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Conservation for the People A: List the major ideas, concepts or key points- point by point

Conservationists now argue that human health and well-being should be central to
conservation efforts. Oriental white-backed on the critically endangered list. Populations of all three reached nearly 40 million. Preserving biodiversity for its own sake, particularly in areas called hot spots, is not working as a conservation strategy. Humans endanger. Conservationist working on protecting ecosystems vital to peoples health. U.S. farmers and loggers are angry about losing their water privileges or their jobs because of salmon and spotted owls. Strategy has been embraced by philanthropic and multinational organizations alike. people value nature as a source of food, fuel, building materials, recreation and inspiration. Human health is also threatened when eco- systems and natural cycles break down. ecosystem degradation and human health can be seen in disease-causing organisms that move from wildlife to humans. Reprehensible for humans to allow the extinction of all species except those few that provide, or might provide. Economic development remains to be proved. Two million people die every year because of inadequate or unclean water supplies. Conserving wetlands and forests would reduce these deaths.

B: Summarize the AUTHORs main point or idea- at LEAST 1-2 paragraphs Two million people die every year because of inadequate or unclean water supplies. Conserving wetlands and forests would reduce these deaths. People may not comprehend the concept of biodiversity, they do value nature as a source of food, fuel, building materials, recreation and inspiration. Connections between habitat loss and economic loss that are not always as obvious can also be significant. Human health is also threatened when eco- systems and natural cycles break down. Ecosystem degradation and human health can be seen in disease-causing organisms that move from wildlife to humans. The conservation efforts we envision will be assessed not just by the number of species protected but by improvements to peoples well- being. Such assessments are already beginning. C: Write a reaction paragraph to the article stating your own thoughts on the topic, using specific citations from the article to support your views I was confuse at first because of the title, this time we are talking about humans getting affected by their own actions. They can die, and still, there are not changes in their part. It was also shocking to discovered that affected the biomes cant only affect the animals living their, but it can affect humans too. Two million people die every year because of inadequate or unclean

water supplies. Conserving wetlands and forests would reduce these deaths. This time we have to work together to save the environment, and everyone living there. This cant be more real. An ugly true, this can also mean hope for endanger species and organism dying. This time we are talking about everyone living on earth. What? Helping the ecosystem is now more important than every because animals or biomes arent jus the only ones getting affected. Humans are too, this mean that they need to do some changes, this time not only for them, but for themselves too. What if? More people knew about this, they rate would increase. They would be more people helping, and trying to conserved the ecosystem. This time they know they can get affected by their our action. Say who? Peter Kareiva and Michelle Marvier they conduct studies of transgenic crops and of salmon in the Pacific Northwest.

What does it remains you of? An Earth Without people. This time we are talking about a wold that can stay, remain, without humans but also organism. A world without living things.

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