and that =, and 2, are statist ‘aly ldependec. Se tite Foreah of te our companyng gs, xr te pot tat x uti sded regon atoms oe aon GO), whe ow) Te ona. Repeat (for Fig. F820 and 8, with HF = 1,33 = 2,755 =} o 3. Letx = (yay a) ea roman Gaslan actor With covarane matic a abe) (Phe Is a concee way of wring B= m0) +a. Give am expenon for pa, (Observe that fetal Sodependent of fhe pre 991) 1 Mey my ay ty tee py FLIES yey cd deine py where atin tna noon tas 4 Dazunlnep, (155 = ‘34. A-chanelis dared by wo arose jointly Gausan noise procese, ‘n(e ana) ls non tat 6 ime nay Ide) a= = SE iit he jit demi fnetion ofthe hee random arabes et ad wee a AnOlow 8 man Emile 202 naNom waveromes 35 Let) and) by sail Independent, satonary random process spd define 0) = x0), 9 sationey? Show tat 8D = 849 810. hers, as usa, te eymbo denotes convolution 36 Let a), Gaussian condom proces with mean funtion m 0) ai ‘ovaries fanton ro), be posed tough the iter shown it Fig P36 1s the resulng proces y(?) Gausian? What aze the mas aad covrance feton fy)? Ing) sainary nto)? + Fue Ps 137A staonar arosnea random proces the fpf thei ers, 4 shown fo Fig PST. The power deol spectrum of 0) BA) = Ne ‘The er impulse reponse ae moa gees ate 10 ee Co ofr ISS 2 _ ca Pontes 203 ‘& Deting 7) and FRE for = 1,23 by Isthee ey pair a utp procs for wtih 9) ~ Ofer ath’? sthereany pir of utp proves for wich yf) f2) = Ofori. 38 A ssaonary Ganson random proces x) th mean mu) = my amt easiance fenton fo) it pase trough to Hea ile wih pac spores) ab Selig pros 6) and) a8 shown a Fi, F sw “o a4 oO Figue Pe 4 a the day ft of te anon vse and haan Ele PATH. To wha es hs xpi oe vin 6 8 white noise? 7 > am “0 Win condoos on Kant) a nce nd unt esr that a ely oat ‘awd an 2) = ahora th atc por: of sen a0 rh orton ib Ecy Plm|r= ph; ford= Ot M—Liek 46) Proof that such a maximum a posterior! probability seceiver i in fat pti flys fom aig St wen the ee lo = my the pee eres (Seer } Samer Ai a ra rou ae eee onto probaly of cone eon gen hat r= Pe |r = 0] = Pim |= pl (48) ‘he unononl probability of ear dcon can be wren vie] = [7 PIe| = ol ater. an) Sine HO > 6, ‘tis cla that PC) moxinie by manisng PLC ~ fo ach ‘esehed etorp If two or orem yd aes ptr obi, the reeior my set fom among them in ey aria my insane, by choo the one with he salle Indes iboa feing the probaly oer Detrninon of th a poster probubes {Pim x ~ el alow from themed frm of ayes el, £2 13 Plt 9} = Pendatel md (40) Pie) Since the vent m = oy implies she events =, and conversely, we have »). ast) Ple|m)= p40 214 oPTIMUN RICHI mRINCIPES 1, since (gs independent ofthe index f we cone ftom Fas. 4B and 48 tat the optimum receiver, on observing = 9, ses #4 = hg wenever the decision faction Pimdpde|e=s); f= ee A is maximum for i= ‘Rreveter tht Steines by maxing ony the factor pe |= =) without eat ote ator Pisce a maxi kta ree Sueh a reser fen sed when the a pn probable tml} Senet Known, A maximamfikahood revs ies the minim ppobably of eo when the tier apts re al equally. 9 acs Regions “the nature of the optimum vector receiver may be clarified by eon sidering the two-dimensional example shown in Fig. 43, wherein the ‘eotrs are desribed in terms of coordinates abd yy. We assume Three posible input mersge, with Known a peiri probabiies Pl, Pll and Pim} The coresponding transite vectors are assmed 0 we n= O.2, 0 (4.10) sD Ite now rece some pont x= 9, shown, the ese a xa Pirate |= strom: knowledge othe fonctions py whic dete the ‘hanna nd tnety detrne hin scordance With the peeing Sircusion “We ote tat this ales canbe arid ot for evry pot pin tn (po) plane ad that ach soc point thereby signed fo one and ny Ge of the pore inputs fm) Ths the decision rue of Eq. 69 Sera pertioning of te ete piane ito dilaton, sy (1) Tron, 2 similar general to Chote show in Fg. 43h, Each region omits al points sich at whenever he ecved vector ris inf the Spuimum reer st gual to me The eorespondnce rin keon =m ay Aen the optimam resiver. "The reons (} ar allod optimum decison region and are naturel extension of the decision nterels considered in Fig. 2.35. We nove for enion neons 215 fue fren ht the api reser make a er When t= Fan ony i tls out Triste atte conep con rons, which or spy we nate tne orn vos fae itl oe ee gue 43 thesia! vector communication bln: (he te dinsion ‘ign ctor and ome sce gl) oan eons of en aciray numberof pose ipa (and to compan Signa tat are fed oma array numba of dinensons The dscion teone Eq89 hen pies atoning ofan Nainesorl ‘ese signal pce M dj Nena aon eins 216 orruM RECEIVER PRINCI Aadtve Gaussian Noise ‘The actual boundaries ofthe decision regions im any particular case depend by Eq. 49 on the Pron probes (Pim) the signals), ne the defintion of te channel py. a Some instances the calelation ‘Sf these boundaries may be imple in most Is exceedingly dial. Fortunately, many stutions of practical intrest fall into the simple "Po ilasrate a elaively straightforward situation, consider the ease in “wbich the channel disturbs the signal Yotor (as showa in Fig. 4.4 simply 5 pd sagen 8 = © fs Im in tal (Pit Tigne 44 Aa Winans year communiiton syn. by adding to it a random noise vector = Gm “The random signal vector 8 = ute then related by Peetna Git nos tm te tm) 3) ‘Sioce fq, 4.13 implis that r= @ when = if and only ifm = @— 8 the conditional density funtons py are given by rhels=s—ple—s[s=ni 1= 9 We now make the ofenreaonable assumption that m and s are statically indepen, Be, 2108) MAL 41) Pa =Po 4.158) Hence phe-s|s=s)= plead alli 150) “The decision fetion of Eq, 49 is therefore Pim pde ~ 0. a9 1 ore to simplify the dession fenesion sll more, we must speciy the noise density function pa. AN especialy sraple and important case {a tha in wise the © componente of mare statistically independent, ‘evorneaa, Gaussian random variables, cach with variance o From borne onvsinn ose 217 15157 we he ave tan (_ 1 $03) ne) Game (— Bs’) aan “re notation ca ecstacy obvng hat he squeteng of ny vectors defined to be the dot product of «witht. Tnthefeiiar fase af N = 2 or Swe have low aren Sa ute) whofe the f,} ae the Cartesian coordinates of a. For larger length is Aefne in the same way and Eq. 4.170 remains valid. Thus Eq 4.178 can be writen 1 oer ‘Subtituing Bg, 4.17 in Eq. 416, we see tha for this, the optimum recrie sets 8 my whenever Plena? a1 {is maximum for =k, [The factor 208)" independent of and its discard ental no loss of optimality) Finally, note that maximiing the expression of Eq. 4.18 equivalent to finding that value of which Pe= ett, (tte) le sit — 204 Pi (49) ‘The dessin function of Fg, 419 is easily visualied geometrically, We recognize that the term Je —si f the squire of the Euclidean distance between the points p and, waat=de a! nee alm hve euler cb, he etimun schon eee SESE Pee aie mops ae egal trovatie, he deco repo tre thse von Ppt who he Syme mesg he neh aon publ Sion pes ‘emote in eernee with £18. oie np 438 ‘Once the decnion region (have been determined, an expression for the conditional probability of corect decision fellows mediately Fre|m)= Plein |ml=[nie|s—srde. (4.209 218 opraun RECEIVER PRINCILES se48_ opin donors tr aie Gneitnoe;) e ouna, Feds om ter Ghoson ate ier ofthe sal lange we “Fenty te ana of ar etme Fn) > For adive equl-variance Gaussian noise this besomes Pte] ma= [ede ~sdde 1 fewrot mt - panera 4200) wcivcron cnanens 219 “The overall probability oferor is pelei—rel=1—"S rim) Ple|mk (6206 In Section 4.4 these expressions ae evaluated for certain (important) situations in whieh the decision eons aze such that the itera ean be ‘aly calalted or approximated. Maltvector Channels Inthe “iversty” communication system shown in Fig. 46, In which the tranaitted yetor + appli at the input of two diferent channel fad the reser abserves the output of oth itis natural to describe the os a nerd Fae Fipsre 46. A “ery” sector crimson gem tin macy etn the ‘Rin randy allie hese nor eoopnen at shed nt B40 total recvver input r in terms of vectors fy and fe that are associated with each chanel sdividuely. Thus we write statisti sated C2l8) vad 216) od (4216) = py are recived, the posterior where Given that sectors = 9, and probability ofthe nh message Pim [em el=Plom|n= ewte= eh 228) where p 2 (eu 62). With this notation, the optimum decision rle oF Bg. 9% writen sot r= myifand only if Plo ede) = Plo] (Ps Bal 8= 8) 4.226) is maximum for = & 220 oPTIMUN RECEIVER PRINCIPLES he theorem of irclesanes. Ia many eases of practical importance a channel presents sone dita at its outpat which an optimum resiver can Sgnore For instance, consider the abiary vector channel in Fig. 47, in which two inputs ead are available tothe oceiver. Let s determine the conditions under which the recover may disregard e, without leting the probability of exo. “The optimum decision ral is gain given by Eq. 4226, Uwe factor the sight band side ofthis equation in aceordanes with Bayes rule (Eq. 2.103), rt i wl inal Frome Pigwe47 Anata vsorcnimunietin stem ie emf wo capt wre see that an opimum receiver sets st = m following the observation T= pa fem pail and only ithe decision funtion Pomipalei|s=sP(e|s= see) 42) is manimum for £~ k, Mr whe condoned on ris statistically Independsot of, then for every valve of gy Pale] = 808, = 6) =.= 0) = 1 number indopendant of, (4.24) When thi sso, the Knowledge that ry= py can never enter ino the Aetermination of wbichvnve off maximizes the expression of Fg. 4235, fs optimun receiver may theretore totaly ignore ry ThUS We have the important theorem of iteance: an optimum receiver may diegard a selon rs fand only Pras = Pas 4250) Equation 4.25 accessary and suet condition for Ignoring re. A sufficient condition is that Prins “Pre (4.280) ‘The meaning and utilly of this theorem may be demonstrated by ‘considering thee examples, each of which involves two additive noise ‘ectovt mand that ae stattcll independent of one another and of {Te frat example, shown in Fig 43, lustrats a situation in whieh Eq. 4.250 is valid the rece vector, Is just the nO my, which i stsiely independent of both mand 5, hence of and r, a, +8. cd Accordingly, Prana Po 29, and r,s iretevant, which is obviously seaside. “The second example, shown in Fig. 49, illustrates a situation in which Eq, 425i valid But Eq. 425) ie not. We have two vector chanel ia ‘cascade and a river that has acces fo the intermediate output ry as ell 45 to the final output ry. Since ry a corrapted version of F, ene Is ones ba Pare = Pape {depends on monly through, we Fe inutvely that rca tel ws nothing bout s that ot aeady conveyed by r. We prove this formally By odin hat ne fn 4 aon pene noise n, which independent of. ‘Thve fr alle alfa = Pat = 8) = Pala — Seni eo. ‘The condition of Eq. 425 is sated, and the theorem of irslevance states that ris of ne valve to an optimum reeaiver, “The third example, showa in Fg 4.1 illsteates «situation fa which 1 cannot be discarded by an optimum vecxver, We have {O15 bt = 8) = Pull n= 0. — 508 5) nPle— tam mo) Palte~ e.FNs hich does depend explisity on J. Thas Eq. 425 isnot said and r, [snot ilevan, eventhough f, and ate pairwise independent. This i = aah-k 222 orriwunt nocuvER ramciPLas igure 10. Te str is ot eet early sensible, sine (as a extreme cas) knowledge of provides good fetimats of my, Bence of 5, when p, such that with high probity me fs very small Compared tom, he theorem of reverilicy. Ao important corollary of the theorem of elevance isthe theorem of reer, whieh sates tat the minim uatnabte probability of eror i nol afected by the introduction of @ ‘roerble operation et the output of @ chamel, 5 in Fig. 4a. As {rdiceted in Fg, 4112, an operation @ is revecsibe ifthe input ry ean be ‘rail recovered from the output. In such «eas itis obvios that Prin ™ Pats so that Fa, 4.2Sn is satis, t= may be disarded, and the theorem is proved. An elterative proof follows From noting that a resver forty fan be But which fst recovers ra a8 shown in Fig, 41e, and then ‘operates om 10 determine rh a 5 forma fe LE aie o Leap [Rime LS se 411 Ineton of « eesti opeaton, betwen cane! and reer. PE cperaton penne dontel = Forcanple Gh he aeton, aed Geto, of fe eit waverome srerins 223, 43. WAVEFORM CHANNELS “The foregoing discussion of ielevance provides the analytic to! that Js required in order to replce the waveform communication peobem of Fig. 4.1 by an oguivaleatvecor communication problem, We therfore return to Consideration of this igure, in whi he reeied waveform 7) ‘sven by r= 0 + ne aan See eee pe ‘We fst represent the signal process (in a equivalent vector form and ‘then show thatthe relevant nose process may alko be repented by a random vector. ‘Waveform Symthess ‘Aconsaiet way to yates the signal ct) the rane of Fig eshown in ig 12 A se of M ters nd, ith the inte scsponse of the th filter denoted by gf), When the transmitter input ie tbe ft iter is excited by an impulse of value sy the secon fier by {impute of vlue and 0.0n, with the At flr exited by a pulse of value sy. The filer outputs are summed to yield (0). Thws the ‘wansmiod waveform is one ofthe signals ee 280 ee ast oe we sas x0] a gure 2 Sigal yas Te op) depend rugh the chef the Sapulpa coc 224 orxmaune nacavn MUNCIRLES For cose of anaysis we asume that the “building-block” waveforms {os} are orthonormal, by wish we mean : ih; yet [Lowome=[i 51 (20) foe a fans hte ‘We dhl son see thatthe exror peformance whieh can be achieved with sigeal get generated inthis way i completly independent ofthe fw of 4 7 ~~ i aN \f Noe . oo vi » Fg 413. Bamps of otis wnt: (enum ieee Psy ‘O eet fepenynnne oo fetal wavesapes chosen fot te (9); ook the cote (and er eA tan ae ee ae ees pane a a cong omen ppt, Geen enous thee of Uetrasited pues Weve GI) ‘one frequently encoun Ome I Covonermic NTERRRETATION OF SEALS 225, shown in Fig. 4.130, wheres) isthe wit energy pulse A woof Zecca teeters, ‘A second comuon example is the set of fequeney-transated pulses 2 inant rion [Jeena 08 ET ea 0; sewers, shown a Fig 413, Itmay be readily verified that both sets of waveforms ‘iy the orthonormalty condition of Eq. 430. [The prefix “ortho” ones from “orthogonal,” meaning that the integral of (040) is ero whenever I; the sa "aormal” means that the intra sunly ‘whenever j= 11 Te may sox restrictive at fist to eonsder only waveforms f()} that ave constructed In acordance with Bg. 429. This i aot so: any set of 1M fintoenery waveforms can be symieszed this way. This and the fact {hat the munber offer pure fo dogo nver exceed Mi poved i [Appendic 4A._ It follows that there ao Toss oF generality entailed in ‘considering only transmitters that operate as shown in Fig 412, Geomtsi Imerprtation of Signals Once a comenient set of orthonormal fonctions {p()} as bees adopted, cach ofthe tunemiter waveforms ((0)} scompletey determines by the veer of i coefents bese Mt 433) As wswal, we visualize he AC vectors (6) as defining A points in an ‘Nedimensional pometi space, called the sfgnal space, with N mutually ppspendicular axes labeled $3, f.---»9y. TE We et, denote the unit ‘estor along the jtbanis, f=1,2sc.0%, each tuple in Eg. 433, ‘Gentes the vestor Seu B Et Bae bE SP a) “The idee of visualizing tranemitersgrals geometteally 1s of funds. mental importance. For exampls, Fig. 43 (which we have already ‘onsiered) represents 2 two-dimensional space Wit ee sigaals: N = 2, Se Cote tde F 226 orm nscave NCIS igus 446 Ror salina wo-tnenonal gpa pce Eick so acted Stance VE, rom eri. ‘Mm 3 Asanother example consider these of 90 orthonormal functions ; w= Gino oes Ds acre win [ Boome mi ;esewhere, where isan integral multiple of 17. If we choose = ONE = (VEO 436) = @.-VED 8=0EO the vestor diagram of Fig. 4.14 represents the set of four phase modulated ‘ransmitr waveforms FE, Bor ocrer w= [EPonle < 3 a7) 0; | chewtere he [soe i=0123 aan) 2 ajtin Aoitye Ponds = Orb FE] Gente b> ee se hot = FE an(fate 2) | ROCOVERY OF THE SONAL VECTORS 227 1s he onegy dsipted if) volge across a bm oad. Sioa, if (0 and) ae wo nonoverlapping ut pus, the vets of Bg. 4436 an tbe dagam of Fg 14 represet the four ene deen waveforms shown in Fig. 415. The scan maveor i) pend on vit 0) 00 es Aner of oom conepeing We te ag of the choze of te (0), Bu thr geomet epescntion depends only on be (6 Recorey of the Signal Vectors So far we have considered the synthesis ofthe signal waveforms (0) rom corresponding signal vetors {4-1 is alo straightforward to recover the necons fom the waveforms. We observe that by virtue of 228 onmow necEvER mINCLUS the erthonormalty ofthe fe} [voewaafe Euevlnoe -S uf voonina er wo» in which we se the Kronecker dein ns X 4 me ee ” carrying ot the mulipicton and integration foreach (0,1 <6 Ne eotian N= Gavan ota) “The procedate canbe implemented a shown inthe Bock diagram of| [Hp Ri. If) i epplid tthe inp, the output 8a vector Gost) (4400) ‘ith components nefits Jehu — ety TED = 540. then s = 5 Figure 416. ton of # G7 55..004) tom ach of the netins ‘abn snr he drt ot 9) ot whoa ect smarvetaxt pare 229 Aer Dat ‘Now ape aL elt te ako map ano sehig Sat Sa eed ees ps ot Bet nea te iwc oe) nAflnorina: Jota — cn sn redo ih ie epee don, est BE ote etd. att) Since (9 = 0) + mf, We ave neste aa) vere B= Guten as) fs the random vector with components [na elias Fen o—— a) ‘We assume that m0) ence wis statistically independent o's ere it not forthe noise vector a we have seen that r would enincide with whichever one of the (x was actually tansmited. When the Presence of m cantot be neglected, this, of course, is no longer tus. What i tue, however, is thatthe vector fn and by ist does contain all data from 1() that $2 relevant 10 the opine determination of the transmited message, The objesve of ths secon to prove this Itaportant fc, "The fist step in the proof ie to note that the waveform equation conrsponding to the vector equality of 4, 4.42 is 1408S nnld Wi +H, (eat in which 20-3 5,940 or) SZ mf Me) 17h fe) aged ay pit of te samp as on i i de footie 0.0 00a, 250 orm avcaven mcirss “Te neXt sep inthe root to aot at ia terms of thee eandom ross we may Wels : HO = HO +rlds easy 102) — 110 = 10 +n) ~ 19 + 60) = nso (4488) {is a random process that is independent of the signal tansmited, The fact that rf) notin general Kentcally zero implies thatthe noise rocess yf) sant be represented with compete ily by We Ante Seomleggh T Taine SeEedeN TE, 4.ASa in decomposing the received yaveform™ 0 into two waveforms, ri) andr), the dest enely specified by the ‘esorf, andthe second iodependent of the transmitted sgual. We now Show that the optimuan reeever may disregard?) and therfore ase it dein solely upon the vector y= 8-5. “Observe tht any Ree Set of time samples taken fom rt ay C49.1f0).- rds (649) depends only on nf). Since this is tue also of, the vectors fy and fre joint independent of As prliminary to invoking the theorem of inrlvance (eq 425b and Fig 48), we observe in consaquenc that Pras Po Pane a Pres = Pans “Ths ry may be discarded by the opimum seeiver provided that itis also independent of n, Since a candor process is completely described ty thesatsteal behavior of finite ets of ime samples, i Tllows tha the tir process (i) may be discarded whenever he stil Th T= F words, the random proces 7) may BE SETS ly independent ofthe process). "The required proof of stantial independence rests on the fact chat ‘both () andr) result fom linear operations—interation, adion, and subtastionon the Gawain proses n{). Thus n) and r() 22 joimly Gaussian proceses, so that by analogy with Eq 3.130 any to IMRELEVANT DATA 231 random vectors obtined from m() andr) respectively, re statistically Independent i the ovaries Blo) (0) ~ Bl) Bed] ‘vanishes forall obsevaton instants ¢ and s. In particular, since n09, Ince (9) and ras well are ero mean, it sufi to sow that Mendota G4) From BAe we he won) xfs, v6] x okT=9 taf Zeosaefes 0<1 7- Thus the matched fering operation for gi) canbe instrumented as shown in Fig. 4.20c- The pale sitet losing briely at time ¢ = 0 dumps aay residual energy in the fer, fnsuring that signal energy resived eae than = 0 does a0 contribute fo the output at time #= - The sels switch closing bey at t= samples the filer output at he proper time. The ealiee csele can be repeted drng the interval T< #27, although care must be taken to oe a semyser =] eas a4 or) o o Tigwe 420. Itpmicun-dnp fc, Im aplaon te retaans ut may be [ong to const mh pune 7 be sure that de desired output slays sampled jus before the te is damped. A matched filter of this sot i called an integrated ‘Grout Such a iter is notte invariant, but it does give the dested impulse response as long av the timing of the switches is properly ‘synchronized with respect to 90, Parcel eltionshps. The vector decison function of Fa, 4.53 can be ferpeted diretiy im terms of ine functions by means of the following Pareeval relationship. Consider an oxthonormal st (p(9}, = 1,2sso++ 1 and aay two waveforms defined by 1043 v0 = HOAE e190, se) 238 orm nicawven mencietss ith corresponding vector representations f= Uinbaeeordnd (4.STay Gs +89). G57) seal aN ronal $F te000 9604 8 8sa[ nose Ess “Tu te webinown Parl oustin® rom Foor thar, [ronoa=frncue, ore FU) and Gp ae the Four tearm of) a (can Be ended ad [rowe-frnomu-re — ass In parla, wien 0 =), We hve Prroa-frare-m ase Equation 4584 sate thatthe “correlation” of f() and 0), defined as ‘he integral oftheir produ, equals the dot product ofthe coresponding sectors Equation 435b states that the “energy” of /(O, normalized to ‘oneahm load, equals the square of te length of the corresponding stor f ition 4S8b provides an immediate interpretation of the bia erm vin the adv white Gausian ols decision rue of Eq, 4.53. We have = 4O¥aln Pind — BD. (4.59) where neegy ofthe hsignal. (4856) nf" scoa Moreovs, rom Eqs. 429 and 4.0 ne eo have [lon [rol Sar e00] ae Za [ 0 e600 pure seren RECEIVER 239 ‘Tis, ia toms of the complete cecived waveform o(, the optimum decision Function of Eq 4.538 Frown. a Inst 5 nl fr er re pipes al eels derer er esa etc ees cane See Soa ree eae eee erat : eee eee lee gee 21 Anema nin: ih an mie tte), ‘Actually, of course, these operations are still being performed but now ‘ecur within tbe Af matched firs (or correlator). We have already ‘remarked (and prove in Appendix 4A) that the number, N,of erthonormal functions required to express any set of M signals {4(0)} ia the form of alto ‘Signalco-nole vaio. We may gain insight into the optimality of he matched fitering operation by a sigal-tosoise ratio analysis, Consider the situation iustrted im Fig. 422, a which AG) is am abieay Hinese filter, Ts an arbitrary observation instant, and) is any known sig In particular, we may choose 9() to be one of the orthonormal base fonctions] The sampled output” may be ween rartn an) 24) orm. nacsivan wmceLEs since eels igre 422 An ary fil, th op of wie sampled whore, the mean ofr depends on of and the noise term depends on raQ). We now show that the masimm stainable signal-to-noise power eto, doined as syn 2 ryt, (60 ‘occurs when the fle is matehed tog}; hats, when i) = 90 — 0 on In apptcaion, 7s taken Sarge enough that 0 ralrable, ‘We prove that this AC) maimizes 8j2" by invoking the Sehwarz inequality, one form of which states that for any pair of fnte-energy waveforms a) and 0), [Lowa] <[[ewal[f vos] oa “The equality obtains if and only i 4) = ea), where «is "The valid of Eq 464 i evdent if we make a orthonorms ‘ofthe waveforms af?) and 10) by means of the Gram-Schmidt procedure Aisoussed in Appendx 4A. We then have = 4.90 + Hdd) HOB. + eH, = [nowodeas ene eee eee aka) oa aso sphenty . [eo ost 2 6059 Tialti” ato a fe woa) “The second equity above reas on the Parseval relations of Eq, 4.58. “The Schwarz inequality (Eq. 4.6) results fom recogizing that fos < Furthermore, 086} = Tif and only i B= ca, that Is if and only if eH, ‘We tow apply the Schwarr inequaliy to the maximization of 8/4. For the random variable of Fig. 4.22, refine off", AE oar —omononacs nt nut HK MD a] From Seiware’s inequality, for any i) we have [[Lew-oneae]” wun” Monae “er oaef Mee waft * giehde (456) 242. ornavanenacarven PRINCIPLES Since the sobtitotion of zp(T'— 2) for Mo) satises aq. 466 with the ‘aly, the ratio 2° is indeed maximized When 1 is matched 1 90), stclimes, “Tne frequeney domain interpretation ofthis results instructive. Since amplitude sealing ales the signal and noise inthe same way, we need Conder only c= 1. Then the transfer funtion ofthe matchad iter is ‘en by nen=foser—vema = [pocetran - roy, (60m) where the signal spectrum is gy = iocnier £[" einer at (46%) Thus Hy) = onenon (4010) In acordance withthe fverse Fourie transform, oo =[acnemras, 488) ‘we may ilerpret the fier input 4(0) to be a composite of many small (Comps) snares the sinusoid at frequency f has amplitude (fof ‘and phase OC). In passing through the filer hi components mulipieg by MU, which changes is magnitude 1 [and is phase to Of) ~ [Cf + Baht = ans. ‘Thos the fiterouput sinusoid at frequency fs rouprarear-™, which has maximum at f=: 7. Since this is true for every fall ofthe Frequency components of g(?) are brought into phase coincidence and reinfore each other at #— Ty as shown in Fig. 4.24, an output signal ‘esi produced at this insta. "Aprevston of the effect of the epesralampltude shaping caused by (ean be exined by comtrasing the matehod filter with am inerse “filter, wih hs the ease Funtion FL canner a nai 0 gue 24, Anup ti te spt fe mashed ron Ie! ‘ gue 42 Te eee a ih guint aguas or which ]O/) al, res he ahd e gin propetonatf 246 orsonuse naceaven PRINIELSS “Theinverse fle also brings all components of (ato pase colncdencs [As shown in Fig, 425, however, the weaker components of o() me ‘ecentuatd by the inverse Sher whereas ay ae su = ‘palshed Elle Since the aoe specu over al equa, “fe inverse fife exalts the outoftand noice and the matched fer subdues it Comune Aceacy So far wo have presumed tat the rciver ows exaly both the tran Signl clr ad the onthonormal bse uncon (94). In patbe, af coue,lilatons on componet acuaey rend hs nowleige only approvinne, Asatay ihe inet of eeonmy sre migt wi le fors sytem ta terete kes han opine, Tenge eaclaton of the presse tadeaf between cfr pe formate an the pression ofrecer Insrumentaton is both tellus {nd trroverdng. fe ismere asus to viculze he nature and eta ‘Stthe problem feoneticaly. For example nse ha ee 18 ‘Sal thlytneersigata,ny 30 = £8900. 70) “Te corresponding vector reprsettion i sated by the bck dots Iii 420, he csv’ apprsioatos to thes igus might be Ko) = Led + Sh (4700) Figue 426. Th et of exer pronation. “These approximation ae represented vectorial by the open dots in the figure. The second orthonormal funelion (0) is itreduced to permit complete generality in representing the receiver's approximation of y()- ‘monaneiry oF exwon 245 ‘A resiver matched t0 these approximate signals would employ the me al (ste) it follows that le-st=Zi-sF>Sntmle— alt Ga for lly whenever Ea. 4840s satis. "We text claim tat an error is made fo at last one 4 nod as) 286 Orme nacevin puncte ‘This follows rom the fact that is closer tos, than fo whenever Ea 45 i ated, where s, denotes that sigoal with componente +42 in the th direction and —d? in all other directions. (OF cours, p may be sill closer to some signal other than, but iteannot be const) "Equations 484d and 4.85 ogster imply that correct dison i ade i and only i Eq 4.84 i satisid. The probability of this event, given that m= ys torte He] Afateseds otra] ~ipl<4| TPL <2, = (fips nap" in which, ) ase ely signals separated rol; pith pay re SEs PIC| mm) = PIC |: forall ast tenes Pre] = =p asm) In order to exes thn cea in terms of signal ene, we agin secogie tat he dance squared om he ig t each sem, {mg The ans energy bettors independ of hencs may De ‘Bsiiiad Foo Ege 4260 und 6825 we have wtadutantae, 4.884) ast) aad pmol Ze) as) ‘he simple for ofthe result PIC] = (1 — p)¥ sugets that more Jmmediate derivation may exis Indeed one does. Note tht the jh coordinate of the random signal 8 prio equally likely 0 be +42 ORTHOGONAL AND RELATED SONAL S815 257 ‘or —d), independent ofall other coordinates. Moreover, the noi ny ‘suring te th coordinate iy indepondoat of the gost in all other ‘coordinates, Hen, by the theorem on ieevanee, & decision may be fade on the jth coordinate without examining any other coordinate. This single-codrdinate desion corresponds to the problem of binary signals separated by distance for which the probability of cortet decision inl ~ p. Since inthe orginal hypereube problemacortet dein smade if and only ia corset decsion i made on every coordinate, and singe these decisions are independent, follows immediately t PIel= a= 2 (490) ‘Orthogomal and Related Sigeal Sets Another las of equally ttl signal for which the minimom atanable ‘error probability ie quite easy fo calevlate isthe set of Mf equal-enersy ‘orthogonal vetors, "Closely related to them are the simplex and br ‘orthogonal signal cs. In eating these sess convenient to index the ‘orthonormal srs (from j= Oto V— {rather than fom, = 1 to ¥, svete 4 the dimensionality ofthe signal space. Orthogonal signts. When M equally Likely and equabenergy signals are mtully orthogonal, so that = Mf and [aonnenrenenae ih M1, G9) the optimum decison region boundaries are no longer rectangular and fave dificult to visualize It ease to proceed analytialy. Leting ‘dente the unit vector slong the th coordina axis and eVE@i J-OheM = 4820 ‘note tat th squared tans om fo he eed vector eas int +n -2- We) mit +e, —26VE, asm where rs the th component of ‘When 8 tansmite, it fllows that Wes , (a.101e) sd ler to than to ~s iad only if Peay reee PTE 8 1016) ee * yon 3 tans, else o 45:8 Fire 44lordogona rae to het ey dvb inte eraa ‘oRand abysmal a sch ‘follows thatthe contonal probebiity ofa corset decision for equally Tikely messages, given tats tansmited and that team t+ VE a e>0, (4.1028) injust PIC] mary = <> 0) PPn8 Sm Ca aM Steet es Sal = (P-a (0) have been defined Brough the we of 5(0, 5{)y--ySe-QOs_ He's clear that (— 1) 0. 8 {eer pin Torey hey eg? Wat 8 poe of Prove tht the optimum desiton rglns are moifed at indicated ia Rip PiSewhen ea) “The chanel say be dca without aesting Piste if Fs] >. Boaateg >? ee tn @ o Pipe I | } | rome 217 46 Inthe cenmoneaton stn diagramed in Fig Pht, he raat ‘Mats tenes mood mre Sono oie ately inp. Aone ak Pind ~ Pid = vis re) no)= eve 8 Show tha the optimum rceber con be rized st digrarmed in Fig Ph, where at am spropritly chosen constant. ‘Wat the opium vale oo? ©, What the optimum treba ting? 4. pes te ean PU es of 0, By wat fctor would, have to Decent yield the same probaly ferrite recever mere ete o obser oy 447. The voltage waveforms 2) and, plated blow, ave the props that when apple ates T-oho resor [lori =f ene pie [eosne-o 20 ipsa 278 ormimuas nuceiven rxINerPLrS “These signal an be me o communist one of 0 equ Uely wees ‘Ter channel pectroed by adv white Gausan nie with power density [Fo wey Con a taal requeney sl), 2 Gitte the malo asaiable probably of eror when the 690 sia ued ae (and 0). TP Clete the mia signals wed ae =) ard 48. e Catlats Mtns when the signed es space by Fis. PA by adc {fe weed fo communis one of to equally tikely mesages over & chanel ‘Ssurbe oyeve Gavsiz nie wit 8,9) ~ 015. ‘by Repeat pt () for ple message probilies 8. rable probability of exor when the 190 . te V scene atn me 43. raps Pte inter of fs) whan te sgl st shown in Fig. P49 it ‘hed fo Commanicate one of eight egal Wkly mesigs over a channel dix ‘be by sve Gans aie wh 50) = 2 rronuas 219 —_ OO a _ ne ‘ ao ; as 4410 One of to equal ely messages so be transmitted over am atve Sihite Gaussian noe chanel wit 87) ~ 005 by means cf binary pulse odin sodution. spell, 240) = 0, =H =D, fn which th ple shown in Fig. PO. 2 What musta epoations are performed bythe optim resver? 1, What ietheveauing potabity of eros? Inde two method of plementing the eve, each of which ies singe lien iter flloed by 2 super nd tomparion devi. Methed eure tat fo samples fom the er ouput be fed fa the comparison {flee Meta 1 mures ut ja one sample be sie For each ethos 280 opm naceiven rae uss ‘ttc the impulse respon of he appropiate iter andi response op) ‘Which of hee metodo easily etened (0 Ary ule poston mods. liom, whee sft) = pl ~ pi Os yveny M17 Wt Saget anotes ple of wsvefoens Wa eure dhe sme energy athe tiny pte poion wnelorms and ylé the sme ecoe probably yi 8 Tower ror peobatiy. Tae the nina atainbi probability of ero if 2h) =p) amd aft) = ple B=) a8 2 = —plE =D 4411 One of wo equal ikl nesages, OF my 1 be tana Gver an ‘Saiuve white Guan nie channel by mean ofthe wo Sale Repeat for — i = where 7 = Zines fy = 1 Me, and & = 250¢ps, The noe has power deny ‘Qecrurs 2 WF Ejac, ~ eyelet the probity of eor To two sige highs Repeat fo 3 = 00s. Anz Msignlen(.n(s syed esist for << Test eae is Mena foul ates in he subtree < iy Sy 2 ‘unl key moneges over anedkve nite Gausian nome channel with power dey Wola where for! 0, hs-sy8¢—1 wl wfobee2). orem kant 1 Sketch the sgnal vectors and optimum dekon rgions for M = § 1. Use geometss aumento ow tat the minim alsiatle ME is ‘uated by pemnctn, rol Jsi) is very neat results duet Athos and H, Dyn) where 4417 Assume hata set (0) of M vectors sts the equations % an[h 4 4, Move 3p > ~ HM = Dwheetherigthndeguiy eid ‘by the unit-energy simplex, Hint, Consider bee Soe 3 ee ee eee pple reload topir ane inle oeryn Joe. es the same error probabil he rhage wih eany Bo El-p. Hon, Conserve st (=m), sitha = 13 4418 Eitheof th two sgn aneform sets arte nthe Fig PS may be ‘petconmunat ne rex ely naps vera en ‘Show tbat ses eth same ener. 264 ornmos necuven rarcintts ne ve val « wa 4 ‘ ho El “a most 3b noe fletively than he a8 requis, set of Fig 24186 ass corsy ip 4a wen a sal RS 5 Efficient Signaling for Message Sequences Preceding chapters have dealt with the problem of communicating a Slagle input message chosen a random from some inte act of possible puts. In practic, however, weave ot often terested incommanication systems that transmit only single message and then exate operation forever, but rather ia stems that communicate sequence of msnages, fone aller another, for many years, ‘Or course, we might choos 1 coaide the transmission of a sequence ‘of Kingts, exch chosen fom a set oF Af possible messages, a the tana: Iisson ofa single ipput chosen Trom a set of MP possible, “This it ihe single transmission, or “one shot,” approach. Alteaatvly, we can ‘formulate the siglo-cansminsion theory considered thus fart such Way that the sequential nature of the eommunieaon problem wil be cexpliclyrefected is auranalyss. Indoing vo we shall a sich dividends, the concepts of channel capacity and comsuniation efleney. We shall slic gan sight into the iterrlationship between tie, bandwith, pot ability oferor and sighaltooise rato. In this caper we conser these Issues trom a theoretial point of view, Tn the aext we dicuss certain specs ofthe problem of System implementation. S1 SEQUENTIAL SOURCES Given a message source that produess a sequence of discrete symbols, ve are interested in characterizing how much transmision capability i ‘equlted fo communicate the source output to «distant terminal. Inthe simplest case we might have a source that produces satitaly inde- pendent binary digits, each of which is quay likely to be Oo ly at ‘niform rate of Rigisfsee During any time interval That isan integral ‘multiple of 1, this Source generates u Sequence of RT binacy iis, and 2a sc NANG oR MRE LEN Toco, Fs, cect et oteseqcs rial hl cor, For Eaters ow o10 Wo 110 Sr ony tr a _ se pode nd ah as pi pty 4 Th he SECTS: time one naa on xi ty sage dingach te tnt Somes Rate Yor the stution just comided, we all the ster rate, nace in usaf Bary cig abbot is) pt son. Si Tight tier sour, nt nearly bir, hat pode one of St a ty ly mcg in any tener edt he source Shick way tat Bg 1 ems va 2 Liog, at bits/sec. 62) RA Lion M dis ee ee eeepc eps wi ce i ee an ETS tian selon ct eualy likely messages. The source sate is therefore Rot ope = Riles bishee 638) “To se thatthe rte of a source isa meaningful measre of the tran= rison capably required to communal the sure outpt, we 83 ‘nly sacopne that ase of AY rassages can be converted int a sto ‘inary sequences sinply by numbering the orignal messages and writing these number ia binary form. For ample, we might ve Message MessageNo, Sequence | Message Message No. Sequence = ° (oo era * 100 & 1 ool r 5 ot © 2 oo | ¢ 6 0 é 3 a R 1 mt ‘reassarnn rown 287 "The identity of any input message can be specified by communicating the associated binary saquence, When AT is a poser of 2and cach message is ‘qualy Lely, sucssive binary digits obisined in this way ae statistically independent aad equally likey to be O of. In this ext we resect out attention to the problem of communicating such binary sequence. Tk ‘an beshown® Uat te resticton entails no significant los of generality. "The des signbeance of source cat (which is Fequeatly called "infor maton ate) lated by the fllowing considerations. Assume that we Ihave two independent sources, the fs of which produces one of My the second of which produces one of Ma equllykely meseges ding each interval of 7 sce. If each source if canaceted to a separate trans iter, the required transmission capablies ar, respectively, 1 =th see . R= logy bi (546) Aw tne ay tiie ay (On the other hand, i both sources are conneted simultaneously to a Single transmitter, i must be able to specify ane of M = M0, mesages inne 7, hence must accommodate a rate of 1 1 R= Lio = Loe mate a a “) aioe, + biopy=R.+Re dishes. (540) “The important point is that, by virto ofthe logarithm in the definition of re, the rte of the two sources combined i the sum of thi individual “The utity of a communication system is measured bythe (mitra) source rte that wil accommodate: other things bsing equa, one ‘stam wih rte can handle as much tat as two systems With rate ‘A. Io contest, note that a system capable of vansmiting one of! ‘ually likely mesages per unit ime not equivalent to vo such eee, ‘ach of capliy A. ‘Tramamiter Power Im Chapter 4, whieh dealt with the transmission of a single message, we considered the election of signals subjet to a consent on the tans mitted energy, E, We ate now concerned withthe transmission of @ 288 emcieNT moNALIN FOR MESAGE SEQUENCES (possibly unending) sequence of meses, so that an energy constein is Wtonges mesningal. But ies both meaningful and instructive to impose 2 bound onthe average transmitted power, denoted P, Fors signal 9) ‘of duration T the average power i defined by Pe 3 [oe 3 fleou =8 69) “Thos, @ constraint on P, implies tht thy available tansmiter energy ‘nrenses linearly with time. itt source as rate Ry ican be thought of as producing one binary igt each IR see. Subj to-a. average power constraint P, tbe average energy available er bt, say Ey is therefore 5, = 22 joutesit. 66) R “The average eoergy pe bit required by diferent communication systems to Ghtain a given standard of stro performance is 2 measure of their Feltiveefeincies, [52 BIP-BY-BIT AND BLOCK-ORTHOGONAL SIGNALING ‘To see that diferent communication systems may yield drastically “ferent performances forthe same yal of, let us Comes the rests teteved hen sequence of Kaar 6) equally likely binary digits is communicated by two speci signaling ‘hemes. Te fit (erate obvious choie) transits a signal consisting ff sequence of K nonoverapping pulse tansiates, each of which has the sme waveshape but i postve men the corresponding bitin the input Sequence is and negative when ts, as shown in Fig $.1. The enray of heh clementary pulse ib By and the total energy expended is KE, The cond signaling scherse wes» sigal set of 2" orthogonal pubs, cach ving energy E.= KE, The choice of tansmited signal is made by ‘bering the entre input sequence at once and transiting the th pulse ‘then the binary number pei by ths sequences Te many applications the ene A bit sequence mist be tensed comrealy. A naval ficesontel sytem, io which a 1 fr the jth digit could ‘esignate thatthe target it sbove the surface ad 0 that its below isan ‘ramples In such cases the sequence is considered to be commanicated ‘Sorreaty if and ony ifevery one ofits X bis is reproduced without ereor at roy sonic 209 =wi=a0) igure 4. it waver for menage gene 1010 the recive ouput. We therfore compare ou two signaling systems by “Sean the probity, bh we aan denote PS) hat one of Snow isl te ested incor when the fansmsion is turd ‘rade ite Gassien noe. icy Snag Foc the ist tem under consideration the assed sgn sven we x H0=S sek — ho ou where * eee ass let ate jh bcs 0 and ss) ple with energy B, and duration %y= WR. By leting OaGh, jannik 6m 290 ARIENT SONALING FOR MESSE SERUENCES ‘ne asiociate the Mm 2 possible signals with the 2 vertos of a eimeasional hypercube, In Chapter 4 e noted (Pq. 497) thatthe probebilty of a set one eros with such signal sts ee1- = pE=1-G— pF, 109 ree) sm ‘is th probability of erro fora binary decison between two antipodal ‘Senals of energy &, in additive white Gaussian nose with power demsity INy2. Since it wa also pointed out in Chapter 4 that the optimum. Tessver in this case cam decide oo cach bit independently of every otber, sre characterize this signaling scheme as “bit-y-bi” tansmision or any ehoie of R and PEs. 510 state thatthe probability of error tends to 1 a8 T, hence K, becomes large. For fixed Tand the probe bly of err canbe made smal nly by Increasing the nerdy expended pet bit, Ey either by inoreasng the average pooer Por by decreasing he Fie These resus ae lative) agreeable: indeed, for many years ‘Communicfors assumed thet deereaied ere probability could be achieved ‘nly by increasing power or dosreasing rate. ‘Blek- Orthogonal Signaling "To se that thi esumption fal, we need only consider the second of cour examples in which one out of 2° orshogonal pulses i tansmited very P see, For the gartiooler example of the discrete pulst-posion- ‘ole (ablreriged PPM) orthogonal signal se illustrated in Fig. 52, the tmsnted signal ean bo witen a0) = VE, a= tr) (6.118) ‘where Fis the binary number specied by the Ait Input sequence and ‘(is #unitenesgy pulse of duration and ute) We have seen in Chapter 4 (Eq. 4111) that fr any set of M equally likly cquatenergy orthogonal signal the probability of errr is bounded » nncw-90(/B)amrais (5.155) ‘The contrast etwcen the results obtsined with bit-by-bit transmission (ag. 510) and these obtained when orthogonal signals are used Wo ras ‘mit a whole block of A input bits simultaneously (“bloc-ortbogonat 292 ARICIONT SONALING FOR MESA SEQUENCES signating") 5 dramatic, In the frst case increasing K frees the proba ‘ity oferor toward unity regards of Row large we make the eneray ul per bt, Ey. In the second, by inctesing K we can force the Drobabilty of error fo be as close o er0 a5 We wish, provided that EN’, Exceeds 139. An alerative statement is that the signabto-nose power ratio Pre ples bound on the maximum rate of communication; ‘trate below this mazimum the P(E] ean be made as small as we Wis BY shoosing Psufelensy lege Geometric Interpretation “The acometty ofthe sgna-vetorcontsliatons forthe two signaling schemes jst considered provides sight lato the contrast between ther ‘performances As shown in Fig 3 for bi-by-bit signaling, the distance Ectwesn earest noighbors remains fixed as K increases, whereas the num ter of nearest neighboes and the numbor of dimensions occupied by the Signal se inerease ner ith K. The probability that wast one of = — ry Tt pti. : foes Figae3 dy ie geome ‘noe RANDWIOTH, AND BOMERSHONALAY 293 -Krcevat nie component wil carry the recive signal etre to ‘igh than tothe temited vector Deome are a8 Kinases; ‘hore are Keane or hi happen ‘athe oer baod, inthe Mosc orthogonal case the distance between rarest msghtor grows neatly wih VK, a inated by Fi. 54 When Knees from — 1 thsgowih i distance i acieved by introducing new dimen for etch of tho 2"! adloal signals and resing Ip ampltide, Eventhough Ge nuber of exesteeighbos brows as 2 llsgnals re nearest meighbor), te growth inthe dance xe \ Jefe km= sat Figure ll-rtgona sgl gentry. The pny line occ pia Maines Oem lft betwoun signals dominates the probabiliy-oFeror behavior for lege ales of Ey, Conversely, for small Zl. we sal see thatthe growth in number of aighbors dominates and that P[t] ~ 1 a5 becomes large. [54 TIME, BANDWIDTH, AND DIMENSIONALITY might scm thatthe block-othogonal PPM signaling scheme peo- vides a solution to the gear problem of accurate, efentcominic Cation over & Gaussian channel. Unfortunately, such snot the eases for close to O.72P,)0,, a very lage Value of T is required to obtain a large negative exponent nthe bound of Eq 5.4; however, very large T jn turn imple thatthe number 27 of orthogonal waveforms required {the signal st is enormous. We shal see that a channel with 2 given finite bandwidth cannot secommodate 2"* orthogonal waveforms as T increase while Ris fixed. All physieal channel ae characterized by & finie-bandwith constrin, henge no block-orthogonal signaling sche-ve ‘cn be bul for fied rate and abil are . 204 eancinT SoxALING YOR wrSAOE seqUENCES ‘Signal Dimensionality as a Function of T 'A metsute of the consraint imposed by Gite bandwidth on the imersionalty of signal st ca be gine from theorems duc to Shannon fand to Landau and Pola, which we sate without proof} Dimensonality theorem. Tet (g(2)} denote amy set of orthogonal waveforms of aration and “anvath’” W-Moreprelely. repre that exch 0) {be identically sora outside a ume sera of ration and (2) have no more than 2 of ts energy ouside the frequency intereal awefew. “Then the mumber of diferent waveforms in these (p{)} 8 overbonded onseratcely) by 24TW when TW te large ‘The definition of bandwidth in the theorem may seem somewhat arhtary but any memingfl evaluation ofthe bandwidth coeapied by a ‘inelimited, low-frequency waveform can be expressed as some constant ‘ites shat bandwidth, IF jut large enough 1 incorporate 2 ofthe wave= forms cncegy-t Th the theorem actually has unrestricted appli. ‘The important fct that the number of orthogonal waveforms (dimen sions) that can be accommodated by a “bandlimited” channel can grow ro faster than Uncarly ith sine, T, rgaedess of how “bandwidth” Is Seine. “The converse statement, hat the number of dimensions ay availabe with a bandimited cmannl con grow linearly with 7, s easy to demon- te We wish io show that, we rr, G19 ‘where, the number of mensions aalale er second ares lineal wit W bt ie slave insensive to 7. AS e fst example considera pule Xi) that ip Mentally zero ossde 4 time terval of dation > and ‘exis some (aitably dined) bandwidth W. Then T]> such pulses can be placed without overlap into atime fteral of duration T. Since non- ‘overlapping pues are orthogonal, this scheme provides a means of ‘biuning D = I/r dimensions per second. Insight nto the tlaionsip between D and Bs guid by considering ‘the inverse sealing that exists etveen the time and frequency domains; +See agpnth hole a ised he iat 9B 0 Tee aD rte ns =, hdc he monroe oe ems pntouted SN ~ y) ra ae 7 ‘peas SIONAL DIMENSIONALITY AS A FONCTION OF 7-205 it te Four transfor of 3 is Y(P), the Fourie transform of (a) [Lxwnemr are! Papeminet at 2 ap ‘Thus, if « pulse (9 of duration + occupies @ bandwith WY, the pulse (at) has duration fe and ooeupies a bandwidth IV. I follows that ‘D = ajr ofthe pulses x(a) can be placed without overlap ina one second interval, which Vis the fet that Dis proportional to bandwidth ‘As a ‘second example of the converse statement, consider T-stond pulses of sine and cosine waves separated in frequency by 1/T eps sus id= 1 (0 = JEsin2e £ sim ficou | Feral, sd) — Bein te 540 = (Boosted Each waveform is zero for [| > T)2. Clery, all such waveforms are ‘mutually onhogena. The corresponding signal spectra are tlated tothe spssrum, S47), of 5) 2s indicated by ig... Tecan be verified through iteration by parts and use of the tabulated sine Inepal function’ that [scora> ef" saree iy It follows from Ea, 5.18 and Fig 5.5 that, when THis an integer, total of E+ 200(1)7)} = 1 + 2797 such signals can be accomadation ‘lateral Teguency interval of bandwidth (H+ 1/7) with tart 90 per cent of the energy of every signal contained within this bandwith, ‘A ciiculty in transmitting sequences of orthogonal plies fe that most physical channels iniroduce distortion; pules that do not overlap when Transmited tend to be smeared together when they are resid, a8 indicated in Fig. 5.6. ‘The result, called imersymbol interference, i hat ‘ret orthogonality is lost and the value of D attenable tn practice reduced. A beutofore remedy isto provide sufclent dead time between Dulses thatthe interference is reduced 19 manageable proportions elegant 296 HARICIENT BONALING TOR MESAGE EOUENGIS gh enim essa tren 2 een te >) ‘aacicrn igure $5 Src f Fan nie ple a egmey IT The yet nbn PSoe sp Teay DIET approaches rere careful waveshaping of the transite pulses andfor abocate ters. In practice, the maximum numberof esenillyorthog- ‘eal waveforms thal ean be ransmited inne through a chanel with ‘ominal bandwidth IVs between TW and TW; the choice of definition for W and the cost of implementation are the determining factors. Pigae 46_ikeoymbs tern. The sl cre in @ ste compete eset {Ef etalond smn te epic (cel carte) es fo eth of he ewe ‘cunt pate orm nt Bandith Requirements with Block-Orthogoal Signaling Tt is now easy t show that bandit transmission channels pre- ‘de the unrsicted wee of block-orthogonal signaling. As we have eo, ‘when transmitter is connected to a source that provides input bis TcKNT HoNAL seLection 297 ta eae R per second, the numberof bits that must be ansmitd i time Tis RT and the numberof diferent signal required iM = 2°7, 1M we ies that these signals be oethogonal, the dimensionaity theorem ‘tates thatthe number of orthogonal signal, Hf, and the bandwidth, JY, ‘aisly Mn 2h rar, 6.199) ae we (5196) ‘As Tbocomes lrg, W grows almost exponentially and therefore exceeds the bandwidth of any physial channel, “The import of an exponential growth in bandwidth ie made tangible by the following example, Consider a stem operating at the modest ‘tof 100 biteee and aesume that Rand P,/9 in Ea, 5.60 sre such that T= tse is necessary to aleve the dsied probably of eon Then > Bao “which i clsly outandish, Viewod inthe tne domain, Eg 5.198 states that if we wished to realize ths system by using 4 Bloccorthogonal PPM scheme che numberof aonoverapping pulses pr scoond wold have tobe 2, which implies a plse duration of 10-* nanosecond! ‘S4 EFFICIENT SIGNAL SELECTION In Section 5.2 we obsrved that boek-orthogonal signaling over | saditive white Gaussian noise channsl woul yell a proBabilty of ere that approaches zero exponentially wth ineeasng hock dartion for rates less than 0.72 Py, Tho drawhack Was that the bandwideh ‘eguirement becomes exponentially large (substantially infte) for lege 7. We now show that it posible to achiove a probabliy-of ot ‘behavior analogous to that of orthogonal signaling while simultaneously meeting the bandlimited chansel consent thatthe dimensionality of ho ‘gna pace grow ony liner with . 'A dieet demonstration ofthis Fact not posuble for two ceasons. Firs, ures some regular structure i imposed (asin the to examples in Section 5.2), the mere task of spedifying a set of A= 2" dierent ignasis enormous when Tislarge. Second, ven ithe problem of sigal Speicaion were manageable, in geeral we would be Unable to analyze 298 eMC SIONALING FOR MaSAGE SEQUENCES ‘the PIE] that results from use of the specified signal set, Strangely ‘nog cis much easier ro demonstrate tat as T becomes large 4 great ‘many signal es with linearly increasing dimensionality yield an expanen- {ally decreasing probability of error (for rates that ate not too igh) than itis to exhibit a single spect st of signals behaving inthis ay. ‘Sigpaling with Sequences of Binary Waveforms ‘Ase fst example, lt us consider a casein whch the available number of dimensions pee second, D, exceds the cate D>R (620%) For simplicity, we egnin (a in Section 52) restrict the signals to leon the vertices ofa hypercabe. Since the mmber of verison a hyper of [DI dimensions is 2°" and the number of signals required is M = 2°", not al ofthe vertices need be ued, In fs the rection of vertices thal wemostuse, 2 eee, reeves, (5.209) approaches zero as T increases. Thus thre isa posbilty that we can void the convergence of the probability of eror to unity with incressng T sshich we obsrved in Section 5.2 a a consequence of the neateste neighbor strastre when D = 2 Restcag the sigoals (5) the verses of @ hypercube implies that cach signal as the form s=Zsuph0s form OL M1, B2ta) were = sy=avEys alltand, 65215) Wy & DF, the number of dimensions ia time T, (S216) ‘and By 6 lined as the aula signal energy per dimension. xin ‘Chapte 4, p()} can be any se oF orthonormal wavetorms [none al Fad For tame the (0) might be steely dele, nononeaping ‘ep of mine action, scenery pls a shown ig. SONAUNG WITH SEQUENCES OF aARY WAVEFORNS 299 ‘Tae constait onthe average tansmited power, Py rogues raafar= ne oa pene x73 For the ((0} of Fig 5.7 the signals 0) are sequenes of posivw and ‘negative nonoverlapping pulse, each pulbe containing enetsy Ey joulesdieasion 2) lo te [lnoe- oer Figue 7 Orbea Ge posto) toms. The aserage probability of error. The peoblem of signal section for ‘his pamiculae example reves to the assignment of the vectors of ‘oecients (4) in Eq 5.218, SAG se rtade POM M1 8.23) ‘As weave mentioned, a good specif assignments hard to find and hard te enalszs. These completions can be ereamvented ty bounding the attainable probability of ezror by an ingenious indirect argument de 10 Shannon.” The-key tothe derteaton isto consider not fut one cam ‘munication sytem, but rather a whole collection of communication estes, ‘ach consisting ofa tranmiier, chanel and optimum rectser. A shown in Fig. 58 the systems are ential, except that each employs a diferent set of signals (. ‘There are 2° = 2°? diferent vertices available on our N-dimensional signal space hypercube and = 2" signals {x tbe asigned thereon; ie follows that there ere 2)" = 2° distinct ways to asgn the Af Signals. We assume that each ofthese 2° signal et used by one (and only one) ofthe communication systems ia our collection, and that each system uses a reeier that is optimom for is signal se. Following Common usage, We rar Io the sigual ses as odes, and to the sigeal estore as codewords 300 ERICH SONALING YOR MESSAGE SROUESEES It's lear that each systom in our colton has a definite probability ‘of ern, say P, forthe fh sytem, T= 1,2, .-2,2°H. Some of the ‘stems —for example, those with codes in which all M ofthe veters (5) fate asigued to the same verter—have avery Lage probably of eror ‘On the other ang, most ofthe systems have a probability f error that is cane Sh nae SE Tae | —+al, | wi 1 oti oi, ' : / E Tome {ever lye rom oo lee Figs 8 Collecon of copmonctsn sens, each wing 2 fen tf AF Spb bela ae quite smal, a fact tht we shall prove by calculating 2 bound on the arithmetic erage, denoted PG, over th ene collection: PR a 3 Pe 24) Ccuay, not al ofthe Py cam be greta than FUEL ‘emay be surpising that one can bound the average probability of eror for a cllsction of commanication systems When one enna calculate the probability of er of a iadvidual system. Such was Shannon's insight. “To calculate a bound on PE, we fest interpeet Eq. 5.24 4s a statistical ruber than a8 arithmetic average. Although this interpretation isnot ‘sei it simplifies the derivation by permiting us 10 ise the notation land rents ofthe preceding tes chapters. Consider a probably system inwhicheach poi ofthe sample space has associated with itone of the SIONALING WE SEQUENCES OF BRUARY WAVEFORMS 30 stems of Fig, 58 as well as a message, ¢ noite wavelorm, and the resulting received waveform. The probability assigned to the sytem izing code (8 Play = (6250) and is statically independent of the mesage and the noise proses the code forthe Mh system is a}, we have PLE odd = Po 62%) ‘By using E96 5:25, 9,524 may be reve PR=Hra= F PLNMea 626) eno toed FE) Wien menage ms iis th condons! potaiiy of eo, Fgh average over the eocion of code FRTmA=,,Z, PI M| mats) (620 in which P{E| mp {isthe conditional probability of eer, given mms fora specie coe [6]. Applicaion of the union bound of 4, 4109 to each specif coe ils PAG ms ~(So| 2B). om Since the sght-hand side of Ea. 5.326 is independent of the indies £ and fis convenient to intodue the simpler notation oy ‘With tis notation we observe tat Fell < SP) = oF — RI < MIL and 5 = "STP << MPLS Pind = MF. 6) Bounding FI] aw tos to bonding SHGNALNG WITH SEQUENCES OF BINARY WAYEFORS 303 Recalling fom Eq. 2122 that ey < es, ‘we substitute in Ea, 5326 and obtain mm Spi(tjmrar Sten = near a$fe, —— BYE) < 21 + eAws®, G35) ees FIR < 28%, (5.364) {in which we introduce the exponential Bound parameter Ry, iteaties from 4.5.35 a8 -t 2 ‘on (pene) m1 = toguth + e299; anpoal signaling, (3360) Finally, th combination of Eg. 528 and 5.36 yds he cd res of cur analyi th bound PRE < MF] ‘ordinates the oot mean quar ice baton tv SOC inal Ince eal with VN. Size Gaussian aise roduc a probability of error that decay cxponetily wit the square of the Eetidean ‘stance between two signals 8 resonable that P,P] should decay ‘exponential "To pheomena eter ino the occurence ofan enor when Af = and tas signals ae chon at rcom. The fst thatthe noe may be ‘nonully Lage snd ese an ero even though the Futian dance Setwesn te vo signals ypc, a shown in Fig. 5.103. The second {hate aoe may be pial bot the vo signals may be poor fa he sense that the dane between tan nunaly small Gee Fig S108). ‘The Value of ny. 3.6 represents the combined inner of these £90 Penoment. When 50s age Ry approaches any, and the PLE) {proaches 2. But’2-"'i us tho probatiy of asiging the two Banal fo the sane hypercube verter; we recognize that its the scond Diesen that donates Re wea Ey age. On the her and, hen Be sal errs ae iy tocar even wen the two signals @ © ip 5.10 To ponies: (ype pacing: () seal psig are typical in the sense that they diferin approximately N/2 components. ‘Under these cicamstances fe dominated by the fist phenomenon. ‘This heuristic dscusion is extnded to the case of Mf randomly selected goals by secogozing that there are three distinct and tail in- ‘Sependentslectons entering into the occurence of ero: 1 The data Source selects the teansmiter input m 2. Nature sets the relevant noite |. The communicaon seem enginer sles the signal IE denotes the probability ofthe event ero in the product ensemble deserbing te tre seecors Ie convenient ova hese sletons Staking place Inthe ode ited and to see m it mg. We ay 0 ‘sala at teste egser rst sot the rset weal 08 {hen the remaining M'~ I sgnl. An ero osu if and only one ot smote of the M'= 1 remaining signals (which over the ensemble ae Sete without elerene toy m oF eB ote) Li ese CO y+ ie 5d1_ An exo os if any pal lint te sated repo, ae tet ea cte aro = SHoRALING WITH SEQUENCES OF aINARY WAYEEORNS 307 than the dstanc ol fom a to as india in Fig. 5.11 Foe each of ‘the remaining signals the proabity of Fling imo this forbidden region is, by defnton, PAE). Since there are (BM — 1) chances fr some signal {0 ill into the fortidden region, weeny ave the waion Bound FR < (wD. ‘The average probabifiy of eror approaches zero with increasing N as longs the numberof messages Af = 2° grows with les apy han Te days Comparison with Mock-ortogonel signing. Xs i intresting to com- pare the bound of Eq. 538 withthe behavior exhibited in Ege. 5.15 for ‘Slock-orthogons! signaling, namely, Pte) < rx, (3390) here X a usual denotes the numberof transite input bits during an interval 7. Thus th energy pr bit wllaed with orthogonal signaling must salty the bound £2 >21n2; for orthogonal sigoals (5396) in order that the hound on probability of error ten to ero with increasing block size. ‘The correspond ng imitation on Ey. with binary coding is obtained. by rewriting Eq, 528: inthe same form se Eg. 5.398. Since KaRTHNRy, we have FB) <8 = HUI, (eam) Moreover, = energy per dimension = (SY) (PE —) = Fy ee] + (406) 6 that (from Eq, 536) Poop, Bea Be Re By Ey By Bul Tous (satay where OTe oa S08 reniciexr soNALNG FOR MESAGE sEQUENCSS : ey pr sene,10 Figue S12 Lower bound tothe alone to 25 for biarynde sens For the bound on P[E] to goto ero with increasing K; we require Fa >a; for binarycoded signals (Ae) ee ae ete bara ties ieee Sy cite te et cs ttacts ceaae ALG WITH MULTREVEL SEQUENCER 309 decay ofthe average probability ofecror ound ove al codes of the class Considered ete i sistent equisalon fo that abained with block orthogonal signaling, provided that D can be made large enough 40 that ExiX Is smal. This corroborates our eater observation that under ‘is eoaditon iti the nose that dominates fy In Chapter 4, we claimed tht sinpex signals are optimum for cot ‘munication over an additive white Gausian nize cbanael and tht orthog” ‘nal signals are substantially equivalent to simplex signle when the umber of signals, 4, is lage. Since the exponential decsy of PLE] ‘becomes substatalyequivaleat o chat obiained with block-orthogonal signals, we conclude tha the class oF hyperube-verte (biny-coded) signals may be considered to be “exponentially optimum” provided that te nose, the available number of dimensions per second D, and the reecived signal power P ae so rated tht a —C lr ~ Gisensionssee ~ 2, pow. (542%) ‘Signaling with Maiierel Sequences ‘We ave jst inferred thatthe signal clas consisting of inay-wave> orm sequenees is exponentially optimum whenever the ratio PLN Is ‘much smaller than the number of dimensions avaable per second, D. ‘We have also observed in Fig. 59 tha fortis signal lass Ry saturtes at ‘one bit pe dimension when i’, 1. Sines we certainly expect that lange enough 2y!., should permit raabie communication at rates shove fone bit per dimension, we anteipte thatthe class of binary- waveform Sequences will ot beexponentally optimum when Ey/.N is ace. ‘As noted in connection with Eg, 5.20, the saturation of Ry in Fig. 59 is attributable tothe fet that the toil suber of dstnt binary waveform Sequences o2cupying, DT dimensions is 2°, so that R canaot exceed D bisjee, The only Way to avoid this saturation effet to augment the ‘ass of allowable signs. Since in many situations PN, i large ut the bandwiddh is imitsd Tor example, n digital communication over a= ‘rade telephone lines} it is important fo consid signal set (x) that are ‘ot constained 1 leon the vertices of hypercibe 1 Although te ni om leptons cet nt snp Gaus epcinntebave {monte a asa mpchermat neon bese yest aan ‘vom of hind esto be 310 rarer SONALING FOR MESSAGE SEQUENCES ST a Pa BGs ze oy per dra, 20 Bye igure S13 Comprhon of 5% aod for Say sgl, Shenton’ in draton trond te Scope ofthis book, comes sedi white Gaus oie an Nien lal ts (hal ae consid ony nent? IR Ob the binary. waveform sequences are less desirable, For Eyl > 10 db they are excoodingly intent, ‘We now consider certain signal clases that ye «bound parameter Ry ‘hati substantially a are a Ry, even for large valves of E/N The vers eller of sturation is circumvented by not retriting the signal sectors (sto the vertices of a hypercube, An especially convenient augmented elas of allowable signals in tems of analysis and impor ‘mentation i one in which the component) ofthe signal vectors are Sill ested to a Ate namber of diferent values, bu in which this ‘number, ey 4, is now an integer renter than 2. ‘The flal number of allowable signals ofthe fom Gots sis (450) 0 Zed (5456) is therefore a as (5450) For this class of signal, saturation does not oe apn 4" 6.450) By = low A. (648) 1 Quatons of inplomattion at coded Caper 6 312 FRMCIDVTSIONALING FoR sESKGE SEQUENCES For example, if A = 4, the satoraton value of By is 2 bisdimension athe than f, Thus we may hope to obtain a Bound of the form tay 2-7 AN {in which Ry is greater than J "To complote the specication of the enlarged signal class, we must sate the valuss permitted to abe {5}. We consider ooly the casein ‘which each x, can be asigned any one of 4 amplitudes equally spaced ‘over the interval [—VEy, Eh a8 shown in Fig. 5.14 for A= 8, Such a=) Pig 14 Posto alos parted the 5 4 = 8. ‘a assignment guarantees that 6" < Fy forall. For exemple, the 16 Allowable goals when A = 4 und N = 2 areilustated in Fig 5.13. The Set of aluss ported the (2, called the signed alphaer aad denoted adh (= l,2Quesyd. The members of the alphabet are called ters, and th st of al allowable signal vectors is ale the codebase. "To determine Ry as «Function of A and yoy we Again bound the ‘meen probably of eror, P(E), over an appropiate casemble of com Tuniettionsytome, Sines each message may be assigned any one of the (2° vectors inthe code base he toil numberof dstint codes—asigne iments of M messages to cadesase vectors (9)! = AM, As when = 2, codes in which several mensges Se asiged tothe same vector ‘re ince jn the count. For bounding PU. we conser an ensemble ‘ontsiing 4” communication systems, cach of which uss © diferent ‘code [5 fogethst witha reeiver tat Is optimum for that code. ‘We ull tat PTE isthe ensemble average of the probabil of erroe ofeach system inthe entmble. In evaluating PTE] for 4 = 2, weasigned ach ofthe 2 systems gual probabil, which implied P= B,Pel sn ‘When 4 > 2, the ensemble average probability of ero, PTE is reduced, hence the value of Ry inreaed, by asigning nonequal probablts to SMONALING Wirt MULELEL SEQUENCES 313, the 4° systems in the ensemble. The reason is that the signal alphabet {fe} 8 asymmeti, as seen in Fig. 5.14: although each leer iy equally stant from its nearest neighbor, the leters +-VEy and —V Fy have eighbors only om one side, These end lett are ina sense more Aistingsshable and we anticipate that the probably of error ill be smaller for systems with codes (sin which ers near the ends a sed ‘more frequeatly than the interior letes. Figuesis The ide bie when d= 4 = 2 In onder not to preside a preference for the beter ces the analysis of PEI the assignment ofa probability to each ofthe 4*™ systems in the ensmble i eccomplished av fol. We fist asociate with every lpbabet iter ay = 1, 2,-..-4, 8 nonenepaive number py such thst Pte to teal 6a) [Next for each system we obseve its eatie code (4) and count the total ‘number of times, sy Ny = 1,2 +004 A that leer ay appent therein ‘To this system we assign the probability PH Since each code comprises M codewords with N symbole apc, tis ‘ear that for every sistem Ny +-Ng-h oo" + = NM. For example, pat pa 6405) S14 srricieer SONALING FOR MESSAGE SOUENCES ‘code (4 coming 24 = 5 members shown in Fi. $16, wih 8 fod a =A. Forth code Me& Mad mat Ma? Ire choose p= p= amd pe = sh then UGA) = ptr = 4096 x 10°. Another way ofexresing this probably asignment ft ate that, cover the ensemble the probably that compones wil be the th Inter ofthe alphabet jst p independent of all ther componess in Sand Inthe remabnng code word [nF With tis erative Sefton, the probity sized to any code (6) isexaeliy tat gen in Fg. 6h. Ths cterprtation assures us thatthe probably assignment of gs S46 vali Figne 5.6 Coe wih M = 5.4.24, 2 By choosing the p's aot with eters ner the ends, + VE and Vy, tbe larsr than the pr asseiatd with the into lees we can pent system whose code contains ager proportion fend ten to contibute more strongly to the average probaly of eror than a Ssiom whose cole sestuih 4 sale proportion. Ie ehomse ta It hep equ I], every posible cde fr equaly likely, and al ystems sell contribute equally to FUEL We ist calculate & for arbitrary {ps ‘hon we speci hs (0 vale that maximize “The procedure for obiaining an exponential Bound on FE] forthe coven spit by Esa art! to that followed inthe ese of “i Instn is oie, ha rei fo vod nen bat ‘ath hpi shpat gh thats ade th peromane omar {Dei are! oui Rl band. StoNALING WITH MULTILEVEL SEQUENCES 31S binary antipedalleters. We agin have PieTmad =, Z,_ Pl me (sl lsd) P(e] me (9h) <3 Fad <, ¥, rare Ploy sh oan Provided that we can obtain 2 Bound of the form Pies) = P< 2" (4) for any K and all! Kt wl follow as before that Film < 5 Pad Hy. Th cetl question concerning tho ‘limate limitations impoted by nose remains Capacity Theorem ‘A complete answer to thie question is provided by speciation of @ ‘thooren, dus to Shaznon 7 callod tho eqpaclty'teorom. Roughly speaking, this remarkable theorem sates tat there isa maxima, called ‘hans capacity, o the rate at which ay communication system can operate satisfactory when constained in power; operation at a ate eater than capacity condemns the system 10a high probability of ero, Fegarils of the choice a signal se o ceiver. The theorem extremely fgeteral and is not restricted to Gaussian channels. For such chines, however, itt clear that the capacity is atleast as great as Ry since We Inve already proved the exsence oF gjstems that yield arbitany small, cor probable for any rate less than Re ‘Resling hat the number, D, of dimensions that canbe accommodated per second by a bandimited channel isnot sharply specified, we state he xpacty Cheorm in terms ofthe parameters Fy ad Ry Whee Ry = RID. ‘again denotes the transite inpat ate in bts pr dimension. The energy ofeach signal i contained to be no greater than Ey, where N isthe ‘imonsionaly ofthe wena pace, Inthe perticular case of stnsmsion over an addhive white Gausian noite chanel the capacity deorem may be stated a follows Theorem. ‘There exits a constant, Gy given by xm tin (i 4283) eS and called the Gauzon chanel eapaty, wit the Following propestis: Negative Statement. IE Ry, > Cy and the number of equally likely rmesages, A= 2°, is large, the probability of error & close to 1 for covery pombe st of A ransmitr signals. Poshive Stam. If Ry < Cy and M is sufiendy lage, there cexiat set of AT transmitter sigaals such that the probability of ervor Schieved with optima reves is arbitra smal 4322 FEMCIEWT SONALING FOR MESSKOE seOUENEES 1 1 0) ee emanse) 8 y= Bi 4 2) ey pt rence gue 519 Conparie of cgay ahd A plot of Cy 28 9 function of Bul is given in Fig. $18, together swith Ry? We be that IG < Ral K Co (5.00) “Thus the apparent limitation Ry < Ry on tate evidenced by Ba, 5.58 is taibutable tothe manner of bounding and ip not an inescapibleaibute OF Bulg The bound My < Cy is neecapable nooF O° THE CARACETY THTORE 328 “The bound Ry < Cy (itsdimension) implies that RK DG (iss). (soa) “The numberof dinensions per second thnt can be accommodated by a ‘banelimited chenne! s bound (ef. Appendix SA, Eq. SA.6) by Dew. (S010) i we achiev the upper bound D = 28, then Ey = PID = P,/2W, and wwe ave the well-known esult reac WenlieZe)ac — a9 where isthe capacity in bite per second and P, defined by Ba. 5.5, isthe ‘atu average power allotod to any transits sgl [i Proof of the Capacity Theorem “This prof of Shannoa's? capacity theorem for the Gaussian channe! is ersentilly geometric. The prot i long bu straightforward. ‘Sphere hardening. Le ws begin by considering a signal space of N’ inensons and ase of Af = 2" signals, each with energy Jess than or ‘equal to Ey! Iie; all (50) ‘When Eg, 5.62 is met, we sy thatthe signals He within an N-timensonal sphoret of radius VN For tis proc, we introduce vectors s0 normalized thatthe eof the onstaining sphere independant of: Fe Ot Mat, (563) Gav, AWyRaytm mam, (56830) 4M scopy tinge he td of 68 and he ioaty eoren Saas toe ne as ot any of Te hme! pee eo a 9 08 tron te vig deoed Siecearpans x Grae. ccs) axkitas taychs os deg pe The 1B: pT recon an Nason pro au pW 8) fron ae ait eo ay stot te Semone ‘chp al cq taro expt re ering rs dimension ot ‘tei aco cincmnlphow oad Fortune Hany ent nein = EEE HES A 524 eircmer SLONALING FOR MESSAGE SEQUENCES where s,m, and rare defined as ust in tems of orthonormal functions. tel 0] <2 oo) for any positive A, no matter how stall ROO# OF THE CAPACETY THEDRIME 325 Equation 56 tats the fr lee otowgh the probability dat the squared lngh of te ovnaliged tele vec w ies om i sei ‘ive o Yu by mee tha Si arbly de to Sic he Ho {ect egal yo yt any diet, we may ite the noe \Sstor when is ar) nies fling sow to he sre of pte of radius V2 witout dena peferaes, a shown in ig. 520 Tals phenoneno rere to per ren (Ly Ns Fie $20. Spice ring. Iasight into the phenontenoa of sphere Hardening may be obtained by calculating the probability that fll into the shell between concent Spiers of rive p — A and p, with Alp & I. Since the eomponenss of ae zero-mean Gaussian random variables of variance 2M the Sensty funtion ofthe nrmaliad nose vector is nom jatgmer(-ie) amy We ps won (Aan (- Le): ter acnige Go ‘Thus ol Ia ats 30 shaw 08) ht aoe oh gta a ta ut tan wh perro eaten ease en LoSernt asad sea hep eng 8) ea +e +3] x 6H an ede oso a Xt ge. This endecy ft ese veto to iit within spe asd dancer sari ts he cece velame of eden rons TW ae now cdy fo poe the gti caps sheoren. We show bat ay sl pont quan «he potty coat dso inthe ania of one oC M = 29% equally ley messages Is than forsee wien By > = Blog + 20ND. ‘acl of te coke sip st od ee 328 Eee SONALING YOR MESSAGE SIQUENCES According to the sphere-hardening argument, for large the rstived ‘vestr ieeffestivelyconsrsined to he within sphere ayy of radius Jet Wak+ A. Writing the probability of correct decison as the Sum of eva tem, PIC]= PIC, in 1) + PIG, outside 1, (5704) ‘we observe that the second term satis, for any «> 0, the inequalities Pie, x ouside 7.) < Pir ouside 1] <5 «5:708) ‘The lst inequality follows, for large enough N, from Eq. 5.69. Trem to be shown thatthe se term in Eq. 5.70a is aso Tess than 2 for suicenly large N whenever Ry > Co Let fy fm 0 y.-+y M-—~ 1, denote that part of the decison region oe the ith signal yng eairey within Z, as shown in Fig. 22; It ¥, tee Sent. ‘nie gue $22 Deon egies ihn denote the volume of and lt ¥, denote the volume of J, Because the Aecsion regions are dint, Beate tebe Mae om and mK in I] 3 Plein 1, | mJ Pm] = 25 ri. 2) FE Peeing | md ny ‘Wenow observe that, for each f, Pio Z|] < Pal < eh (523) ‘were ps defined tobe the radius of an Neimensionel sphere of volume (this sphere and J, oth have the same volume), Equation 5.73 states {at no decison region of gten volume i beter thax a spharcal decision noor OF THE cAPACETY THMORE 329 ‘repon of the sae volume centered on the signal. Proot of tho opioalty ‘tepheres follows immediatly from the observation that it a shedcally symmetric density funtion decreasing monotoniclly wit increasing a ‘Ava consequence, any volume elseat lying fartber from s, than the divs plese probability of contsiningr = +m than i would sit Were located within a distance p rom the sigaal Oa the other hand, all ‘volume elements in the spre do lie within distance from QY2Q-@ 9 Sree ‘igue 523. Optimality of eaua vous spheres. The volume ekneat a would ‘obttiate oreo Grin it were ll se a pee ener eng 384 7 we reread Snmen 07 "Exch term on the right-hand side ofthis inequality isthe probability shat ‘wil eon or within a sphere of volume The righthand ge thus the arihmetc mean of the probabilities of noise fling in spheres of ai py P s+» Par-e A8 ndiated in Fig, 5.28, I the original deiion regions {1} all contsined the same volume, we would have (rom Eq. 5.71) % glx 330 EFICINT SIGNALING FOR MESSAGE SEQUENCES and each of the p, would equal the rads, sty p, ofthe phere of volume lM. this cose every volume element a inthe set of M spheres ‘would te ata distance no gretter than p from the center of one of the spheres, as shown in Fig, 8236. On the other hand, when the hence ‘the pare not all equal, some volume elements are more dstat than p* from center and therefore contribute less probability to the som in Eg, 14. Tfollows that Pal < ol (lagen) ony Finally, since Af = 2%, Ba, 5:7 may be writen a (But s2 8) nea rao tag Bhaees ons Coty Lag Bit ie > Gu Lion (1 +258) = +(e) ‘we an take A sulcienty smal thatthe inequality of Bg. 5.74, hence of| Bq, 5.76 is sted. Consequealy, the condition Ry > Cy implies that Pel <6 (78) Py>1 (6.189) Equation 5.78 provides an upper bound on the number of message bts per dimension wiih, if exzadel, causes Po be close to | for agge ‘We summarize tho seps in the ocogoing prot by a sequence of equations: PIC] ~ PIC, in + PIC outside of) 1s «

- Goa) -EENEES ees. we ings > (reat ehh (+28) “The derivation of Eg. 5.78 is completely independant of te particule set of transmitter vectors (6; the result valid for ony set that mets the signal energy constant of Bq. 5.62. Thus the negative statement of the channel capacity theorem is proved. Since traasmssion with set of 20 yectors having 1Ycomponeats includes the possibility of & tran Imisions, each wth a set of 2°" yotors having Ne components, the theoretn hols true fr any transmission stategy-Wesse that te probar bility of communicating a Dlock of RT —= NR, bits without any eror batsoever must approach 20 as 7 grows larpe if Ry exceeds Cy “This proof is described as "sphere packing” I is @ negative proot ia that no claim is mide about tho existence of signals {4} such that the Gdeson regions [i actully ave spheres of equal vad. Clery, goometty dos not permit, ‘The eseace ofthe argument issirply thatthe SScked spheres” ieaizton implies « bound on performance that no realizable set of signals ean surpass Proof of the postive statement, We now prove the positive channel capacity statement that if Ry < Cy ten for any positive number « (10 Imater how smal) there exits & lege enough value of Wand a set of [A= 2°% signals (5) sued thatthe attainable probability of error is ess than «, The poof # complicated by two facts: rt, jo genera itis hot posible 10 exhibit expicily such a set of signals {s), and, second, then such ase ould be exbibited che calulation of its probability of ror would be enormovsly dict, These complications, which we ncouotered before in connection with Ry may again be ceumvented by Consvering not just one communication sysiom but rather &whcle nvemble of systems, cach consisting oF a tansmiter, channel, and opt- tum receiver, Ax before, we construct our ensemble in such & way that PROOF OF THE CAPACITY THKOREM 333, the mean probability of eros, FL], may be easily ealulnted, We prove the theorem by showing that PTE] < « for suliendy large Ns the ‘ensemble must then contain individual systems for which the probability fof eroriv alo les than « ‘Specification of Codes for the Basomble of Syotoms. The capaci theorem forthe Gaussian channel concerns normalized N-dimensionsl signals (5) each of which stises the average power constraint I Ba n= Toy (5328) where ¥, denotes the volume of 7 Equations 582 state that over the ensemble of estes the signal vectots are statstaly independent a the ‘probability that any signal vector wil ll outsde ofthe signal sphere zero. Furthermore isa sep of Volume Ventely contained wikia te signal spre, este 1 fie’ ifart, 629) SM senciewr soxALNG FoR sasKOE seqUENeES ‘Thus, if we select one system at random from the ensemble for exami ration, the probability thatthe signal, y assigned fo the th message is Toeated ina rogion 1 of the sigaal spire is drelly proportional 9 the ‘volume ofthe region J “Although, is easly likely to ie ja any volume element withia the signa spero, timo tac that, 5 equally ely tle at any rads p, 0< p< VB. Indeed, for aay A > 0, Pils] < En =) = Pisin sphere of radon Jy =) __ volume of sphere of radus JE % ex 2" (A ooay “Sear (may ‘hich every los to zero for large N. Equation 5.3 i «concomitant [tthe fact tat almost al of the volume ins high-dimensional spre located near to srfce. ‘The probably anigment of F882 therefore Implis that ney al ofthe als) have encray hose 20 Ze Caleltonof PE. We non show tat ovr thi enamibeof communi: cation systems PE] < of Nin stent lage. Note that FE depends om tive sana independent sto random Yara 1. The choke of mesage, wit Pia] = 1M 2, The moss mith fy gv by By. 7a 23, The choise of ede (a) with, een by Eq. S82 “Thus we may calculate PU] from the conditional probability of error (0 itm, mand {gate such that IG + 91< ig ~ Geta for all # bso thatnoctorismade, (5843) 1 otherwise et ml y ying by 7 «sees then intgrating out the continuous variables (g} and a, and finally sumaing over the index k ‘Claly, the ordar in which the conditioning random variables are integrated out doesnot afc: the value of PIE. But eliminating mand k ‘rst amounts (foreach code (inthe ensemble 1o evaluating PL | f) ‘ROOF of Tite cArdcrrY Trane 315, ‘Ths problom-—nding the PTC] fora spe code—we have already fore- ‘sor as too diffeult. Once more, the exutial advantage ofthe rendou- coding arguments that it permits eliminate the (it integrate ‘over the ensemble of systems fst) ad thereby to simply the computa tion. We therefore proee inthe following ord: 5. Bliminte (hatis, integrate over) (9) for all F=#& to obtain PIE |i ml fi, Eliminate nd » to obtain PTE i, Eliminate mt obtain FT 1s the fact that sep ican be peformed by use of « guometi argument ‘thet permits a simple prof. (Elimination of (i) FX. Ia eaculsog PLE) my Sy a] the tans mitted vector and te disturbing noise have, by definition, the xed knows values and a These two ¥elorsLogetherspesly a two-dimensional he Sols, Figure 24 Pe containing ant orig, plane intersecting the N-éimensional signal sphere /, in a cic of radius ‘JB 8 shows in Fig. 826. All pots in the sgaal space that are closet than gt the reccved vector ¥ = +m are located in a "ncise” sphere around fof rads [Since we have already siplated tat each rssver in the enomble of communication systems is opium, the presence of ‘one of more ofthe oter signal in this aise sphere wil cause an exor. All sigaas, however, are confined to Thus the fersction of J, and the noise sphere exntereé on forms the locus ofall allowable tans miter signals thet ease an exor, given 3 transmitted and r= +m resend This lous is an N-dimeasional solid whose projection onto the plan of ‘and w is the eroshatched region shown in Fg. 52a. Furthermore, this N-dimeosona slid has an ident lene-shaped cross seston when 4336 ANCIENT SIGNALING FOR MESSAGE SEQUENCES projected onto oy plane containing ¢ Pot, to which we shall henceforth refer es an Adimensonal Tes, is Completely contained within an. 2-dimensional sphere of radius ‘entted on the point 0 Ths follows from the feet that the cross Seton of ths sphere, hen projected on any plsne containing, acide Dirachashoantered oa", Thus the volume of the Ins, Fg Bounded by View < Bx, (535) fact to which we sall tur late. I sell when vieaing the jeometsielrltionship ast dseribed to consider the case i wick the Spheres are three-dmensonal (= 3) illustrated in Fig. 8.256 ys Figure 5.2 Proto oot of slog eo Given and a, an eroe ours fn any sytem in the ensemble whose code inclades atleast one other signal yetor within the lens, From Eq, 82 th probably ofthese of systems whose Mth signal veto, 8, fies in he len i DP inten = ie “There ave (MF 1) nontranamitted vectors in each code. Since the probability of a union of events is bounded above by the sum of their Probably, i follows tht the probably of the st of sytem having Une oF more nootransaited signal vectors in the Tens i Yi, tak Plgjor**+ oF 08° or sues imlens) « (af — 0 oor oF Tis cannery tnons 337 “Thus we ave PIE | mse} < Mt (5.868) nis eae fom Fig. 525 tht he yolume Fg depends on and. For Teun choses of thse veetors MUVg/V) oH exceed uty, in wk site dphcr els ean bv obtained by lavoking the tial bound PIB | mse) <1 6.860) » Figwe28 ‘The lnkretion of reps ea len Thecolrenenstowr eles ‘abst wna tnd prs fa eon © (6) Blninaton of 35 ond = We are now prepared to undertake the sesond stp of the proof namely, o ininate the continvows variables sy find from the conditional probability oferor bounded ia Eg. 886: PERT = [Pe | me =a = Pa 9 ae a, where the ntegel is ten over al poste values of and. Tn oter 29 Yop the bounds of Eqn end, we perfor the mtpation in f¥0 Tere Te the Rt anita i talaa over dein of asso 358 tick al pats er ae sth hal Vg i es than a (all on Thana) Vue The second integrals over the remaining domain, 0, 4338 nCIEYT SONALING FOR SESSA SEQUENCES of values of g and a. The probabily of Di later shown to be slic ‘ently small thatthe bound of Eg, 5.46b may be used safely. Thus Bata <|(u rt) mB) dd + [0 9) da * % Vide pi 7 = ac He roy + PID] oan) In the evaluation we have defined P{D] and PID) asthe integrals over D nd‘ respectively, In the lst step we have used the fact tht any Probability overbounded by unity ‘We dein the domain D® tobe thos pais (em that satis at est one of te following conditions: List < fy a x ine > Mey a 2 > stew a ‘he poehiy of he pay fh win oe at CE ct Spt rea +] + [int Re. Inanother seas, however, Ba. 594s stronger, in that know ledge of Ry enables the Bounding ofthe esor probably a a function of 2 and Ry whereas knowledge of Cy alae does not More Compete knowledge of the achivable err performance than ‘hat provided by either Cy of Ry is embodied in a fntion called the channel retail fnclon "We now deve the rlinblity funeton forthe Infinite bandwidth white Gaussian noise chansel, The procedure it 10 ‘obtain abound on the stainable probability of eer for block orthogonal ‘Signals which fighter than that afforded by the union argement alone. ‘Block-Orthagonal Sigealing When one of a set of M = 2 oqully tikaly orthogonal signals of nergy £,~ PT is eanmitted in white Gausian noize of power density ‘Naps the Union bound of Eg, .1da may be reveten as PIE) <2, (5950) in which we have introduced the efition 6x 8 Petopse =i Dey = tis 20 Cu te timing value ofthe white Gaussian note chanel pasty (in bits pot second of Ea, 5.39 as the avalable dimensions per send, D, hence the channel bandwidth, tends to infinity while P, and, remain fixed From Eq. 496, the exact expression forthe probability bounded in ‘Eqs. 595 Pfé) = 1 — PIC) in which rrer=[“ rue VEDan[ [rar]. (5960) nin sie (396) ‘We now overhouna 1 ~ P[C} hy arguments similar to, but mre sensitive ‘than, the union bound. AS a preliminary step we normalize Eq, 5.96 by lock-oRTHOCONAL SGNALING 348 making the change of vaibles = w\V/ NT, P= 9h 0 that rer= [Teal foal". co in whieh Lyra Pym he? (97) Pe snd 8 REI, (sare) “Thus the probability of er, expressed in terms of the OC funetion of 4. 2.50, vialet Ppdatt nel=[9e— Dat Wao), any “The tem in braces isthe probability that at last one of Mf — 1 (nde= pendent) noise components exceeds ;_ by the union argument itis Bounded above by the sum of the probablis that individual com Ponents exe AU er} 6 OF DOH the send term in the bound on PIE] for 0 < a < B/2s larger than the fist Forbj2 o © bth exponents ofthe two terms are the sme. Thus yes rel< oeect, “ «isn eon, Bewet BLOCK-ORTHOGONAL staan 45 Equation 5104 canbe wsten in terms of tho original parameters of the ‘communication eablem by substiating be VIED = ATP = FCS. SI We tes hae my <2-2rem, (1069 in wich ieee ocRcicn w= a weeece om) Eyution S106 ithe deste rests th exponential factor £°(8 is ‘the channel relay function. normalized plot of (Ris shown ia eaetrdna te ar 0203 Of Ob es OF Oe asa gee 528. Chanel ably fon for thon ng Fig. 528, We note that £%(R)coieises with the exponent ofthe wnion bound for R< C.j6, but yields 2 tighter result for C4 < R< Cu, ‘The fact that EUR) =O for RC. refets the channel capacity Tis posible to show"™™ that the foregoing bound is exponenaly ‘ight; this means that Tor no rate Rean a aber greater than B*(R) be subsite in Eq, 5.1068 without invalidating the inequality for large ‘alts of 7. The equivalent mathematical statement ie PIE] > BeFm, (6.1066) Jn which the eoetiient B decreases only slowly (nonexponenily) a8 & function of 7. Although stated for orthogonal signal, E5108 pets 346 wmrcHRT IONALING FOR MESEAOF QUENCES slso to any other signal set. This follows from the fst that orthogonal signals provide substantially the same error performance ae optimum imple) signals when 3 is large. Thus the felablty function of Eq. 5.1060 is bah an uper ana lower Bowdon the exponential behalf the ‘error probity aitaiable with the finite bandh adtce hte Gaussian nose chanel ‘Other Camels Bounds analogous to Eas. 5:10 and ccan be derived for an extremly ‘broad class of realistic communication channel model" "In particular, ‘random coding arguments somewhat more elaborate than thore we have ‘encountered here can be used to evaluate a reiblty funtion and write @ ‘ight upper bound inthe form Prey < aamrem, (G107=) ‘The bound is on the meun error probability over an ensemble of com= munication systems, ech of which uses a diferent code. In tm of the AaB (6.108) ‘Combining Eqs. 510TH and 5.108, wo have AMA Ble] ATM, (6.108) Since the the coetcients Zand both canbe shown to vary only slowly ‘with, he relaility functions £(Ry) and (Ry), evaluated for & pare ticular channel, represent uppst and lower bounds on the exponen Dehavioe ofthe probability of exor attainable whea cammunisting over ‘that channel, In writing Bq. 5109, we ave used the fact that not ll of the systems in an ensemble ean yield 2 P(E] > BYE), so that atleast one ‘code ests for which the upper bound of Eq, 5109 i valid "The generic form of the functions BUR) and £(R,) i ilstated in Fig. 129. Ofcourse, for diferent channels the values of the parameters fone cusses 347 Gyo Roy Rs Ry and EO) are diferent; the shape of the cures shown. however, i extremely general:? In patiulae, the equality FB) = BRIBE ENS (5110) where Ris calle the een rat, is always oe. Thus the exponential behavior of the ataianble PI] is preisely determined for rales neat chanel capacity Equation 5110 i a remerkable results Ry) relates to the ror behavior over an ensomble of all Asymbol coder of sate Ry, Fe creycae teh 7 = Gi igre 29 Typ cane! aay onto, whereas F(R) relates tothe best concsvabe eror behavior, Rec {hat te probability ofthe set of systems (codes) for which P{SL> x Pie] cannot exceed Ij, we se that Fg. 5.110 implies that «preponderance of the codes in the ensembie are exponential opin for rates greater than crite, ee Gott ARTE 348 HMIIEYT SONALING FoR MESSKOE SEQUENCES “The woion bound, PE) <3", eu is indicated in Fig. $29 by the dashd line. ‘The ensemble exponent IEURg)alvays coincides with the union exponent for R, < Ru & R,, But in gover UR) > B= Bai OK BS Ree 6.2) “The improvement at low rites is obtained by expurgating the ensemble to ‘Giminate there stems in which the eror probability dominated by four codeword selection rather han bythe effects of channel disturbance. Fhe paamcte R,wealled the expurgetion re. Unfortunatly, practi roskdures for setualy carying ovt the expurgtion procedure and taining the exporgation exponcot have not yet been devised. “The curves AURy) and EUR) for a specific channel embody detailed knowlege of the ntanabl error performance. Although less detailed, the knowledge conveyed joat by the value of fy also exceedingly in- formetir. Im petticula, Fig. 529 ilsrates thatthe unjon bound of Eg, 31 is exponentialy equivalent to the lover bound of Eg, 5.108 for Raw Re Thus the valve of Ry provides an scurate characterization of ‘he exponential cror behavior attainable at rates nea tical “Phe adventage in simplicity tobe gained from axing a singleparametee eseriptor i obvious, abd i our stedy of the implementation of coding in the nest chapter we focus attention primatity on Ry [APPENDIX $A. BAND\WIDTH-CONSTRAINED ORTHONORMAL FUNCTIONS, ‘tn this appendix we consider certain Implications of two theorems. one due to Landau and Polk and the otiet to Shunnon, These ‘oor concern any fuscton, sty f(D}, that satsfes the following conditions (a) fA) is identcay aero otsde the interval (72,772) pono ny [N= (6) The enecay of fH) hat falls outside the Fequency band (~ HY, #1 ist most my [Doren are t met CONTTRAINED LEAR coMENNATIONS 349 ‘Tho shores ste tate exit «pata st of onthooumal fusions? CHO 10,1, 2. wi te following propetcn Each "Tm Menucaly wo or > 72 and for ey) saying), es (iss oa [roma ons where ad (@ Landa and Poti § era oe (A) i) Shannon am largest integer 27 2( 4 4inzrn) da Bowe a forall, 0 L. Then «a Linese combination of the (p{0)} exists whit orthogonal to each of TE functions {940 Let g(@) be tis linear combination, normalized to nit energy. Then ae[xovoanes 1 Oe Ld, (AA [loo-Saraa-fipoa—n oan onion te at Ph es [ifro-Sero] acim ean ih oma Fy Svs oi Be pts > 412 Cosa Onl et Meson thor of nano ord ae of Fa sn a ee ty ene one Ser ea ee TA ono ey re Se rt Pa he lid oni on See te i eames coon may reser age SO heat ona ce ah ee curiae eng pst ‘some linear combination of the {9,(*)} have more. In this case we shall Satoh tad sBa{t+eduarn)) 2 sical! aa forsilA, 0 100 and ay i Bg. SA.10a stats that N/2TW < 1.2, “Theft step in proving Eg, 3A,10a i to ote from Eg. 5A.1 that [foo SanoPace 1 whore DesveaNe GRID ainflporoe cam pucussos 381 But the Lethon sie of Ea. SAIL is Pirnoa 280." orcoa + Saal ero a Substituting Fg. SAS in Eg. SA.1T and summing over j, we have (a6) Tie nat sep i tat ta he (0) ay be expand in ems of te fo} mses ih be ran Sct pro ope hee 0) eres the pat of tht toga to a {0}. Thus » y = a al raf wan ara Zaut + [ornae > Zaut GAIS) swan SAS SA i Sia1> su — we GA18 Substituting the valus of Land e rom Eq. SA yields Eq, 5.10, {he numer of ortonormalEucions wth en concentrated in (=, 1 icrenes ery wth, at best The pro portal consent ofthe hound linear W and quae 2 when linea combinations mus alo ave energy conenated fo [1 7 ‘The properdonaliy constant ofthe bound te ghly larger than 21 if nly the orthonormal funeon themselves mest say he energy omcnirationcomdon. 382 MCAT HONALING FOR MESSAGE SEOUENGKS Armen s8 HANDLED WAYEFORNS onsen ie eine oom chs o=[" ccna, nn where am an=f soe a. oan In this appendix we sow that if () sentially zero ovr any interval axe bot nonaar length, then g() i identically 2t0 forall a aa we SRA necting enya a Preliminary insight sea from an apparent ineonssteney. Assume sae, 2ared (353) and define pe: enl 20 Tor every, so thatthe infrte power series everyvhere absolutely convergent and represen the function g(9 completely. I follows tha fg) =O over say inter, itis identity aro everywhere. 354 AMctEST SONALING FOR sMESSKOR seNUENCES APPENDIX SC_ OPTIMIZATION OF , Given any eansmitter alphabet (a) and associated probabilies (p3, 1.2, +d, the eandom coding union bound of Fa. 5.55 for the vie white Gaussian noise channel sates tbat P< 28th, oon where RS 10653 Spars 602) ad ae bene® = be wc) In Fg, SCI, PIF ie the average probability of err for codes of length IV ovr the ensemble of communation systems in which the probability ‘that any signal component assigned letter ais independent of All other component asigaen'. 'We desire fo find the (p.for which Ry is maximum, subset tothe consists BPO TANGA (604) a- “The exponent Ry may be maximized by minimizing the double summation in Bq, 5C.2 Let 24 boa Lagrange muller. Then ELS Spoan-m$ 0] =2[$oun— 2) " Matted (869) Seting each pris devvatv ul 0280 yells he set of 4 inhome fence equations Lbam a8 Penal oc ca) “The valve of is determines fro te consiaot y= 1. ‘Whenever the (that sale, 56 ave al no eznte,tse [p) suis Ry We dea have ESpran-tZ nat oon wa ° fogs; all n> cs) Rooms “re VOLUME OF AN: MDIIENSONAL srEERE 355, 1 the by all som tothe same number, fen rua. em te ton oy. 5 ol hy oe to Spe fant pao on het ar ons é aa Span = 4 Son= BQ GCI) this ase 2 Ruma =~ (sc) ‘When some ofthe (p} that solve Bq, 5C.6 are negative, the Lagrange solution is nota vlld probability assignment. ‘The implication is that Some ofthe {p.} should beset to zero, which means that there are t00 ‘many leer inthe transite alphabet (a). The engineering solution is ‘rede the numberof eters, so that they may be spread farther apart ‘whout violating the energy eonstsit of Fig. 5.14. APPENDIX SD. THE VOLUME OF AN ASDIMENSIONAL SPHERE, ‘An A-éimensonal sphere of radius p Is defined to be the Toews ofall points ach that oo (oy weeded eon “Thus the volume of an N-dimensionalsphece of radi pis vos fa whee ee Making the changes of vile Bras Jeb dene (a) 386 FRFCIneT SIGNALING FoR MESH SEOUENCKS wwe ve vom et [fe] nae = PH 8 Bye oo) Wes nave to decrniehevoe By of 0 Wms pee a wit ad Weep niet by soning sta = Game SOE omen tones tsa nde Gnosis Tuan arama pound taton ttn wo, any "Now consider the probably tat a wil i inte thin spel shell aiedbewmncmente erst pnd ATA ea. inievry mal constant foralln in the se Ts proebity i teeore tery neds oa othe volun ofthe sal tines te alo) when ime nie) PV) Ve— AN. (DI Pe =) syste? Baa tee band ete a r——. aah soba = {09 360 e) 6a a —Srtrti—=—ti—“‘“_O_™O™S—S awe St tebe ta a i way neh rr r————C_=# SSalytopies cs entrust be ‘Stel rsa gu 53, Eqsion 14 ni tab 6 oan Spat tel idee cnn tar eo eng SL LDL — FC ete ett fanpop Mabe or Sons ot £4 om he amin pe y= Soup onstrated from sucesve nase tanslates of 4). Conan the itrplse Itverance by ea [lov -mmrpoecemtf aos, ayant un contain the spl tant 1 by eqn that) bave no more thas {oof of ts enepy outside the equa interval [— 17,7] Determine the {ange pail ylue ofthe eset kin the equation N= RT when aol 5 Conaier sot of 4 oxhonoual waveforms {eb 162,004 ‘ic of whith estat sero ome the ten teal (0, These vive or ar used 0 coors signals 4) ofthe fxm H0) = VPrlon(i— 0) 46a 2-400 Hf FOL, in wich the (are tgs between 1 and 4. Thos eich signal i the st YR oy 8 and sgl auch as Bt eM (Gp a vector of fom bens) hase 4 =F = 8 and & ViRinwks ste: alt) =| ee o ctewhee Stic th igo spied hy he eto 1 2.90 ross 389 tb. Coider the st of al tint waveform lathe frm of). How many wveforosaretheweinthssetforarirary and? Areall ofthese mavtoras ‘hata onogon ‘=. Cofale the ensemble compen al waver of (each of which is sssignee eal peotaiy- Pick to aveforms, independent at random, om this cue What the probity tat they die i ofthe pastoos? "Wha ihe salt stinabl probity of eri hae io waveforms (iin of # polos) te aed the sigs incomming one quay key meng era ve Co ae nant ih RA) = or What isthe avers, say PEL oF the ero probability of (@) over the rte of ()? Show tat P<, whore NAY i the dimensionality ofthe (Code bse ese. Decne ‘igresion forthe valu off Ds he eatin Between fs loe an at ‘bined by speiasing the expreion of Fy 5.56 Hin Note ta! the den ‘Semalty of cach parte signal the code bases, nt = Use the union bound f show hat he aterage probity of ero, or M= 20 ely kely eigen stain Fg canna wes the Mgnal are deawndndependenty at random fom the enn f 'Veny tht the energy per bse by ‘Wat the mlulmum valu of Z or which the bound o (Dis seul? Show thatthe bound of canbe rewrite nthe orm Fi Of an ateger od von Booth ef 05 other, Ise to corset ced ia) nthe orm 10 = FES nlp ‘in bem 55, aya psd 8 vse yo mote ‘Soponents ar ltgers between 1 werCumider a codebase cnr in whlch each dnt waveform inthe form of) agate potaiy. Asuming tht theres dive we {Gausean mole a tht tne gal (0) a chsen independ a random, how that the value of in he bound FU} < 2-20 AN ie ik]: A>9 ‘athe ae of Aywhen A = 2 (tet he anon fthesote Wiha ot t= tamu 53) "Sinus tan oss Robntia ford ~ Zand Dine a tor ny eo Sg © Siow tin lin gy 9 for evay A> 2, ‘in which Hye the verge energy tanamited pee dienson. Discuss sot ‘usp he her urpeiog esl on esl By 1 en be wten ithe fem Ry = Tog (1+ a8). Compare a conta the conditions sr eontent of tise J he capacity theorem fr additive wt Gausan n, Gy = Hlope(t + 2 Eul0 Obtain roagh numerical comparinns of the two fttements by sen A V3Ey end ebosing & 40 tat the eror peobablity pet éimersion ia fante'foomation 0-10-10 Discs proms 361 ‘58 Cunsier communicating over = chanal disturbed by adive Gaussian oie tn U9 = ut by aeane of signals const from D otboseral ‘eovfanm pot eosond Conran the average power ofeach gal Beno than P ‘Show tl the chan apy in Wt po second increase monotaicaly toward asim valve, Co = (PN) ogee, at Places, Mores tbe ‘apa n it por mansion decreases mnocnially With Sint, show for nary amtpol codes thay deesse but Dy inreasey monotonically wth B, Show tat the value of Droge in order) stove the Bosna Ha <2 mien when 0-<«.& 1 is gen approximately for stipodal cles by eee 1 Qa] »$ maa $F oe ee o[a] ') oa, swbere the overhead bar dete the mean of 4 wheo yi a une-varance ‘Gauss andor variable wth mean V2E%y By sng the bounds ne o> Fe, (1-: aoe 2h nd the at Ge Appenaix 1 forthe gana ssa hat [lever oo Te. rove hat 362 ICI SIGNALING FOR SESSAOP SoQUENCTS in which the coon # deny ax 1[VF when Tis lrg. [As lated in to ‘Ex, suooger (et ore abarious)argumuas ay be weed (9 eba & Le ‘oud val for al R'< Co 510 Use Siiiog’ approniratin, wim ven to prove that yl B-1 = VEN, lee, where By (ion tn Fue SD. and 5.1) the wears can Aces! sper of nt ahs, ‘SUL tn Eq, 56% and in Appeni SD we consider the probably desi” eto of the length of an A-somponent random vor mech component of ‘ich rs ttl independent sero ean, uarane Gaunt andor, ‘lai. "The pobabity dent function of he sguated og of , sy ‘scaled the “chaque density fetion with N degrees of feedom.” Let ws aque deny emote this ens funtion by 1 Use the ret of Append TC to determine the character ertion of ">, press prin terme of te charateree anton aol by mesma of a gle toatl usw at pode) poh: 37> fp Not 9 | em CR orem tee WH 2KN Hes Weed = 240 = 8)-022; Nerea, Compl the dathation of pis) by showing that nis-| 50 pg [l Pe wana #50. 4. Show tht the trnatormation al = Vig roles py 10 the denaty ‘unstion given In Bq. $D.108, 6 Implementation of Coded Systems “The problem of finding appropeatclases of signa for thecommonication ‘of data over bandlimited chanress disturbed by additive white Gaussian noise was discussed in Chapter 3. We conde that pomer-consrained ‘communication systems, using signals of T see duration, exist which simultaneously (1) requiesigaale (codewords) whose dimensionality, M, increases only linearly with 7; (2) accommodate a nme of merges, ‘MG has inreasesexponeatialy with T; (3) afford probably oferor that decreases exponentially with 7. More speciely, we considered ‘ystems that communicate one of A equally likely menages over a sive white Goussian nose chanoel ty means of signals, so Su0hi ttn 6 in which eath coefcient s,s chosea to be one of A amplitudes equally spaced over the interval [—VEq, WE). For signals of this form the Drobebiliy of err achievable with optimum a poser! probity ‘omputng receivers satises the simple union bound Prey < stent, (62) where MH (620) and R, (asa function of the enery-to noise ratio per cimension, Ey.) is given by the curves of Figs 5.17 and 3.18, I we Know that such communication system exist in principe, the remaining tsk is to determine how to bull them. Theis the eubjeot of this chapter. In particular, given an appropriate set of orthonormal vaveforms (p(0}, We are confonted withthe problems of transmuter and reesiver implementation. The later_shich by far the more {ievous—can be separated Into problems concerning quantization ofthe Feccived signal, decoding, and two-way systams, "We hall consider the ferent problem area in the orde ted. 64 murLmaestaTion OF covED SHSTENS In the design of & communication system one is never interested in ‘ulling an optimum’ sjsem irrespective of ost, The appropriate nginetng objactive Iso ull the most economical system that meets & Teulred slandard of pecformance. Given a transmission change, wo factors tha relate dirs to questions of economy are (1) te data rte Hin bits per sccond, wt which tho chanel used, and (2) the complexiy Of the terminal equipment required to met the performance standard strate & "That these two factors are interrelated is made evident by rewriting Eg. 62 in terms of the time parameters and R. If D is the number of ‘ordnogonal functions per second accormoriated by te chanael end T {isthe time duration of each signal in seconds, we have N= Dr (630) Mae (638) sd therefore pte) < 22s, (630) 1 is clear from Fi, 6.20 that any reghired standard of peformanee, ressured in tenns oF the allowable PIE} can be aained by ehoosing 7, ‘Diy and R appropriately. is simplest expeesion the enginect , i= 0, ,..-,.M— 1. The ‘problems involved are ot wiv. Iaded, the ensieuion ofan appro= Dat coder could easly bean engineering impos. To se thiy Wo noe consider only the magnitude of the numbers involved; ace Ma 2 = 20 2 2m, 6) the required numberof vettors inthe et a is enormous when Tis arg. For example, N= 200 end fy = 4 imply Ml 2" 10, PPP o -OPTE RPP PPh a o ere 4p dia orgs cg she of ei and se oe siege del, For lage Kit obsiouly ponte to implement the coder by choosing each of te M ver (ately from the code baw (At Sn Chapters te tern “coe bse esto teeta al Ncompoect Yestonwhose component lng Yo he eter trsaniter aptabes {@}) To doso would reste provisions fr song ech ead vector ‘nn order tbe covttsing tenes ov shown in Pip 6 an for ‘dlag out the oben, wheter % the menage np Thecomplesiy of sock aie org nity propos ie Boe see, MA, hgh grove with ts tine inter Fae FO" Those of he ‘etry that wold be ied iv sin To rg Om he other hen, the sor potty bownd of E62 as hus far ‘en etd ony by conring the aves Fst of or oer the ensmle of 42 puedes Are tre aon P38), Imost ofthe eds his mabe ms he goo! onsite has als 368 ~rtsunerarion OF CODED svsTENS seen that some codes—for astance, those in which alls, are the stme— {tre bad, Ie is no inconetvable tht al ofthe easily implementable codes tight be bad and tht only those requiring fablestorage implementation Ere good. The dleruma is obvious i that yr clear that any code that fan be inatramented obeys our errr probabil bound. Nesepne a Tipu 65 Tale soap of nary oe [ecapitltion of the Derivation of [A way exists out o his quandary: our error probability bound applies ko toe smaller eniemble of communication systems, each of which ses {hcode that is cay instrumented. To prove ti, we now invesgate {nore carefully conditions under which the Bound jee 66 iva, “The strtng point of the derivation of this bound (et. Eq, 5.47) i the union inequaity ‘ PEE | mal <3 Pals 5) on in which snd) is the probability of ertor when specie vectors 5, finds ars ase to communicate one of ta equally ily messages, For ‘in ensemble of communication systems chosen in such a way that the tmean of Pls, bounded independent ofthe indies Fad & by Fiala PR <2% foralliandk, (68) substitution of Eg. 68 in Eq. 6:7 yes Piemal 4) 0, 12,--0 2 el hen he comnecons de ade i iret way “as an eupl, cond the wo coders digrammed in Fig 67. For both, = and N=. By comestion, ne sal avays etx, eno the input vector coresponding to the ‘umber fie in bina fem, ‘white ft componcat an tthe mort spent ig. By spon, The wo mapping = ret pheno TaDleG The wo codes) ate bined by suntig + for Land —VEfor Oia te (1). Since {he vector {yor the second dis osc in af, ts obvious tat 372 mnpunerast0N OF CODED SYSTEMS this sa poor way to connect th coder; but we stall soon see tht most ‘onaestons yal good codes. "tight nis the srvtuce cf the {yi} generated by a paiy-check coder fs gated by considering the sot of comecton coeficants (fu). Deine “Table 61 Code Obtained rom Two Parity Chek Coes Fit Codee Sicond Coter nan hh wm moeo witiot m rti1o0e Root etd o oo y 1 oT TO io Pieter at 0) foarte oul ence (tee te etl Bort eee oto % ooo OT Eloo we ToT o more F Bipot w1roeert He oe or Srio wot too m1 r1oo Ba et A OOO Pee nD “fa as 1 the hth sage of the reste i Fig, 66 and the th modulo-2 {tr ae onsected, an 0 otherwise 1, i afets yy, fone nen SAKE. TSIEN G10 For example, in the frst coder of Fig. 67 exch of the coeients Loo heoSe Siahuohs ‘fuvfovfe tha is Lynd al other fy a 0. ‘The set Uy) Sompetely spose the coder connections, ence the mapping > al, Ia particular, we observe from Fig. 66 that Wha fin Of" Orehis fe © fn 7h" O*nSax Iya fay O8fin Omfiw@Otefem — (CASH) ‘where the ae the component ofthe input vector 58 Gy tes 28D i PawurY-cHEex cons 373 Equations 6.15 sm be simplified by the se of vector notation, The modil-2 san of to binary vectors, say 2 and b, i defined as 8 BP= (Ob, 4 Bbe say OLD. (619 1,00) For example, 141.990.0140) and, for any binary vector €, eBe~O.0,....0) ox ‘With his definition, Eg 6150 can be weiten in the more cones frm YELORLOnLO- Orshe, 188) in which V2 Oude ots) 6180) S28 Crvher fish OSNEK (6.186) “Ts the conection eects (for the st coder in Fi, 6:7 ae ha GLLoD f= O00 fa G1010, = ‘When xis the binary vettor each of whose components except 50 he Gorrsponding ouput vector is y =f @ ly. More generally. 1s the Todulo sua of fj and those f corresponding fo nongero components oe The ensemble of Binary caes. We now discus the st of all binary codes that can be geerstd by a parit-heck coder and show that the frerage probaly of eror over tls set obeys te random coding bound OF Eg 66 without degradation of Ry, For any Kand Na parciala code In sped by the vet of(K + 1) connection vector fy} A= 0.12... 1k Teach ofthese eons has N components and each component ca bo Oot. Thete sre NK + Ipcomponents to be asigned, hence 29 sways to connect the code. ‘Suppose that etch af the 2 coders appears in an ensemble wi ‘equal probability, 2", This impli that each of the connection Goeflerts {f,) fs eguly likely to be O or {and that each eoeicient is taisticaly independent ofall others. An equivalent statement i that tach ofthe connection vectors fi equallyHkely to be any one ofthe 2° bnery veto of length N and that the ff) ore stastzally independent. 374 nemtenenramiow oF cooeD s¥stEMs ‘We say that a random binary vestor (uch as any f) i EL its com- ponents are siatstcall indgpondeat and equally likely to be O or 1. Ia proving the random coding bound for parjcheck coders, the fallowing Property of the module-? sum of two random A-component binary ‘ectors, Say asd bis of ental importance If ais EL and satay independent of, thon € = 2 > bis ato EE, nd independent of ‘In equation form tis statement i Pleal=Ple=a|b=p]=2%; forailap, 19) where a and 8 are N-omponeat binary vectors. “The proof of Eq 619 i stenghtorvard, From Eq. 6.17, ife = a@b, then c@beaDvarna (6200) ‘Thus ¢= a when b= if and only it a-aoe. (6208) ‘Buta BL and independent of &, Therefore for any and B He =a] b=Al= Pam a8 |b =P]= Pe =aspl=2%, (62%) ond Pemal= ZMe=alb=p1N=p]=2%. G20 (As claimed, eis EL and stall independent fb ‘We now invoke this property to stow tht iis the input to a party ‘heck coder thon over the ensemble af encoder consectons (1) the coder fouipat vector, 2 and (2) the coder outpat vector y, Is pairwise Suicaly independent ofthe vector, produced by any other inpat Tet, These co rvalls will be used 10 establish that Wieal<™, 20 hate ys the ctr exponent for binary-waveform sequences given by 9.536" Proof that any ys BL follows from the fact (Fa. 618) that Wo he Btal, Hah OB tah Letting denote the modulo? sum of the inpu-dependent tems, we have nahoe, (62) PARITHCHEEK cones 375 ‘Bu, over the ensomblo, js both AL and stately independent of all other fy henee of a. Accorioely, fr aay fy, [8 BL! Plyeal= 2"; forall. (6220) (Now, however, tat i were no included inthe ensemble of connection vectors the output jy produced by the allaer input sequence, would so be identically aro, hence not EL.) Proof thatthe pair of output vectors y, and yp are statically inde pendent when i »#& follows From the observation that x, and, differ in ft least One component. Let denote such a componsat and assuie niall that uel ma. (6.230) We can therfore write nehOn (6236) where enters neither into b nor yy hence is independent of bot. Since 1, & EL and statnclly independent of the pit (6 5 £080 is Indeed, for all component binary vectors a, By y We have Ply #|b=B w= v= P= «98 |b=B.n=y) Pi, = © 8) = 2 (626 Tous oa) Pomel yaw = FPie= a] b= By — PB n= -O* Zr Bl naw =r Feral (628) For this prof, we have asued that zy = 1 and = 0. If on the contiy = 0 and sy, , the stil independetce oy, and 9, Fotos fom interchanging ho nas # an kn the preosing argument “With these tw real, we now establish thatthe probably cf eror ‘ound of 9. 88 applies othe ensemble of nary ces (deed by tho st of all equalyHikly panyrheck encoder. Sines ch out veciory, implies dee signal vetor ste pews sts nde endence of the 3, splcn pire site ndependons ofthe. Frthermore snc cach ys equalyHklyt be any binary vector with components O and Is each eal iy to be any bay vector with components VE Thus Ess Gila and b aw both saad, We onclad tha the probability feo forcommmniation ove an aie ‘white Gnssia oie chanel, when averaged over the ensemble of all Paripehekaded stems sis PR) < 2808 6249 376 ierewent4TION OF CODED SYSTENS with (ram Bg, 536) . y= ttn bY, (6240) se have already noted (Fa. $42) that this value of Ry i exponentially Hawn for null vaives of the enengytomoise ratio per degree of Feadount Ely. Under these conditions the use of transmitter whose CSopenty grows only incay with K, hence withthe signal duration 7, oes not imply losin signaling fen. Muldampliade coder. Patiycheck coders also provide an effective scape fom the dielly of ting an exponential large set of multe Sopltude component signal veaors (4) for wie oo channel wit high sate | ge 68 A malanpitode pariyteck cote, Te ner prod 00 com ‘RE Se om ech cee aa ey 4 component eneegytonoise ratio por degree of freedom. An appropriate coder for Sic condition ie shown in Fig. 68, Whenever 4 the numberof signal ‘STopltodes (alphabet lets) on which We Wish {0 assign the (6p) is 2 power of 2 we se = Nog, 4 stages inthe yegister, instead of only NAS usual, Vf the mumber of Smenion ocd by the salt toate ecu oth sig vectors arose ot ana Gupu othe pete by fring oy 4 Sipe ts he 4 Thee oedema et) ¢ ond athe no, North AESESE li wean Leos th sgn nero. awrite coves 377 ‘transducer shown in Fig 68. Clearly, these logy digs may be used to penly one of 4 diferent ampitudss Ia 8 typical cas, say A = 8, the Ghamducer might be a diptalso-aalog convertor specified by the tconsfrrations We now show thatthe muliampliude random coding bound of Eg ssbagple fo an ear of parly-hak coders anda fe ana ‘The2 Ut gitnes coder connections are assumed to be eaualy Likely. ‘Since and » depend only ony and y-respectvely and (as inthe binary tanadvoer ease) y, and pac prise statstclly independent for any 1 lind kit is clear thats and s to pairwise stattialy independent urchermore, for all # etch componeot yy. J= 1, 2.004 Ns is stax Aistaly independent of al ther components in y and equally likely t0 beO orf. Thus euch component of any yetor sat the transducer output FR matisially independent of ll ofthe other components in and when iA isa power of two ie equally likly to be any one ofthe A posse valves. ‘Tus cgnditons of Eq. 6113 ad b forthe validity of the random coding ‘ound ate therfore met, and we agin have Fig) < Daten, (6250) in which Ry given by Ea. 556, with 4 9 power of 2 and 1 = 212, peks Pena d (6250) “The simple coding strategy just considered is sulint to ain near ‘exponent! optimality whenever tbe energ-to-noise ratio per degree of freedom is soca that Sbannon's upper bound, is closely approximated bythe Ry of Eq 536. plotedn Fig 5.17. Ithiscannot be accomplished ufactorly with 4s that are power of 2 and equally Iikely py matters fan be lipraved by elaborating the procedure at the cost of making seman - “The signaling ampliades +5/ 0, —V/Fyaze now used with the wnequal robabiies 32s however, as we found in Chapter 5, its desirable {tee the amplitude 2ero with probability les than 1/3 when A = 3 ‘Coury, any 4 and any desired probability St [7 ean be approximated ‘by making A')W sully large and using an appropriate wansducer mapping. Insariance of Pia). We noted in Section 45 that cetain come potty syomettic signal vets (, sel 25 te set of orthogonal signals {dite set of sinplex signal, exhibit the follwing important propet Ath equaly ely mesages and white Gaussian noise, the optim That in the maximum Ukehood receiver yields w probebity of eror which is independent ofthe sigoal actualy transite, HIS|m]= PIE] mls for ‘We show inthis scion tat every inary pai-check ode alo exits in proper ere pin proving thisinvariance to observe heeft of ating an array Neomponent ery 30, Sy Ole M= (625) = de Ds modulo-2 to ach of the encoder output vets fy): the th component ‘Sreveryy,iecomplemented wben a, = Land set unaltered when a, = 0, By "eornpment” we mean the tensformation ont, 190. anurvscueck comes 379 Since with binary code the tanamited vetos {6} are obtained from the fy.) by won0 0 VE nd y= 54> +VEw so=fusin the ecto he (of ang to ach oa A=W for all such that gj = 1, Such 2 transformation does not affet the forthononnaliy ofthe {0}. Since the minimum probability of error ‘vith addtve white Gaussian noe is invariant to the pacticula choice OF (99) (6. Chapter 4), for any binary pariecheck code we have PEE me (931 = UE | ms 94: ‘An immediate implisation of Eq. 6.27 tha dhe minimum ersbe prob ably for any binary parity-choccoder suchas that diagramed in Fig, 656 & independent ofthe choice of connection vector fy In fareaar, setting a = fy in Ea, 6.27 is equivalent to having chosen fy aly: in he binary Sts, although including fin the ensemble of codes spies the proof tht the ensemble obeys the error probaaiity bound is ineusion has no elect onthe ata eroe behavior of any ode i the ensemble. Note however that this statement mo re in general when the number ‘of amplitdes in the transmit alphabet js greater than two; in the trltirnplitude cas enters into determination of the magntide of te ‘Sgoal octet rather than only ito the determination of ht sign. "We ave now in & poston to prove that any particular binary pai check code obeys Ea. 625, 0 thatthe eror probably of the maximum Tiketiood reser independent of which message is iransmited, ithout disturbing the exor probabilies, we may take f— 0. The ‘coer output vector is then related to the coder input vector'x = Gate ty YRMh Oh Orehes (628) in which the (6) ste tbe connection vectors of the particular code wider Consietation, The Key to proving Eq, 626 isto note that Eq. 628 implies the Feilowing prope for all and enya. (627) ate any member fy) the to 08 ff, AYet = Os yoeee A= Te nd} bok comprise the ke vectors 380 nentexeNtAnioN OF Com sysTEHS ‘Asan example, ifa = yy and the {are yo 000 nao aoe net n@ant n@asl nOan0 noan0 len “he (9, @ a} df fom te (9) by relight "hs azar poot oft eee property depends on the fact that. 6.28 ne nt srs that ithe coder apt x, the pa BO, Por dad ke cover inpote (&DAF= Ose by Tonal cach ofthe 2 binary veto of engl K once and oaly ome Sus fa) a seabeng of fe), which impish wien = a} ea teiing of Codes fr whch hit 0 ae called rp con Prot of Fa, 626 follow fom the closure property, From Eq, 627 welzow that PLE | ma (9, Bal] = PL | eS (620) If ye eboose a = 3 then nOan =r (6290) “Thus the transmted vector with the code (9, @ a} When m= ms the Same asthe Wansmitted vector with the code {y,} when. = ny. Since the remaining signal veetors areas the me, We have PIS mf, © a3] = PLE | me Od 6.286) Equatng the righthand sides of Eqs. 6.29 and e yields Eq. 6.26, which rast be proved. "An immediate corolary of Eq. 626 ig tht the probably of error resulting when any binary pary-cbeck code is used over an additive ‘hit Gaussion mole ehanoel i variant to the actual « peortprob- hie {Phd} whenever the rvcver is maximum likelihood, henoe tptimum for ually likely messages. This corollary provides adional ‘Bgant jostfetion for the equally Hikely a prion probably assumption; facordance with the divsutsion of max receivers in Section 48, ay PaRETWcHECK copes 381 receiver that is optimum for equally Hkely message inputs and for which PIG mis indepeadont off also minim. Unfortnately, with multamplitude codes the invariance of P| ml fot te somncic euomaion (yn ee signieant sensitivity ofthe error protablity with sespest to my can be remedied in mitamplitade codes by means of an approprineexpargntion procedure. For example, it we denote by P the eer probably tht would result i'w given N-timension, Kbit—abbrevinted (N, K)— 2 (21 ‘we have left a new code consisting of a least 2+ signals for each of ‘which PIE] md <22. (6306) “Moreover, the rate of this expurgnted code in bits per densa, 6308) ‘is very nearly equal tothe original unexpurgsted sate, KIN, when K is large. The dificult with the expurgation procedure is tha one needs to know the {PE mia order to apply st: a8 already pointed out many limes, in general we cannot hope to calulte al ofthese conditional probabilities when X large. Orthogonal and simplex codes. Patiy-shsk codes may ao be wed to generate orthogonal and simplex signals, with N= 2® aod 2" — 1, respectively. Iti partculay interesting that with thi technique each resting signal veto, say 61s binary; tat, B= GuSarceesidi Fe ONE sue tyEx or — Jimi forall ij ‘ how to generate such Signal sts, consider the case K = 2 and Nm 2Pad We take =O and choose the paritveheck coder ‘eonnestion vectors and fo be halorg fal 100. with (631) 1382 MpLEDENTATION OF CODED SYSTENS “Then, in accordance with Ea. 628, the {,} are nao 000 nero nelio wool ° o 6, oa) “The comresponding binary vectors (5) ase aaVEGl -! an VEG, 1 aaVAGh +h s=VBCH +h Hi, -0. ts apparent tha the dt product of any to vector, 38 Bo = NED (632) “Thus these vectors (form an orthogonal st, and each has length NE. “Tae reaon forthe orthogonality of the {s,) becomes clear when we consider the struetute ofthe (5). Esch f coms of lernae groups of {and Inf the groupe ae of length 2; inf the groups © of enh 2 this because ofthis that each vector yg dlls tom every other veto 4a exacly N/2 coordinates, whieh fact in turn implies orthogonality between the ‘We now prove for every Kand N= 2% that ifthe coder eonnetion seotrs an stenate groupe of I's and O', with f having groups of ent DP the reuling ender genrats a set of 2© orthogonal vestors. Let {hgh 12... denote the connection vetors for the ase (¥ = 2, eo baad it Ge b= 2,--- E+ I, denote the connection vectors for the ame (W = 2, K== 41), The alternate grouping implies GA B= BGs oa) PARETYSCHEEK COOKS 383 in which we use the notation 292 Gstin eet tating) (636) “The (+ 1h connection vector i Bes © aso B04... (6330) Bis Fos Proof of orthogonaiy by indueion. Asam that the st of veto (6) orthogonal for K'= k. From Eqs. 628 and 6.33 the et of signals ERS ECE Tg cn te wien es of ea for Shas Se = G08) sin = Cas) Equations 6.34 follow from the ft tat since 2, by convention isthe least aigicant digg enters into the determination of Sy but not Into the dtrminaion of forall <2 1. Tho ff nea Sos fo ange the sgn of heft 2° components ofthe signal vetor that would result 1 were not insted. From Eg, 6.336, (2) Cu) = (0-40) + 6220- By vie of the orthogonality (asm for the induetion) between the 2eomponent vectors (3) we therefore have G05) (645) = PEI + MEd = BE Boy (6350) (oes tt) = MEd # BEd = PE hy (639) GoD Cand DF Sat MEd =O (635) “Thus the orthogonality of he signal yectos in the case K = k guarantees the orthogonality in the cio K'= 1 Sioe we aye seen that he theorem is tle Tor K = 2 the proot Is compete. That the theorem i ao tre for K'= |i obvious by inspection. {Tis convenient to begin the induction argument with K'= 2 Beeaue of the fught ard into the suture ofthe )) “The adrentage of gznerating orthogonal waveforms ia this way is ‘obvious rom an engineering pot of view thir generation is rately Spe. OF cous, this is also rue of shot pues poitioned in time 9 thal they do not overlap. With paycheck waveform, however the problem of high peakypower requirement is avoided, e tsteated in Figo3. "To obtain aot of 2 simpox waveforms i only nersary ¢9 molly the coer jst describe by dseting the Nh tae ofthe eter, avg fort 0,12, om set wrunastanon oF cone seTO tent 2 — 1 stages unchanged. This corcesponds to deleting the st Rehan oath the fine ouch fhe (0) was so hat Jere Sioa tallow latyy = Ofori; thstrunating th code {nga = ao oe ore te Wei ato Cape imps never ne ound fom Serta by nada ht Sd nt als P)) 78) Off CLL Dao {l ayo u HE ove av L L " ° a 7 z o ice 69 Peak pods requis wi ic inary and puke psion enhognat Sign ot Proof that the set of signal vectors resulting fom this trncaton does form a simplex is tila, Latag {6) denote the original orthogonal ‘ipnal vectors of length 2 and fa) the truncated set, we observe that be Sih component nays contributes the term (FE,) 10 53, THUS shes) = 60081 En Diy: fort _ 0" De a ari ford xt Panare-cHecx cones 385 Since Eq. 6.36 dees to she simplex dfinsion of Eq. 499 when 24 is ‘Menitid with M and AE, with 2, the profs complete “The encoder for simplex vectors inthe cave Km 3, mx 251 = 7, in shown in Fig. 610, ‘The conection vectors are helororod helloo1io0 Belt ttoog an 1 is interesting to note tbat cach column on the rghtband side of Ege, 637 represents diferent one of the (" ~ 1) distinct nomaull pavtycheck connections. Itcan be shown tha this is true forall: Spl codes with 2" words can be geneated by pforming all distinct Figure 610 Party chat contr fo sng = 5 = = YG, 98, O24 8052, Ooent, ay ‘non-null party checks on a sequence of K masage bits. An especially simple implementation ofa simplex code isa bi sit register connected ina maximallength feedback configuration" Aw example is shown in Fig. 61 Discusion. Much stuly bas been devoted to party.check coders, partially for the binary signal exse. Catalogs of optimum, that is, ‘minimum PIL), binary codes have been compiled for many cases in ‘which ether Kor 17~ Kar both are smal, The known techniqes for Finding optimum codes are esentilly those of exhaustive enumeration and evaluation and usually cannot be applied when both X and (N — K) fare lege. No general algorithm is known for consicucting explicit codes {ar which it can be proved thatthe probability of eror is overbounded by Fa. 66. Avs glace i i starting thatthe eso probabilty averaged overall (@%, binary codesis, a general, smal than te behavior of te best code 2 386 tmPLaneNTATION OF CODED s¥sTES for which the eto probity can be ealculted. Ta somosenseitappears that isthe abrence of simple sructure that makes a code goed. Uafor- tunately, however it (s aot posible to caulate the eror probably of spol large codes that are not highly steuctre. or ie ce teat tt oes G0 aghdal B85) ade oy esta asses | sees Figur 61 Movin eg hit reper ezoer fo gee (=> 7 = 3 Ye Geursr es 9808 93521914 Bene OD. 62 RECEIVER QUANTIZATION ‘We have been staying the problem of building @ transmits that is capable of eficenlly communicating one of M2 (6389) massages even when NRy it are. For the adie white Gaussian noise ‘channel we have observed that is not difcult to consteuct an ensemble in whieh the tanemitee are esily implemented and for which the bound Pc teat (6380) is said with am Ry that neaely optimum. ‘The problens of implementing an eficient rediver 4 not so easly resolved, The bound of bq, 6.380 was derived under the assumption that ‘ich member ofthe ensemble of communication systems has an optimum fesse, Optimum rsrivers for signal Fe Ota 1 (639) fhe been studi in Chapter 4, As iluseatd in Fig. 612, one imple- ‘mentation i bank offers matshod to the (()} flowed by eects CIVER QUANTIZATION 387 that compute the M dot products rye Brie (6-400) and determine for which ithe decision variable BeBe Hie FOL MT 6406) {is maximum, (In Eq. 640 and throughout this chapter we assume equal prior message probabilities) a I ~~ = . “ at Vs | in re : re et i) a salen Pi Fee 612. As opin eine tition: = (ress ‘Claly, the complesity of implementing the bank of matched filters ingstated in Fig. 612 grows no faster than lineal with N. Indeed, a6 tated in Seaton 6.1 in connection with modulator design, the complexity 's independent of Wi the {p,(} are chose to be mnverlaping time translates of ingle waveform of durstion +. Ax showa in Fg. 613, in this case we can use a single matched filter apd sample is output at times Pefe hd N “Ga the ote hand there remains the problem of caleulting the set of ecson variables (.} At fist glance it might appear that high-speed. Agia computer could resolve this dificult. But fr large Theis note03, from Ege. 6.40 the number of elcuations involved in deterinig the 1) 8 NAL. For R= 1000 bisice and T= 3 see, we have A= 2 a 2 108, ‘which fn a serial computer would alow 10 nanosecond for computing ‘ach sum, One cannot tie with exponential growth, 388 iMPLEMEWTRtION OF CODED sxsTEAS ‘An aerate isto eleulate the {gi i time parallel rather than in timesequenee, perhaps by resstor Weighting networks and summing Tastes, ut this would fequite approximatsly NAF resistors, and ex- poeatil growth jn number of componoats 5 no move attractive thaa ‘Sone growth im speed of computation, In general, the only recourse {eto sept erocrver hat ses than optimum ‘Once we ae reconciled to some losin performance, the problem i to termine resiving procedures with acteptable degssdstion. In th | Framework speia-purpose dig computers, called decoders, wsime & ei gel pd sit) | ee ie Tinie * Moweemo } ne wo An ws seseien Tah Sea, ‘sn deka pe 642 Optioum eter rintion fora tine rans etosoen st (9) a= oa) =fisonte- nom —Firone—u-oae Froonoaan DMEAWRE OF DEGRADATION — 389 ole of ental importanee, primarily because ofthe gret Rxibity with which they proces data. ‘When a decoder is ured, the performance degradation aries fom two sources. Fist, the vector ra the output of the matchedsier book has Components (that are defined on a continwum, wheress a digital com- Daler operates only with dscste numbers. Thus some form of amplitude {Guanization is ustally introduced ahead ofthe computer. Second, the ‘pumber of computations demanded ofthe computer must be restricted to {growing no faster than linear with the sigeal duration 7. The frst Source of degradation is comideed inthe remainder of this Section; the scoond is considered in Section 6 ‘Measure of Degradation Wis evident that tansfrming the component vector rinto a discrete ‘estr stable for computer processing san frevorible operation and fn general degrades the attainable eor peformance. It is intuitively reasonable thet this degradation wll be small if the quantization cexttemly ne. On the oer hand, coarse quantizaton's desirable because [t dcretsee the memory requirements, hence the cost of the desoder: if ‘ach component of ris guaatie into one of @ levels (Qa power of 2), ‘log, Q bits oF memory are required to store the quantized vector in he compte, "The appropriate enginering balance between sjstem cost and per. formance sant be ajuiged without some quantitative measure of the fflect of quantization on the probability of eror. An especally wef measure of degradation n'a coding situation i provided by the exponent in the random coding bound, Heretofore th exponential parameter Ry athe bound PH] < 2-¥'%-) has been determined only for an ensemble of communication systems uliing parity-cheek coder, transducers, and opvimum (unquantize) receiver We no consider the parameter Ry’ in coresponding bound PIB] < 2-"%'=M for an ensemble of systems with the same transmits but wit ecivers having the strate of Fig 6.14 in which quantize Q it inverted between matched filer and dscoder. Te decoder itself is ‘ssumed tobe optimum inthe segs tat it Setermines, rom the quantized ‘etor®’ and knowlege ofthe signals), which message has maximum 1 posterior: probably Pf, |= r, (5). The dilleresee between Ry find "provides a menningel measive atthe degradation ue fo quan- Seaton | Meth tha he et quanto ofeach componet oe may ao be {erode dcr Sossder inure Seo pct 10) 390 mieLswaeAtION oF copED sestENS vata} ON era |» aa} NE t Siete tem? gue 14 Qeanind reser, The doin opt ves Got “The Quaatized-Chammel Model With an ave white Gusan noise chaos ich component oof she osm’ veo se corpte bythe adloon of aatically indepndone Gaunian noke vane, Thon, fe) denae the tan Inter lps wien ym th ik component of the (giant) Fosved eto dss by the denny fincton Poly |8, = a) = weer (oat) As ila in ig 615, he quater map, no an outa com- neat at cant asune unary vale on te et he Bt si Figme.15 Inpucoipu lon oF quiet, The ena a erepning t= rena ‘Tur quaxrzen-cuasnet Monet 391 late 9d ip 16 "The naneon probably geese fhe hed ion resticted to being some letter of the quantizer oupur alphabet, say {ogy h= 12,70. Given that isa, we denote the probability that 1's byby the Symbol gu: an 2 Phe) =o] 5,= a 6a) ‘As shown in Fig 6.16, the value of for any particular quantizer is the Integral ofthe Gaussian deasity function of Eq 6.41 over the ht ‘ation interval. The set of probubilos {gay P=, 2,--.,4, 4,2,..., 0. specifies the probablisti connections betwee the taasmiter aipaber (a,) and the quanti output alphabet (6). The fg), called transition probabties, ay be conveniently displayed in a diagram (ee Fig. 6.170) when A and Q are small and inu matrix (See Fg. 6.178) when A aed Q are large. ‘The components of the Gauesian noise vector which the channel ad to the signal vector sare staistialy independent, If we sssume that each o gue 617 Teasion plobabity dag and mata: @ A= 3. @= 4, ‘new: he aman ech tow sumo nu Ie he nee of ry al pose 282 impusaeeraTioN oF CODED SYSTENS matched fier output ry j= 1.25- ‘quantier, etch components i ae Atonsiton probate fy} Thus i I, i subjected to am ietial independently bythe same set of (9-00) Cored then Pie my|saal=TT Re =7|ym ek (648) Here, each a, may be any member ofthe transmitter alphabet {aj} and cach 7, may be aay member ofthe quantizer output alphabet (6). For example, I = Cote 0d = Cr bn bd, ‘then in acondanos with Eqs. £42 and 6.43, Pe = y|s = al = Gamo Caleuaton of ‘We re now in postion to calculate « bouad on the mean probability of eor for sn ensemble of quantized reeter communication aystems {We assune thatthe connection vectors for the paiy-check encoders are [EL and statistlly independent over tbe ensemble. Consequently the ‘gna {x are statically independent by pis: P= PIP alP =P anki (6440) ‘Furthermore, the components of eschsgeal ae statistically independent, M% (6486) aefiriaan te8M stro ne oh tecadens Hs “The {pi depend on the choice of Nand ofthe digitsbanalog transducer of Bg 68. Formation of the bound, “The desivation ofthe bound Py creme (645) is formulated in manner denial to that we have encountered before, [CALCULATION OF my) 393 We stat with the union Bound P|) <3, Fao 640) By virtue of Eqs 6.4 the expectation of Pie] ovr the ensemble ot ‘proms independet of he subsp ad Hence Pais PAT: all ks (tay and PIB) = FET ml < MPI. (647) Since M = 2, we nee only show that Pa <8 (640) to obtain the desied bound of Ba, 645 Yenficetion of Eq 6.47 and evaluation of Ry’ remain to be done, We real thet Pays] the probability of error when s, ands, are used to ‘Communicate one of to equllyUkely mesages. Let and B be two ‘cots with components in the tranemiter alphabet (a) ety bea veetor ‘ith components in the roeve lpiabet 0) and assume forthe moment tat ane Bovey (68) “The optimum devoder in this wosmessage case makes an error when ms the mnie input and r= yi ested ard only if Pie = y[s)=2 > Pl = |= Bl (649) Equivalent forms ofthe error condition are inPien Pie =y/a=8) Yes =71] 2d po. 0) Be Piri s0= Fa “ We simpy oan by denne 2AM srlu=ad ory t2,....N (51a) Py = Ys| Sep = Bd and st) 34 naetmuevranion or coDeD sesTEss Given y= 4,55 <8, and = y, an optimum reckiver in out wo ‘message cave computes the number Zand ses st = m if Z <0. Thus, ‘when m =m am eror is made if and only iF Z>0. 652) Ensemble averaging. Over the ensemble of codes and channel noise, wwe recognte that sy sy andr are random variables, with 3, and 6, Taaging over the tamsmiter alphabet (a) and r/ ranging over the quan- tet alphabet (by). Hence =p which i uniquely determined for sated ales of hn say md 1/8 also a random vatable. Ia parca, fom gr 642 and f51 ne have Iguled 16hee “The probability assignment for follows from the statistical independence oft and sy. We have Pl = ay Say = ty 0’ = ma = Phy = a) Ph = a) Pl? uP 654) Filly, by virtue of as. 6.43 and 6.440 we not that the random variables Gehije tees Ns ae statistically independeat, hence that Zis «sum of satay independent, identically distributed random variables. ‘We shall hound Pls] using the technique fist introduced in etvation of the Cherno bound in Chapuar 2 If ve define the us fusetion = ty = aor/ = = (5,= If 639 [mt = ad 1 Zo 1-19, 200, eo th, from Ea, 6.2, we have Pica = PF) =, (055) here the average is over the jolat ensemble of codes and channel Cistorbaness Beatson ofthe bound. Divect evaluation of f(Z} is wo, in gener posible, For the special case of no quantization, which Was described in ‘Chapter 5, the coresponsing bound on PE] was expressed in terms of the funtion QC rater than the unt step function fl). The averaging ‘vas cally carried out after the substitution ofan exponential bound on | Ccuicutamon oF RY 395 x20 1 igus Exporetil veto othe ul ep. the O( function. A similar strategy, which we now adopt, st over- oud the unit step /(2) by the exponential. "Ae shown in Fit 618, POV&e, Foran 2>0. 658 Subsituion of Bg, 66 in a, 6836 yields FR 7D <7 {oo ($e)]=*Lite] =[- a>0. 6s in which = danotes any one of the ideotclly distributed, statistically Independent random variable Defining (6580) Ry) 8 Ione FAR < 288; Apo. (sm) In the derivation of Eq. 658 we have exploited the fact that the random variable [3 hens the random variables {e"), ae statistically Independent, this enables us to equate the mean of the product of the {ey and the product of ther meant Indeed, the motivation for adopting the exponential bound of Eg. 66 & that it permits exploitation of ths ft “The bound of Eq. 6.58 i valid for any A> 0, We now choose the pacameter in auch way thatthe bound is 3 tight ws possible. From 654, we have x (210 EBPranawce (2108!) ~ ERE nation! 9 386 wmLEMEWTANON OF CODED sysT=NS whete the ice w and run from 1 to A and runs fom to Q. We Uherefore sek the value of for which SP )=TZE vara aida —tnaa). (6600) Since he righthand sie of 9, 6.60 symmetrical in he indices wand the solution to Eq. 6:60 is anh (6008) hich, ofcourse sais the condition 2 > 0. Ifwe define Ry & RéDmae = RSW) = “Loe SES ruralTata), (610) 4.658 beanes Pec 8" 61d) Saiation of a, bin E47 ys died BUR < 27M, (6.628) Dy vite ofthe symmetry of Ea, 6 6a with respect to the indies and the expression for Ry may also be writen n=nbaS [Soe]! i Discusion. Equstion 642 provides abound on FUT that is val for any st of probabties(p}. For a given st of tapsiton probabilities fat the (2) may be optimized by us ofthe formulas of Appendix SC. ‘Aehough Eq, 60 as Boo derived wih reference tothe quantized ‘dive white Gaussian note chanacl i valiity doesnot depend oo the ‘specie mechanism that produces the tation probalies (qu? For Any eicrete channel deseribed by the diagram in ig 6 17e ot the matrix in Fg. 61% wo may communicate one of M = 277% messages by means fof a puriy-checkencoded signal et} wth component in (a)- As ong seach component of affected independent bythe eansiton robe Wiles tga the ensemble average eror probably i bounded by 4,602 Increasingly Fine Quantization ‘We now consider the limiting behavior of Ry asthe quantization grain ‘becomes incressngly fine. By 30 doing we obtain an exponential ound sepcbbies te mot sty hsonitontg, > Oa Sy + Seth INCREASINGLY move QUANTIZATION 397 ‘on PR] that eppis to unquantind-eciver vector channels that ate far ‘more geveral than those disturbed solely by additive Oxuasian noise Indeed, the conditional probablity density fneton of any unquantized ‘eccived signal component given the ansled inal componeat ray be quite arity. We need only require that this conditions ie guration ie 622 Qiao for mllzone cane, A-=2, Q = 3 courszison oF QuANTZAnON scinMiS 40 “The value of Ry from Eq, 6.20 is plotted in Fig, 621 as a function of qldo, together with the unguantized Ry given by Bq, 6.67. We observe ‘tha the quantization loss i approsimately ~2.db. More pes, a the limit #y/2¥y +0 (hence pf) ican beshown thatthe losin dese is exacly 104 2) Binary input, ternary output. sgacantfeation ofthe degradation in Ry resulting from binary quantization fan be avoided by going toa teary output. For A= 2, Q=3 the apron « Dale quantizer that shown in Fig 622 and the reuling overall channel Aiageam & Uhat of Fig 623. We have Quran dp (6718) wnee Gm ~ Seem ram aunenmi—p—m, (6719 nem wi 9 SSE gt unt oad bes a ee evn pofiige =e om wal’ leet RirIN, Ste om ‘Such chanacl sealed either a mullzone cham! or 8 binary symmetric crane channel (abbreviated BSEC). BY symmetry we aguin choose Pr=Ba=b. Then, from Bg, 6626, we have Ri ~ ~108,3[Soniia] losdyT= P= + WD + AYE NE + Vise 9 + Wh Ls los tt tw + 2yRT= Ph 67 “The value of Ay’ given by Eq. 673 is @ function of the quantizer threshold value J- The optimum value of J (He value tht maximies ean be found asa funtion of E/N by tl and eror: itis plotted in Fig. 624. Tho valu of Ry resulting fom Ea. 673 when J's optimum is ploved as a funcon of Fy, in Fig. 621. We observe that the epradation from the unguanued Case & roughly 1 db and conclude that 402. namtanetamoN oF CoDED SiSTENS yb hr £ ne i pr ei, 10 Fae gue 624 Opin tetera ee title improvement can be gained by quantizing to more than three levels token By/e i subicently small hat signaling with sequences of Binary Graves i efeint, Note in Fig, 626 that J= 065 V2 is near ‘Optima over this interesting range of Fy. Matiamplitede Inputs, Quantization at the receiver also implos a aqgaded” Re for sjtets that employ a multamplitede modulator to faploita high eney-ionoine rato per dimension. For @ given inpat [iia fy) anda ven quantization grid the fst stp in evaluating the ‘Sogradaton ito determine the transition peobebites (gi accordance WSEh Fg. 616. The second step isto substute these (qu). together wih In appropriate choice of later probiities (pinto the expression neon SS ww Wenow apply these results to particular ensemble of systems operating ‘over ut adie white Gaussan noise ctanpel, Each system utilizes & Sintltor with transite leters {a} equally apsed over the interval ovlBje VE) and a receiver witha uniform quanticon grid sim Faceothat shown in Fig £25 for = 6; the number, 0, of quantizer ‘utp levels sequal tothe number, A, of transite eters ‘Carves af Rg a2 function of By) for Q= A= 2. 3,48, 16, 32, aod 6, eleloted on a computer, se plotted in Fig. 626. In each case the eter probable |p) ave been set equal t 1/A. For reerence, the bape em pe NB Fig 625, Use gnition = 4 Ccouanson OF QuaNtizATION seuEMS 408, ‘upper enslope ofthe curves of the unquantzed exponent Ry is replotied segs ct mute ne ‘in the absence of quantization with A and {pi} optimized. { 5 RE er Sos i | / / Hi ep eso, Ba Figure 626. Ry for del ape odio, guard ese a ‘We observe from Fig. 6:26 that the best choice of 4 depends on the value of Bul By choosing 4 is a funtion of EylN,) to maximize Ry, te can operat along the upper envelope ofthe curves. It must be recalled, however, tht fine quantization increases the cost af he decoder. "Thus itis desea to select only lange enovgh to yield an eft set 404 irtnwanranIDN OF COED SHSTENS of waveforms; that is only large enough fo prevent ftom saturating Stlogs 4. When this is done and Q is set equal 10 4, the esungdegrae flacon due to quamtzation i approximately 24b over the full ange of BN "The fact that Re’ decreases as 4 increases when. Z's small suibutable to choosing uniform (p) for example, when Eas is Tess than 3db and A — 64, fy fll about 5d tothe right of Ry Almost all ofthis dacrepany id to the fact that with uniform (p)} he mean Sgustedlength of signal veto, hence the mean energy of signal trivefoom, approxitntes NEq(3 (ee also Eq. 5.57 t so). This dis- Crepaney would be eliminated if the {p) were optimized: the letters “FYE and VE, would be wed almost exclusively when FylWe is mall and the resulting meas signal energy woul be thee times gretter. For optimum {p,} asd Q— 4, the Ry curves increse monotonically ‘wth increasing Tor all Ex, and approach the unquantized envelope ware Uncoded transmission, We now contest the peformance aforded by cofed systems with the performance obtainable nthe absence of coding. If the trinsnitar employs 4 ampliade levels equaly-spaced between =VEq and +V Ey 19 communicate M= 4 equaly-probable messages, {nif he unin quantizer of Fg. 625 is wed for making deeions, then ths einen? wel FR: Rum logA bisdimension Points are included on Fig. 6.26 to indicate foreach valve of 4 the rate fod heal of Fy. nacesary achive PIS] = 10-Fand P(E] = 10™. Its observed that for ll 4 coding afords an Ineease of between 2 and 5b in the efiieney of energy wization for P(E} = 10 and between Gand 8 ob foe PIE] = 10-, ‘We may conche initially that coding for a high sigoabto-oise ratio Gaussian channel isnot dramatically rewarding. Hower, iis wie to recall rom the cena init thoozer discussion thatthe essamption of Gaussian statis may be very poor on te tals of the distribution; in particular, the probability of an atypically large noise may be orders of Iraphitude larger than thit predicted by the Gaussian model. Con- oguenily, it is doubtful thatthe performance of uncoded systems on physical chances wil actually approseh the performance predicted in Fig, 626. Of course, to some extent this same enution also applies to rii=tSa-ao while the eat is lnaxy CONVOLUTIONAL comes 405 ‘coded systems. With coding, however, low oor probably satined by observing many noise simples rather than only one. For ao single ple must the probably of a large noise be vanishingly small Ths system performance with coding i ess sensitive to the tails of the nose Input and the output alphabets of the 1e- 2 silting. discrete channel by the symbols {OJ}. With this notation, the channel Tp teanson dlagram of the BSC is that of gue 627 tisay synmetie Fit 627, invhich denotes the probability gg Ge How wm con parr eomponent of te ans rill vector will be resived incorrectly We may think of commusicsting over the BSC by feeding the vector _y(vith components that are, 1 esl from the output ofa paritycheck oder ino the channel, 8 shown in Fig. 6.28. The channe! output vector is fed in turn diet into the decodig computer. The ects of the sfrggls Tee oes igure 628 Communion oe a BSC, ‘uansmiter modulator, the Gaussian chanel note, and the reser ‘Stan rea cold into te BSC transition probabity pare "When one of unlikely menage communicated over the BSC ty mms cia col of Ncomponent ina vets (the optimum eer compare the N-somponat reve vector ¥ ith cai of the {pend determines foc wich the peobabity Pe ys maximum. The tity tate vanson ocas with any sgl te of te BSC and Rice ws ef the channel ae ttt independent. Testor, whenever andy, ifr in doors Pir |ad= aha =o) Aimp x9, “The quantity called the Hamming cstance tween ¥ and ‘we mnany seameeraie cuannet 407 “The right-hand sie of Bg, 6:75 is x monotonically decreasing function ‘of dj for p <1. Accordingly, the optimum BSC decoder may deteine ‘iby computing the set of Hamming distances (4), 0, 1. = I, And sting m= m, whenever dys theses ember of thes. ‘Since the eetor'®” @y,contuine aI” only in coordinates in which y, ers from the Haraming dstnce i conveniently obtained by orm ing +’ y, and counting the resulting oumber of Vs. By convention, the ruimber of Ps in any Binary vector ais clled it weight, denoted wa, With this notation, aAwle Oud (679) sight into the problem of communicating over @ BSC is gained by formulating the decision problem in geometrical tems analogous to those with which wo are already familia. We begin by reviewing the adaitive ‘whit Gausian noise chanac] with binary transmission and waguanied reception. In thie case the modulator in Fig 6. is capable of penersting ny one of the 2° hypercube vertices of an N-dimensonal signal space, For rates Ry = KJV < I, the coder species a subse of 2 of these vet= tices the signal set a= 0,1,.-- 2 — 1 When the input messages sve equally katy, the optimum ungoantia’ receiver sets = m, if the reocived vector ies eloer in Euchdean ditance lo, than any other signal yeowor; that Ife —| is iaimum. "When quantization impor onthe matched ter output, the desoder ‘must make the deson on tne bass ofthe quantized output, without eooure to r ill, We interpret this decsion geomet by frst ‘bervng tht the symmetric binary quantization of coresponds to ‘mapping ofFinto whichever hypercube vertex, say ¥, i eosest tor. For Rum KIN 1 and equally likely messages, the vertex ¥ vould itself feorrespond to the most probable tansmision (we fist served that uch dimension-by-dimestion decisions were optimum for Rg 1 in ‘Seaton 45, Bg. 490). For Ry < I, however, io vertex v may not bet Signal vector; when 15 large, the fraction 2~*°—40 of vertices that fare ignal vectors very smal. The ask ofthe decoder ist map ¥ onto ‘one of the signal vectors (IF vdifers from a vector {6} in hy eo ‘ordinates, then W= 4) = 24 VEw 6m re Hite energy pe component Te BSC station (nih yest components 0, 1 rather than +E —V/Bj)s the vertex v corresponds to the BSC output, the signal to the ASC ity, snd enum feordnat erences ht the Haring ‘stance dein accordance with Eq 675, the apm decoser minis di, hene fv Symmetie binary quantition flowed by optim 408 moLeuenraTi OF CODED sere decoding thus corresponds tothe two-step procedure of lst minimising ror yl and then misimizing [v— sf. That the two-step decision may ‘hot Se oplinui overall stated by Fig. 629, im which a vector eis Iapped to vy by the quantiet and thence onto 4, by the optimum {quantized decoder, even though fe — ml > JF Figure 629 Reseed yo # for swish Q'= 2goaetion foamed Sy open ay cain et Sins iopetne 2 dnt omponent ‘gra wih ius ey voor The ied pole carton nace sore ‘Sagal ect Of couse, a sinary ymmetic chins may aho be deve trom quando of hans that se 24a ond ia val and inersng Shea sbction aio ovn pt Te therefor iste to IRroauce il ace Frm for the BSC that netted to Touidean hype poet. In parte, we ear vw fhe et fl Paul (4c) ced vse) with component eis oe Ted! pois dere sul sacs Gee Fg 630) The Mf estos {hy dfn sub ofthe poms and form asa conselion with ‘Rn Hamming Stones dye S.A uin@yl OSKKEM 1 (628) “Theeffectof transmitting a signal vector y over © BSC may be dseibed fn terms ofa random note econ, m= (RR +d Glned By aéray. From the defsition, ny component n, of ms 1 i a transmission err ‘vcats onthe th use of te channel and O otherwise, Kf m = my we have va0On (698) ‘convoLumionAt encovens 409 and w0@y) Ov (6298) [A complete analogy enss between the BSC and the white Gaussian noise decision problems. In both cases We havea constellation of signal ‘ects and an adetive noise vector. The primary dinetion Is thst mith the BSC adton it modlo-? and stance is measured in term of weight ‘ther tha lng. The lity oft analogy ress on the Fett a both cases “probability” fs monotonically related to “stance.” For example, gue 631, Deson rine {fr 8 BSC commana ptm. the optimum BSC receiver agin partion the recived signal space into “Mf dijoit decision regions (a8 shown in Fig. 631. When every ‘message i equally Lely, each region . k= 0, ,--., M — 1, coataias all points in the reeived signal space that i lose in Harwning distance oY than to any other vector the signal st fy, Couvoatlonal Encoders Contolutonal codes foe use over a BSC may be goneated by encod devices, like that dagrammed in Fig. 632, which ae somewhat simpler than block coders. Jus asin the block coder of Fig 66, we havea Kbit serogister. But thee is no grepste, and instead of N modal? adders Wwe now have only of them, where» typialy quite smal “The coaneedon diagtam of the eacoder Ia spaced by a st of eo- ficients gu}, Fm 1 2sevsy K and fom Ty 2yeee, 0. AS with block coders, gu, = 1 means tht the th stage ofthe spiter is connected to the fh adr, whereas gy =O means tht itis not. We epuin find it igure 32 Bary comelionl coe The cei is a Xatage ai ee convenient to write the st of connections to the Mth sregister stage a8 seston, 589 BAG ge Bde TERK HO) ‘Avan example forthe particular K = 4, v= 3 encoder of Fig 6:3, ad) =O 1 0) B=@ b n=O. 1D ‘A convolutional encoder aperntes a follows: assume that we wish to communicatean L-bitmessage vector x= Gites ts sy gue 623-A pstioi = 0 = 3 conor esd ‘convoLuONAL mteanens AIL in which L may be grease than K. Fist, the contents ofall K stapes of the weegistr atest equal to zero. Next tho sig, 2, of Xs shifted Into stage | oftieerepster. Thee modulo-2 adders ac thea sampled one alter th other by the commutator shown in Fg. 632 and presented (0 fhe input ofthe BSC for transmission. When the exvadder output has ‘oun simpled and transite, the second message digit hited into Slope 1 ofthe segiter, which cases, o shit into stage 2. Each of the ‘© modulo-? adder outputs is again spled and teassmated. This pro dare continues untilthe lat coenponent, 2, of hasbeen shifted into Stage [ofthe sregister. Then, with each adder output being sampled. fd wanamiied after each sit, K O' ae fed in tun int the =egiter, ‘hereby retuming ito ft iit! conden. During ect sift the digit, forced out of he Ath stage ofthe zregister is discarded “The outpat sequence produced by an Z-compenent input vector is (+ Ke digs long We denote his output sequence by a veer v ‘Asan example ofthe convoitional encoding procedure, zeconsier the (Km fio= 3) coder of Fig 638. Ik ay be vried directly that if he ressage put the Sit Sequence x=,0,11,0, the encoder output sequence is ¥= (II, 610,100, 10,001, 000, 011, 090,000), Por slaty, commas have been used to indicate the shiting of the teregser and deleted cseuhere) Tn applction, one i wualy concerned wth a mesage input vector that much longer than the sregister tha is, >> K. Tn sucha ease the tal of zeros aed tow i nich shorter than lf and tho ealo ofthe umber of message digits to the numberof wansmited digits is epproxi= tnatly ts, We therefore deine the rate Ry af biary convolutional code ff the type dexribed 2s y= (bits por transmitted symbod. om) Each message input digit remains within the zregiter during, K samplings of the tnodulo-2 adders, henee affects Ke transmitted igs. ‘wou set node ont (K — 1 0 no te rte falling he st ‘ipsa meamge snce ht pe aid oot fe eer whe eis ge Fa a mse ited ie tw pest peers comlithnal coer of ate Snyper es han = 2 MPteneraTIo OF CODED SISTERS “We hereafter refer to Ka the contra span (measured in message inpet bits) aa convoitional code. aoe Sn remned on sing Fie 634 Ataf 2 1 ipee ecto Tree sracare. We now consider ia more detail how a convolutional coder contacts the output codeword y from the input xe Got De Since the register isnt sett br, the st rds of, obtained by Shiting the fist component of x into stage 1 and sampling the o adder, ‘Spend only ony. Similely, the second digs depend only upon and seein general the © digi of y obtined immediatly ater shifting ‘Senporent ay into the vregeer depend only on x, and the (K—1) CoNvOLETONAL ENCODERS 413 components of x preceding . This implis that i two input vectors epee thei ist (A — 1) coordinates the corresponding output vectors gree in thei frst Gk The resulting stucture of the set ofall output code words maybe placed in evidence by means ofa code vee, obtained an follows: st Shown in Fig. 634, the set ofall 2 Leeamponent input vector (x) is diagramed on en npu sree by adopting the convetion tha the upper branch diverging tom any aode ofthe te corresponds to shfting uO :a10 the segistr apd the lower branch to sifing ina 1 Thus each apt ‘vector x, designates a distinct pat all the way throug the input tee to ‘one of 2 terminal nodes. “The asocation ofthe {x} and the paths is Ineated in theirs "Next consider any intermodinte node of the input tee: the path lending ‘up to tis node designates te entents ofthe reise just before a new Input ight is sited in, and the contents ofthe eter immediately thereafter determines the next digits of y- Thus we may associate with the upper brarch sting from sack inermediate node ofthe put too ‘the » ouput digits thas are generated when this new input digit isa O and ‘with the lower branch thew output digs that are generated When the new Input digit is I. The code rei obained by writing along each branch ‘of the input tre the digits of y associated therewith, For example, the ‘ode re generated by the particule “ convaluionsl encoder of Fig 6.3 illustrated for input eequener of length L ~ Sin Fig. 638. ‘Weean interpret the message input xas a et of Lsucesive instructions that tll the encoder which path of the code tre fo follow. ‘The trane- nitted vector y is the Sequence of (L K)e binary digi that lis along the ‘esigsted path Linearity. Aditiona insight ino the structure ofthe code tee may ‘gain by exploiting the face hat the convolutional encoder of Fig. 6.32 ‘sa parity check device; the output of each modulo? adder ut any instant {8 if the number of stored in the stages of the apse which the sues connected is even and 1if the number is od usta Tor block. parly-check coders, «convolutional coders car in the sense that whee. we Gentes #2) the coder inp the output y may be writen Yah Sah ate (633) Eqoation 649 i similar inform othe block paity-check cde elation ship of Ba, 628, FRB OmhO-- Oak fn which each f= 1, 2,---, Hiv an N-eomponeat vector describing ‘he connestions between the IV modul-2 adders aad the th stage of the 414 mtanayrATION OF coOeD sYeTIS oe ee | Cetera see sy poe Seo eon 5 ao} on railcar oa Tom 7 ea Se a a eee ‘ 1 Fh eae | oe a eee Pte steerer eee = Liotta aa igae 638. Cole i for dar of gue 639 Ka 6 Lm 8 = 3. sevice sown ig 46, Bs fo coat codes thine Mose ait in str conection tr een ae sownosona may eaatane by og ae ee Rauhathe Den peor hsm ta a ter aa et malta euipervsto feIprl,by Wtng 50,0526 0) convouuTonas xcoDMS 415 nd vecaling from Eg, 680 tht te vector designate which of the modulo-2 adgers are connected to the fh Hage of the convolutional -erepier, we ent from Fig, 6.32 asthe resulting ouspat PA Cte Bae 000. (640) ee we have used the symbo Oto denote the meomponent vector, each ‘component of which 0. The commas again denote the points a Which the sregier shit right. pibbiiiii Se pepese, poy & po my mm me ae alecatle gure 636 Dagram of ei) fora conehtonl aden K = 4, = 6 pty ‘1st contin sme. (Aten oie al es ote) tis clese fom Fig, 632 and the description of the convolutional ‘encoding operation that the output y when only the second digit of is ‘isa delayed replica ofthe output when only 2 = 1. Thus £=O1,02..9) impli Ym he Oe ke On. (sin) we delete explicit mention ofthe vectors 0), the f} may be esribed Pictorilly ax snown in Fig. 6.36 forthe case K'= 4,1. = 6, Wernate rom ‘bservation ofthe hh column of the Higure tht th e digits of y produced when # sist hited inte the zeiter are 28 Orie" Or esis (69) 416 swnummmeraron oF cone seers which isan exprosion with indies of convolutional form. (We deine f= Oforall! > 0) is conveniant to refer to the Ke-component vector #2 Gots td (686) a the generator ofthe convostional code; clealy, completely spectcs the coder conaestons. The nouzco segments ofthe {fare jst sues: sive edi ransats of & [ror Probability For any particular choice of, the output of «convolutional coder is the vecioryspetie in rms ofthe (and the input x by Eq, 83. Thus the fetof 2 posible outputs (,} an be generat nt only in the way that we Ihave desrbed bat alo (i accordance with Eq, 628) by a block pavity= Check encoder that anes inpat Sectors of length Land generates output ‘rectors of length (K -F 1). Tho owvolutonal (} of Fig 6.36 wold be the connetion vector ofthis equivalent block coder, “Although convolutional codes for input vectors of fixed length Z may te thought ofa a spel form of Lit lock code, it does nor follow that Convolutional code exit for which the attainable crror probably obeys the ememble block-ode hound of Eq. 662, FE) < 2-1 -, wth 17 = (E+ Kye. The proof that this bound is valid for Block pariy- heck codes depends strongly on fresiom to choose the block-coder ‘onecton vectors arbitrarily, freedom of cote thats not avaiable ‘when the (f) are constrained to ave convolutional frm: wih uncon tusned block codes, each component of the input vector x can alest ‘any component of the entre ouput vector y, wheres with soavelatonsl ‘ode eh component of x can afect only Ke components of ‘Beense ofthe constrains on the (J, we Jo not aticipale thatthe cor probability with convolutional codes ca be forced toward zero with Sn exponent thats proportional to (+ K). Taded, intuition correctly num us thatthe probability of at east one error in a block of input digs must tend toward 1, not, If Zs increased while Ki beld fixed (nthe other hand, iis reasonable to anticipate & bound om erorproba- tiliy that decreases exponentially with an exponent tht is near in the ‘ode consesnt span K- ‘With convolutional codes, itis dtiult(pethaps impossbls) to employ randormcoding arguments diet to azayze an optimom decoder: this is because of the way in which successive cigs of x affect ovecapping fmgon rnovanerry 417 ‘segments of y-_ Recogoizing this, we consider a suboptinum decoder Instead. For this decoder, we stall derive an easeble error probability ‘ound that does derreas exponentaly with K. The subopimam deoding rocedare provides preiminary insight nto eequentildeooding, ‘Sehoptinam decoding. For a convolutional coder used to commani- cao one of 2 binary Input ecto fa) over a BSC, he subopiimum decoding procedure with which we are concerned is described as fllows. "The decoder davies on each ofthe L components ayy of the coder input vector in tur, on after the etber, to produce a sequence of Aecsions 3 fy. 4, Bach decison y= 1, 20-5 Ly is sed tcusvly ‘on (@) the previous decisions 2. Zp... 1 and (0) the [Rodigit span ofthe received vector tht is sieel alloted by =. We refer to this span of received digits as the (Kecomponent ecto, and to the intermediate codetree node speciied by 4y, Fy e-- aya as the Ith staring node. Each is deoded in turn by determining which fone of the 2" branch codeword segments that diverge from the Jah Haring node i the moet probable cx of. In view of Eq. 675, the ‘ecodercalcalitesthe Hamming distance besten each such Kewigit code. ‘word segnent andr. Ifthe codeword segment withthe smallest dxtance Teaves the htt starting node along the upper branch, the decoder sets nO; otherwise st sets = A typical decoder propresion is ilustated in Fig. 6.37 for «convolutional cde with = 3 ‘We fist consider any parGeular convolutional code and devote th next few subsoctions to bounding the probability, Pf), tat atleast one error vill be made by the suboptimum decoder in the decsion sequence Bu fac. ssdp. Denote by Py te conditional probability of mn error ‘om the th doin, piven that the hth starting node core. We bound ‘he (oncondtiones) probability PE] by deiving the sequence of equations 1 marco, a. PIG] = Pl&b : PIE) = PLE | oh in which the condition on the cghthand side of IL indiates hat the Albee message sequence stransited, 1 follows immediatly that PEE) < 2 PE, | Finally, we average Both sides of thie equation over an ensemble of ‘comminication stm, each of which uses diferent convolutional code, to establish the bound vv. PI < Eastern, 4418 tetinewramon oF conen systEns i Soe Preach fn a rrti‘éC™*™s—O™wsCOsC—tC=tCéstésé Fe ort be socraaing fe dyand see and ge isang ode, See iin areca, Sate San ae ie ee ema ee _ Se apna gael els ted op oy os snxox vmonaminy 419 [Equation 1V i & bound on the seen probebility that one oF more crror will he made im decoding an L-tit mesage mput sequence ith ‘omolutional coding, a BSC, and the suboptimum decoder that we have ‘Seceibod. "The code constraint langth is K— NR NJ, and Ry {he BSC error exponent of Ea, 670, R= 1 = log + VAT ‘This performance is comparable to that achieveble by block coding ‘wih constesint length & and optimom decoding, for which the union ‘ound on the probability of eorzecty decoding LK suscessve locks is Fre < Erna, (6878) The diferencia the tightness of the «wo Bounds I no exponential Sign. Ths i evident when the convoitional bound IV, ts 1 vette in he form eg senna PE

whe Odi ‘We overbound Pl [ml for cach system inthe ensemble, hance over ound PE, a by seglestng the Tat that, may sf be decoded exe relly (Seeatse of codewords in Sy othe Shan even if Eq. 6.103 i not atid, Thos PIE [xis bounded by the probability tat atleast one ‘Of the 28" EL vectors in 5, a move probable cause of ethan isthe teanomited segment sy all yin 5, 6.109 sequent pecooine 28 ‘The remaining sep isto recogize that tis lst probability is closely related v9 our mean probably of eror bound on PLE] my] with a BSC 4nd a Ke-dipt block priy-check code having 2" equally ikely mestages, ‘The ony mathematical dsiaction that with a cosvoutioal code hare are only 2° EL vectors that can case an etor, whereas inthe block- ode cate there are 2" Without further ado, we have FIR Te] <2 <2 a stn, (6.104) in which vane (6.1086) and, from Ea, 6.95, = 1 = logs (1 + 20 PL (6.10%) “This completes the proof 1 64 SEQUENTIAL DECODING Although in principle both block and convolutional codes alord a TB) that dzereases exponentially with K, we have not yet adresse the ‘cial problem of actualy building decoders that achieve such exor Pevformance. Specifically, the suboptimum decoder considered thus far Fp not realizable for large A became ls procedure for decodiag cach sucresive input bit %, f= 1,2,..,, involves comparson ofthe ressived mestage span yr with 24 Klbranch codeword segments The [Adoption of» “sequential” prosedure for detrmining each, evades this ‘xponctil blow-up and permits ws to spesy decoder that achieves ‘exponentially emall error probability Whe rewaining realizable even sho Kis args Ta thissoation we introdvce sequential decoding by a heuristic discussion of ity applcaion #9 the binary symmetric channel, We then detail cle decoding algorithm due to Fano.™" The algorithm i extended to ‘ore general chansels and anslyeed mathematically in Appendix 6A Enginceing spplcatos ae dicused i Section 6 Th its simples: form a Sequential decoder proceeds in much the same ‘way aa our suboptimum decoder, Hoth deide on each suscesive esage “Input bitin turn, one alter th otar indicated in Fig. 637. Por both the problem of docoding i equivalent to the prablem of decoding x, provided thatthe th starting node is correct. The two decoders die: Aisne, however, in how the deiions fs) are determined 426 PLINENIATION OF CODED SYSTENS ‘Tree Searching “We have slay remarked shat the convolutional coder input x may be regarded ata et of instructions tht direct the transmitter along some path through the code toe, Let yy represent the fist 1 — Ke digits Encountered slong that path and let yw denote the fst N noise digits IC ‘ve assume inal thas the BSC i hostess, 20 that ym ~ 0, then iy Dima). In tis tvial cane a decoder provided with a replica of the encoder can eal race ou the st K branches of the path designated bby x. The decoder state atthe first node of the code ree, generates both branches diverging therefrom, and follows the one that agrees with the fst edits of e- aving thus been directed to a particular seconlevel node of the code tre, te decoder again geecates both branches diverging therefor and fllowe whichaver branch agrees with the second w digits of er toa thintlevel node, Continuing inthis way, the decoder rapidly ‘etrmins the Sze Kegs of 2 The procedure works without difclty {slong asthe two branches diverging from any node of the code tree ‘jer by at eat one dig [is clea fom Fig. 6.32 that sucha diference tnay be guaranteed by connecting the fost reise stage to the fst tmodul-2 adder, that, by making gy = Ie “When the BSC is noisy ais notin general O and the procedure jst eseribed i not euficient evento decode the ist message digit. But ‘simple modifeaton is appealing and may be used to decode with igh laity. IP nether branch stemaing fom an intermediate node tolnides with the corresponding e gts off the decoder first follows whichever branch agrss est. Clearly, when more than #2 wansitions ‘our in the transmission of «branch, sucka decode inlly proceeds {oan incorrect node. Having onee made this mistake, however, in ‘subsequent branch comparisons the decoder is unlikely to find any path ‘emming from this incorectaode which agrees well with the remaining Gigs of yr. For example, wih the truncated K = 4, v= S code tree of Fig. 639, assume x=O.1.0) (6.1059) {= (0010, 10111, 0900, 00100), (6.1056) 0 that the transite vector it ay = (11H, 10101, 01101, 11011) (6.106) and af = (OUOF, 0010, 01101, 1111), (6.07) ln this case, as shown in tho figure, the decoder follows the coxeet path to node (a) thence the incorrect path 10 node (2). But none ofthe paths ‘nee seancimno 427 —aane | Lou reine re ed ff sown _[f ‘nh 5:2 tpt Fige639 Theta ofan geet tml pnt {Ee perinont tenn Porteous ee soa cere om ay crt ee Sept extn bjo ae) ages ih in et 0 may ine las does the correct path x When ois propesy chosen with gar tof BSC transition probability p, the effet of @ wrong turn is hkely to be readily noticable a5 the decoder attempts to penetrate deeper into the ode tre, "The idea of sequential decoding isto program the devoder to act much as driver who occasionally makes a wrong choice at a fork nthe road, ‘but quickly discovers his eror, goes back, and tes the other. The ecoder’s objective isto construct path K branches long extending all 428 rtzuentaTion OF caDeD sera te way through the truncated code in Fig. 639 to one of its 2 terminal nodes At soon as such a path is found 3 is determined in accord with {he st branch of that path. The obeeved N-digt span of the received Sequences then sited veg tothe righ, as indicated in Fig 637, and the entire decoding procedute ( eltrated to detsrmine An etror in evading 2 resuls I and only if'a weong toro atthe fst node is not recoglaed before the decoder penetrates K branches beyond it. iar 640A cuenta retin \We now describe how 2 sequential decoder rtognias weong turns in devoding =, Let us assume thatthe decodor has peneuated I branches Jato the code re, 0-<1 ‘oder able to tighten the running threshold and sets T= —. This procedure of looking, moving the pointer, end tighening 7 continues nll in looking forward from node't to node 5 the dacoder observes Violation of the cunaing threshold T= —2A. The decoder reacs by looking bick to node 3 Sioe the running teshold 7 = —20 is ot Violated by node 3, the pointer is moved back, The fet i to erase the {enlaive dersion £,. On the step forward to aode 6 the complementary choice of 4 mage. The remainder of Fig. 645 i sleexplanston, “The seach fath y*() i posed at any instant by the tentative decisions 4 ays --s ty Which logutber determine the positon ofthe search node pointe 434 runwenranion OF coDeD SYSTEMS Enough thought will make it lea thatthe flow diagram of Fig. 6.44 wil vet a succesful sare through any tee and eventually trace out the correct path 20 Tong es (0) forthe correct path ulate decreases, ‘whereas for every ineorect path ultimately ineeases. In particular, aa ues fe eh = S I Ss @ awe S44 ‘Bos ow dagram othe Fao alain. tn Appeal A we sons {Poe samsioal Soe oh ter Cepia om he the ede EDS! SR CRI) the tow eager tbve le so worded har it pra oe enw Goi (& whcd here eoponding torn inthe eed tance erin commie fob ore from how to worsening to een al ‘Tho te moe a nov win sgl male ny be ase ve oa er yates. the algorithm cannot besumne trapped in an endless loop, continually Searching the same nodes withthe same thresholds. Te is hep to note that in searching fora path on which ) imately decreases ns /nereaaes the decoder examines all accessible nodes. ying eoeath a given threshold before iaereasng the running threshold. Aer inereasenoforther change in Ts permed until either (ll accesible paths are found o wot the new running threshold, necessitating another Therese of 2 in the value stsignd to T of (i) the search node pointer tries at aode that has never reached before. Further properties of ‘re FaNo aboowrrine 435 igre 64 Euampe of tn seateh wth alg of Fig 64% Foe the sac {feel a ei orton nso ny mh Aon (x indents testo oan) Teokat poate ‘eokat2 omiio2 ae T= —8 tai fami mira —a lookats_ ptmios okats xQocas) pein 3 liokaté looks? xe P= a feok at points worst x fears! pointes Inakate "pinto Nook? pitt? at r= -28 Jeokat foimiod ia T= 30 Tookat xc fookae? scat P= man look at x ook? pio 97 Toko "pout ar na disk tx ook? x sets aa looks point ot Nook a2 foto HE set hm maa 436 MeLoNENtaToN oF coneD syste the algoritas are ststed in Appendix 6A. The analysis performed there petits a sensible ehoie to be made forthe design parameters and p "The basi ow diagram of Fig- 64 requires on elaboration to pzmit flint implementation. The box lateled “Is polar at node fr irs Time?" can, of course, be relize by providing sufienty large memory. Dut the number of nodes examined by te decoder isin general exceedingly BI faces ae Figo 66 Atgneaod ow aga forts Fa alge. end anon i pve et An ngs aerate a ar ype ee wh recap See chs vonage, Ts sion ee sony gets eal nested ow cane ee SPs ty box eqalte nme See a ie sare nti ton feat sey Fenn cnn eager pm hong oa eee gt ao tee So aed ogc spin mid ‘nHE raNo ALcontnme 437 Anew node ean beencounterd oly on a forwatd move and seal re- ‘ognized. Fist anode sew iit violates the threshol, say, 7, 2 7 — A, just beneath the running threshold 7" Toe example, when node 11. of Fig. 643 is teached, it violates the previous value 7, = 38.” Second, node that sists 7s new i reached by a forward move from a node that Violates Tz: for example, node 10 of Fig. 645 satistes Ty = —3A but ° fookats poise t teas Romie tra na 2 oka poiatto3 3 Yeokats x iookat? potato? a lonestS ‘looeatt Saree 2 taka)“ patted a looest_poitio 3 took at? * ptt? i fooe at?” pot to 2 2 Mots fantos 2 feokat |” poat to Tooeat 10 otto 10 sao— 0 fook att point oat set = =A Goats Samuiot 498 ametesmerarion OF coneD s¥eTENs is reached from node 7, which volte this running threshold valu. {Running threshold T way increased from ~34 to —24 before the sep back from node 8 to nods) Theseatch node pointer eam arrive a new node oaly In one of these two ways: otherwise the node wouk! have teen aceessible with running threshold value Ty hence examined pre= sous}. The algorithm of Fig, 646 recognizes bth possiblities and reacts by setting #~ 0 [As with Fig 6:46, an understanding of the flow diagram of Fig 646 obtained niost ready by example. ‘The search detaled in Fig: 647 is self-explanatory. ‘A block diagram of a Fano decoder is shown in Fig. 648. Recsived igs are read in parallel ito the register of the decoder one branch (Ge digs) ata time. Jn practice, branches ate received at uniform time Intervals, A each new branch i received, the contents of the reser fre shifted toward the sgt’ The oldest branch i sited out ad lost Whenever a nw branch is entered “The decoder contains replica of the convoludonal encoder at the transmitter. The path hypostesi,y°D, generated inthis epic branch ty branch, matched wih the corresponding received branch, and (0) i Updated. ‘The penetration indes 1, represented by the depth of search Dointer in Fig, 64, ix inereased (the pointer moved let) or decreased (the pointer moved right) im accordance with the search algorithm. In ‘kin, the poiner and register shit one step to the righ each ime a row branch is veccved. “The inputs hypothesized by the encoder repli in generating y*) are welan in the fegier Thus the regiter positions tothe sight the pointer are full and those the left ate emply. The decoded output ‘vector 3 the sequence of digs shifted ou of the rightmost stage of the rege Note thatthe breiter i equivalent tothe search node porter, onshore in connection withthe fow diagram of Fig. 6.4 In const, {he depth of search pointer of Fg, 6.88 indicates where the received branch bing observed bythe decoders located within the mregister. “Tne ambulitione ofthe ponte in Fig. 6.48 depend on the received dasa rato, the computational spood of dhe decode, and te deal of the received noise When most of the resved digs are cores, very litle arching is mcesary to extend 9°). In this case the pointer usally Inovers neat the input end ofthe decoder and wat for ne data. On the ‘other hand, ithe number of erroneous feeced digits is 109 large, «vast. mount of searching finvelvd and the pointer i dragged to tho right "cnew branches ae fed into the decoder. The deoder iim rouble i the ‘depth of search pointer is forced tothe ouspt ed of the decoder. The lmplleations ofthis event sre dacusse in Section 6. Aenea, RESULTS 439 © fe te secioare tf oecreacine Se ote ‘ci “it ccabe eye | te 48 lock lng of Fano deer er theese » = 3 65 SUMMARY OF RESULTS 1 this section we summarie certain theoretical analyses of sequential decoding and deus the major experimental res tat hate been Analytical Rests Prise analysis of an actual Fano dander i compat bythe fact tat the sine, ofthe megiern Fl. 648 sin Meaning esa Jno decoder psformacs,howeter gated by assaming ta so lage ha the earch poston point never eed othe outa ea ot theresa We we ls asmpsion in Appendix GA to bows a quan tity analogous to the mean probability P{&,] considered in connection ithe stboptimum decoder of Secon 63, "he overhead ar, tranal “ee coectn wh opt 2 we enn ea i tnt channel E918 impiet that ONY PR) < 4208 Ry Ri (LID) ‘in which the value ofthe coficent ys given by 2 Am TRA ou and y's the exponential bound parameter evluates forthe BSC (ee (Gee Ba. 670). As discussed inthe appendix, ZPE] may be iterpreted 1 Egutlon 6110 611 tow ron E6418 a 6.17 by psig tthe Braet aie = oe irs 44 amuanentaTI0N OF CODED SYSTENS 8 indicative of the probability of one or more eros in decoding a Yong ‘Sguonee of L message symbols with the Fano algorithms when the r= register nite Une thar sme conditions, specialization of Eq, 6A.27 implies that quantity Bintrpeted in the appeodis as indicate ofthe mean number inches searched by the algorithm per message symbol decoded —is Pounded by Beats Bu< Re (oa “Tus te computation bound isindependet of Kbit ari a 0 oe ‘ ME ETRE eae for Ry only sight les than Re "attiough the pavealar bound preseated here have been chosen for case of derivation and simply of form rather than for tightness, they Place in evidence three important characterises of sequential decoding 1. For Pe < Rh code constraint length Kean be increased without inceaing he bound on For Ry i Te] deseses exponentially with an exponent dat fs finear in aakough B and PTE] are well beaved with regard 1; both bounds ow ap a8 Ry apreaches Ry “Thos by increasing Kits possible o obtain a mall an exor probability Tr desbel wither acureng 3 concomitant inset nthe mean com ‘uradana spend demanded ofthe decode, however, the chenne imposes Taper in Ry. onthe matimum ata wich hi Kindo petormance can gestae, "Tice thee careers are belived to be fandamenta abuts of al sojuential decoding procedures they ase feted [al Bounds Soaied di sl experiments eprtd thi fa ‘System Rrahation Sannon's orginal and revolutionary poof that channel disturbances fundamentally limit the rate, but not the accurtey, of communication tess iat published in 1948, Since then great deal of effort has been Uovoted eo the problem of actually achieving improved communication ‘elablty, and many interesting coding and decoding schemes have boon stem evatuaTioN 4 devised. Most of them are well documented;™0%% and we shall not ‘igus them here “The relative desirability of dierent solutions to pede communication problems depends enticlty on the engineering objective. For example, Sonsider a bandied Gaussan chanel and Shannon's bounding Feliebilty exponent Ry, plotted in Fig, (8. If moderate accuracy at Tow daa rates (RelRy* & 1) sulles, the problem ean be resolved by tppropriate choice of @ modulator and demodulator needed, If the objective ix to obtain high accuracy at low data rates, asl implemented schemes such a8 threshold decodiag™ are indicted. “The most dificult problem artes when we simultancouely require high accuracy end high dita rate, Rly = 1 fs this case powerful codes (KD 1) and complex terminal equipment are unaveWdable, and the comparison ofeiferent coding tchniques becomes especialy ints "A pariularly intresting clase of codes affording large Kis the Bose- CChisdhus Hocquenghen'™—hercafer abbreviated BCH—codes, For ny integer m theresa bintry BCH code with word length N= @* — 0) Which ‘contains 2 codewords and guaranted to eoreet any com bination of # or fover BSC channel transitions, wid K > ¥ — mt. De- foving schemes that ae appiabl to these codes whenever the number tt transtions is less than ox equal to have been discovered by Peterson” And also by others; these schemes fequte a number of computations Which grows as small power off "As an example of one way in which dren decoding schemes ean be compared, ne now consier the performances achisvable over an ade ‘shite Gaussian noite channe! with binary BCH codes and with binasy ‘Sonvlutional codes and sequential decoding. Atipodal signaling and Symmetric tworlevel reeiver quantization ae assuied. The resting [BSC transition probably is v=o PE), ous in which Eyl is the energy-owoise ratio pet message input bit and By 3 KIN i the data tte bits per teansmited symbol ‘With the aid of a digital computer, he minimum valve of EN’, required for any particular BCH code inorder to achieve a sated error probability per bit, ca be determined. We deine Py © (1A) PC, in 1 Se forex GD. Foray, Je. "Conon Code", Thy MT. Jn! SeedaeD, Garant Zane "A Chi of Ero-Comeing Cod In Spb TaN 9, 07-16 une 1, 442 urcmunyTaTION OF CODED SHSTENS ser cetera aos oie Micon va fF at econ of ef HCH is of gh RETSS, rtan 3 ony the don yn dn pt For mm Re ia Get en Cone etn be oor 2 fap oe o owe “i hn cy, des guration (ex. 6140 snd Pag 21) syste EVALUATION 443 ‘which P(t] the BCH block eror probably, The results ae pote {8 function of Ry for y= 10-* and 10-* a Figs. 6.490 and B. For purposes of comparison with sequential decoding we can refer to Eg, 610 and determine the valve of FN required to obtain Ry/ (08, The results are aso ploted in Fis. 43a and b. Equations 6.110 ‘and 6.11 state that with thse vals of By an acttracly sal error probebiity can be obtained Ry choosing & large enough. We shall soon fe that when decoding sequal tis sensible to choose K so lrge that {he eror probability wil be truly alge and to reste Ry < 0.9 From a tstetengineering point of view cures sch as tho in Fig. 4649, although instructive, ae by no meaas a suiieat bass on Wich to Figs 650 Emil waragy quer of compuitins pe it ded. (Free, elo sang se have bsn ade wie trough econ G, Blo ahd Keeton enough fr purposes af engineering design. In this section andthe next we Surmarize come of the rvs that hive been obtained by computer Simulation ofthe Fano algorithm at the MIT Lincoln Laboratory. “The actions performed by a desnder im communisaing along Sequence ‘xf L convolutional coder inpt its over a BSC has Bea simulated on 1 igi! computer programed to coun the numberof coder branches ‘ctually searched during the entire decoding procedure. We deine (B} thie total divided by L. Thus (B) i the empiial average mumber af branches searched per mesage input Bit decoded. Tn Fig. 630 9 pot the obseved values of (B) asa funtion ofthe ratio ly The code constrain length K used inthe simulation was ual sutatION misuse 44S to 60, and was targe enough go that no decoding errors occured. For this value of K the suboptimum decoder considered in Section 63 would snake approximately 2 ~ 10 branch comparisons per decoded sist, and for Ry = O9R¢ even the bound of Eq. 6.112 caims only that 48100, In ‘contrast, for the experiments summarized in Fig. 6.50 we ‘observe that (B) <4 Tor all iy < 09. As Ry —~ Ry the vale oF <> NLL ee io \_— Fe St Average mtr of compton indi futon of 0) OF pain. For bth caneh Rye 03 (8) rapidly becomes large, behavior that is in aceord with the bound of Eq. 6.112 Experimentally, (B) is found to depend strongly onthe rato ‘of Ry and Ry butonly weakly onthe vale thee parameter individual “The data‘of Fig. 630 were taken with the wt parameter p’ (se EQ. 6.109) and threshold spacing 8 optimizedempircally to minimize (B). The bchavior of (8) as function of ile and spicing im atypical css is shown in Figs. 610, , We observe tat procse minimization with regard fo these parameters is not necessary, Finally, it should by remarked thatthe fst several digs of the generators} used in the experiments reported here were carefully chosen to ied good performance™; aly {etal of the genertors wre chosen af random, 466. mpuotexrarion OF comED SYSTEMS ‘Dynamical Decoding Behavior ‘Although Fig. 650 shows that the average computational demand (8) with Sequenia Geoding is que tall or Ry/Ry 7), with RulRy a8 a parameter, are shown in Fig, 652. For large vals of 7 the clive ; adios 38te0m w son zd Shon Bk wt > 74 ts a “teste sa) rig 652 Emp aibaton fein of aumbe of computa in dig feequoney vavies approximately as an inverse fractional powerf of 7: For these deta an ompiricalrlaonship, valid for 7 1 and By < Res FIB> pac eA yee, ous) Foran analyial expression, see Problem 6.17. “The vecablty of the numberof computations has profound iftuence con the design and evaluation of 9 soquontal decoding system, For rample, witha BSC and an appropriate convolutional coge we anticipate ‘hat except for short excursions the pattern of channel transitions vil ‘usualy leave the recived sequence much closer in Hamming distance to the soquonce actully tranomited than to any of the otter possble ‘encoder outputs, Then Fano decoder typically searches ou the cocect |: potty iin vith ts ype of eae cad “Pata” Ws Pato "a a ve mn rn at sm en SMe tepoeedy 20. cmp ane 29 ats asmall abun experi povormasSepaaton DYNAMICAL DacooniG BEIAWOR 487 ath through tho code tse with great rapidity, which accounts foe the ‘smal value of (B). In sue circumstances the pointer dexignasng the ‘depth of search of the decoder a Fi, 6.48 hovers near the input end of the decoder and alt is wel. Tafequenly, however, the channe!transtion patton wil cause the ‘tea distance along the correct path to inerese with | over span of ip 553 A plot of log the sot pth wich iin «pet aunt of Comput 4 ening ear machng noe 5 the Sod ma eine pu dering rom od thongh tt pth ee ald 3 considerable length." In tis atypical event the decoder must search f back into the code tres, examining an enormous number af branches ‘before it can follow the covet path ovr the lol maximum as illustated in Fig. 653. The probability of deep search decrease, but the resting ‘umber of computations increases, apy with each depth, The balance between the two effects aecounst forthe Tact that FUB > 7] 8 only a slowly decreasing function of 7. In such circumstances the ompouing ‘team of resived digits may forcethe depth of search pointer tothe output end ofthe decoder memory, condition caled creriow. 4h dation of computation anal in J. Snags, “The Computain Probl wit Seen Decoding” PD. Ts MIT, Febny 168 Asn ‘eat ats ote oad Kf oan, “Th Perforce of Sequel Deen ih Bln Soduaion” EE Tom. Comms Tork, COMETS. 448 netenewtamiox oF ComeD sysrens ‘With surpasing frequency, the channel transition pattern may create 1 received sequence that closely approximates one of the posible, but Incoret, coder oulpuls, As an extreme example, i he channel noise “ aah ou9 whore fis the fit translate of the code generator sequence g, i follows From Ea, 683 that the reeled sequence is exaty that code word which gue G34. tect epmmntiton a te vents veo” nt re” he Bie" heuaiamemmtvomnae men Rens os Feponae ot Scere feo woul ave ten tasted had the th ig of xn fa: een dent In cue wl wi ett be desde both esl and income Even fois come ats spol for seyeral incorrect igi 10 Be ictacd fem the Zeger without lg ieee the numberof Sis Smched and cancomtanregging of the sexreh poston oinie fo te right, Such event ae called tectabe errs, ‘From an operation point et on, we esd to singh beeen cron tad eae For eonepual rye the dstneson may be ‘Sesiondgaomeutcaly a shown a i, 654: when the actual encoder Snput ot ehamel aon patter producing ecvd sequece that IR te stated ve correspond to crest operation of the coer By symmetry, receved sequence ing win he shed ees matty aberration ates vodvengreceved sequent ig wii he ope eon, yield overt ae tobe paca eucntal decor mux be designed and pete so he bth the even andro probable we ery smal ising camat ovrtow probity fhe more diet pebiemyaod daar et mmaMlcaL DsCODING BEEAVOR 449 Probability of overflow, The magnitude of the everiow probability pends primanly on the size of the decoder memory and the come tational apeed ofthe decoder. Like (B), iti insensitive to the code ‘onstaint Feng but very seastive to RyRy ‘Wein inightito the probability ofoverfiow wih the Fano algorithm by considering the decoding of new inpot bit a the asumption that ‘the deoder's depth of search pointer starts out atthe extreme eft ofthe Inemory. a8 in Fg. 685. IT fe the numberof erlied branches shat ean fe ets of ph of eh age, en “Senet gue 65 Ti contion of doer for spe ovo sna ‘be stored in the memory, an oveeow is then certain to occur unless the ecoder is ale to penctate at least one Branch dexper into the code tree before Tew branches are received. An equivalent statement i that ‘veriow must occur if more than AT branches are seared, before fdsitional penetration, where 2 denots the number of ravches the ‘decoder ean search in thet alle tothe ronson of each branch. ‘From £4, 6115 the relative frequency, say F, ofthis event is PARED eT e MM LT EMR, (6.117) Inthe procs of eerching the decoder moves hack int the code tee, so that an overflow may oceur before AD branches have been searched ‘Asa praca matter, however whenever > (B) and the nghtand side ‘Of Ea, 6117 ie very small, F provides a useful estimate of he probably fof overflow} The validity Gf this statement rests on the waiing-ine ‘ehavior observed in th cours ofthe deoder simulation experiments, Dy wattngline we men the postion of the decoder depth of search pointer, unde the asumpsion that Tis init. 1102 tan, he coder no een be 8 wih he erased canes rete pana fob t i} gure 656. Type waking ine teal: 2 = 3. (Al ss are cated a ‘iowa of bn) 1a) ike = 089 1) RulAs = 096 (6) RyRy = 108 prnaMieat DECODING BEHAVIOR 451 In Figs, 6563, 6, ¢ we show the types of waitingtine behavior that rest when ds held fied and RyRy varied. For Ry/ 2’ = 088 and ‘A= 3(B) the waiting Hin swollen, although the channel transvon pattern causes an occasional long search and. consaquent intermitent ‘raltngline buildup. For RyRy’ 0.96 the long searches are more Jrsqent and there danger tat theresiduum of one waiiag-ine buildup Js nt cleaned out before the next one orcurs. For Ru/Ry’ = 1.06 the long scarches coalesce sd the wating line unbounded. ‘A small erlow probability with reasonable values of Vand 2 is posible only when the waltig-lin behavior is typified by Fig. 6.560 Tinuch ets overflows are primary atbutable to difculty in decoding iolated mesiage input digits andthe probably of overow iner= pretation of Eq, 6117 is meaningol. Wilh interesting values of data ‘ale of T'3> Kis then equiv i Fis to be small, and I ie Ty, Father tha the code constant length K, that primary governs the sizeof {he decoder ‘Asan example, assume for a BSC that Fat Bua eee = nya km oa 0016) 100 R= 20 klobitsfee, From 9, 6.117 we regule Iota seemarypeee, AP = 8.1 10 I it takes 75 pace for a special-purpose decoding computer to search & branch, we have “time to ressive a branch _ 005 x 10-* lie to search a branch 7.5% 10% “which, fom Figs 650, mats the reguiement 2> (B). Hence we ned Pais x 10> K For this example euch of the seeived beanches requires 3 bits for storage (o = Ry = 3), andthe storage of each deooded hypothesis 4 fequtes 1 OR. ‘Thos the total bit storage requirement is approximately a on, 452 purtewmeranion oF CODED SYSTEMS 40 =52 «10%, With megnti-ore memoris, this js quite feasible, Tf shold be noted, however, tha would be diffu to make the over- flow probebiy very much smaller without suerifcng data rate, For trample, faing RJR) O85 and increasing AT by a factor of 100 fedusws F only fiom 10-* to 10-"*, The ovetiow probebility nor an xponenaly Jsrensing function of the devoder memory size or speed Probebility of eror. Since the overiow probability is controled by ‘the decoder memory sie nnd spend of computstion, its dieult wo make ‘extremely smal, This is not tre of the probability of undetectable feors Conttent with Eq, 6110, the undetectable eror probability for 8 ano decoder decreases exponentially withthe convolutional code com furan length K. By choosing K lage enough, we can achieve an ‘Stary small evror probably, provided that Ry < Ry. Furthermore, In intersting cases pose to ata incredibly minute values of error plobebiiysay 10" with values of K that are order of magnitude feos than the decoder mamory sve T required to make the overiow robaby reasonably small—ay 10°. Thus the incremental cost of ‘detectable eror contol snot rate Tight ito the relative insighseance of the undetectable eorprob= tty provided by reconsideration of the geometrical representation Or Fig. 634. The shaded regione, which cortespond to undetectable rors, typically oocupy only + small fraction of the total number of Pint in the recived signal space. Moreover, the shaded regions are ‘pic far aper rom one another ia Hamming ditance and surrounded Bp ihe open region, which coresponds to overiows. It is therefore ousonabe that when the overiow probability is small the probability ‘of undectable er is minute "This conclusion as oon veiled analytically". Not only does the undetectable extor probability decay exponentially with K, but it ‘Sceays with considerably larger expoaent than that given by the random fosdiag bound of Eq 6.10. The reason thatthe Bound is weak stat it ‘egies the possi of averlow. The eect i interpreted geometeically in Fig. 657 There is another contibutat to the over error probability which we have not yet discussed, Thi coutsbutant i the probability that an Tneomeet hypothesis foroad ov of the decoder js before an oveflo tcews, Forthe Fano decoder structure considered iusfar the peobabiliy ‘rauch en event i comparable to the overBow probability. Indeed, the ode structure of Fig. 6.35 implies thatthe usual numberof computations {volved in search branches back nto the code tree grows exponentially ‘wih Thus oven moderate values of Ftypically fore the depth of sare DYNAMICAL DECODING BeMAMOR 453 Tipe 651. Geooetr nterpetion of te wens of the err robb ‘ela. use wo nar on Jes tae le oe ‘hd lone, On the ter had th Bound on Pests he probably that ‘Piero the sno aan fiat opal tm esos 0 oom pointer rapidly tothe right, so that overflows occur Because the decoder ‘Encerain of the identity ofthe hypothesiaed message fits tthe extreme rightend ofthe éregater. Since eros ofthis type azompany overows, they are called dererble "Decoder release of detectable eors can be controlled by modifying the decoder in a simple way: we eed only extend the -egitersevertl ode consruintlengtis—eey 3K digtsbeyond the end ofthe desnder ‘eegister es shown in Fig, 6.58, The eflectivenes of the procedure rests ‘nthe fact shat, I the decoder never neds to search back to an fy that Desses beyond the end of the reir, 2 must either bo eoereet or feo Ps ——t owe = 3 noterani| an geuan pamieege ety cope tn a 456 etswexraTiON OF CODED sesTEHS correspond to an undetectable ertor, On the other hand, if the decoder ‘doe toed to search beyond the confines of the register, an Overton ‘wil occur, When the poiat at which hypothesind bits are actully Teleaed fom the decoder ie sufienly far removed from the overiow postion, the probability that overlow wil elt Before enough time has pied for an ingoreet hypothesis to be released becomes comparable fo the protabiliy of an undetsetable error. It we stop decoding a the instant of overflow, extension of the register yields an overall error [probability so infinitesimal thst may safely be neglected. ‘nan opeatvesoquential decoding system iis, ofcourse, not sufient thatthe eror probability be negligibly stall; provision must also be made to stirs decoding again automatically ater each overRow. To @ ‘one-way comminieston sytem this can be arranged by petiodieally interopting the sesage input bit sears to the wansmiter’s encode, say ater evry block of L hits, and arbitrarily inserting X zeros. The ‘dover ea then aways renynohronie witha L data bits afer an overtow ‘and thus continue on with ie work by discarding the undecodable Bock. ‘On the ons hand, for K= 100, = 10-4, P = 10% and L = 10* such one-way stategy implies only 107% reduction ia elective transmit ‘ata rate—that seduction bythe factor (L— K/L. But onthe other hand, from the wnion bound there is a probability of approximatelyt LF = 10 that ll or part of ech block of L = 10% message bits will be Aiscarded, Renee not decoded a al, even though blocks that are decoded fre slmost certainly corect, Ia many applications an operating ‘characteristic ofthis ype would not be accepable. "When communication i two-way, a more atracive remedy othe over- ‘ow probiem i vase. A few “eevice” bis can be inserted into each ff the two dats stcume at specie inevals, 25 indicated in Fig. 6.53. ‘The service bits originating at terminal 4 inform terminal 2 whether decoding at 4 hasbeen stopped because of overflow. Io, terminal B ‘ettansmis the andeeodable massage. IP not, terminal 8 continues with ‘ew tafe, Each terminal follows x dena satay "The crucial aspect of such = two-way system is hat the service bits are caged, Thus even when both channels are noky the probs ‘an inition will be misinterpreted equals the probability 1 Tesi of veto probity ets theft tha the proceeds fal dense urtea ouon mon secon eto vow TSR TPE igs te ecocers dp of mre pune nly tthe Fesining tthe sicetng slater tun he my acto he opt et he ‘rwo-way stRaTeoues 455 of decoding eror and may largely be ignored. There remains, however, the probabity that servic bit wll not be decoded at ll—and since this related to the overBw probably it may nor be ignored ‘The dificuly is resolved by adopting failsafe strategy wherein each terminal when confronted with an undecodable Dock always acts exacly stiF it had in fact decoded u request for tetranssnion. Matters can Be = TL oe ee woe {Ef = im setae sot Fg 6 (0) A woos communion ste. The taunts blr sre the ‘rece int ct stan for onl arin basen tat ‘esap ach teal habe oe dora. () Sieur of eset nt Sm he eat epeen rcs tt open ers poe srrange! so thatthe emite dat steam at euch encoder inputis decoded In proper sequence and without block eisions, provided that undetectable crrors do not occur. Thus the one-way problem af undecoduble blocks |S creumsoated The major incremental cost incurred isthe provision each tranamiter of slow sped memory in which to stove the message laput tale over 4 time interval equal to the combined round-tap propagation and data-processing imo, ay T. ac repeat request involves the "less (or communication purpose) ‘of the combined round-rip times that the transmitter re-encodes all Input data that it has wansmilied ducing the preceding Tse interval ‘Since the relative Fregueney of repeatregusts F, the average Traction ‘of tne femaiing is (1 TF), As long ts F can be made smal enough 456 meuenesraion OF cooeD swsTEss that TF-<04, the effective rate at which data is communicated (in bite per second) ix not seriously reduced by ovetows. A safeguard fusitst undetectable service bit errors cat be provided by periodic Tesjcheoniration efter every 108 or 10" ansmited bits, “The need for & two-way system appears to be unavoidable if com munication that is both aecuate ad efficent i to be maintained over ‘ictual communication chanaels. The parameters of most channels are Time-varant, 20 dat tei rlaiityfantions fuetoate. A system Without Feedback mist be designed to operate reliably at dat ate commensurate ‘withthe worst chanael condition, which is Inconsistent with efiiency Sen conditions are good. With 1wo-way strategy, however, the service bits mey also be used fo rogues changes im wansmited data rate. An cxample of such a system is discused inthe nent section, “Experimental System Design In Chapters 5 and 6 we have been concerned with the ratioship between modulation demodulation an coding decoding onthe one hand fad sytem performancfcompleity on the oer. or block codes with ‘maximum ithood deeoding the inerelalons excluding considerations ‘ot equipment comple) ae evidenced in the bound Wm 0, Weobnerve fom £9. 6.1 that the mumber of modes, fay Na inthe incontect subset a depth sates Neg 2h Loh was, i wil be convenient to Ibel nodes inthe incorrect subst for 4 by an ondered pair of integers (Zn). The umber ¢ indicates the depeh of the aw 6h. Seco fino sb for, Ith ey ie nits he oe {emt pith eect uf cl yom mes ute the das ine Thee node abe ows node; the number indicates the node's vert postion inthe code tee Felative fall Np nodes of depth The labeling i ilstrated in Fig. 682. ‘Bound on P(t). For any particular code and transited path we éefine Pleas the conitional probably thts nearer at he instant that the algorithm fist reaches a search node X branches Beyond the fh 465 woumueyranon oF concn syste staring node, given that the genie intlly postions the search node pointer on the comet tating node and that setechiag behind the stating, ‘node is profited. We observe from Fig. 6A.3 shat the starting con a) (64.280) and that no more than faction 1/b of the codes can sequce a numbec of ‘omputtions b> eB, (a.286) whet the lethand ses of Eqs. 68.28 and b denote quantities averaged nly over the channel noise, The worst posible situation ould obtain if ihe set of coder that produoes high error probabilities were disjoint fom the set that produces high compuatonal requirements. I follows Jmedicly tht a fraction of atleast (1 ~ Ua ~ 18) ofthe codes in the emble simultaneously satisfies mequlites converse 10 Eqs. 64.288 Sod 6. Thus st least BD per ent ofthe convolutional codes yield Pte) < 107) (A290) 2B < 108. (62) PROBLEMS (64. Conse he pty ches coder In Fig. P ‘How should fae coder be connected inoue to produc the folowing formations? ores nent wo-s H 0 1. Give «complete Hsting ofthe trasonmation x 3 ross 477 ZPPTe? [ aan ipso ra {62 The following coe i tobe ued on @ SC with ransom probity Be 1 1 ° 4 Show tha ima ace een nyo codewords soft on curr a ae ra PEN ihre tot oh tay of re: Generali the est any bar code which ss the propery that the ‘mot? samo ry pai of dine coenrdr bs som er codeword, 63. Let andy te el number and define the operation oo mean “addon” soda that. an ser Seb ~ toga put ole +9 Come K-41 wt (ch wh cmon chosen ith tite ‘Spits ety bane ba ee Sin boestie onal rth oat “aon” compen compan 1 Prove that any two vcr 9, and ate salsnlyTnependent an erie the jt dey fete aa 1h Saye tnomatn she comport wh rots rein 0) elgg she 0] seats 64 The device soun in the Fig. BS wd coer in the following way ‘A's block of manage isn sre athe i rege. The cere Seppe hited ight) 31 tment pedace an outpteodoword of leg 478 IMPLEMENTATION OF CODED SYSTEMS e825 ban it te [foe ure Pee he es dig of which ae the cage Block. For example if 00010 teri, we ssi er each Si ‘Shit Contents Outpt oor 1 aooor 6 2 10000 3 oreoo 0 4 o0100 0 $ 19010 0 5 aloo: 6 3 Totoo 1 7. Show tat decode i ars that yx, ad x re wo 8 mesiage nts andy, and are the respecte coder ouput, he Xm HOH AYN OFE +. Demonsteate that if the mestge Block contains Kast ont 1, he coder retro opal vate onthe od shit, But not before. The it epter itiiotavce maximal gh feedback conigtion beease the maximus Somber of dsict arse shit reper sates 28 — 1 where Ki he eagth ‘Bib steeper, can be anova tata epaximal length feedback con- fgorasion cxss forall [et be the vector obtained from y, by the component tansormaton Oct nL, Defoe s, = VER, 40 be signal vor, each component ct which is Vy Show tat (vv; iyi all zeros, Bit (vie nner. «4, Prove ha the set of 32 signals (5) form a snp. E Gumalze the prt to mma length sh ep coer or win the oneness is ary {65 Conic a Binary paiy-hes coder hae gncatesy by peering one fat hank cock Stine nvoll abet ofthe componts ofthe opt fetor x = Cho 2 Show hat y hae = 2" — 1 components. vwonimes 479 b, The coder ouput $ = =) it produced fom y by the come poventwassormaton 0-H. “i, Show that it o 8G ota 5 Gat B= Grattan ent) obtained by multiplying corespnding component so & codeword “in Mltplstion of te numbers +H and ~I ie egalen o addon smodslo ofthe sambers and © Now a 2G ty nyu) nae the vetorprodaced from x by the component wnsotnion 0 F1,1'= wh Show tether Bene tay al aX eC Fa L io alle f= 12, 5 otherwise. 4, Use) ad oto prove tat the codewon form 4 dnpton {56 a. Calziate the exponential bound parameter Rin its per channel ws) Forte two dice chanel mods showin Fi PES be Devisem way to 3 the channel of) at ate By — 1 with i] = 0 67. Calelte Ay forthe A input her, Q = 4 + 1 outpteter disate remoryless erase channel desea by the aston probes er ee eee Tene ana FN Deed ' At what maximum average rate Ry (in bts er chavo ose ea we come -muniate ove the chanel wi M90 wen # osc binary canna {valle fr feesbeok om recive fo uanamiter? = “$80 MPLOMENTATION oF CoDID syste , The eapciy of « memorgless chanel snot inceased by feedback 402 Waist pp 80). Une ti fast o conto snl argent To prove ‘hat the rate (the easure chanel’ eapaciy. Cy “Eon do a Cy vary when gi sl ad A incensed? 68 Determine te value f the unquantzad exponential Bound porate Ry ‘ht uly when the coder of (0) of Prosem 63 sued to cot igs of oS nen for tarsmision over am additive white Gausian ois chanel with power deni 69. Consiee« dstetecommunistion channel deseibd by the easton probabiie ; Myladagas ENB Janz le. We are inter inthe exkation of peviagl sr cn dhe chanel is very “oily” by which we ma thi the a posterot prob iy of helper gen thatthe ep ete 6 is rie ills Ite oranltom nos os pos We te ha condi ss Maslbl=Cteapa alld iden abt 1. Define Q) = Epa as he probaly of weeiving 8. Show that © © Bren Emo © tun +90 1b By we ofthe poner sves ViFEate goes ich Pe poles sow tat ag RE Eee Now uppos the shanna BSC derived oman adie white Gann adie channel y snipdal signaling and binary quantization of cee SSSR 2p Sw a 2 omiens 481 when te eae o-nle rato pe mension yy ar, Eaten ‘Sompare withthe vale of Ryobi by unguasaed reception, {610_ Consider a modulator hat traramite one of A orthogon sige (/Eyean). = 1,2,-.., 4, over an ave white Gausian ote channel, Bu(f) = gla Att teeve the quais ean ni ef er man a “iene or py oy ya 2.-(42)) RTH ere he averge swith respect tothe aritarance Gain ado variable {yinth esa j= VIET Prove hat eee eer ee ‘ordered lst of the subscripts of the L largest rs. Thus, if “es (he etcoroupat is the I (i --- “Te syst fom modulator inp Yo detistoroutp ean be modeled by a sect memoryes chanel wil lap laters and Q outputs, Mik Qa act mI) (4 = Lt ty Geach dace an oat leer) Very Paes Figae Pa0 482" nemusnexrarion OF conen sesrass te hatin pong emerge oe 2a Sigs PEELE Blogs Goer neg cee ‘Show the a sniff pebbles converges ono each output eter. Detenine ah expres for yin term ofthe (0), suming Input tr are ogaly Hey (See Maco, “Souertil Desig with lorthoponl Alpe! snd Lit Devon” Jet Proplsion Lab, SPS 37-3, Val Ve bay June. 1965, for dead analyse of this modulatonctetion system) 4:11 Two bay acy ck codes ce ai to Been if ne can be ‘Smet attr by cordate potatos sno rene the ‘ooword sect. ‘row thet cada the same PE when wed ona HSC Show that any oy panececk coe (3) 8 whith all colewords are sisi bole soot uh ean fin whch the fat ge Secession are th coreaponding eer put eco s The code 5) 8 ‘seo have “tno or 612 Apply the Fano search goth of Fig. 6.46 othe value plot of Fg. 245. Det the suszeuve loans ofthe etch node pointer and the values (7 and ina fashion srt tha of Pig 57 13. Apply she Fano sere alot of Fg, 6465 ta binary tee and 2 ‘eft o1your own devising. Be erin that every box inthe search ori i entre 2 leet one. Detail the sosesieleaton of the sar ode pine a the vals of abd a fhion smart that of Fig. 647. 614 Consider «sytem communicallag ovr a BSC at Ry = 08K}. 1 the ‘Cana empoys a sonvelatonl coer andthe recive 4 Fano coe With Sracecomputton time per Sranch aad 1000- branch memory, estate the largest communication rae is er second consistent with © Hoverfow) < 10% @. Poverow) < 10. Repeat for Ry = 0.8% GIS_ Prove that a en by Eg 6X2 and 4A.3, odes forthe BSC 10a stant anes te ted datas funtion of Eq. 6108, wtp < p<) {46_, Conder uring he easre channel f Pram 62 wih bay (y= 2) Snovlutonal coding and without feedback. What isthe probability that & ‘Secunive chanel input symbole wil be east? Assuring that ts event ‘te, lover bound the sumer of beances that a Fane decoder rust examine efor tan determine the covet pth beyond the endo eerste, Expose your anuwor asa fuetion of the ate By noms 483 1. Let Py] dente the peobaity tha yo ore branches are serced by the dso before the Be encoer np yb determined Use ts bound ‘of wth an appoint Shore octal ower tonad on PDL, At ‘what ate Ry, does the bound nay an nite mean number of coespaons (Geancher sera)? Compare th ale its Ay GAT a. Using the rests of Appendix GA, show tat the kth womeot ofthe ‘tuber of teaches i te onrct re! for seared by decoder Dt ‘bounded (when retracing is dcouned by m6(E¥ Fpeeo afi eon ‘In whi he aserage ove he ese of sonvolutonal codes, B Minkovsh's inequality state tat OF k'> 1 and any sot of random wen GT) ger ‘Ue this inegunlity to prove tat Ait for Ryhy > 2k — © Generalize Cheb s nega o prove tht fr any random variable Meat 4. Feo (and) prove hat over the nse of codes FRSA * "S(N) Cys where Mar, Guat M0) Hwa. From Siting’: spprosinmtin othe atria or age 20> Guna in which 1s the boay entopyFoeton, ei 5 10) -aoge =p; OH Seow txt Fs aly (C5!) <1 nef hich 11 = Ro We where S(/) denotes the Fourier transform of “The reason forthe nomensature “doublesideband suppressed casrie™ ‘sclanfedin Fig. 710. Sine multiplying two functions in‘netime domain Coereponds to convolving thei spectrin Ue froguensy domain, the Fourier spectrum of any transite signa 5) conan two sideband focated symmetrically about -.f, and therefore occupies twice the band width oocapied by s(). The sinusoid J 0s ais ealed the career: the fat that) doesnot contain any dserete Fourier component at _Fosccounts forthe suppessed-cate terminology. 44 nnonrant ciuooe, MODELS sh 50) ¥ ¢ aT at ae Figae 710. Seo of baehand water 2 sod DSBSC mode waren a “The first thing to note about the DSD-SC system of Fig. 79s that inthe absence of roe the lowpass signals {50} are reproduced at the futput of the DSESC demodulator withowt ay alteration, (We assure ‘throughout tis rection that the reciver Knows the exact carter phase. ‘The rndom-plase casei considered in Section 7.3) Indeed, remoltiply+ Ing by /2 coe stat the resiver and lowpas tering with WY) exactly ‘doe the modulation performed at the transmitter uring the subscript “ip” to mean “the low-frequency components of” we have {r/Reos oy eos oh = 25 (TR + 4 005 etl, = 540). (7.12) Desc uosuLATION 495 ‘The normalising factors /3 maintain the energy of (0) equal that of by inspection of Pg. 7.10 and use of Parsva's theorem we have [Lwora=[iscnra=[isccorar=[" wore ca "The reason for the restriction fy > Win Ea. 7.10 js slustated in Fig. 7a ify — rand introduce the change of variables vatthe 500, owronran cna. ones ‘A pal eration lens to the reat FAD =2[" OWE LOH x exp (Bntn(f +f = aS — Sah of =o a) er the de WLI WHF— f= 95 whenever fo > WY ‘We now combite Egs. 7.218 and b. From Eqs. 7.19 FO = TFT =P (7.228) TD = RTF RATTRAT FTAA (0.298) Equatng the ral and imaginary parts in both Eas. 721 and 7.22 and invoking the definitions of Eqs. 717, we hive for allf and Roo) see nef aus-meran 0209 a= auo~in[" 0-0 a2 inal, if we weit 8, — f), —W (eo + 0) AAAI VV neon Figue 7.32Eavpe etn of aks) pd se we, Each ofthe vectors in Bg, 7.60 two-dimensional. To accordance with a. 73, r=scos0 +m, foetal ta, so that when m ~ my the vestor components ofr and, are ra Sree. = \Eeat 0+ ma ra Bree = Ean +, Fah ree ten oon ra S885 In tcrms of these coefiients, afer eancllation of common fatar of VE the condition of Eg, 1.40 becomes ral brab> rab rah 709) Since pu a ex) are orthonormal andj) and a4) are statistically independent Gaussian procese, the random VERBles My a an Ma vessel hte nein aledm Tage 748) From Eqs. 162 and 7.63 PLE | ma (Pa ral) = RL Phra + ra > RY fl 70) 06) de 8 bee a [frau sere eB tater, (7.64) ‘We calculate PE | ml by averaging Eq 7.64 over the random variable rat er Ths PIé| ml = PIED rat eT = ar, 0) “The lst Hin exploit the fact thar under the condition that mis transite. "The averaging in Bg. 748 is most easily cari out in two steps: we fig calculate the conditional exor probability P| m0 = 9} aed then forage over the sandom pie 8. Using the tation Ez|y = f] to ‘Seno the condvonal mean of given y = 8 fom Eq, 7.65 we have Pfe| ms 8 = 7] = Ele) 9 = 1 Blew | = yl. (7.660) ‘When 6 = y the random variables rq and rate Gaussian, with varlanoe 2,2 and ens fan VEcoy, ta = JEsiny. 2.660) In Appendix 1C we prove the following extremely useful lamina: Lemma, If is any Gausson random sarlable it mea m,andcartance ads and is any complen constant with rel pat less than (203), the 522 terorEANT GRNNNE. NODS expense ey ety om Via twos | ie ‘Alyn tiem 2.76, with = =I] we ave 1 pycosty) exp (— to sin coag hots) sola) He m0 = y= Sy epi = dean [~ sb Elcoty + at3] wt wk + bee tobe Bie Tau 783 Prot ofr fr eben sober epi ano ly ty ogo lle of ney E RANDOM FHie 528 Final, since the right-tand side is independent of m, and, averaging ‘over mad 0 yaks : Pre = get 98) Is iteesting to compare tis reslt for to equally Hkely orthogonal lowpass signals with incoherent reception tothe corresponding result for coherent section, Tn the coherent case we have from Eqs. 478 and 2 =o 2) 1 pam, no = 0/2) < aes oo or lg Bye Yound of E70 sey hand he eos per [omnes oferta okt an cranny (Guvaka Hojo de wo sor bvrsae vente cst race ‘Figme 74 Phr dag for envelope deoston, Insight nto the near equivalence ofthe coherent and incoherent cases is provided by the phasor diagram in Fig. 7.34. In aecordance with Eqs. 737, 7.5, and 7.6, we can think of the output of th sigolexcited Dandpass matched fer in Fig. 731 (sale by the normalizing factor LINE) 28 beng represented for 1 T by a signal phasor of length VE, pase 6 to which is added vectorally a random noise phasor, ‘The resstant phisor rota with angular fequency ay = 2nfy and the ‘eralized fer outpit isthe projection onthe horizontal a “The noise phasor can be resolved into tWo composes, one in phase vith and one in quadestre withthe sige phasor Since the lowpass noi procesesn{f)and-n() i the bandpass nol eepreseatation of Eg. 7.26 ate stationary end a change inthe signl phate corzesponds to a shut in ime origin, the statistical properties of che iawpase abd quad- ‘ature mise componeate are the same fearless ofthe tale of 8. ‘Thos theve naron-band fitered lowpass noite phasor components vary slowly fn Tength, each having the ample of statistically independent {Gaussian proces with mean power Wy and rms ampliude 32, 524 aortas cuaNMiL MoDsts Ta the cate f coherent reception the hse is known andthe optim receive obras only imphsse note omponeats. On the other hand, the incoherent receiver sheers the eavlape ofthe Sir outputs Far ths sgnakexcted iter, thi corespon foe length ofthe fota signa pibenoie phasor. Whea ¥/,2¥a> 1, however, both thei and out-of phase noise component are tsuly much slr than the signal com= ponent Tris ea rom the geometyof Fig 73 thatthe apse of {Ec envelope i then aeted pray byte in phase noe lone. "We may sli consider the bandpass matched iter whose out ie robe alone in mush the sane way, The length ofthe vector sam of tv {rhogonal Gausiaa vectors can be large (in tltion tote inal) only Fone er bth of Hs somponats ae large. With weak nos, the probe bulty of such an even isnt substantial are tan hat nbc would ‘bala fe abserid only angle noise component wth the coherent feviver. Thos ack of phase information does aot soul aféct the ‘Huiical astute of the utp from etx of he two orthogonal mashed fiers when. sarge Tis explana Why envelope det. els fest pesfocinance thot nt svouly Sograded under gh energy 0. ‘oe rato coniton. ‘ithough cobrent and incoherent recsivers yield comperable eror performance wien one of two esl ely tonal gal nie Inied io weak noua, drs aot follow that complete lack of phate Ienowlsige nat sony Indeed, when coherent reeption spose the two signal may be chosen to be antipdal rather thi arthogonal, which ‘ives dh. Tho 3 db may aio be saves when the channel phar vacst lowly enough o that phate continuity Between successions ‘un be exploited, evn though the absoste phase may e sakaow. One sy to soso thi goa is erred in the nest two section. Phase comparison and channel messiement. ha intresting sey for commiting binary date over randomphate chanel 9 tan ait kro efrence waveform say gy 05g to measie the phese the channe, and tanto tenant the meiage by mean a ata Signals 1409/20 oy conesponing to m= my ald m= my “pest. Note that these message signals ae opimom the pase iow but are inching the pas form sebaed over {o.2n}, ch ponte out the ned forthe phos ference measurement ‘We now cone the parila eae in Which the Iowpus waveforms 0 sada) ate orogonal, each with energy IE, Oae posible choice of anal with coresponing elo repesentatin,slstrated in Fg 735, Tis Vnmedttly apareat fom the seston representation thst the total transmited naetorm (rfrense waveform plas sigma} my Be manos PASE 525 ‘generated in a sage step by appropriately suplying either 109 = 90+ 540) (7.700) 249 = 4 — 540 7.708) to the input of the trasmiter modulator. The two signals 5() and 140) ae ortiogonal and each bas energy # Thus teres no distinction (Other than pont of view) between the signal set here and in he eavslope ‘etetor analysis encompassing Eq 79 igre 75S for cual manicures nd pha compari spn 1 remain to be shows how this pont of view may be extended to the =P + le @ OF, ‘Simpiying, we observe tat the optimum ceiver sts t= mand only i" Finally if, 526 montane cuneE ones hen 7:7 maybe wen * 7 Q-5,>0. (17) “The interpretation ofthe optimum decison rule of Ba. 7.72 is claied in ig, 737, Fist from Bg, 78 and the discussion leading to Eq 7.57 wwe note thatthe angle (phase) of Q is jst the phase at = 7 of the ouput of after “mated” to ihVEcot oy and the angle (ha) oFRs the ple t= Tot the utp os fle matcde 0 Tio Vos, Equation imps hatanoptinum conrlito%t emt ahd only ithe mage of he Pate diferenee beeen @ Thain than 7. Thus ee that ares the ps of 8 UG lana fee for component he pas o 5, optima Shen EN hth maureen phase th ik robe sity aay the sane the acl peo he ane we ovis Souter nrpeation af the snanen ofthe dgraatn of prermance Snail by te coherent reser ander hae condos a beh pee We te06t “ =i Haar an ‘gue 737 Mahe tar an {ikea chanel gn fs eee seed to tho oda The ers ce fies ap for past te tnt sas Bo=gr—9Vieood, Mey ot coset sever Aswan ut apne CHANNELS 527 Differential phaseshif keying. A practical sytem®™ oxpoits the refereace-phas idea in a clever fashion fo uansmit a sequence of binary ‘vera ehanael whose phase changes very slowly, To transmit ‘theft inary mesage, a signals proeaded by aeletnce. For the vcond binary message, the signal portion ofthe frst transmission i used as reference and only the new signal i seat. This scheme is continued with ach sigal serving a reference for th nest, as iusteatd in Fig. 7.38. at any time mis tobe transmitted the phase i lft unchanged from the preceding tamsnission, whereas if my isto be transmitod the phase Is hanged by IMO". Decisions are made on the bait of whether fhe new reecived phase and the preceding recived pase der in magnitude by ‘more of less than 90°. It follows tht as long as nplib ebannel phase rte occurs between successive transmissions the eeror probably is the same as that ofthe incoherent rerepion of orthogonal signals with energy equal to that othe eference plus signal say E. From Eg. 7.68 PIE] = dem, at for diferentil phase-shift keying, the energy actully used ia the ‘nansmission of each binary message is just that of the signal portion, E,= Ep. Hence Pla] = hehe oy ands 5b improvement hasbeen obtined by the double use of eoery. For large values of End sow phase def the degradation in average performance from that obtained with an optimum eoferent binary system by wing ancipodalsgnalsis nlite. The major dstinedon that erort fend to occur in pas, since an error on ope message implies high ‘probability of having received a had noise, which in tuen implies & poor Feterence forthe net dessin, 14 FADING CHANNELS ‘We have jst ated situation in which ether the phase or the ampli te ofthe received signal is random, We aow treat one in which book ‘hie ond amplitude are andom. In partcular, we ahall investigate the ‘esign and performance of optimum resivers forthe casein Which P00 HowTo np a) is rani, the rcv signal inthe bez of adv niet FO = atin cos at ~ 0. (7385) In Eq, 7.78 we assume that 0) is lowpass modultig signal with ° oo 128 itr om ot eae at me Fe ee a wn el fd Taber Seite Memgyorenk pete Scarmmse Wok 529 Dandwidth W” & ay/2z and tha the jot probability density funtion of the guin and phase parameters (6,0) 18, «D006 $< Ae of #2 59 0; elsewhere “Thus cand 0a ati independent, with n= Beer, 30, 0.156) 1 rads oder 230) “The wansmision gio at Rayigh catia with anh, 07%) Feo>o. (7768) “Thus the annie ery is Pwora-[ouse, © amy ne mean setved inal eneray is bf Woon a= nletea = 06,2 F, (72%) Seatring Mode is instructive to investigate the crcomstanes under which the Japucoutput relation given by Eqs. 74a and bi reasonable model for fan actual communication problem. Consider the situation shown in Fig. 739, in which therein large namber of “scatterers” Iovate at randors points within the propagation path Let the component resived from tej seaterer be nH esdt — 1 pfFeot lt =) 30 the delays {,) ae all smal in rltion to the reciprocal bandwidth of 19 but compartbe to 2rloy thea we ean wee PEO w 9 E enfbeos(at— 4, 78) S90 moxmne Cun, NODES Invtich 2 our Equation 778s pret on thea that ng ina, ct change gna ove th ine tere panied Wine nso het ten) ~ 9 fora Pe lt sine and cosine BSB eodultors sch a those in ‘mre rong igus 722 Sern of tame gs Fig. 7.140, the two outputs are rd = AZ 0064, ope and 140 = AO Zevsin dy 7.798) ‘We now investigate the stastcal properties of the paremeters a8 Zeysos dy 7800) AZ essinge 708) “The simplest case—and the only one that we consder—oeeus when the.) ae satitaly Independent and each i uniformly dtrbuted ‘over [02>], Asume inialy that the fe) are identically distributed ‘Fandom varlables, each of which i statistically independent ofthe others nd ofthe {,). Then the central init theorem states that both = and 2, {ie approximately Gausstin whenever tbe numberof sates large Moreover by vine of the satstial independence of the (c,} and the 1 ng. 178 we ngect th os dey hat eo te aver stan ne which LE EE nit Reon Sch dy annus to oa fo ee oa, Only ‘pent dye perf thea saving exannnis $3 {gah we have ® =lEate = 3eangy TERaRHT, oa pews, Bm LESH IOF But . sgn are ff Levee =o TTT =|" Looe esina ds EG = OG, =| Leostade =, and BEIG ~ whIG ~0 BEG GOEF, = HEH HG, GARG, = TOR TAF, = 0 in mh wiv xpd he sti inden fe Ths ‘Egg. 7.81 ‘heme ore tb the kai st) 7328) 80) We see that = and 2, are not only Gaussian but are also satistically Independent of each other and have zero means and equal varianes. It fellows that se caw wit = 7.838) is ineesting to note fom Ege TK that the cena limit theorem Imples tht the jot density function ps gvem by Bas. 7.83 even it 32 meatier sna oes the c) acon, ty cee forallp us the ec! condos requ o jay modsing sand by eka ‘independent Gaussian random variables are that the {¢,} be ce rsa and sly ines: ed that th ner aptery lrge Tae ssp at hs coon are met So opal ne ngreciar is woop Endangering cana tin mow easy to sce thatthe depsly function of Ea, 783 leads tothe a en by Bap 4 and 135, We can tcopote Pet Gute compre E79 and wie = Hille (Boot + fF infbaces(ont— 9. a oc) 7.246) in wie But we have alrcady observed (Bg, 2A.1 with p = 0) thatthe density Tanction pss, of Ea, 7830 mpils the density fonction Pay of Ea. 7.750 ‘Thus out ehteringshannel model leads to a received signal with a “niformly distributed phase and a Rayeigh-dstributed amplitude, Single Tesmision ‘We now conser the simplest case involving both fading and the sddiion of white Gausian nol in which (represents the single tans ‘Moson of one of equally Hal lowpass signals (5(2)}. The total recvived signal is therefore (i) = ati) V2 008 (ont — 8) + Malt 8s) Deteemination of the optim receiver structure is stctigheforvard We fist observe that fa were knowa, the optimam receiver would simply elas ithe modulating signal vet had been co{)} andi uocordance with Eq, 7.50 would therefore determine that foe which 7864) cammsiman, Hoe dese cugyofsand aries stay nal[[rowal'+[fvowa]} ose Divansery Teanstusaox 533, may be identified asthe sampled envelope of 2 bandpass filter matched to sfd2008 ag. When all E, a eal, 7=0,1,...,M— the ‘decision implied by this rule is the same regards of tho spe (pole) ‘av asimed bya. In this case the envelope detestor of ig. 7.1 is tl hn option reaver, even though a is now 8 (porte) random vate. Probabity of err. For M = 2 and orthogonal signals of eerny Ey ‘he probably of eror i also etsy Co determine. From Fg 7.68 we have 48) = FET = oan but fasts and sands, are statistically independent Gaussian random vatiable with ro mean and variance b)2. Accordingly. Bley = 3 EI RG, By invoking the lea of Eq. 7.67, with m= 0, 0 have PIE) = MED of = Had (+ Zeony"( Zony™ 1 TEED" 2 the mean val ofthe rived ese Discusion. Bgetion 7.88 states that the rinimom stainable eror probability i conmmanicatog oe of vo equally hely ochogona gels ‘over a Raykighladng channel cerease oly inveray wih the ten std energy This behavior inn marked contest to the nonading cae, in whih the ror probably deresaesexpanentally with £, The die ‘nc in performance atrial othe fal Thal een when the average ‘ected energy oma fading chan! shih thei sil sn eppeciaba ty tat the etal enerayresved on sn een fransmiion ul small; that, shore fan apprecible probability of a "dep fae.” ‘Tiss evident in the plot ofthe Rayliah density funedon ia Fig. 2216, Diversity Transmission ‘The only ecient way to reduce the etror probability wih a Rayleigh facing channel sto ctcursent the high probablity of a deep fade on & Single wansmision This és accomplished by means of diversity tans ‘mision. The dea of aiversity is simple: satering channels of practical fnerst are characterized by the fact that the satterng elements ia Fig. 739 move randomly with respect to one another as time goes on. SM IMPORTANT CHANNEL MODELS ‘Thus the roccived signal amplitude and phise are setully random proc sess, ny ff) and 8). OF couse, at any stated observation insta 1, the parameter a(f) and O,) are Rayleigh and uniformly distibuted andom variables, respectively, The preceding analysis of a single trans sion i therfore valid whenever Use duration ofthe signal (is short {hough compared withthe rate of variation of a() and 9) that these Drooenes are rlavely constant over the signaling interval. Over an {xlended period of tne, however, we anticipate thatthe observed vales fof af?) ll Auctuate being sometimes large and sometimes smal. One fom of diversity, called time ders, involves sending the same signal {0 over and ove agin, ay L time, the hope that not all of ho ans rissions wl be subjected tdaxp fade. "The objestve of time diversity isto space swccestve transmissions in tine in such a way thatthe fading experenced by each wsnsmision is atitialy indopendent. Lot the instants at which successive eins rissons Bepin be (J, = 1,2... La The value of a() observed at ny instant depends pimarily on the phase rlationships then existing, Tetvoen the mutually interfering ineremental Wavelets received trom individ setterers. Accordingly, if the fe.) ate spaced far enough part 0 thatthe phase eamples OE) Eo ad are statistically independent, 0 also ate the corresponding gain samples eC) eo a) We therefore assume for purposes of analysis that = Trae 735) vere . a2 ali, 8 HED, 7398) A Gaye s0ds (7.890) 08 (0-8) (7898) ‘Asin the single transmission case, we also assume for = 1,2, .--» Ebi rape fa 8ST gn lo; elsewhere, Equation 7.86 makes provision forthe fac thatthe fading parameters (Gy) alfecting diferent transmissions may be unequal. The final assump- tion is that each of the 1 diversity transmibsions is sufciealy shor. DIVERSITY TRANSMISSION 535, compared to the spacing between the (f) tha the fading daring cach ‘Tansmission may be considered contac, "Thus far we have considered only time divenity, Other methods of obisining 1 dierent received signals are Iraqueney and space dives, ‘These technigues ate discussed briefly atthe end of this caper, Since the performance atainable with diversity depends only upon the 2. dimensional Joint probability density funcuon p,q, the analysis that follows is independent of sh particular divert technique from which Pag Flt pf Ramey faa] cw ee | nT ple Fe 140 DSB Jenaltion of LN! ne tveiy tanenision, Whee m= ‘te Stand ia = Satr—n. Fer te stg tne ae der conten, teeing dematltar Hom Sagoo inte —1) +000, ip Zasan dine 10 +90. Optimum diversity veecivers. When I-fold time dverty is sed in conjunction with DSB demodulation, os in Fig. 740, each tanemieion results in wo lowpass outpat waveforms: one each from the sae tnd the sie demodulators. Ths the ea total of 24 relevant lowpass aver forms avalale atthe receiver. We now consider the optimum Way fo se these waveforms is the determination of ‘Assuming tha the input message is my and numbering the cosine demodulator ouipuis consecutively from Ito L snd the sine demodulator ulus cone om (LF 1) 2, we may th 22 wate a: ees pata, (-rsin D504 m(Os I= Lt Ty bb 2.-2L (799) 596 worst oR woos ow, for ntti spy, es fF tamsnision Basten He ston ae ange, ik inponast erent, howe ESE (aust cual oe ig Sot ments, Sa fe) en ately desea epoca se) 1, ie fo) te italy Inopndet asp ado rarities wih 3 by andthe (ae sats cee cm saab ach of sie unm Sed Serta We dete ont; Peed ersin agi TE KEY Bos Bl aon 1g, 7.90 can be rewrten a5 rAd =aynhemMOs P= “The {e) are statistically independent Gaus ‘zero mean aad vaianees Fabs tenga ashy sess we deine & Finally, in terms ofan appropiate orthonormal set {pf}, we ave buat FREE LAD 2 (1930) eee 79) wom Sunes so thatthe vector euialent to Eg, 7928 netatng URL 2.2 95) {mn which cach vector has componeas. Aen of be alive noe sane same nthe fo), Buch component ofp [=f 2ov12L 1 a 20 rar dom arate mith varance Nandi tsa Independent ofall oes paramere ofthe problem. “:Picemulatig the optimum recive, i's conveieat to abbreviate sotton by debaing the 2LN-componet eeors 2G uted 9%) 2 Creme 736%) en = py the optimum receiver Sets ri equal 6 that m, for whch DIvEEsTY TRANSMISION S37 Pim ols masinum, Assuming that lfm) are oul ily, we Pim B ‘im are equally likely, Pim, |r = e]~ pe | m). aan Dt be noise weston re nti independent and . resi Te Bev dh 9) oe Om xr 79) ‘ive he reason pa (He here ave Pe | me fad = Ff ater ~ ad 0.100) Since the (re random vrs, we obtain te itond pe [md Sy eran 1100 on Te opi se a ‘ns tha Fhe maxis P40 |m) = Rie T% ED awa fle Semel] ~ ite deoa) 09 tah in we hep te th) ty Inga ean Se seeped ‘The exponent in Eq, 7.101 may be expanded as follows, with E, % |g: T Jes — 8" = lei? — 2e(pi-8) + 9B, (7.1028), mln + a(e,— 28) Ges? werent) 28, gioay Introdocng Eg 7.102 ito Ea, 7.10, isang terms that are independ ent of and defining. py oa) yaks 240m) ~ EL en 2) ow Each ofthe 2b expectations in Ey. 7.08 may be evaluated by invoking the lerama of Bg, 7.67, with w= B/W, m= pip nd 8 = By 538 ispoRtaNT CHANNEL MODELS nl cpectenge en) yarns bine ut : 5 beet oo[-Stiptia] oe br 8) owl Fee tae -eo[e-o hainal ‘vhs ex [rea tts] (709) wo volm~U ER BEI. Defining the weighting factors gd PEEIND t,2,00 2 Mot 1 BED fous sand the bis constants MS (he BEND P= Ot MA, (7105) 2 vec thn Spf oin~eo (bleed Sadernt] aie ‘The optimum resiver therefore determines the index i for whieh the econ function . ath Beles 7.106) va have the same ener, F = Bt (eae fndependen off wen ete Fn adic he manamute Gls (ae oe sre mil anomisions, te weighing acon (are he same fOr Svand 1 and may also be ignored. The optimor don ule then becomes the fllomng i” soe Hm Bn 1:25 ena if and only 1S C053 Set 1s maximum. “The quantity (e,+5)? maybe computed by correlating the sine and SVE MANSON 589 cosine demodutor cups foreach ofthe Ztanison aginst he lowpass (), suing ond suing Alsat, eto fiom ben 154 and 158 ta for cch tasimiion P12 he uti (1-8) (Pras the square af eemelope i ated froma er matched to 9()V2eoren Than optinun rece may sum (ver he teas) te geeemelos samp fom es tated tocack ofthe tenn iss and Stren acordanoe sth whee so sept Such eer rent isda invie 1. ‘When th mean energy ressined on ah ofthe divest anions isnot egal the wnedcnop tpl ut be weighed bare ss ‘ation. Pot any tanunason sch tht te rao oft arrae ested oery and the noise power dens, H/. veyanlwee om 1g. T05 tat the weighing cr ys poporonal heres on he othe hand, when by bomen ve age, apace Ie he {ej ar ot al eu tes convo ect th ster Aetaion mito opine Ue Receiver imerprettion®” If he 2 transmission gains (2) were not "andom but instead wore known 10 te rseiver in advan, the optimum ‘eeeving strategy with equally key messages would be to determin that Tor wih pp], 5) maximo. Prom Eas 7.100 and 71008 reecer wot rove maeuae, afin, aur = 13 se, (7.1076) On the other hands when the (6) ere zevo-mesn Gaussian random ‘variables, we hae seen in Eq 7.106 thatthe optimtmn sever musics eth Znslorosy 73088) ‘This expeesion can be writen in form analogous to tat of By, 7.107 by defining 42 Bees) 7.1088) ‘We then have o L8aiate Hen ais ht Manat Viewed: t=O fox 10 tine dveiytnmenion, The med Se ip ponte ae Fare 141 Opti enelpe deter ete ety ele ta envelope deetor Tat, Bach “ago fw enape Sec” toe on ves Tannen 41 Te nerretion of, 740K sofas. We ca th ech ‘a8 anette tannins bd on eee ek fd te hype tat stand Wiha oe Spm chercan vial fntsimatngechee hs Boothe baw tytn ante ced peal od eg {hips ee toni Has tem chat ek a as town to el th mated alae" Sn the apes cas teach ta geno rec impoha, eeoreas SF seer at ately pectin ae ay wuld oo The vaaton, howe rvs mip no Sora "eee ey right contrat forse crn cman seen ee Tiley a not Gnoan "Ne ow sho twin ws he a xia oft (ta partsiy we ow dat FusEle|mor = pds 16162, O<1 Era 1s») where ru B nee 1125 Tem mg then r= 6,0) and F122 G.I) pomtE ang) (teeth auto Since yg and 2 ate statically sandom variables with variances lependent,aero-rean Gaussian ui, ame i follows that the (ry) are natal independent zero-mean Gavss random variable wih variances ae Fh. Cui Defining BB tins cee tang .tteay BE Canam tands ets) we observe ftom Eq, 7115b that an efor occurs when m= my nom : mand wki> ea Lae ety te pct tc ey an Ilan ig geen m= mee eco hve mee relmr=fimalned omy Both Ry and R, ae random vectors with 22 components, each com= ‘ponent being zeromeun, denialy dbtibuled, statically independent 544 montage CHANNEL MODHLS Gaussian random variable, The component variance for Ry is 01, ‘whereas for Ry itis of In Appendix 3D we determined the density function of the magntade of a similar N-composent vector with waite ‘variance components: from Eqs SD.108 and 5D. Net Ba got 22 Piel) = CR oa wih By ES Novem araiby oom Sealing wo vasiance of and sping ys coe (siJetms tan2 quate (L— Di of \207! ee Oe Frnio sen crm lat Ba. aan) snd then atl OG) (GT Ql] enn bel (6 | ml = PLE | m= PEEL a) “The err probability depends om the average recived signal enecgy Fe bE, only through the parameters PEE | ma: By some, ana oa) and oe asses (1.1236) ota G 2 We ent the pratense in E712 at] =p wre Naecg eos of oad gen by Be wwe yr Ga NAF TERN hich checks with the error probiliy for = (no diversity) given by . 7.1248) Dean ease 545 5,788 I rs of 7 a. 712 ten cons as ria 9 S(445— Na ~ py om) Upper bound on MC, Aihough eae Eq, 7.124 is cambrovs and inonmenit o e when Lis rg We now obtain an export {ek pe bond onthe atin cox probably with mayo. ‘onal Sion each avng energy fy which i esl een che ‘Leaosnsion gains fa) do not lhe the sare mernguare value. There cbse 37 mean ofthe Cheon owning cin “he wen cts fy) 78 ms eae yan cna weer wen tO oF tate Hebe (MBs 125 se not ll gual, For binary sgl with equal ney Ey wren PLEIN ELS T+ DEI) 1+ BN” Fe 2 Fe... 2b, (726) gs the average energy recived om the Mh transmission, where Equation 7.106 then states that the optimum rcuiver set 1 = ms if and 1 onlyit 1 Eten > 2 Sefgeayt ES meont> 2 ¥mcsy uz) An equiva expression, aloes to Fa. 7115 roo Bre ann) in wich te (rae now Gained to nla the weighing factors fv) eA Lm yan aun va Vitel . ° When m= me neem ne savE tne ich imptin cram 8. an) "The {7} are again independent zero-mean Gaussian random variable. 586 nupoxvuer CHANNEL MODELS In acoedance with Eq 7427b, an error is made when m = oi and only it Seat nn >o. “The probability ofthis event is Pte) = PIS) [e(See-na)), cam in which f(_) the uniestep function of Fig. 742 ad the expectation ‘over the fandom variables fr) i conditioned ca m= fom oes re igre 142 Una on n epnnia tan We oii Cherof bon on PL) ain cbvng hat foray > othe vit sep vetbounded bye exponent 1060" 130. oa) Toe 118) < Bf A at — 22] ee In Eq 7.31 the statistical independence ofthe {7} hasbeen exploited in siting the mean of te produet asthe product ot the means. Each ofthe 42 expectation in Ey, 7.131 can be evaluated by means of the lemma of Eq 787, with w= ch m= 0, and a.'= oy of of We then have br, open DivensrY reanswissox 547 Wenve for 0< 2 < Kant reaeff (2 Sig)" ea wir 4 na I8 yds an exponent that at east (0935 times as large asthe exponent for = 20. Tis for 3.db end Aw iB we hove 7480) Fic raamaronn, oun ‘Asfongas the mean rctved energy 1o-noise ratio pc bit E/N greater than approximately 7 db, the probability of rer destetses exponentially withthe code consran length K. Furthermore, this can be acromplshed witha set of building block signals (2(0) comeing ony 8 orthogonal waveforms. If we restrict 4 to 2 (Diary orthogonal signaling), the feptimum value of changes only sighily to approximatay 27. The effect on Eq, 7.148, however, s that yy mst now be sigtly peater {han 10 db forthe botnd Yo converge to zero with increasing ‘As with the Gausian chanacl, the simple union argument wed to exe Bg 7.149 doesnot ead tothe tightest posible bound Tor ll values (f Ey/N'e Indeed, it can be shown! by more sensitive analyte teche niques that the capacity ofan ifinte-tendwidth Rayegh-tading channel |i the same as that of an infinite-bandwids Gaussian channel with the same men energy-to-noise rato. The bound of Eq. 74, however, i exponetaly tight fr values of Fy.y somewhat greater than 7 db Th sation, 7d approsimates the minimum value of Es for whieh the ‘ean numberof computations rogired by the sequential decoding po dures of Chapter 6 converges, Binary Quantization ‘With pure additive white Gaussian nose, we found it necesary (ce ‘Chapter 6] to quantize che matched-fiter outputs to nplement a fei ecoder. Similarly with a Raylighfading channel we must aso reduce the devoder input to ascete form, The probability of erro Bounds of Fg. 7.145 and 7.149 are meaningful nan engineering sense only wen the squacedenvelope samples resulting fom the ansmaion ofeach cement se quantized with suficieatly fins grain. In thie scion we iusrte the 596 oxrint HNE. Hoos Aeprdaon tat sus wien be quantzaton gap core. In pr Sin ome econ ao hte blag ap sss ool weer, ih we nay ke abe ti otogon oe pas warm 2) = VF) a 240) = VE) nie tanner pam se bears he ‘wougceensope sample ay Ty a gh produced te ouput ‘of bandpass fiters matched to git) V2c0s ou! and pall) W208 wy, ‘mtr ac une at hawk Fipae 147 Symmeticbnay gum o the iene of gente enone Ss respectively. Its clear zat symmetre binery quantization (se Fig, 7.47) ofthe dference ofthese wo samples Yq! — 2, coresponds to making fan optimum inary decision about which eter was actully transmitted fs the ith element, under the assompsion that both lees are equally ikely. IF sucesive reeived elements are quantized in this same way, P= 1,2, Ny the channel is converted int a binary symmetric channel ‘with ann probability PTE ae ‘qual to the eror probability fora single Binary decision (Ea 7.88). "The tranamiston of elements in secession correspond ta N wes of the BSC, so that fom Bg. 670 P< mm, 21308) Rit lot + VTP 7.1500) ‘The error exponent 2,’ is plotted as a function of £2, in Fig, 7.48, together with the conesponding unquastizd exponent Ry= 1 — loge +4901 — PI, sty which esl from spaializing By, 7.1450 0 A = 2. with NULL-ZONE quaNIZAHION $57 “RQ 3 enn can “Ri @= 2 in mete ny owns ey Des By Tipe 748 aod fo bay etogsal sialing om «Rash ing chao ‘wih oo nd recta! ome gustan Natt-Zone Quantization “he pesformance degradation entailed by biacy quantization can be reduced by using @threelevel quantizer, as shown in Fig, 74. Te for any element 2,07 the np fo te qantas the dierens Sait me, 1509 the ong i ” wis) 4h we a -vev 18. APPENDIX 7A. WHITENING FILTERS ‘The fiter O{f) in Eq, 7.7 was determined by a genral mathod which alvays guarantees that both GU/) and G-X7) ae physically relizable whenever S,(/) ca be waten arto of to polyoma in ft syn eM o p= = B= MO kp ‘Gn am ca) In By, TAs (2 he tof comple rot ofthe narrator polyoma N(f), assumed to have degree n, and {n,} is the set for the denominator rijeomil DU) ated thaw epee The set (tbe as tnd {ad the poles, of 5G). Sines 8G) = 8L-P)= 8) @ power 4316p otal yl pone prot mit Yer tateg | Streeter oe 562 wrontasr cman. HoOeLs specrum seal nd even, both rs and pols are symmetrically sted out the eal and imaginary ate, a shown in Fig, 7A. Sts convenient to number the rots o hat edi-oumbered roots bave pose imaginsy juss ond even-numbered rots bave negntve imaginary pecs. For nip inthe power spectrum of E770, NY =ft+4—=G- 104i b= Ge PB DAP ei = GH IAL+ ID) meinem “1. 2a Roser gf) = EMD. Figs 0D. “The whitening filter, G/), ray now be easly specified. Define Ny = (f= P=) “°F Lod oe) MO=G- OF WU br OAD Dolf= P= ml = 1 ted a4) DAN = (P= WKS = dF Hab oAS 4 eye PLD aa, No “Thus the numerator of G(/) incorporates the upper half-plane poles of S.(p) and the denominaor incorporates the upper alf-pane 2er of SU). Cleey, aan, | convexny 565 so that Js denied asthe power density 2/2 at the ouipt of the whitening filer: "For the specirum of Eq, 7.7, oy f= ett S=R 2 retains tobe shown that both filters Gf)and O-) = No(UDoAN) are realizable. Consider afer tanserfention ofthe fers ijv-wo Ty - m0 Leving s = ff, we may express te fer characteristic in terms of the ‘complex frequency variables a5 Tyler to TIfe= pet Ti i)” TL e= en I ye 0+) has postive imaginary part, the plane pole j2mn, ‘~2eb + [Bea has negative eal part ad lis inthe fethalsplane All enominator root of both G{/) and O-WJ) satisfy this condition of postive imaginary part Thus all he pole ofboth Sites fll inthe let- Estas iene th are eae Firing wit Gi) ere reverible operation. Roots of 3y(/) on the real axis are sways of even multiplicity: the situation may be handled matbematicaly by assigning conxcatve indices to any such root, Ofcourse, these roots correspond to loses resonances ‘and do not eeur in practice. ‘A more substantive issue is that any 8,(/) encountered in practice oes 1 200 a3 f-> eo. Bocas ll physics ulimatly bacome ‘apactive at high frequencies, idea whitening is impossible. Th dificly is resolved by recognizing that GL) need only “whiten” the noise over the frequency band contuaing most ofthe transmitted signal ener. (payrnn, APPENDIX 7H CONVEXITY ‘A function fis said tobe “conven” over [0, =) fis second derivative satisfies als>0. O60 te) 564 nonzaer cM sooeLs Toe fain fi sone” oer (0 iF SG) PO; alla >0. (TB.1b) 1th equality sign in Hg, 78ln (PB) is nt permite, fs aly ones’ for sie conane. A conver fincton ovr f,) flawed Ie Fg. 7Bla tnd 2 sly Comer faneon over (0, i Fe 731, hoo ha ° iy cone o ie 73 A connec sa sty come ation on Theorem. Lt fe}, 2.5 M660 se of real mumbers sujet 10 the contains > IAN ded ona) ond x Back 2) end ttf be died as e fm RSs. a) comer 565 Uf emoes or 0,2 800 {<5 3/0 =s@) 784s) pts, aa ss0 ‘Whenever Js steely conve, the eqeal sgn holds in Eq, 7B. if and only ify i= 1,2, 22) +) ‘ea + a igre 702. Increase in po whens , fis concave, =f s conver, and the statements of the theorem apply withthe inequalities revered. We henceforth rect our attention to ‘convex functions. Proof. Since the function f must be continuous inorder for f* toi and each ofthe (a is restrced tothe close interval (0, x1, sa t3 ye 4 rust take on a maximum and a minimum es the fx} ae varied, Let be Strict convex. We now prove by a geometrical argument that f i= ‘maximum when =, = forall . Tor sume that some set (2) ot satiying = all produces the maximum. At least one pair of he (just be unequal, sa 2,2. However iis lar fom Fig. 73.2 that Soren ops tepsng htm nd 2B 297 ees fii hanging Ser Hae te asumpton th ay staf ot ing Fae a ator te maximus es Yo + eontion ad Fa aft th ncomie oc mine sat Oe at = KB och ii, Be es Babe nea a See en eee ha ceeh wens a ~S rll a +40 1 snes gue 782 Desezin pore wie tat woof th emo, wherever cones, but ot sity 20 he posi ex hat “pont da sain sqrt off tay cho fh Ser ck hat enh fact ideo. 8a eso the 6 Tene eet a ace he sme mas eee SP am toa poe random vrale inves Hie na shane aan pret, we now lace 3 co MoS on pp me tnn om 3p For isan y= Be 8 don Soak at ? [frou nso 73s) {forcosen vt noi spc ponve nec Ober at win eae flO) < J) + (@— FH «PO XTGION TO RONCONVEE FUNCTIONS S67 Thus FO<7O + @=Bf@ -f0. Be) fis red conver, the equality wil hold If and only iF he) = tha = 2). Bn Example 1. In ¥9, 7386, Pte) = QeV2E LID, ws o ert Conary 6 ot Ce ier aisa pose ranom vibe, ine tn 4S O/T: 20 is strictly concave as shown in Fig. TB, we have PIB) > O@WIETND, as) ith equality if nd only ia = 3 with probability one. 0 eas [Extension to Nonconvex Functions ‘Wenow extend Eg, 78.6 to aonconvex functions. Consider the fusetion| {defined in Fig. TB-S0 over [0 0]. We ean construct [rom f a nique conven function f* such that /-< J forall in (0, co]. We do so by Sarting athe origin and following f tothe fist point, saya, at which 2 568 pmoaTaNT ciLANNEL MODELS to o fey 0 o Fie 84. Coirston of come exeboun 6 9). line get wo fats tng off some e> a6) The Siiguinc osetiog tan) ae pro and te poss ‘Sine Tepes ean. TB. "he ony cipro ink cosas of feces wien Hoe tarp toate ong ls iow fat sae aegis Ta is SEE spent isu gin psig hough he og ad [EXTENSION 70 RONCONYEX FUNCTIONS 599 tangent to fat some pint, say. several pints of wngeney are posible the one yielding maximum slope is chosen, as shown in Fig. 7B. Since f 0 ois, Rein) T "Show thatthe optimum ever must ole the enti eee waveform Has cre. ta meet sn Boe net A=, th aVE; Wick 0-6 ke serie engoesringjudgneat to determine «small fete late to whieh ‘ston ofr) sly be estes withon nemring satan! performance (agadation 14. A random proses Xs deed as Ho) = nd V Boe ap + mT, in which n(?) and n() ave serosmean, jolly widesense stationary random ‘rooms Income of 440) = RTO. 840) =Ridali=9, 269 “AO, Belo) TREAD, tesine suet condos frm) to be widesmse stlonay 128 Toolowpss sigan and a) of bandh Ware DSBSC modulated fn quadrature higteaoonsy carr, and the modulated cars are edad ‘ote tanumison, Te the teamed sgl 29 = 240VFeos fg + fF 2h. ‘The canna own in Fig PS whee) the pele espnse of eear {Ubelavarian iter with taster fnesion Hi). Prove that the conn HG +N-WMh-Pi 06sew ‘qares that the lowpass sigalseglaed by quadeatute DSB-SC demodulation to not contin eros Ga, energy from one sgl fo the Output of the emote fr theo) 516 owwontaxr cota wooets att Oo Tole ewe Ps 16 Besse ideal rectangular iter are unrealable, SSB & not pose fa price wien the hattand gal (of buat) coast casey [to immediate viciity of f 0. The ifeay i ten sede! by ute ef ‘Seti seband™ modulion Show tha tho idelzed Yigal idan syst aigraned inthe Fig. P76 also yields cor performance ual 0 that {f DSBSC wea HE/) s appropriately chosen and ns Gauan. What ‘Sondtons muse (7) stay 08 fo fo A)? tee a tow {id} {io} ~ (wa) ~[Esn mm ewe m4 217 When tested vt pang hn, tn ded Sue ae U0) = 0s) + A, vee ple) = 186) +000 =) 40986 —2) ‘nd ny) white Gass noise wih mean power dst 3/2. One of two ‘ually ety nesages tuted by mene 0 onpodal signals of energy 1, What ie he average nergy ofthe slgalcomponst of? 1, Deen Past fio of Fy 1 What ve coe (Ee approssh ss become vey tang? 118 After observing the essed waveform, the opium eeiver for «Binary Comuniation sytem esses dosion Waa 5 and 8 = my monuiss 577 y> Oand a = mify «0, Assume thi the sgaling sya inthe sate Plelmy = palm); ale Sow in consequent Ya ~7) p(elmys fora 0, so nt tht for any probity dest eto o) [pea f w orrsae = [ te vem 79° One of Mees tkely menage is communiated ove ‘aie white Gaussian noo ane! By means of A ogonal gr ech ‘tener Ey. The aie poner deny 2, "Draw @ block grin of te opine race. © Stow that whoa the bane phase # ls ual the conditions ero probity may be writen as fora, -@ 7D, Aa Plast tat > TMG tet > a ea pal-a— nuestra arse FAA DEI, AK HO. Eau Pe +2f> THinters ofthe Marcum Quinction died 8 m1) 8 fee i ae Ud.) We sods mood Bos fusion of Fa, 14381 Sia, expres gam snl ner vaiing I) (Expres fy forte tte canoe nes Of yg 8 ‘7a Cones bandpass fing charael end DSB-SC sicandcosine ¢e- Boda [lowpass hemes hwo dod ous 1) = 4500-4 nl HA) = 20 +910, in which n() and nate stately Independent sromean Gausian ale posse with power spectrum [2 over the regunsy tad < W ocapied Gavan random rvnbey sch with vars 72 I the channel ode ‘modibl st cos, A masin®, he fing iced “Rican.” Her @ and are knows constants {12.1 Mucon A Sinn Ter of Tt Doon by Pied Rar” RE ‘en. sey. es 1, Ap 9. bd 580. momtave cnuneat MoE 1 Show tte Rn mel oregon to zed sgt that G she ain fa) crt ont fsa hor Soccer peal byt pao’ agen. RHE ead cng ft optics ner men 1 oe of 0 vai aug cof eee 2 sae cer sa oe er wh sul optimum ia were swt tee pry poe y tb sents none os (a p= (+ F) nt geen mim er eee Haaren fineness tad te nobe powee Eee Se ee ne amrmmensnen "lcm tie a eer es eet veer danas er oye woe as Plog bat Df +f] =H 0,0) + OL, in whic tae rd fy RS +8 Si “Unit Ano of ean Core nd Non Cobre Binary Came {on Sema AEE Troe fr ey TE, $5, Snaty 198 8 Waveform Communication In the praceing chapters we have consdored dlscete communication sjsams, in which the uansmiter input is chosen from a te set of possble mesages. The communication problem is somewhat diferent ‘when the sot of posible laput messages i deued on @contiauum, For ‘example, conser the system shown in Fig. 8.1. A raodom variable, mis Fig 1 Cnmaniston os contavar anomie presented tothe fansniter and a waveform s4(()—some atuibute of Inhich depends on mi transmitted over the noky channel, ARer ‘observing the received signal) the receiver must deliver ats output an ‘imate of m. The eset diference Between this system and those irendy considered is that mis now assumed to be comlimuous rater than @ dacrete random variable. For example, we might assume that mt fem take on any value beoveen ~] and, whereas in the coresponding ‘setete case m might be restricted to the values fi, 0.1 Mi 1582 _Wavsroaw coomuntcamion Ivan operable dsret communication system the probability that the rectivet output wll egual the transmilerinpa m is elose to unity, and This mesningful to mousure the sjtem performance in terms of the Drobenity of eror- In the continvum case, however, the probability Shatin in gensral, vero; stall noise perturbations produce ‘Ghaages in the recived signal which re Indstingishable from those frodeced by smal vaations nthe input m sel. When mrs continuous From variable, iti not meaningful f judge the performance of ‘Communication system on the Bai of probability of eror. Some other ileron of goodness eeqire. Tn cogincaing practice the main atbutes of a dsitable criterion of goodness are that should be mathematically tractable, chat it should point the way to eficent system designs, and that it should accurately Tenet the depee of wer satisfaction with the ester. Tn actal problems ‘Of continaum cominuniation, however, such as the tansmission of Spesch Hi excedingly difcnt to devise a performance criterion that Tholeanconly sates all tee of he desiableatrbutes Usted: The ‘Scena ically is that entirely diferent speech waveforms may be Satjestelyequivalas to listener, but the rules defining the equivalence felationsafe not understood well enough to permit fll exploitation in thieving maximally eficient system design ihsa consequence te historical approach as been to attempt Lo repeo- aes atthe receiver output a waveform that isa ffl replion of the transmitter input Sach a criterion is cleariy suficest, since a high ‘Rdetty obviously doe lad to ueee stsaction. On the other Rand, & ‘ystem denigned on this bash may be inefficient inthe sense that more ‘Ganamiter power may be requied than it had been posible to design round ales stingent ut subjectively equivalent tsa. ‘We follow the lasseal approach fre and assume that Bdoty of ‘waveform reproduction four commanication objective, How to measure Ugly” is then the problem. ‘The requtesent of mathematica tacta- ‘ity has been of paramount importance historically end foe systems Adstarbed by ative white Gaussien nose has led to the aoepiance of ‘he men agureercor between input and output waveforms asthe citron [Sf goodness We sal se that this criterion aso meets the objective of eating to vsefl design procedures For the single cundom variable ‘ommucication system of Fig. 8.1 the mean sauare error i defined by the ‘uation FA Ellon — my = or oo, “The expectation i taken over the joint ensemble of all allowable inputs ‘and al allowable nis disturbances. LINOLERARADETER INFO S85 ‘We begin hy analyzing contain continuum communication schemes to termine the mesnsquare eror wen the chanel i perturbed with susie white Gausian aoise. The analysis procedure i st o consider 2 single randorn variable inpat and then to wppy the els toa random ‘waveform imps. ARtersllestating how contanuurs (as well as discrete) ‘communication is constrained by chanael capacity, we eta to derete ‘stems in the consideration af pube-code modulation, sbbrevated PCM. 81, LINEAR MODULATION ‘Various devises ae wie in practice o generate transmitted waveforms. ‘An important its, called Inear modulators, generates waveforms that ‘ay Uneasy withthe transmit input Tas class inclades double- ‘Sdeband. (DSB), doublesidebund-suppreseed carte (DSB-SC), and finglesideband SSB) systems. ‘Single Parameter Taput ‘Consider the communication system ilustrated in Fig. 82. The tans- sited wavefoum is given by 540 = m4 00, 6 nl oy —_tinatoioy = Ome dbo att ee Figur 82 Si wg near medltor to commie he ano ale m in which 4 the vag gin ofthe ane amples) sone weer wi kg, [Letoa=. 6 ‘The transmission ie disturbed by an aditve white Gaussian noise process rn) ite power density Da) Thus the received signal is 1 = 24 +00. a4 54 waveronme conmunicarion ‘Our firs tsk is to determine the structure ofthe least meansquare error reosver and evaluate is performance. ‘Mean-qnre eror, tn formulating the rectiver design problem we sone that te teetved rundom proces 0) epresented by some vector tn onder that te overall mean-square cor averaged over al possible aie of wansmitied and received vectors) may be minim its elzely ‘peousaty and suicient tha the conditional mean-square eon, ee), rch each possibe vale p ofthe fected vecorr shouldbe minum. | ae Figue 8.3. Posie 4 pti desiy ition with contol mess FO) “This follows ffom the fact thatthe overall mean-square error can be =[-Fonee os Be Af” @- wr raal= 04 2m 9t|r= et 6 ‘Asin Chapter 7,B{_ | Jisused to denote conditional expectation. vette and pe onan xenon fer ners of ob amlon eaten te nt ri ordering the rose ‘atimate nin such way tbat # wil be minimized. Figuee 8.2 illustrates Sipps postedort dents function, pay With conditional mean nig) © Elm |r = ol en We now show that the assignment it = (e) minimizes &(@). The axgumen is idetcal fo one aleady encountered in Seti 7.4, Reviser Merpotation Assume thatthe reever asigas any other mumber to mney fmm) +. SKOLUPARAMETER INPUT S85 ‘Taking the expestation ove the ensernle ofall possible values of m, We have (asin Eq. 7.112) Eo) = Blin ~ 540) — |= el = Flo — op)? |= 0] 28 Em — sm) [r= @) 4a = lor — seep ol Clery, He) is minnize by chosing A = 0, that i by assigning 0. ea ‘Thus the least ineansquare-eror estimate of m (given r=) is the omdonal mean and the resuing iean-square eror isthe eoniinal sarance Re) = Elim — HK)" = 0 63) Since the derivation of Eqs 8.8 and » involves wether the assumption that the modulation is finese nor that the channel is Gausian, Eqs. 88 have unrestricted vali. Inthe parla case of linear modulation and adtve white Gaussian ois et gu) define one axis ofthe signal space; the transite signal is then sepresened by the vestor map, AD = md HO = MAY 0) If we now let (9 denote the component of n() along y(),thea mis flso represented by one-dimensional vector, , nO =m lm = me 68) ma [monioa 90) Fay if tn") denote th est ofthe noe or 2 nsf — m0) = 109 — E99 + MOL {follows from Fas 445b, 446 and 4286 that any vector n* formed from ‘nv is saistaly independent ofboth and mand is therfore irele- “ant; we have Pair Pe 6.108) in which He =f. rp at = mA me (8.106)

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