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Project Proposal Form

SECTION 1. This section concerns the literature searchin element o! the project rationale an" accounts !or #0$ o! the mar%s !or this assi nment. i. What is the proposed title of your project? How influences affect the development of close relationships

ii. What is the proposed research question for your project? What and how do influences affect the development of close relationships ?

iii. Show how your research topic is related to the DD307 course materials. Which chapter!s from the DD307 course "oo#s are related to your topic of interest?$. 200 words. %oo# &' (hapter & ) close relationships

iv. *utline +H,-- references that you consider relevant for your project that are not already included in the DD307 printed course materials. .ou may include articles which are on the DD307 we"site.$ Write +H,-- para/raphs where you e0plain each piece of literature showin/ your tutor what the paper is a"out' what methodolo/y was used' what perspective!theories were employed and what the main findin/s were$. 150 words each (450 words in total). 1nfluences of family of ori/in and adult romantic partners on romantic attachment security2 Dinero' ,achel - et al. (ross3cultural differences in the refusal to accept a small /ift4 the differential influence of reciprocity norms on 5sian and 6orth 5mericans2 Hao Shen et al. v. Drawin/ on the three references descri"ed in question iv a"ove' show how .*7, research relates to the literature descri"ed. Here you should descri"e any limitations of the studies you have considered and e0plain how your research aims to transcend these. 200 words. 8amily and cross cultural differences influence the development of a /ood close relationship. *ther influences are opinion and approval of friends or someone close.

SECTION &. This section concerns the justi!ication !or the "esi n o! 'our project an" accounts !or #0$ o! the mar%s !or this assi nment. i. 1dentify the theoretical perspective discursive psycholo/ical' phenomenolo/ical psycholo/y or social psychoanalytic$ you intend to use for your project and e0plain why you feel this is the most appropriate. 200 words. S*(159 :S.(H*56591+1( Social psychoanalytic perspective allows a /reater depth in understandin/ people;s processes of meanin/s and they inte/rate those meanin/ in their personal life

ii. 1dentify the appropriate methodolo/y interviewin/ two separate participants or conductin/ a /roup discussion$ you intend to use for your project and e0plain why you feel this is the most appropriate. 200 words. & separate interviews 1t fits well with the social psychoanalytic perspective. 1t allows the participants to tal# freely a"out concrete e0periences' information difficult to /et from /roup discussions. 5lso' ta#in/ into account that the participants will tal# a"out their private life' a one to one interview is more appropriate than a /roup discussion.

iii. IF (O) A*E )SIN+ SOCIA, PS(C-OANA,(TIC ANA,(SIS %riefly e0plain' in your own words' each of the followin/ four #ey analytic concepts and provide a short e0ample of each. 250 words TOTAL. 5n0iety and defence mechanisms 1t;s a feature that "elon/s to people and comes from conflictual feelin/s and ideas and from uncertainties and disappointments from environments and people. +o mana/e an0ienty' unconsciously we developed defence mechanisms li#e splittin/ and projectin/. +he social psychoanalytic perspective says that in order to understand the su"jective e0periences of people' we need to "e a"le to detect these defence mechanisms. Splittin/ and projection 5re intersu"jective defence mechanisms they operate unconsciously "etween people$. :arts of self that are difficult to accept or chan/e' are projected to another person throu/h a dynamic relation with others. 1n the projectin/ process' the /ood and "ad is splitted and one part is projected out and the other part is #ept for self. 1ntrojection +he opposite of projection. :eople' ideas or thin/s are ta#en in as "ein/ part of self. :eople identify themselves with that certain o"ject or person. +his is an important part of how people develop personalities Su"ject positions in discourses 5 central analytical principle. :eople position themselves as certain su"jects accordin/ to their own view or desired view of themselves. iv. 1t is assumed that you have read' understood and will a"ide "y the (ode of -thics and (onduct outlined in Section 3 of the :roject %oo#let. :rovide a "rief discussion of any relevant ethical considerations and why they are relevant to your proposed research. .our answer to this question may "e duplicated on the -thical 5pproval 8orm in the relevant section.$ 200 words. 1t is possi"le' that at the "riefin/ will miss some information that normally the participants have to #now "efore they en/a/e in an interview' for the /ood development and outcome of the interview. (onsiderin/ that the interview is a"out close relationships and the influences for close relationships' informin/ the participant the e0act idea of the interview' mi/ht misled the interview in the wron/ direction.

Comments ma"e .' tutor +./hite

Section 1 1.Title (ou nee" to speci!' 0hat 'ou mean .' 1in!luences2. (ou also nee" to in"icate that 'ou are ta%in a Social Ps'choanal'tic approach. 3 mar% &.*esearch 4uestion As a.o5e6 'ou nee" to .e more speci!ic i.e. in"icate 0hat 'ou mean .' in!luences. 3 mar% 3. (ou nee" to "emonstrate ho0 the research 7uestion is relate" to 88309. 1mar% :. As a.o5e. More 0or% is re7uire" 0ith this. A summar' o! each article is re7uire" : mar%s #. Once a ain there is insu!!icient "etail. & mar%s Section &

1.Perspecti5e More "etail an" "iscussion is re7uire". : mar%s &. Metho"olo '. As a.o5e. (ou nee" to ela.orate on this i.e. "emonstrate an un"erstan"in o! the relationship .et0een metho"olo '6 metho"6 theoretical perspecti5e an" 'our chosen topic # mar%s 3. Concepts 9 mar%s :.Ethical concerns This section re7uires 'ou to "emonstrate an un"erstan"in o! the ethical concerns 0ith re ar" to con"uctin research 0ith human participants an" ho0 this relates to 'our o0n propose" stu"'. (ou nee" to sho0 that 'ou un"erstan" that an' research project has an ethical "imension an" this can inclu"e a .rie! consi"eration o! the role o! the researcher in 7ualitati5e social ps'cholo ical research

3 mar%s

Total; &9 mar%s

I re ret that I cannot pass this assi nment .-o0e5er6 I2m see%in a"5ice.

Ethical Approval Form

Name: Botezatu Elena itle o! pro"ect: #$% INF&'EN(ES AFFE( Student PI no: B1049015 #E )E*E&$P+EN $F (&$SE ,E&A I$NS#IPS

Participant recruitment: Please indicate who will take part and how your participant(s) will be recruited. (See the Project Booklet sections 3 and 5 concerning participants.) Participant 1- 5 years old !an" #ro! $etherlands Participant % & ' years old wo!an" #ro! (o!ania )he participants will be recruited #ro! the co!pany * work with. )hey were already in#or!ed that they will take part o# an inter+iew #or a school project regarding close relationships. )hey agreed with participation and with the #act that they will recei+e !ore in#or!ation later on. $utline -ummar. /050 1ord- ma23: State clearly and brie#ly what you propose to do and how you will do it. ,ou should also include an anticipated ti!etable #or the steps in your research project. (See the Project Booklet section %.) Selecting the theoretical backgrounds by choosing a topic Sel# -uestioning about reasons o# selecting that certain topic .n the basis o# the theoretical background and the research title" it will be de+eloped a se!i-structured inter+iew. /hoosing a range o# participants #or indi+idual inter+iews Setting a date #or the inter+iews together with the participants 0#ter the participants will be brie#ed" they will recei+e a consent #or! #or signing. Starting the inter+iew )ranscribing and analy1ing the inter+iew 2riting the report

+ethod- o! data collection and anal.-i)ick one option #ro! the choice o# data collection !ethods and one option #ro! the !ethods o# data analysis. )ata collection *nter+iew 5roup discussion 3 )ata anal.-i4iscursi+e psychological Pheno!enological Social psychoanalytic 3

Brie! outline o! ethical con-iderationPlease read the abridged BPS ethical principles #or conducting research with hu!an participants in the Project Booklet & list o# key issues pro+ided below #or in#or!ation

:articipant safety (onfidentiality and anonymity De"riefin/ participants Stora/e of participant information and data Disposal of participant information and data

:ossi"le need for additional emotional support 1nformed consent ,esearcher safety ,i/ht to withdraw from study 1nformation a"out complaint procedures

In no more than &00 0or"s pro5i"e a "iscussion o! ethical consi"erations that ma' impact on 'our stu"' +a#in/ into account that close relationships is a sensitive su"ject' the participants mi/ht need additional emotional support' althou/h' the interview isn;t supposed to /o into that direction. 5lso' "ecause of the topic of the research' it mi/ht "e possi"le to #eep some information at the "riefin/ a"out the topic of research for the /ood development of the interview.

1 have read the a"rid/ed %:S ethical principles for conductin/ research with human participants and confirm that to the "est of my #nowled/e my wor# adheres to these principles.

Student si/nature<<%*+-=5+7 -9-65 Tutor use onl'; Proposal appro5e" 9ow ris# * >edium ris# 7naccepta"le *

Tutor2s comments<su

este" chan es

5t this juncture 1 cannot /ive you permission to interview. +here are issues with your project proposal . However' 1 have made a referral to the *7 and see#in/ advice so that we can pro/ress.

+utor si/nature <<<<?.White<<<<<<<<<<..

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