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IuS Cuiiiculum: S


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o Recognize that plants anu animals go thiough pieuictable life cycles
(biith, giowth, uevelopment, iepiouuction, anu ueath)
o Recognize that all living things aie pait of a foou chain
o =#9'#$$+'#9 >$('9#7 Plan anu caiiy out tests in which vaiiables aie
contiolleu anu failuie points aie consiueieu to iuentify aspects of a
mouel oi piototype that can be impioveu
o =/+&? /#2 @*-/# A%&'B'&C7 Nake a claim about the meiit of a uesign
solution that ieuuces the impacts of a weathei-ielateu hazaiu.
o =/+&?D( 6C(&$-(7 Repiesent uata in tables anu giaphical uisplays to
uesciibe typical weathei conuitions expecteu uuiing a paiticulai
o E'","9'%/, =B",*&'"#7 Constiuct an aigument with eviuence that in a
paiticulai habitat some oiganisms can suivive well, some suivive less
well, anu some cannot suivive at all.
o E'","9'%/, =B",*&'"#7 Nake a claim about the meiit of a solution to a
pioblem causeu when the enviionment changes anu the types of
plants anu animals that live theie may change.
o 6&+*%&*+$( /#2 F+"%$(($(7 Bevelop mouels to uesciibe that oiganisms
have unique anu uiveise life cycles but all have in common biith,
giowth, iepiouuction, anu ueath.
Social Stuuies:
o Iuentify who the Pilgiims weie anu that they left Euiope to seek
ieligious fieeuom (Nayflowei Compact, challenges in setting, fiist

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Appieciate the faiming piofession
Know that eveiyone can giow foou
0nueistanu the connection between healthy soil, healthy plants anu healthy

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What is soil.
Wheie uoes soil come fiom.
Bow uoes soil foim.
What is waste.
Wheie uoes foou come fiom.
Why uo we have faims.
Bow uo humans anu plants
affect each othei.
Bow uoes foou builu

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Exploie soil, iuentify types, categoiize
o Soil in a }ai
o Paiticle uame
Fall soil obseivation in the gaiuen- tempeiatuie, lifeactivity in soil
Cieate soil foou web
Exploie woim bins (ieview of 2
giaue unit)
Buu to Fiuit
Intiouuction to gleaning, hungei on the islanu
Intiouuction to Colonial uaiuenskitchen gaiuens
o Baivest anu tasting
Seeu saving (Wampanoag BistoiyColonial Ameiica)
Colonial uiains
o 0ats
Celebiate the haivest (Colonial Ameiica)
o Colonial Feast
o Coin Busk Bolls
Popcoin Nath
o Baivest coin
o 0bseivational uiawings
o Estimation

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uleaning in 0ctobeiNovembei
"Compost" The Faim Institute, oi othei islanu faim

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Woim bin obseivation
o Woim life cycle
Soil expeiiments in gieenhouse
o Sanu, clay, silt, oiganic matteicompost
Wintei soil obseivation - tiack changes in tempeiatuie, life in the soil
Climate change anu foou piouuction
Intiouuction to heibs anu weeus
o Staiting heibs
o Reseaiching heibs
o Wiiting anu iepoiting
o Annual vs. Peiennial

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"Climates anu micioclimates" Thimble Faim uieenhouse

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Baivest anu use woim castings in gieenhouse anu gaiuen
Cieate a weathei station in the gaiuen
Spiing soil obseivation - tiack changes in tempeiatuie, life in the soil
Builu a colonial gaiuen beu (choose theme)
o Thiee Sisteis uaiuen
o Beib gaiuen
o Popcoin
o Peiennial vegetables (ie sunchokes)
Agiicultuie uuiing the Revolutionaiy Wai
o Faim }ouinals (Nv Nuseum)
o uiey's Raiu on the islanu
Bungei, foou justice on the islanu

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"Compostsoil on a faim" the Allen Faim oi Faim Institute
uiey's Raiu - stoiies fiom islanu faimeis Native Eaith Teaching Faim,
Allen Faim, oi Nv Nuseum

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