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Daphne Pofek Professor Batty English 114A 3 December 2013 Is Vi isection !

ecessary" Vi isection is the act of c#tting of or operation on a li ing animal #s#ally for physiological or pathological in estigation$ broa%ly& animal e'perimentation especially if consi%ere% to ca#se %istress to the s#b(ect) Vi isection has been going on since the late 1*00+s an% e er since then there has been contro ersy o er ,hether or not i isection sho#l% be legal) -any people belie e that this act is ,rong beca#se it is corr#pt an% #nnecessary) -any belie e it is #nnecessary beca#se the a% antages ,e ha e in technology to%ay make it so that ,e %on+t nee% animals to %o all of these %ifferent test on) .o,e er/ others belie e that animal testing is essential to fin% o#t information abo#t h#mans) 0hese people say animal testing is important to be able to fin% %r#gs an% ne, s#rgery proce%#res that %octors can #se) Vi isection sho#l% be legal beca#se it has been one of the main reason to o#r a% ancement in the me%ical fiel%) 1itho#t animal testing ,e ,o#l%n+t be as a% ance as ,e are in me%icine) Beca#se i isection is legal it is re2#ire% that facilities are p#t #n%er la, so that the animals are treate% an% taken care of properly) Also if it ,asn+t the lab animals then it ,o#l% be #s h#mans ,ho ,ere getting teste% on) Animal testing is essential to fin% o#t information on h#mans) Beca#se of i isection ,e are able an% ha e been able to fin% ne, %r#gs an% ne, s#rgery techni2#es) 1ith animal testing ,e ha e been able to come #p ,ith ,ays to help ,ith breast cancer/ parkinson+s %isease/ al3heimer+s %isease/ 4chi3ophrenia/ an% e en more %iseases) 1itho#t animal testing it ,o#l%

impossible to fin% o#t reliable c#res for these %iseases) It has also sa e% co#ntless of li es an% pro i%e insight to many c#res) As a res#lt of i isection ,e ha e been able to make h#ge (#mps in cancer research) 1e ha e fo#n% me%icines that ha e le% to a 10)56 increases in life e'pectancy) Also the %r#gs %octors #se for cancer ha e came from 708906 of animal testing) Beca#se of i isection chil%ren le#kemia s#r i al rates ha e (#mpe% from 46 to *06 an% ,e are no, able to pre ent an% %etect l#ng cancer) Animals ha e been a h#ge part in fin%ing these me%icines an% s#rgery techni2#es) !ot only has i isection lea% to c#res for h#mans b#t it has lea% to c#res for animals as ,ell) In the article/ Animal8test :esearch .as 4a e% -any ;i es/ by <rankie ;) 0r#ll/ the presi%ent of the <o#n%ation for Biome%ical :esearch/ states/ =Animal research for animal health also has res#lte% in many life8sa ing an% life8e'ten%ing treatments for cats/ %ogs/ farm animals/ ,il%life an% en%angere% species) Pacemakers/ artificial (oints/ organ transplants/ free%om from arthritic pain/ an% accines for rabies/ %istemper/ par o ir#s/ infectio#s hepatitis/ anthra'/ tetan#s an% feline le#kemia contrib#te to longer/ happier an% healthier li es for animals)> !ot only can #s h#mans benefit from i isection b#t animals can as ,ell) 1ith i isection ,e ha e been able to fin% c#res for animals as ,ell an% ,itho#t animal testing it ,o#l% be nearly impossible to fin% these res#lts) ?n A#g#st 24/ 1@99 A)4 senators ma%e a la, that reg#lates treatment on animals) 0his la, ,as calle% 0he Animal 1elfare Act) 0he Animal 1elfare Act protects animals from being treate% inh#mane an% that they are being treate% by a license% eterinarian) In the article/ :ichar% ;) Bra,for%/ eterinarian for the Animal 1elfare Information Benter of the A4 Department of Agric#lt#re/ states/ =0he Animal 1elfare Act is a%ministere% by the A4 Department of Agric#lt#re) 0he act ens#res that animals being #se% for research m#st be care%

for in h#mane con%itions by a license% eterinarian or other appropriately traine% personnel/ an% in accor%ance ,ith c#rrently accepte% professional practice for a partic#lar circ#mstance or con%ition>) In this la, it states many g#i%elines that the facilities most strictly follo,) It states that each facility m#st ha e an atten%ing eterinarian to take care of these animals) 0he eterinarians ha e to make s#re these animals are being treate% h#mane) 0hey are re2#ire to %o %aily checks on e ery animal to make s#re all of them are healthy an% are capable of being teste% on) 0he eterinarians are also re2#ire% to be a member of the Instit#tional Animal Bare an% Ase Bommittee) 0he Instit#tional Animal Bare an% Ase Bommittee is a gro#p of members ,ho come #p ,ith an% %isc#ss the proper ,ays to atten% to the animals) ?thers may belie e that i isection is ,rong beca#se it is corr#pt an% #nnecessary) 0hey belie e there are other alternati es to #sing animals) 0hese alternati es incl#%e #sing h#man tiss#e/ comp#ters/ #sing artificial h#man skin/ an% etc) Altho#gh/ there is kno,n alternati es / these alternati es ha e been kno,n not to pro i%e acc#rate an% reliable information on h#mans) Another arg#ment that some people try to arg#e is that there is no ,ay that animals can pro i%e information on h#mans) .o,e er/ researchers only #se animals ,ith similar genetic co%ing to h#mans) In <rankie ;) 0r#lls article he states/ =1ithin the American animal8rights mo ement is a ocal anti8research element that %ismisses the importance of animal st#%ies/ claiming that the res#lts of animal research can+t be applie% to h#man health) .o,e er/ physicians an% researchers o er,helmingly agree that animal systems pro i%e in al#able an% irreplaceable insights into h#man systems beca#se there are striking similarities bet,een o#r physiological an% genetic systems)> .e also states that less that non8h#man primates acco#nt for less then one8fo#rth of a percent) -ice in partic#lar ha e been #se% to help ,ith these me%ical breakthro#ghs) -ice can be #se% to pro i%e e'tremely reliable information on h#mans) -ice are e'tremely important in

research beca#se they ha e been genetically ma%e to ha e similar gentic c%ing as h#mans) In an article/ a researcher from online states/ =Co# might ,on%er ho, ,e can learn anything abo#t o#rsel es from a mo#se/ an% yet ,e share o er @76 of o#r D!A ,ith these ro%ents) -ice ha e the same organs Dheart/ l#ngs/ etc)E/ performing the same f#nctions in more or less the same ,ay) -ice s#ffer from many of the same or e2#i alent pathologies/ an% the opport#nities bro#ght abo#t by genetically mo%ifie% DF-E mice allo, #s to make them e en more like #s)> 4ome may say that the a% ances ,e ha e in technology to%ay sho#l% eliminate the #se of animals) ?nly #se animals beca#se that is ,hat scientist are acc#stome% to) .o,e er alternati e ,ays of testing %on+t pro i%e as acc#rate res#lts that i isection %oes) In concl#sion/ i isection is absol#tely necessary) Beca#se of i isection researchers ha e been able to fin%) 0here are %ifferent ie,points on ,hether i isection sho#l% be legal) -any people belie e that this act is ,rong beca#se it is corr#pt an% #nnecessary) -any belie e it is #nnecessary beca#se the a% antages ,e ha e in technology to%ay make it so that ,e %on+t nee% animals to %o all of these %ifferent test on) 0hey also belie e that #sing animals for testing ,on+t gi e #s reliable information on h#mans) 0hese people arg#e that there is %ifferent ,ays of testing an% that testing on animals is not nee%e% b#t ,e only test on animals beca#se that is ,hat scientist are acc#stome% to) .o,e er others belie e that animal testing is essential to fin% o#t information abo#t h#mans) 0hese people say animal testing is important to be able to fin% %r#gs an% ne, s#rgery techni2#es that %octors can #se) 0he animals are also protecte% by the animal 1elfare Act) 0he Animal 1elfare Act protects animals from being mis treate%) 1ith the Animal 1elfare Act comes many g#i%elines that e ery facility m#st follo,) 0hey make s#re that these animals are treate% ,ith h#mane) 1ith i isection ,e ha e came #p ,ith a lot of c#res for %ifferent %iseases) As a res#lt from animal testing s#r i al rates of cancer ha e (#mpe% 57

percent) Vi isection sho#l% be legal an% is absol#tely necessary) 1itho#t i isection ,e ,o#l% not be as me%ically a% ance as ,e are no,) Vi isection is ,hat best for #s h#mans)

1orks Bite% Crawford, Richard L. "The Animal Welfare Act Protects Animals from Abuse in Scientific Research." Animal Ex erimentation) E%) 4#san B) .#nnic#tt) Detroit& Freenha en Press/ 2013) At Iss#e) :pt) from GA H#ick :eference of the :esponsibilities I <#nctions of the Atten%ing Veterinarians for :esearch <acilities #n%er the Animal 1elfare Act)G 2012) ! osin" #iew oints in Context) 1eb) 1@ !o ) 2013) $ocument %RL J query=&prodId= VI!&content"odules=&display#roup$ame=Viewpoints&limiter=& disa%le&ighlighting=true&display#roups=&sort'y=&search(within(results=&action= )&catId=&activity*ype=&documentId=#+,./!-0123222))45&source='oo6mar6&u=csunorthridge&7sid=8aa993/1c852:%53e41 3339:2dac84a)K) Poste/ Feorge) GAlternati e 0esting Bannot :eplace Animal E'perimentation)G Animal Ex erimentation) E%) :onnie D) ;ankfor%/ Lr) Detroit& Freenha en Press/ 200@) At Iss#e) :pt) from GAnimal 0esting a !ecessary :esearch 0ool/ <or !o,)G Ari&ona Re ublic 3 4ept) 2009) ! osin" #iew oints in Context) 1eb) 1@ !o ) 2013) Doc#ment A:; Jhttp&MMic)galegro#p)comMicMo icMVie,pointsDetailsPageMVie,pointsDetails1in%o," 2#eryNIpro%I%N?VIBIcontent-o%#lesNI%isplayFro#p!ameNVie,pointsIlimiterNI%isable .ighlightingNfalseI%isplayFro#psNIsortByNIsearchO,ithinOres#ltsNIactionN2IcatI%NIacti ity0ypeNI%oc#mentI%NFA;E 65BEL3010002241Iso#rceNBookmarkI#Ncs#northri%geI(si%Naa*efc1243eeab9a53aa7e5@07 %44fe*K :o,an/ An%re,) G!e, 0echnologies Bo#l% Eliminate the !ee% for Animal E'perimentation)G Animal Ex erimentation) E%) 4#san B) .#nnic#tt) Detroit& Freenha en Press/ 2013) At Iss#e) :pt) from GA oi%ing Animal 0esting& A% ances in Bell8B#lt#re 0echnologies are Pa ing the 1ay to the Bomplete Elimination of Animals from the ;aboratory)G The Scientist D!o )8Dec) 2011E) ! osin" #iew oints in Context) 1eb) 1@ !o ) 2013) Doc#ment A:; Jhttp&MMic)galegro#p)comMicMo icMVie,pointsDetailsPageMVie,pointsDetails1in%o," 2#eryNIpro%I%N?VIBIcontent-o%#lesNI%isplayFro#p!ameNVie,pointsIlimiterNI%isable .ighlightingNfalseI%isplayFro#psNIsortByNIsearchO,ithinOres#ltsNIpN?VIBIactionN2Ic atI%NIacti ity0ypeNI%oc#mentI%NFA;E 65BEL3010002273Iso#rceNBookmarkI#Ncs#northri%geI(si%Ncbf512075c4314b*c9592@1a% 4f7e3b5K)

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